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Created October 28, 2012 06:40
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AAE 532 - Hohmann Transfer gone bad
# AAE 532 - HW09 - Q02
# Author : Thomas Antony ( tantony (at) purdue (dot) edu )
# Code re-purposed from from CS222 - HW02-Q02
# Original code author : Miriam "Swords" Kalk ?? ( I think )
# The simulation starts with the spacecraft in an earth-centered
# circular orbit at 175 km altitude, just after finishing a burn which sends it on a
# Hohmann trajectory to the moon.
# The purpose of the simulation was to examine what happens to the orbit if a capture
# burn was not performed after reaching the moon
# Requires : from, which in turn requires
# numpy, matplotlib and pyplot libraries
import math
from udacityplots import *
earth_mass = 5.97e24 # kg
earth_radius = 6.378e6 # m (at equator)
gravitational_constant = 6.67e-11 # m3 / kg s2
moon_mass = 7.35e22 # kg
moon_radius = 1.74e6 # m
moon_distance = 400.5e6 # m (actually, not at all a constant)
moon_period = 27.3 * 24.0 * 3600. # s
moon_initial_angle = math.pi / 180. * 24.72611# angle from horizontal
total_duration = 20. * 24. * 3600. # s
marker_time = 0.5 * 3600. # s
tolerance = 100000. # m
def moon_position(time):
# Task 1: Compute the moon's position (a vector) at time t. Let it start at moon_initial_angle, not on the horizontal axis.
###Your code here.
angle = moon_initial_angle+time*(2*math.pi)/moon_period;
return numpy.array([moon_distance*math.cos(angle),moon_distance*math.sin(angle)]);
def acceleration(time, position):
# Task 2: Compute the spacecraft's acceleration due to gravity
moon_pos = moon_position(time);
mu_e = gravitational_constant*earth_mass;
mu_m = gravitational_constant*moon_mass;
moon_dist_vec = position-moon_pos;
dist_e = numpy.linalg.norm(position)
dist_m = numpy.linalg.norm(moon_dist_vec)
acc = -(mu_e / numpy.linalg.norm(position)**3 * position
+ mu_m / numpy.linalg.norm(moon_dist_vec)**3 * moon_dist_vec);
return acc
# Task 5: (First see the other tasks below.) What is the appropriate boost to apply?
# Try -10 m/s, 0 m/s, 10 m/s, 50 m/s and 100 m/s and leave the correct amount in as you submit the solution.
#axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
#axes.set_xlabel('Longitudinal position in m')
#axes.set_ylabel('Lateral position in m')
def apply_boost():
# Do not worry about the arrays position_list, velocity_list, and times_list.
# They are simply used for plotting and evaluating your code, so none of the
# code that you add should involve them.
boost = 10. # m/s Change this to the correct value from the list above after everything else is done.
position_list = [numpy.array([0, -6553.14e+3])] # m
velocity_list = [numpy.array([10936.750, 0])] # m / s
times_list = [0]
position = position_list[0]
velocity = velocity_list[0]
current_time = 0.
h = 0.1 # s, set as initial step size right now but will store current step size
h_new = h # s, will store the adaptive step size of the next step
mcc2_burn_done = False
dps1_burn_done = False
burn1_done = False
while current_time < total_duration:
#Task 3: Include a retrograde rocket burn at 101104 seconds that reduces the velocity by 7.04 m/s
# and include a rocket burn that increases the velocity at 212100 seconds by the amount given in the variable called boost.
#Task 4: Implement Heun's method with adaptive step size. Note that the time is advanced at the end of this while loop.
###Your code here.
acc = acceleration(current_time,position);
xe = position + h*velocity
ve = velocity + h*acc
acce = acceleration(current_time+h, xe)
position = position + h*0.5*(ve+velocity)
velocity = velocity + h*0.5*(acc+acce)
lte = numpy.linalg.norm(xe - position) + total_duration*numpy.linalg.norm(ve - velocity)
h_new = h * math.sqrt( tolerance/lte )
###Your code here.
h_new = min(0.5 * marker_time, max(0.1, h_new)) # restrict step size to reasonable range
current_time += h
h = h_new
print current_time
return position_list, velocity_list, times_list, boost
position, velocity, current_time, boost = apply_boost()
def plot_path(position_list, times_list):
axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
axes.set_xlabel('Longitudinal position in m')
axes.set_ylabel('Lateral position in m')
previous_marker_number = -1;
for position, current_time in zip(position_list, times_list):
if current_time >= marker_time * previous_marker_number:
previous_marker_number += 1
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(position[0], position[1], s = 2., facecolor = 'r', edgecolor = 'none')
moon_pos = moon_position(current_time)
if numpy.linalg.norm(position - moon_pos) < 30. * moon_radius:
axes.add_line(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([position[0], moon_pos[0]], [position[1], moon_pos[1]], alpha = 0.3, c = 'g'))
axes.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.CirclePolygon((0., 0.), earth_radius, facecolor = 'none', edgecolor = 'b'))
for i in range(int(total_duration / marker_time)):
moon_pos = moon_position(i * marker_time)
axes.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.CirclePolygon(moon_pos, moon_radius, facecolor = 'none', edgecolor = 'g', alpha = 0.7))
plot_path(position, current_time)
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