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Last active October 26, 2019 00:04
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window.bouncex && bouncex.loaded || function() {
! function(e) {
function t(i) {
if (n[i]) return n[i].exports;
var o = n[i] = {
i: i,
l: !1,
exports: {}
return e[i].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t), o.l = !0, o.exports
var n = {};
t.m = e, t.c = n, t.d = function(e, n, i) {
t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
enumerable: !0,
get: i
}, t.r = function(e) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}, t.t = function(e, n) {
if (1 & n && (e = t(e)), 8 & n) return e;
if (4 & n && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var i = Object.create(null);
if (t.r(i), Object.defineProperty(i, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: e
}), 2 & n && "string" != typeof e)
for (var o in e) t.d(i, o, function(t) {
return e[t]
}.bind(null, o));
return i
}, t.n = function(e) {
var n = e && e.__esModule ? function() {
return e.default
} : function() {
return e
return t.d(n, "a", n), n
}, t.o = function(e, t) {
return, t)
}, t.p = "", t(t.s = 12)
}([function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
function _interopRequireDefault(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function _typeof(e) {
return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
function incrementPageView() {
bouncex.cookie.vpv++, setBounceCookie()
function jQueryIsAvailable() {
return "undefined" != typeof jQuery && void 0 !== jQuery.fn
function init_protocol_and_domain() {
var e = ? "https:" : window.location.protocol;
bouncex.sau = "https://" +, bouncex.seu = -1 ==="") ? "https://" + : "http://" +, = e + "//" +, = e + "//" +
function init_url_and_referrer() {
bouncex.referrer = bouncex.utils.url.formatReferrer(document.referrer), bouncex.calling_url = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href), bouncex.cookie_domain = !1, ("bind_to_domain" == || "multi_cookie" == || "fp_local_storage" == && 0 < bouncex.calling_url.indexOf( && (bouncex.cookie_domain =
function init_dash() {
(bouncex.eventLog = [], sessionStorage) && (sessionStorage.getItem("bxDashUrl") && baddjs(window.location.protocol + "//"))
function init_testmode_before_cookie() {
bouncex.testmode = {
bxdev: determineTestModeFromUrl()
function determineTestModeFromUrl() {
if (-1 === bouncex.calling_url.indexOf("bxdev")) return !1;
var e = bouncex.utils.getParam("bxdev").toLowerCase();
if ("off" === e) return !1;
var t = ["cvars", "events", "page_types", "campaign_js", "spa", "coupons", "log", "log:error", "log:warn", "log:debug"];
if ("" === e || "all" === e) return t.reduce(function(e, t) {
return e[t] = !0, e
}, {});
var n = e.split(",").reduce(function(e, n) {
return -1 < t.indexOf(n) && (e[n] = !0), e
}, {});
return 0 !== Object.keys(n).length && n
function init_testmode_after_cookie() {
bouncex.testmode.bxtest = bouncex.cookie.hcs_bxtest || -1 !== bouncex.calling_url.indexOf("bxtest"), -1 === bouncex.calling_url.indexOf("bxdev") ? bouncex.testmode.bxdev = bouncex.cookie.bxdev || !1 : (bouncex.testmode.bxdev ? bouncex.cookie.bxdev = bouncex.testmode.bxdev : delete bouncex.cookie.bxdev, setBounceCookie())
function sanitizeMetadata(e, t, n) {
var i = {};
for (k in n = n || [], t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
var o = k.trim().toLowerCase(); - 1 === o.indexOf(":") && -1 === n.indexOf(o) && (o = e + ":" + o);
var a = t[k];
"string" == typeof a && (a = a.trim()), i[o] = a
return i
function pushItemEvent(e, t) {
var n = sanitizeMetadata(e, t);
if (1 == {
if (! return !1;
if ( && n["item:imageurl"]) {
var i = new Image;
i.onload = function() {
event_stream_report(e, n)
}, i.src = n["item:imageurl"]
} else event_stream_report(e, n)
} else event_stream_report(e, n)
function pushRequestemailEvent(e, t) {
if (!bouncex.carbTrap) {
var n = sanitizeMetadata(e, t, ["email", "campaignid", "parentcampaignid"]);
return !!(n.campaignid && && && (n["user:email"] =, void event_stream_report(e, n))
function pushRequestpushEvent(e, t) {
var n = sanitizeMetadata(e, t, ["campaignid", "parentcampaignid"]);
return !!n.campaignid && void event_stream_report(e, n)
function pushRequestsendEvent(e, t) {
var n = sanitizeMetadata(e, t, ["campaignid", "parentcampaignid", "fcmtoken", "channel", "campaign_data", "source"]);
return !!n.campaignid && void event_stream_report(e, n)
function pushUserEvent(e, t) {
return !(! && !t.emailHash) && (!( && ! && (t["user:gcr"] = bouncex && bouncex.cookie ? bouncex.cookie.gcr : 99, t.agent = "js", t.eq = 1, event_stream_report(e, sanitizeMetadata(e, t, ["agent", "eq", "campaignid"])), bouncex.cookie.uid = 1, void setBounceCookie()))
function processPushedData(e, t) {
t = t || {};
var n = e.trim().toLowerCase();
if ("conversion" == n) report_conversion_sync(t, "pushdata");
else if ("bx-load-hide" == n) bouncex.usd = t;
else if ("item" === n) pushItemEvent(n, t);
else if ("view item" === n && {
var i = t["item:id"],
o = sanitizeMetadata(n, t);
i && (bouncex.osr.viewItemId = i, Object.keys(bouncex.campaigns || {}).forEach(function(e) {
void 0 === bouncex.campaigns[e].osr_params_json && bouncex.campaigns[e].isr_params_json && (bouncex.campaigns[e].osr_params_json = bouncex.campaigns[e].isr_params_json), bouncex.campaigns[e].osr_params_json && bouncex.campaigns[e].osr_params_json.length && bouncex.osr.init(e, i)
})), event_stream_report(n, o)
} else if ("requestemail" == e) pushRequestemailEvent(n, t);
else if ("requestpush" == e) pushRequestpushEvent(n, t);
else if ("requestsend" == e) pushRequestsendEvent(n, t);
else if ("user" == e) pushUserEvent(n, t);
else {
event_stream_report(n, o = sanitizeMetadata(n, t))
function initPushedData() {
for (var e = bouncex.pushedData.length, t = 0; t < e; t++) processPushedData(bouncex.pushedData[t][0], bouncex.pushedData[t][1]);
bouncex.pushedData = []
function can_init_post_cookie() {
return !bouncex.gdpr_opt_out
function can_init() {
if (document.visibilityState && "prerender" === document.visibilityState) {
var e = tryCatch(function() {
"prerender" !== document.visibilityState && (removeEvent(document, "visibilitychange", e), bcx_init())
return addEvent(document, "visibilitychange", e), bouncex.prerendered = !0, !1
if (bouncex.baddjs) return !1;
if (!JSON.parse) return !1;
if (!window.postMessage) return !1;
if (! && window != return !1;
if (!areCookiesEnabled()) return !1;
if (bouncex.browser.prerenderio) return !1;
if (bouncex.browser.msie && 11 > bouncex.browser.msie) return !1;
if (
for (var t in
if ( {
var n =[t];
if (-1 != n.prop.indexOf("contains")) {
var i = window.location.href.indexOf(n.val);
if ("contains" == n.prop && -1 != i || "not_contains" == n.prop && -1 == i) return !1
} else if (-1 != n.prop.indexOf("regex_match")) {
var o = new RegExp(n.val, "gi").test(window.location.href);
if ("regex_match" == n.prop && o || "not_regex_match" == n.prop && !o) return !1
return !("fp_local_storage" === && !fpLocalStorageAvailable())
function init_visit_cookie() {
if (!bouncex.gdpr_opt_out) {
var e = getBounceVisitCookie();
e && (bouncex.visit_cookie = bouncex.parseJSON(e)), bouncex.visit_cookie ? !bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh && (bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh = getParam("ueh") || void 0, bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh && setBounceVisitCookie()) : (bouncex.visit_cookie = {}, bouncex.visit_cookie.lp = bouncex.calling_url.substring(0, 500).replace(/\+/g, "%2B").replace(/\%[A-F0-9]?[^A-F0-9]/, ""), bouncex.visit_cookie.r = bouncex.referrer, bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh = getParam("ueh") || void 0, setBounceVisitCookie())
function init_cookie() {
if (!bouncex.gdpr_opt_out && (bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), bouncex.cookie.vid || (bouncex.cookie = "fp_local_storage" == ? getBounceCookieSingle() : getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage(), bouncex.cookie.vid && setBounceCookie()), "fp_local_storage" == {
var e = tryCatch(function(e) {
e.key == && e.newValue && (bouncex.cookie = bouncex.getBounceCookie())
addEvent(window, "storage", e, !1)
function init_cookie_functions() {
bouncex.local_storage_enabled ? (window.setBounceCookie = bouncex.setBounceCookie = setBounceCookieLocalStorage, window.getBounceCookie = bouncex.getBounceCookie = getBounceCookieLocalStorage, init_cookie_localstorage()) : "multi_cookie" == ? (window.MultiCookie = MultiCookie, window.getBounceCookie = bouncex.getBounceCookie = getBounceCookieMulti, window.setBounceCookie = bouncex.setBounceCookie = setBounceCookieMulti) : "fp_local_storage" == ? (window.getBounceCookie = bouncex.getBounceCookie = getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage, window.setBounceCookie = bouncex.setBounceCookie = setBounceCookieFPLocalStorage) : (window.getBounceCookie = bouncex.getBounceCookie = getBounceCookieSingle, window.setBounceCookie = bouncex.setBounceCookie = setBounceCookieSingle), window.setBounceVisitCookie = setBounceVisitCookie, window.getBounceVisitCookie = getBounceVisitCookie, window.clearBounceCookie = clearBounceCookie, bouncex.stringify_cookie = stringify_cookie, bouncex.lz = bouncex.lz || function() {
var e = Math.pow,
t = _StringfromCharCode,
n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$",
i = {},
o = {
compressToURI: function(e) {
return null == e ? "" : o._compress(e, 6, function(e) {
return n.charAt(e)
decompressFromURI: function(e) {
if (null == e) return "";
if ("" == e) return null;
try {
return e = e.replace(/ /g, "+"), o._decompress(e.length, 32, function(t) {
return function(e, t) {
if (!i[e]) {
i[e] = {};
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) i[e][e.charAt(n)] = n
return i[e][t]
}(n, e.charAt(t))
} catch (e) {
return bouncex.err(e, {
source: "decompressFromURI"
}), ""
compress: function(e) {
return o._compress(e, 16, function(e) {
return t(e)
_compress: function(t, n, i) {
if (null == t) return "";
var o, a, r, s = {},
c = {},
u = "",
b = "",
l = "",
d = 2,
p = 3,
x = 2,
g = [],
m = 0,
f = 0;
for (r = 0; r < t.length; r += 1)
if (u = t.charAt(r),, u) || (s[u] = p++, c[u] = !0), b = l + u,, b)) l = b;
else {
if (, l)) {
if (256 > l.charCodeAt(0)) {
for (o = 0; o < x; o++) m <<= 1, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++;
for (a = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; 8 > o; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1
} else {
for (a = 1, o = 0; o < x; o++) m = m << 1 | a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a = 0;
for (a = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; 16 > o; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1
0 == --d && (d = e(2, x), x++), delete c[l]
} else
for (a = s[l], o = 0; o < x; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1;
0 == --d && (d = e(2, x), x++), s[b] = p++, l = u + ""
if ("" != l) {
if (, l)) {
if (256 > l.charCodeAt(0)) {
for (o = 0; o < x; o++) m <<= 1, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++;
for (a = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; 8 > o; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1
} else {
for (a = 1, o = 0; o < x; o++) m = m << 1 | a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a = 0;
for (a = l.charCodeAt(0), o = 0; 16 > o; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1
0 == --d && (d = e(2, x), x++), delete c[l]
} else
for (a = s[l], o = 0; o < x; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1;
0 == --d && (d = e(2, x), x++)
for (a = 2, o = 0; o < x; o++) m = m << 1 | 1 & a, f == n - 1 ? (f = 0, g.push(i(m)), m = 0) : f++, a >>= 1;
for (;;) {
if (m <<= 1, f == n - 1) {
return g.join("")
decompress: function(e) {
return null == e ? "" : "" == e ? null : o._decompress(e.length, 32768, function(t) {
return e.charCodeAt(t)
_decompress: function(n, i, o) {
var a, r, s, c, u, b, l, d = [],
p = 4,
x = 4,
g = 3,
m = "",
f = [],
h = {
val: o(0),
position: i,
index: 1
for (a = 0; 3 > a; a += 1) d[a] = a;
for (s = 0, u = 4, b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
switch (s) {
case 0:
for (s = 0, u = 256, b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
l = t(s);
case 1:
for (s = 0, u = 65536, b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
l = t(s);
case 2:
return ""
for (d[3] = l, r = l, f.push(l);;) {
if (h.index > n) return "";
for (s = 0, u = e(2, g), b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
switch (l = s) {
case 0:
for (s = 0, u = 256, b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
d[x++] = t(s), l = x - 1, p--;
case 1:
for (s = 0, u = 65536, b = 1; b != u;) c = h.val & h.position, h.position >>= 1, 0 == h.position && (h.position = i, h.val = o(h.index++)), s |= (0 < c ? 1 : 0) * b, b <<= 1;
d[x++] = t(s), l = x - 1, p--;
case 2:
return f.join("")
if (0 == p && (p = e(2, g), g++), d[l]) m = d[l];
else {
if (l !== x) return null;
m = r + r.charAt(0)
f.push(m), d[x++] = r + m.charAt(0), r = m, 0 == --p && (p = e(2, g), g++)
return o
function setLocalStorageCookie(e) {
var t = bouncex.parseJSON(decodeURIComponent(e));
t && t[] ? (bouncex.cookies = t, bouncex.cookie = t[]) : t && t.vpv ? (bouncex.cookie = t, bouncex.cookies[] = bouncex.cookie) : (t[] = {}, bouncex.cookies = t)
function localStorageFrameSuccess() {
var e = tryCatch(function(e) {
if (e.origin == "https://" + && "string" == typeof {
var t =;
if (-1 < t.indexOf("gdpr_opt_out") && (bouncex.gdpr_opt_out = !0), "third_party_cookies_disabled" == t) localStorageFail();
else if (0 > t.indexOf("bcx_message=true")) {
var n =;
bouncex.local_storage_initialized ? setLocalStorageCookie(n) : (bouncex.local_storage_initialized = !0, bouncex.cookie = {}, bouncex.cookies = {}, n ? setLocalStorageCookie(n) : (bouncex.cookie = "multi_cookie" == ? getBounceCookieMulti() : getBounceCookieSingle(), clearBounceCookie(!0)), InitSequence.preInit1.cookieReady())
addEvent(window, "message", e)
function addLocalStorageFrame() {
try {
document.body.appendChild(bouncex.local_storage_frame), localStorageFrameSuccess()
} catch (e) {
setTimeout2(localStorageFail, 0)
function localStorageFail() {
bouncex.local_storage_enabled = !1, init_cookie_functions(), bouncex.local_storage_initialized || (bouncex.local_storage_initialized = !0, InitSequence.preInit1.cookieReady())
function init_cookie_localstorage() {
if (!bouncex.gdpr_opt_out) {
var e = "https://" + + "/assets/bounce/local_storage_frame10.min.html#" + + ( ? "&" + : "");
if (bouncex.local_storage_frame = document.createElement("IFRAME"), = "none", bouncex.local_storage_frame.setAttribute("id", "bcx_local_storage_frame"), bouncex.local_storage_frame.setAttribute("src", e), document.body) addLocalStorageFrame();
else var t = setInterval2(function() {
document.body && (clearTimeout(t), addLocalStorageFrame())
}, 100)
function init_public_functions() {
var e;
window.console || (window.console = {
log: function() {
return {}
}), bouncex.setv = bouncex.setVar = CustomVariables.setVar.bind(CustomVariables), bouncex.setVarAndReload = CustomVariables.setVarAndReload.bind(CustomVariables), bouncex.getVar = CustomVariables.getVar.bind(CustomVariables), bouncex.perf = perf, bouncex.loadBounceCss = loadBounceCss, bouncex.updateQS = updateQS, bouncex.make_include_string = make_include_string, bouncex.baddjs = baddjs, bouncex.wndsize = wndsize, bouncex.init = InitSequence.postInit1.entry, bouncex.bcxReady = bcxReady, bouncex.stringify = stringify, bouncex.parseJSON = parseJSON, bouncex.addCss = addCss, bouncex.createIframe = createIframe, bouncex.unload_campaigns = unload_campaigns, bouncex.unload_campaign = unload_campaign, bouncex.reload_campaigns = window.reload_campaigns = ReloadCampaigns.addRequest.bind(ReloadCampaigns), bouncex.dynamicPageChange = SinglePageApp.dynamicPageChange, bouncex.nextStep = nextStep, bouncex.submitCampaignStep = submitCampaignStep, bouncex.setJumpStep = setJumpStep, bouncex.placeCampaign = placeCampaign, bouncex.alignCampaign = alignCampaign, bouncex.destroyAll = destroyAll, bouncex.passiveEventRegistry = {}, "window" in (e = window) && "document" in e && ("atob" in e && "btoa" in e || (e.atob = function(e) {
var t = 0,
n = [],
i = 0,
o = 0;
if (0 == (e = (e += "").replace(/\s/g, "")).length % 4 && (e = e.replace(/=+$/, "")), 1 == e.length % 4) throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
if (/[^+\/0-9A-Za-z]/.test(e)) throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
for (; t < e.length;) i = i << 6 | "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".indexOf(e.charAt(t)), 24 == (o += 6) && (n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i >> 16)), n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i >> 8)), n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i)), i = o = 0), t += 1;
return 12 == o ? n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i >> 4)) : 18 == o && (i >>= 2, n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i >> 8)), n.push(_StringfromCharCode(255 & i))), n.join("")
}, e.btoa = function(e) {
var t, n, i, o, a = 0,
r = [];
if (/[^\x00-\xFF]/.test(e += "")) throw Error("InvalidCharacterError");
for (; a < e.length;) o = (t = e.charCodeAt(a++)) >> 2, t = (3 & t) << 4 | (n = e.charCodeAt(a++)) >> 4, n = (15 & n) << 2 | (i = e.charCodeAt(a++)) >> 6, i &= 63, a === e.length + 2 ? i = n = 64 : a === e.length + 1 && (i = 64), r.push("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(o), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(t), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(n), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(i));
return r.join("")
})), bouncex.repressCampaigns = repressCampaigns, bouncex.isGbi2Campaign = isGbi2Campaign, bouncex.isBxPlayerCampaign = isBxPlayerCampaign
function init_browser() {
var e = navigator.userAgent;
bouncex.browser = {}, bouncex.browser.webkit = /WebKit/.test(e), bouncex.browser.firefox = /Firefox/.test(e), bouncex.browser.msie = /Trident\/7\.|MSIE/.test(e), bouncex.browser.opera = /Opera|OPR\//.test(e), bouncex.browser.msie && 0 < e.indexOf("MSIE") && (bouncex.browser.msie = parseInt(e.split("MSIE")[1])), bouncex.browser.msie && 0 < e.indexOf("rv:") && (bouncex.browser.msie = parseInt(e.split("rv:")[1])), bouncex.browser.edge = /Edge/.test(e), bouncex.browser.edge && (bouncex.browser.edge = parseInt(e.split("Edge/")[1])), bouncex.browser.prerenderio = -1 < e.indexOf("Prerender"), = -1 < e.indexOf("Android"), bouncex.browser.iphone = -1 < e.indexOf("iPhone"), bouncex.browser.ipad = -1 < e.indexOf("iPad"), bouncex.browser.ios8 = !1, bouncex.browser.ios9 = !1, bouncex.browser.ios = !1, bouncex.browser.iphone || bouncex.browser.ipad ? (bouncex.browser.ios = parseInt(e.split("Version/")[1]), bouncex.browser.ios9 = 9 === bouncex.browser.ios, bouncex.browser.ios8 = 8 === bouncex.browser.ios, = /CriOS/.test(e), && (bouncex.browser.ios = !!(47 < parseInt(e.split("CriOS/")[1])) && 9)) : = /Chrome/.test(e), bouncex.browser.safari = !(-1 == e.indexOf("Safari") || -1 != e.indexOf("Chrome")), bouncex.browser.safari && 0 < e.indexOf("Version/") && (bouncex.browser.safari = parseInt(e.split("Version/")[1].replace(".", ""))), && 0 < e.indexOf("Chrome/") && ( = parseInt(e.split("Chrome/")[1])), bouncex.browser.firefox && 0 < e.indexOf("Firefox/") && (bouncex.browser.firefox = parseInt(e.split("Firefox/")[1])), bouncex.ssl = "https:" == window.location.protocol
function init_post_campaign_public_function() {
bouncex.setBounceCookie = function() {
}, bouncex.initActivationFuncs = function() {
}, bouncex.contains = !jQuery.contains || -1 != jQuery().jquery.indexOf("1.4.") || -1 < jQuery().jquery.indexOf("1.8.") ? eval("document.contains||document.compareDocumentPosition?function(a,b){var adown=a.nodeType===9?a.documentElement:a,bup=b&&b.parentNode;return a===bup||!!(bup&&bup.nodeType===1&&(adown.contains?adown.contains(bup):a.compareDocumentPosition&&a.compareDocumentPosition(bup)&16))}:function(a,b){if(b){while((b=b.parentNode)){if(b===a){return true}}}return false};") : jQuery.contains, bouncex.close_ad = function(e, t, n) {
close_ad(e, t, n)
}, = function(e, t, n) {
return bouncex.campaigns[e] ? report(e, t, n) : void 0
}, bouncex.report_submit = function(e, t, n) {
return report_submit(e, t, n)
}, bouncex.report_ga = function(e, t, n) {
report_ga(e, t, n)
}, bouncex.report_conversion = function(e, t) {
report_conversion(e, t)
}, window.close_bouncex_ad = close_ad, bouncex.fs = fs, bouncex.by_parent_id = function(e) {
return by_parent_id(e)
}, bouncex.show_ad = function(e) {
trigger_ad("manual", e)
}, bouncex.align_callout = align_callout_public, bouncex.destroy_ad = destroy_ad, bouncex.unload_campaigns = unload_campaigns, bouncex.reload_campaigns = ReloadCampaigns.addRequest.bind(ReloadCampaigns), bouncex.reportGa = reportGa, bouncex.loadBrandStyles = loadBrandStyles, bouncex.loadWebfonts = loadWebfonts, bouncex.activate_campaign = activate_campaign
function initBa() { && ( = {
fbel: [],
fbrc: 0,
fbto: null,
lip: {}
function init_ibx() {
bouncex.ibx = {
_event_store: [],
_item_store: [],
uid: null,
crt: null,
token: null,
mode: 1,
cvar: {},
_init: function() {
this.vid = bouncex.cookie.vid, this.token = bouncex.cookie.did, this.uid = this._get("user"), this.mode = this._get("mode"), this.crt = this._get("cart"), this._cart("set"), this._clkthrough(), this._espemailid(), this._emailhash(), this._log("initialized"), this._log("mode: " + this.mode + " | token: " + this.token)
user: function(e, t) {
if (this._validate(e)) {
bouncex.cookie.uid = 1, setBounceCookie();
var n = this._cart("get");
n && ((t = t || {}).__cart = n), this._push("user", {
key: e,
val: t
var i = {};
i["user:email"] = e, i["user:source"] = t.__src, i["user:gcr"] = bouncex && bouncex.cookie ? bouncex.cookie.gcr : 99, i.agent = "js", t.campaign && (i.campaignid = t.campaign), i.eq = 1, event_stream_report("user", i)
} else this._log("invalid email")
track: function(e, t, n, i) {
if (e && t) {
this["_" + e + "_store"] && this["_" + e + "_store"].push({
key: JSON.stringify(n)
}), i || (i = "");
var o = {
key: t,
val: n,
segment: i
this._push(e, o);
var a = {},
r = t;
for (var s in "item" == e && (r = "item", a["item:segment"] = i, a["item:category"] = i, a["item:id"] = t, a["item:url"] = n.__url, a["item:imageurl"] = n.creative, a["item:imagewidth"] = n.__width, a["item:imageheight"] = n.__height, a.stringvalue = t, a.legacy = 1), "cart" == e && (r = "cart"), n) n.hasOwnProperty(s) && "__" != s.substring(0, 2) && (a[r + ":" + s] = n[s]);
n && n.stringvalue && (a.stringvalue = n.stringvalue), a.eq = 1, event_stream_report(r, a)
} else this._log("type and key must be set")
conv_params: function() {
var e = this._auto_add({
ibx_mode: this._get("mode"),
ibx_clicks: this._get("clickstr")
return e.ibx_clicks && (this._cookies.create("__ibxc0", e.ibx_clicks), this._cookies.destroy("__ibxc")), this._log("conv_params: " + (e.ibx_clicks ? e.ibx_clicks : "[none]")), this._qs(e)
set: function(e, t) {
return "user" === e ? this.uid = t : "mode" === e ? (0 == t || 1 == t) && (this.mode = t, this._cookies.create("__ibxm", t)) : "cart" === e && (this.crt = t, this._cookies.create("__ibxcr", t, .5)), t
dump: function(e) {
this._log(e + " = " + this._get(e))
_get: function(e) {
var t;
return "events" === e ? t = this._event_store : "items" === e ? t = this._item_store : "token" === e ? t = btoa(bouncex.cookie.did) : "user" === e ? (t = parseInt(bouncex.cookie.uid ||"__ibxu")), isNaN(t) && (t = 0)) : "mode" === e ? t = "0" ==="__ibxm") ? 0 : 1 : "clickstr" === e ? t ="__ibxc") : "clicks" === e ? t = (t ="__ibxc")) ? t.split(",") : [] : "cart" === e ? (t = parseInt("__ibxcr")), isNaN(t) && (t = 0)) : t = "invalid", t
_push: function(e, t) {
var n, i = "type=" + e + "&wsid=" + this.wsid + "&gcr=" + bouncex.cookie.gcr + "&vid=" + bouncex.cookie.vid + "&mode=1";
if (i += "&device_id=" + encodeURIComponent(bouncex.cookie.did), t.val = JSON.stringify(this._auto_add(t.val || {})), i = i + "&" + this._qs(t), n = void 0 === t.key ? "" : ": " + t.key, this._log(e.toUpperCase() + n + " // " + i), "cart" == e || "isr" == e) {
var o = bouncex.sau + "/ibx/ping?" + i;
document.createElement("img").src = o
_auto_add: function(e) {
return (e = e || {}).hasOwnProperty("__url") || (e.__url = location.href), e.hasOwnProperty("__referrer") || (e.__referrer = document.referrer), e
_cart: function(action) {
var cart = !1;
switch (action) {
case "get":
try {
cart = eval(
} catch (e) {
cart = !1, this._log(e)
case "set":
if (this.crt || -1 == location.href.indexOf("ibx_cart")) return !1;
cart = this._getparam("ibx_cart"), cart && (eval(, this.set("cart", 1)), cart = this.crt
return cart
_clkthrough: function() {
var e, t = this._getparam("ibx_source");
if (t) try {
if (e = this._get("clickstr")) {
if (-1 != e.indexOf(t)) return void this._log("click-through: " + t + " (DUPLICATE)");
e += "," + t
} else e = t;
this._cookies.create("__ibxc", e), this._log("click-through: " + t)
} catch (e) {
_emailhash: function() {
var e = bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh;
e && event_stream_report("user", {
agent: "js",
"user:emailhash": e,
"user:source": "ibx_clickthrough"
_espemailid: function() {
if ( {
var e = {
"user:source": "esp-email-id",
agent: "js"
t = !1;
for (var n in
if ( {
var i = this._getparam(n);
i && (t = !0, e["user:" +[n]] = i)
t && event_stream_report("user", e)
_log: function(e) {
0 == this.mode && bouncex.log("ibx: " + e)
_validate: function(e) {
return /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(e)
_quick_validate: function(e) {
return null != e && 2 < e.indexOf(".") && 0 < e.indexOf("@")
_qs: function(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && t.push(n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[n]));
return t.join("&")
_cookies: {
domain: window.bouncex.cookie_domain,
create: function(e, t, n) {
n || (n = 365);
var i = new Date;
i.setTime(i.getTime() + 24 * n * 60 * 60 * 1e3);
var o = "; expires=" + i.toGMTString(),
a = this.domain ? "domain=." + this.domain + ";" : "";
document.cookie = e + "=" + t + o + "; path=/;" + a
read: function(e) {
for (var t, n = e + "=", i = document.cookie.split(";"), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) {
for (t = i[o];
" " == t.charAt(0);) t = t.substring(1, t.length);
if (0 == t.indexOf(n)) return t.substring(n.length, t.length)
return null
destroy: function(e) {
this.create(e, "", -1)
_getparam: getParam
function initAds() { && ( = canShowGbi())
function shouldCheckDfp() {
return gbi2Enabled() &&
function init_website_custom_js() {
if ( try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: ""
function initPreInitCustomJs() {
if ( try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: ""
function init_ibx_tracking() {
if ( && 1 == {
try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: ""
if (1 == {
var selector = "input:not([type=button],[type=submit],[type=reset],[type=hidden],[type=radio],[type=checkbox],[type=image],[type=password], #privy-container input, #dwfrm_giftcert_purchase_recipientEmail, #dwfrm_wishlist_search_email)"; && (selector += ":not(" + + ")"),, "blur.bx-miw", selector), bouncex.on(bouncex.body, "blur.bx-miw", function() {
var e = {
email: jQuery(this).val(),
source: "input"
t = jQuery(this).attr("id");
t && (e.input_id = t), bouncex.push(["user", e])
}, selector)
function init_event_tracking() {
if ( {
if ( && !visitorTestMode("events")) return;
function tryCatch(e, t) {
if ("function" == typeof e) return e._wrapped || (e._wrapped = function() {
try {
return e.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (n) {
(t = t || {}).source = t.source || || "tryCatch wrapper",, t)
}), e._wrapped
function delegate(e, t, n, i) {
if (null != jQuery.fn.on) e.on(t, i, n);
else {
if (null == jQuery.fn.delegate) return bouncex.err("event listener delegation not supported"), !1;
e.delegate(i, t, n)
function undelegate(e, t, n) {
if (null !=, n);
else {
if (null == jQuery.fn.undelegate) return !1;
e.undelegate(n, t)
function bcxReady(f) { || !(-1 < && ? f() : (!bouncex._bcxReady && eval('bouncex._bcxReady=function(){function i(){if(r.isReady){return}try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(e){bouncex.setTimeout2(i,1);return}r.ready()}function s(t){r.bindReady();var n=r.type(t);e.done(t)}var e,t,n={};n["[object Boolean]"]="boolean";n["[object Number]"]="number";n["[object String]"]="string";n["[object Function]"]="function";n["[object Array]"]="array";n["[object Date]"]="date";n["[object RegExp]"]="regexp";n["[object Object]"]="object";var r={isReady:false,readyWait:1,holdReady:function(e){if(e){r.readyWait++}else{r.ready(true)}},ready:function(t){if(t===true&&!--r.readyWait||t!==true&&!r.isReady){if(!document.body){return bouncex.setTimeout2(r.ready,1)}r.isReady=true;if(t!==true&&--r.readyWait>0){return}e.resolveWith(document,[r])}},bindReady:function(){if(e){return}e=r._Deferred();if(document.readyState==="complete"){return bouncex.setTimeout2(r.ready,1)}if(document.addEventListener){document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t,false);window.addEventListener("load",r.ready,false)}else if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",t);window.attachEvent("onload",r.ready);var n=false;try{n=window.frameElement==null}catch(s){}if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&n){i()}}},_Deferred:function(){var e=[],t,n,i,s={done:function(){if(!i){var n=arguments,o,u,a,f,l;if(t){l=t;t=0}for(o=0,u=n.length;o<u;o++){a=n[o];f=r.type(a);if(f==="array"){s.done.apply(s,a)}else if(f==="function"){e.push(a)}}if(l){s.resolveWith(l[0],l[1])}}return this},resolveWith:function(r,s){if(!i&&!t&&!n){s=s||[];n=1;try{while(e[0]){e.shift().apply(r,s)}}finally{t=[r,s];n=0}}return this},resolve:function(){s.resolveWith(this,arguments);return this},isResolved:function(){return!!(n||t)},cancel:function(){i=1;e=[];return this}};return s},type:function(e){return e==null?String(e):n[]||"object"}};if(document.addEventListener){t=function(){document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t,false);r.ready()}}else if(document.attachEvent){t=function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",t);r.ready()}}}return s}()'), bouncex._bcxReady(f))
function updateQS() {
for (var e = 1 & arguments.length, t = (e ? arguments[0] :"#"), n = t[0], i = !!(1 < t.length) && t[1], o = [], a = e; a < arguments.length; a += 2) {
var r = arguments[a],
s = encodeURIComponent(arguments[a + 1]),
c = new RegExp("([?&])" + r + "=?.*?(&|$)", "gi");
n.match(c) ? n = n.replace(c, "$1" + r + "=" + s + "$2") : o.push(r + "=" + s)
return o.length && (n += (-1 == n.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&" == n.slice(-1) ? "" : "&") + o.join("&")), n + (i ? "#" + i : "")
function qs(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && t.push(n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[n]));
return t.join("&")
function getJString(e) {
var t = _typeof(e);
if ("object" != t || null === e) return "string" == t && (e = '"' + e + '"'), e + "";
var n, i, o = [],
a = e && e.constructor == Array;
for (n in e) "string" == (t = _typeof(i = e[n])) ? i = '"' + i + '"' : "object" == t && null !== i && (i = getJString(i)), o.push((a ? "" : '"' + n + '":') + i);
return (a ? "[" : "{") + o + (a ? "]" : "}")
function stringify(e) {
return "undefined" == typeof JSON || "function" != typeof JSON.stringify ? getJString(e) : JSON.stringify(e)
function parseJSON(e, t) {
t = t || {};
try {
var n = JSON.parse(e);
return n && "object" === _typeof(n) ? n : t
} catch (e) {
return t
function addCss(e, t, n) {
var i = document.createElement("style");
return n && ( = n + "-style"), i.styleSheet ? i.styleSheet.cssText = e : i.innerHTML = e, t.appendChild(i), i
function getParam(e, t) {
var n = t ? "?" + t : window.location.href;
e = e.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var i = new RegExp("[\\?&#]" + e + "=([^&#]*)").exec(n);
return null == i ? "" : decodeURIComponent(i[1])
function createIframe(e) {
var t = document.createElement("iframe");
for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && t.setAttribute(n, e[n]);
return t
function MultiCookie(e) {
for (var t in this.disable_first_party = !1, this.first_party_limit = 999999, this.domain =, = function(e, t) {
return t.length > e.length ? t : e
}, this.parse_json = function(e) {
return JSON.parse(e)
}, this.stringify_json = function(e) {
return JSON.stringify(e)
}, this.set_qs = function(e, t, n) {
if (-1 == e.indexOf("&" + t + "=")) e += "&" + t + "=" + n;
else {
var i = new RegExp("&" + t + "=[^&]*");
e = e.replace(i, "&" + t + "=" + n)
return e
}, e) this[t] = e[t];
var n = window.localStorage,
i = window.globalStorage;
this.set = function(e, t) {
"object" == _typeof(t) && (t = this.stringify_json(t)), this.disable_first_party || this.cookie(e, t), this.local_storage(e, t), this.global_storage(e, t), this.window_name(e, t), this.user_data(e, t)
}, this.get = function(e) {
for (var t, n = this.getvs(e), i = ""; t = n.pop();) i =, t);
return this.set(e, i), i
}, this.getvs = function(e) {
function t(e) {
e && "" !== e && n.push(e)
var n = [];
return t(this.cookie(e)), t(this.local_storage(e)), t(this.global_storage(e)), t(this.window_name(e)), t(this.user_data(e)), n
}, this.cookie = function(e, t) {
if (void 0 === t) return this.get_qs(e, document.cookie);
var n = this.domain;
0 > && (n =".").slice(-2).join(".")), document.cookie = e + "='; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; domain=" + n, document.cookie.length + t.length < this.first_party_limit && (document.cookie = e + "=" + t + "; expires=Tue, 31 Dec 2030 00:00:00 UTC; path=/; domain=" + n)
}, this.local_storage = function(e, t) {
try {
if (n) {
if (void 0 === t) return n.getItem(e);
n.setItem(e, t)
} catch (e) {}
}, this.global_storage = function(e, t) {
if (i) {
var n = this.getHost();
try {
if (void 0 === t) return i[n][e];
i[n][e] = t
} catch (e) {}
}, this.window_name = function(e, t) {
try {
if (void 0 === t) return this.get_qs(e,; = this.set_qs(, e, t)
} catch (e) {}
}, this.user_data = function(e, t) {
try {
var n = this.createElem("div", "userdata_el", 1);
if ( = "url(#default#userData)", void 0 === t) return n.load(e), n.getAttribute(e);
n.setAttribute(e, t),
} catch (e) {}
}, this.get_qs = function(e, t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) {
var n, i, o = e + "=",
a = t.split(/[;&]/);
for (n = 0; n < a.length; n++) {
for (i = a[n];
" " === i.charAt(0);) i = i.substring(1, i.length);
if (0 === i.indexOf(o)) return i.substring(o.length, i.length)
function getBounceCookieMulti(e) {
if (bouncex.multicookie || (bouncex.multicookie = new MultiCookie({
disable_first_party: && ? 1 : 0,
first_party_limit: && ? : 999999,
parse_json: bouncex.parseJSON,
stringify_json: bouncex.stringify,
best: function(e, t) {
"" === e && (e = {});
var n = {};
try {
'{"' !== t.substr(0, 2) && (t = bouncex.lz.decompressFromURI(t)), n = this.parse_json(t)
} catch (t) {
return e
var i = e.fvt ? e.fvt : 0;
return (n && n.fvt ? n.fvt : 0) > i ? n : e
})), void 0 !== e) return bouncex.multicookie.cookie(e);
var t = bouncex.multicookie.get(;
return "" === t && (t = {}), t
function getBounceCookieLocalStorage(e) {
return void 0 === e ? bouncex.cookie : getBounceCookieSingle(e)
function setBounceCookieLocalStorage() {
var e = encodeURIComponent(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie));
if (bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow) bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow.postMessage(e, "*");
else var t = setInterval2(function() {
bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow && (bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow.postMessage(e, "*"), clearInterval(t))
}, 100)
function getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage(e) {
if (e) return getBounceCookieSingle(e);
var t = localStorage.getItem(;
return parseJSON(bouncex.lz.decompressFromURI(t)) || {}
function setBounceCookieFPLocalStorage() {
localStorage.setItem(, bouncex.lz.compressToURI(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie)))
function setBounceCookieSingle() {
var e =,
t = new Date;
t.setDate(t.getDate() + 365);
var n = bouncex.lz.compressToURI(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie)) + "; expires=" + t.toUTCString();
document.cookie = bouncex.cookie_domain ? e + "=" + n + ";path=/;domain=." + bouncex.cookie_domain + ";" : e + "=" + n + ";path=/;"
function getBounceCookieSingle(e) {
e || (e =;
var t, n, i, o = document.cookie.split(";");
for (t = 0; t < o.length; t++)
if (n = o[t].substr(0, o[t].indexOf("=")), i = o[t].substr(o[t].indexOf("=") + 1), (n = n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) == e) return == e ? i ? ('{"' !== i.substr(0, 2) && (i = bouncex.lz.decompressFromURI(i)), parseJSON(i)) : {} : i;
if ( == e) return {}
function setBounceVisitCookie() {
if (3400 !== {
var e = + "v",
t = new Date;
t.setTime(t.getTime() + 18e5);
var n = bouncex.lz.compressToURI(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.visit_cookie)) + "; expires=" + t.toUTCString();
document.cookie = bouncex.cookie_domain ? e + "=" + n + ";path=/;domain=." + bouncex.cookie_domain + ";" : e + "=" + n + ";path=/;"
function getBounceVisitCookie(e) {
if (3400 !== {
e || (e = + "v");
var t, n, i, o = document.cookie.split(";");
for (t = 0; t < o.length; t++)
if (n = o[t].substr(0, o[t].indexOf("=")), i = o[t].substr(o[t].indexOf("=") + 1), (n = n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) == e) return '{"' === i.substr(0, 2) ? i : bouncex.lz.decompressFromURI(i)
function setBounceCookieMulti() {
var e =;
if (bouncex.multicookie.set(e, bouncex.stringify_cookie(bouncex.cookie)), !bouncex.browser || !bouncex.browser.safari) {
var t = + "/capture/update_cookie?cookie_name=" + e + "&cookie=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(bouncex.cookie));
document.createElement("img").src = t
function destroyAll(e) {
document.cookie.split(";").forEach(function(e) {
var t = e.split("=")[0];
(-1 < t.indexOf("_ibx") || -1 < t.indexOf("bounceClientVisit")) && (document.cookie = t + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/;", document.cookie = t + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/;domain=" + bouncex.cookie_domain + ";")
}), localStorage.removeItem(, bouncex.gdpr_opt_out || (bouncex.gdpr_opt_out = !0, bouncex.local_storage_frame && bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow && bouncex.local_storage_frame.contentWindow.postMessage("clear_all_data", "*"), bouncex.campaigns && init_post_campaign_public_function(), InitSequence.dynamic.tearDown(), = [], = [], = "", = "", = "", bouncex.baddjs = exports.baddjs = baddjs = function() {}, exports.event_stream_report = event_stream_report = function() {}, bouncex.cookie && (bouncex.cookie.vid = bouncex.cookie.did = 0), "client_opt_out" !== e && "gdpr_no_consent_cookie" !== e && report_optout("bx_suppress", {
reason: e
}), bouncex.cookie = {})
function clearBounceCookie(e) {
var t =,
n = "; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT";
e ? (document.cookie = t + "=" + n + ";path=/;", document.cookie = t + "=" + n + ";path=/;domain=." + bouncex.cookie_domain + ";") : bouncex.cookie_domain ? document.cookie = t + "=" + n + ";path=/;" : document.cookie = t + "=" + n + ";path=/;domain=." + bouncex.cookie_domain + ";"
function stringify_cookie(e) {
return bouncex.stringify(e).replace(/;/g, "\\u003b").replace(/\+/g, "\\u002b").replace(/\=/g, "\\u003d")
function areCookiesEnabled() {
var e = !!navigator.cookieEnabled;
return void 0 !== navigator.cookieEnabled || e || (document.cookie = "testcookie", e = -1 != document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie")), e
function fpLocalStorageAvailable() {
if (window.localStorage) try {
if (localStorage.setItem("bxtest", !0), localStorage.getItem("bxtest")) return localStorage.removeItem("bxtest"), !0
} catch (e) {}
return !1
function visitorTestMode(e) {
switch (!0) {
case -1 < ["office", "bxdev", "bxtest"].indexOf(e):
return !(!bouncex.testmode || !bouncex.testmode[e]);
case !(bouncex.testmode && bouncex.testmode.bxdev):
return !1;
return !!(bouncex.testmode && bouncex.testmode.bxdev && bouncex.testmode.bxdev[e])
function initTestModeParts(e) {
var t = {
if (!visitorTestMode(e))
if (bouncex.removedItems = bouncex.removedItems || {}, bouncex.removedItems[e] = [], Array.isArray(t)) t = t.filter(function(t) {
return t.testmode && bouncex.removedItems[e].push(, !t.testmode
for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && t[n].testmode && (bouncex.removedItems[e].push(n), delete t[n]);
return t
function init_page_types() {
if ( { = initTestModeParts("page_types");
var e = findPageTypeMatch(; = e
function getEnabledPageTypes() {
return ? Object.keys( : []
function findPageTypeMatch(e) {
for (var t in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var n = e[t];
if (void 0 === n.val ? new Criteria(t, n, "pagetype").evaluate() : new Criteria(t, n.val, "pagetype").evaluate()) return t
return !1
function Criteria(e, t, n) { = e, this.conditions = t, this.type = n || "other", this.conditionsPassed = !1, this.evaluate = function() {
try {
for (var e = 0; e < this.conditions.length; e++) {
for (var t = this.conditions[e], n = !1, i = 0; i < t.length && !n; i++) {
var o = t[i],
a = CriteriaHelper.activations[o.activation];
n = !("function" != typeof a) && a(o.prop, o.prop2, o.prop3, o.val)
if (!n) return
return this.pass()
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "criteria evaluation: " + this.type
}, this.log = function() {
if (bouncex.testmode.bxdev || bouncex.testmode.bxtest) {
bouncex.criteriaLog = bouncex.criteriaLog || {}, bouncex.criteriaLog[this.type] = bouncex.criteriaLog[this.type] || {};
var e = + "-" + JSON.stringify(this.conditions).length;
bouncex.criteriaLog[this.type][e] = {
conditions: this.conditions,
conditionsPassed: this.conditionsPassed,
failedCondition: this.failedCondition,
}, this.pass = function() {
return this.conditionsPassed = !0, this.log(), !0
}, = function(e) {
return this.conditionsPassed = !1, this.failedCondition = e, this.log(), !1
function percentageLiveTraffic(e) {
return bouncex.cookie && bouncex.cookie.did && bouncex.cookie.did.substr(bouncex.cookie.did.length - 2) < e
function isBxInternalTraffic() {
return "production" !== bouncex.env || visitorTestMode("office") || visitorTestMode("bxdev")
function next_sequence_id() {
return bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), (!bouncex.cookie.hasOwnProperty("sid") || isNaN(bouncex.cookie.sid)) && (bouncex.cookie.sid = -1), bouncex.cookie.sid++, setBounceCookie(), bouncex.cookie.sid
function preventUserTracking(e) {
return updatePolicyCompliance({
email: e["user:email"]
}), shouldEnforcePolicies({
gdpr: !0,
casl: !0
}) && !policyException(e)
function updatePolicyCompliance(e) {
if ((!bouncex.state.casl || !bouncex.state.gdpr) && {
var t =".").pop().toLowerCase();
bouncex.state.casl || (bouncex.state.casl = 1 === bouncex.restrictedTlds.casl[t]), bouncex.state.gdpr || (bouncex.state.gdpr = 1 === bouncex.restrictedTlds.gdpr[t])
function shouldEnforcePolicies(e) {
return !(!e.gdpr || !bouncex.state.gdpr) || !(!e.casl || !bouncex.state.casl ||
function policyException(e) {
var t = "bouncex overlay" === e["user:source"] && e.campaignid && isCompliantCampaign(e.campaignid),
n = loggedInTrackingAllowed(e),
i = fromCompliantSource(e);
return t || n || i
function isCompliantCampaign(e) {
return !!(!bouncex.state.gdpr || && bouncex.campaigns[e].compliance.gdpr) && (!bouncex.state.casl || bouncex.campaigns[e].compliance.casl)
function loggedInTrackingAllowed(e) {
if (e["user:source"] && "loggedin" === e["user:source"].toLowerCase()) {
if (bouncex.state.gdpr) return &&;
if (bouncex.state.casl) return
return !1
function fromCompliantSource(e) {
if (e["user:source"] && && "string" == typeof && -1 <["user:source"])) return !0
function report_optout(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.seu + "/track.gif/" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "?";
t.websiteid =, t.source || (t.source = "web"), t.agent || (t.agent = "user");
var i = n + qs(t),
o = document.createElement("img");
return o.src = i, o.src
function event_stream_report(e, t) {
"user" === e && bouncex.ibx._validate(t["user:email"]) && (bouncex.state.redactEmail || preventUserTracking(t)) && (t["user:email"] = "redacted"), "requestemail" === e && bouncex.ibx._validate(t["user:email"]) && (bouncex.state.redactEmail || void 0 === bouncex.state.redactEmail && preventUserTracking(t)) && (t["user:email"] = "redacted", = "redacted");
var n = bouncex.seu + "/track.gif/" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "?";
t.mode = bouncex.cookie.m, t.websiteid =, t.visitid = bouncex.cookie.vid, t.deviceid = bouncex.cookie.did, t.pageviewid = bouncex.state && void 0 !== bouncex.state.pvid ? bouncex.state.pvid : bouncex.cookie.vpv + 1, t.sequenceid = next_sequence_id(), t.clienttimestamp = getTimeMs(), t.clientapiversion = bouncex.tag, t.device = bouncex.cookie.d, && (t.page_type =, t.source || (t.source = "web"), t.agent || (t.agent = "user"), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID && (t.soft_id = bouncex.dg.softID), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.hardID && (t.hard_id = bouncex.dg.hardID), bouncex.debug && bouncex.eventLog.push({
name: e,
params: t
}), bouncex.cookie.t && (t.testmode = 1);
var i = n + qs(t),
o = document.createElement("img");
return o.onload = function() {
}, o.src = i, behavioralAudiencesReport(e, t), o.src
function handleEventStreamReportCompletion(e) {
e["user:emailhash"] && bouncex.visit_cookie && bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh && (delete bouncex.visit_cookie.ueh, setBounceVisitCookie())
function report(e, t, n) {
isGbi2Campaign(e) ?, t, n) : && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi ?, t, n) : buildReport(e, t, n)
function buildReport(e, t, n) {
var i = 0,
o = "user",
a = {
views: "eligible",
pops: "pop",
clicks: "click",
closes: "close"
if (a[t] && (t = a[t]), "click" == t) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].impression_click_reported) return !1;
bouncex.campaigns[e].impression_click_reported = !0, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].lclk = getTime2(), setBounceCookie()
} else if ("close" != t) "eligible" == t ? (o = "js", bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].vv = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].vv ? bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].vv + 1 : 1, 1 == bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].vv && (i = 1), setBounceCookie()) : "pop" == t || "trypop" == t ? (o = "js", 1 == bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].av && (i = 1)) : ("bid_fill" == t || "bid_none" == t || "bid_empty" == t || "bid_error" == t) && (o = "js");
else if (bouncex.campaigns[e].impression_click_reported || bouncex.campaigns[e].submitted) return !1;
"object" !== _typeof(n) && (n = {}), i && (n.uq = 1), n.campaignid = e, n.source = n.source || "bouncex", n.agent = o, event_stream_report(t, n), reportGa(e, t), "click" == t && event_js_eval(e, "click")
function report_submit(e, t, n) {
return t.m = bouncex.cookie.m, t.d = bouncex.cookie.d, t.visit_id = bouncex.cookie.vid, t.device_id = bouncex.cookie.did, t.campaign_id = e, t.website_id =, t.pvid = bouncex.state.pvid, t.cts = getTimeMs(), next_sequence_id(), t.cookie = bouncex.stringify(getBounceCookie()), t.hasOwnProperty("step") || (t.step = 1), n && (t.last_step = 1), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.hardID && (t.hard_id = bouncex.dg.hardID), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID && (t.soft_id = bouncex.dg.softID), jQuery('<img src="' + bouncex.sau + "/capture/submit.gif?" + qs(t) + '"/>')
function report_conversion_sync(obj, source) {
perf.times("conversion"), obj = obj || {}, source = source || "sync", bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), void 0 === obj.amount && (obj.amount = 0), void 0 === obj.order_id && (obj.order_id = ""), void 0 === && ( = ""), void 0 === obj.goal && (obj.goal = "");
var bamount = obj.amount,
border_id = obj.order_id,
bemail =,
bgoal = obj.goal,
sid = next_sequence_id(),
pvid = bouncex.state ? bouncex.state.pvid : bouncex.cookie.vpv + 1,
url = bouncex.sau + "/capture/convert.gif?m=" + bouncex.cookie.m + "&d=" + bouncex.cookie.d + "&goal=" + encodeURIComponent(bgoal) + "&email=" + encodeURIComponent(bemail) + "&email_sha256=" + (obj.email_sha256 ? encodeURIComponent(obj.email_sha256) : "") + "&order_id=" + encodeURIComponent(border_id) + "&amount=" + encodeURIComponent(bamount) + "&website_id=" + + "&visit_id=" + bouncex.cookie.vid + "&device_id=" + bouncex.cookie.did + "&pvid=" + pvid + "&sid=" + sid + "&cts=" + getTimeMs() + "&source=" + source + "&cookie=" + escape(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie)) + "&" + bouncex.ibx.conv_params();
bouncex.cookie.t && (url += "&testmode=" + bouncex.cookie.t), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.hardID && (url += "&hard_id=" + bouncex.dg.hardID), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID && (url += "&soft_id=" + bouncex.dg.softID);
var urlLengthLimit = 32e3,
newUrl = url + "&extradata=" + escape(bouncex.stringify(obj));
newUrl.length < urlLengthLimit && (url = newUrl);
var img = document.createElement("img");
if (img.alt = "conversion pixel", img.src = url, try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: ""
if ( && 1 == try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: ""
} = getTime2(), setBounceCookie()
function report_conversion(obj, source) {
var border_id = 0,
bemail = "",
bgoal = "",
if (obj ? (bamount = obj.amount, border_id = obj.order_id, bemail =, obj.goal && (bgoal = obj.goal)) : obj = {}, bouncex.state.oijs && !border_id) try {
border_id = eval(bouncex.state.oijs)
} catch (e) {}
if (bouncex.state.ovjs && !bamount) try {
bamount = eval(bouncex.state.ovjs)
} catch (e) {}
if (bouncex.state.oejs && !bemail) try {
bemail = eval(bouncex.state.oejs)
} catch (e) {}
if (bouncex.state.goal && !bgoal) try {
bgoal = bouncex.state.goal
} catch (e) {}
obj.goal = bgoal, obj.amount = bamount, obj.order_id = border_id, = bemail, source = source || "async", report_conversion_sync(obj, source)
function event_js_eval(ca_id, type, data) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].event_js) {
var campaign_id = ca_id;
if (bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].event_js[type]) try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "event_js_eval",
ca_id: ca_id
function post_submit_redirect(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].is_api,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].submission_redirect,
i = bouncex.campaigns[e].submission_redirect_delay;
if (t && .3 > i) i = .3;
else if (!t) return !1;
n && setTimeout2(function() { = n
}, i ? 1e3 * i : 0)
function reportGa(e, t) {
var n = t;
"pop" == t && (n = "impression"), && bouncex.campaigns[e].ga_i && bouncex.campaigns[e].ga_i[n] && bouncex.report_ga(n, bouncex.campaigns[e].ga_i.label)
function report_ga(e, t, n) {
if (n = void 0 !== n && !!n, "string" == typeof e && "string" == typeof t) {
var i = !1;
if (n || (i = "Impression" == (e = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase()), e = "BounceX " + e), "function" == typeof &&"create",,"send", "event", "BounceX", e, t, {
nonInteraction: i
else if ("object" === _typeof(window._gaq)) { && window._gaq.push(["_setAccount",]);
var o = t.replace(/\(|\)/g, "");
window._gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "BounceX", e, o, , i])
function behavioralAudiencesReport(e, t) { && "user" === t.agent && facebookReport(e, t)
function facebookReport(e, t) {
if (1 === && "user" === t.agent) {
for (var n = createFacebookEvents(e, t), i = 0; i < n.length; i++)[i]);
sendEventsToFacebook(!1), "item" === e && ( = t)
function sendEventsToFacebook(t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof fbq)
for (; null != (e =;) fbq(e.eventType, e.eventName, e.eventParams), && clearTimeout(;
else(null == || 1 == t) && 5 > && ( = setTimeout2(sendEventsToFacebook, 500, !0),
function createFacebookEvents(e, t) {
var n = [],
i = {
"add to cart": "AddToCart",
"added to cart": "AddToCart",
"view item": "ViewContent",
"viewed item": "ViewContent",
conversion: "Purchase"
o = {
source: "bx",
bx_event_name: e
if ("conversion" !== e) {
var a = "item:id" in t ? t["item:id"] :["item:id"],
r = "item:price" in t ? t["item:price"] :["item:price"],
s = "item:category" in t ? t["item:category"] :["item:category"],
c = "item:copy" in t ? t["item:copy"] :["item:copy"];
a && (o.content_type = "product", o.content_ids = [a]), r && (o.value = r), s && (o.content_category = s), c && (o.content_name = c)
var u = void 0 === bouncex.getBounceCookie().lc ? "prospect" : "customer";
return n.push({
eventType: "trackCustom",
eventName: "bx:" + e + " - " + u,
eventParams: o
}), e in i && n.push({
eventType: "track",
eventName: i[e],
eventParams: o
}), n
function noteCookieAdShown(e) {
if ( && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id) {
if (bouncex.gbi.stacks[bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id].failed) return bouncex.gbi.log(e, "NOT saving cookie data"), !1;
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "saving cookie data")
bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_shown = !0, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].lavid = bouncex.cookie.vid, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].la = getTime2(), bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].av = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].av ? bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].av + 1 : 1, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].fsa || (bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].fsa = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].la), bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].as = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].as ? bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].as + 1 : 1, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ao = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ao ? bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ao + 1 : 1, bouncex.campaigns[e].ap = bouncex.campaigns[e].ap ? bouncex.campaigns[e].ap + 1 : 1, "overlay" != bouncex.campaigns[e].type && "none" === bouncex.campaigns[e].coverlay || bouncex.campaigns[e].is_man || (,,, setBounceCookie()
function report_endpageview(e) {
"visibilitychange" === e.type && "hidden" !== document.visibilityState || (event_stream_report("endpageview", {
"pageview:url": bouncex.calling_url,
"pageview:customvariables": JSON.stringify(bouncex.vars),
"pageview:event": e.type,
"perf:times": JSON.stringify(bouncex.perf.timesArr)
}),, ".bx_endpageview"),, ".bx_endpageview"))
function init_endpageview_event() { && bouncex.on(bouncex.document, "visibilitychange.bx_endpageview", report_endpageview), bouncex.on(bouncex.window, "beforeunload.bx_endpageview pagehide.bx_endpageview unload.bx_endpageview", report_endpageview)
function baddjs(e) {
var t = document.createElement("script");
t.setAttribute("src", e), t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)
function loadBrandStyles() {
if (bouncex.brandStyles) {
bouncex.brandStylesLoaded = bouncex.brandStylesLoaded || {};
var e = "",
t = "";
for (var n in bouncex.brandStyles) bouncex.brandStyles.hasOwnProperty(n) && !bouncex.brandStylesLoaded[n] && (e += bouncex.brandStyles[n], t += "-" + n, bouncex.brandStylesLoaded[n] = !0);
e && bouncex.addCss(e, bouncex.head[0], "bx-brand" + t)
function loadWebfonts() {
if (bouncex.webfonts) {
bouncex.fontCSSLoaded = bouncex.fontCSSLoaded || {};
var e = "";
for (var t in bouncex.webfonts) bouncex.webfonts.hasOwnProperty(t) && !bouncex.fontCSSLoaded[t] && (e += '<link href="//' + t + '/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />', bouncex.fontCSSLoaded[t] = 1);
function wndsize() {
var e = 0,
t = 0;
return window.innerWidth ? (e = window.innerWidth, t = window.innerHeight) : 0 == document.documentElement.clientWidth ? (e = document.body.clientWidth, t = document.body.clientHeight) : (e = document.documentElement.clientWidth, t = document.documentElement.clientHeight), {
width: e,
height: t
function wndorientation() {
return window.orientation
function make_include_string(e, t, n) {
var i = "never" === ? 0 : "undefined" == typeof jQuery ? "undefined" : _typeof(jQuery),
o = "";
if (e) {
var a = bouncex.cookie;
e = "reloadCampaigns"
} else if (e = "init1", CustomVariables.varsToExpire && 0 < CustomVariables.varsToExpire.length) {
a = bouncex.cookie;
CustomVariables.varsToExpire.forEach(function(e) {
o += "&vdef[" + + "]=" + escape(e.default).replace(/\+/g, "%2B")
} else a = getBounceCookie();
a = bouncex.stringify(a);
var r = bouncex.stringify(bouncex.visit_cookie);
bcx_vars = "";
var s = {};
for (var c in bouncex.vars) bcx_vars += "&vars[" + c + "]=" + escape(bouncex.vars[c]), s[c] = bouncex.vars[c] + "";
bouncex.varsToAPI = JSON.stringify(s), bouncex.cookieToAPI = JSON.stringify(bouncex.cookie);
var u = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset(),
b = bouncex.wndsize(),
l = b.width + "x" + b.height,
d = getTimeMs(),
p = bouncex.psh && bouncex.psh.supported ? 1 : 0,
x = {
tojQ: i,
cts: d,
tzo: u,
resolution: l,
referrer: bouncex.referrer,
calling_url: bouncex.calling_url,
visit_cookie: escape(r),
cookie: escape(a) + bcx_vars.replace(/\+/g, "%2B") + o,
cookie_too_large: bouncex.cookie_too_large,
bp: p,
etp: JSON.stringify(getEnabledPageTypes()),
pts: || "",
compliance_flag: bouncex.complianceFlag || ""
g = + "/bounce/" + e + ".js" + bouncex.utils.url.generateQuerystring(x, "?");
if (shouldCheckDfp()) {
var m = bouncex.gbi2.getDfpLineItemIds();
0 < m.length && (g += "&dfp[]=".concat(m.join(",")))
if ("reloadCampaigns" == e) {
if (g += "&pvid=" + bouncex.state.pvid, bouncex.campaigns)
for (var f in bouncex.campaigns) bouncex.campaigns[f].ad_visible && (g += "&vc[]=" + f);
null != t && (g += "&rltype=" + t), null != n && (g += "&rlname=" + n), bouncex.cookie.t && (g += "&testmode=" + bouncex.cookie.t)
return bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.hardID && (g += "&hard_id=" + bouncex.dg.hardID), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID && (g += "&soft_id=" + bouncex.dg.softID), g
function unload_campaigns() {
if (
for (var e in unload_campaign(e)
function unload_campaign(e) {
if ( &&[e])
for (var t in[e]) "object" == _typeof([e][t]) ? jQuery([e][t]).unbind(t) : "function" == typeof[e][t] ?[e][t]() : clearTimeout([e][t]), delete[e][t]
function unhideSite() {
clearTimeout(bouncex.usd.timeout), bouncex.usd.callback(), delete bouncex.usd
function can_show_ad(e, t) {
if (!bouncex.campaigns[e]) return !1;
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].qbxtest && !bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible) return !(!t && bouncex.campaigns[e].hasBehavioralCriteria && !behavioralCriteriaComplete(e));
var n = e,
i = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id; && i && e != bouncex.gbi.stacks[i].leader_id && (e = bouncex.gbi.stacks[i].leader_id);
var o = getTime2();
if (bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), bouncex.cookie.lvt = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].lvt = o, setBounceCookie(), !t) {
if (("none" != bouncex.campaigns[e].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && bouncex.overlay_visible) return !1;
if (bouncex.campaigns[n].ad_visible) return !1;
if (0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].tvao) {
var a = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) - (document.documentElement.clientTop || 0);
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].tvao > a) return !1
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].hasBehavioralCriteria && !behavioralCriteriaComplete(e)) return !1
return !(bouncex.campaigns[n].failed || 0 < && >= && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[e].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && !bouncex.campaigns[e].is_man || 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].map && bouncex.campaigns[e].ap >= bouncex.campaigns[e].map || 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].mas && bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].as >= bouncex.campaigns[e].mas || !bouncex.campaigns[e].is_man && 0 < && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[e].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && <= || 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].mao && bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ao >= bouncex.campaigns[e].mao || !bouncex.campaigns[e].is_man && !bouncex.campaigns[e].ipc && ( || bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ls || bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].submitted) && bouncex.campaigns[e].is_ec || (bouncex.campaigns[e].is_pers || bouncex.campaigns[e].closed_no_show) && bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].wcv || bouncex.campaigns[e].repressed || t && bouncex.campaigns[e].hasBehavioralCriteria && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].activation_registry.length && !bouncex.campaigns[e].realtimeArmed && behavioralCriteriaComplete(e) || bouncex.campaigns[e].purchase_no_show && > bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].la)
function close_ad(e, t, n) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e] && bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible && (bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible = !1, ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[e].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && (bouncex.overlay_visible = !1, && (bouncex.timespaced = !0,[e].timeout_timespace = setTimeout2(function() {
bouncex.timespaced = !1
}, 1e3 *, bouncex.campaigns[e].ng && close_ad_ng(e), unrepressCampaigns(e), event_js_eval(e, "close"), bouncex.campaigns[e].listeners.stopAll(), !t)) {
var i = e; && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id && i != bouncex.gbi.stacks[bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id].leader_id && (i = bouncex.gbi.stacks[bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id].leader_id), bouncex.cookie.campaigns[i].wc = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[i].wcv = getTime2(), setBounceCookie(), n || report(e, "close"), "reload" === bouncex.campaigns[e].close_redirect_type ? bouncex.reload_campaigns() : bouncex.campaigns[e].close_redirect_type && bouncex.campaigns[e].close_redirect_url && ([e].timeout_close_redirect = teleport(bouncex.campaigns[e].close_redirect_type, bouncex.campaigns[e].close_redirect_url))
function close_ad_ng(e) {
if ("tabtitle" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].type || bouncex.campaigns[e].control || (bouncex.campaigns[e].custom_tab_title.favicon_url && TabTalk.changeFavicon(e, !0), TabTalk.cancelTitleUpdate(e)), bouncex.campaigns[e].control || bouncex.campaigns[e].noCreative && !isGbi2Campaign(e)) return !1;
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.unbind("click.bcx_campaign_click_" + e, handleClick), bouncex.browser.ios && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.length && ("conversionbar" === bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "nanobar" === bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && (bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.unbind(".bcx_ios_input_fix_" + e), removeIosInputFix(e));
var t = "timeout_auto_submission_close";
for (var n in[e][t] && (clearTimeout([e][t]), delete[e][t]),[e]) - 1 !== n.indexOf("campaign_timer") && (clearInterval([e][n]), delete[e][n]);
if (close_ad_ng_post_outro(e), "no_effect" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].transitionEffect) {
var i = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e);
bouncex.on(i, "animationend webKitAnimationEnd", function() {, "animationend webKitAnimationEnd"), clearInterval(bouncex.campaigns[e].animationTimeout), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.removeClass("bx-impress bx-impress-out")
}), bouncex.campaigns[e].animationTimeout = setTimeout2(function() {
bouncex.campaigns[e] && !bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible && (, "animationend webKitAnimationEnd"), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.removeClass("bx-impress bx-impress-out"))
}, 1e3)
} else bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.removeClass("bx-impress");
hideAlly(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.isVideo && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.player && bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.player.remove()
function close_ad_ng_post_outro(e) {
"overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && (hideAllyOverlayPostOutro(e), bouncex.browser.iphone || bouncex.browser.ipad ? (bouncex.html.removeClass("bx-client-overlay-ios"), bouncex.body.removeClass("bx-client-overlay-ios"), bouncex.window.scrollTop(bouncex.preImpressScrollY)) : (bouncex.html.removeClass("bx-client-overlay"), bouncex.body.removeClass("bx-client-overlay"))), bouncex.campaigns[e].blur_gate_enabled && ("agilityzone" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "annotation" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && blurGateRemove(e)
function trigger_ad(e, t, n) {
var i = bouncex.campaigns[t];
if ("manual" !== e) {
var o = makeUniqueInstrumentId(e, n);
if (i.hasBehavioralCriteria && (addTriggerToRegistry(o, t), i.realtimeArmed && !evaluateBehavioralTriggers([o], i.activations))) return behavioralCriteriaComplete(t)
show_ad(e, t)
function show_ad(type, ca_id) {
var ca = bouncex.campaigns[ca_id];
if (isGbi2Campaign(ca_id) && !ca.dynamic_anchor && bouncex.gbi2.tryPop(ca_id, type), can_show_ad(ca_id) && (!isGbi2Campaign(ca_id) || bouncex.gbi2.canShowPubCampaign(type, ca_id))) {
if ( || perf.times("showad"), ca.trigger = type, {
if (ca.gbi && ("index" == ca.gbi.provider || "tabr" == ca.gbi.provider || "dfphtml" == ca.gbi.provider || "pbm" == ca.gbi.provider || "aqbx" == ca.gbi.provider) && !ca.gbi.contentLoaded && !ca.gbi.isVideo) {
var call = "tabr" == ca.gbi.provider ? "requestCompleteMultiple" : "requestCompleteSingle";
return bouncex.gbi[call](ca_id, ca.gbi.html, function() {
ca.gbi.contentLoaded = !0, show_ad(type, ca_id), 1 < ca.gbi.step && (setJumpStep(ca_id, ca.gbi.step, !1), nextStep(ca_id))
}), !1
var checkPlayVideo = !isBxPlayerCampaign(ca_id) || void 0 ===;
if (checkPlayVideo && isPlayableVideoCampaign(ca_id, !0)) return playVideo(ca_id, !0, type), !1
if (isGbi2Campaign(ca_id) && !ca.gbi.contentLoaded && !ca.gbi.contentLoading && "function" == typeof ca.onImpression) return ca.gbi.contentLoading = !0, ca.onImpression(function() {
ca.gbi.contentLoading = !1, ca.gbi.contentLoaded = !0, show_ad(type, ca_id)
if (bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].ad_visible = !0, bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].impression_click_reported = !1, bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].submitted = !1, noteCookieAdShown(ca_id), isBxPlayerCampaign(ca_id) ?, type) : report(ca_id, "pop", {
"pop:activation": type
}), bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].ng && _prepareAndDisplay(ca_id), "teleport" != bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].overlay && !bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].noCreative && (show_close(ca_id), bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].ad_auto_close)) {
var delay = bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].is_pers ? calc_delay_cvt(bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].ad_auto_close) : 1e3 * bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].ad_auto_close;[ca_id].timeout_auto_close = setTimeout2(function() {
}, delay)
if (bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_overlay || bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_top || bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_bottom)
for (var nca_id in bouncex.campaigns) nca_id != ca_id && (bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_overlay && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].type) || bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_top && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].ctop || "nanobar" == bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].type) || bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].supress_bottom && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].cbottom || "conversionbar" == bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].type)) && (bouncex.campaigns[nca_id].supressed_by_ca_id = ca_id, close_ad(nca_id, !0));
if (repressCampaigns(ca_id), bouncex.usd && unhideSite(), event_js_eval(ca_id, "impression"), bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].osfn_website) try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "osfn_website",
ca_id: ca_id
function repressCampaigns(e) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_overlay || bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_top || bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_bottom)
for (var t in bouncex.campaigns) t != e && (bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_overlay && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[t].coverlay || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[t].type) || bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_top && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[t].ctop || "nanobar" == bouncex.campaigns[t].type) || bouncex.campaigns[e].repress_bottom && ("none" != bouncex.campaigns[t].cbottom || "conversionbar" == bouncex.campaigns[t].type)) && (bouncex.campaigns[t].repressed_by_ca_id = e, bouncex.campaigns[t].repressed = !0)
function unrepressCampaigns(e) {
for (var t in bouncex.campaigns) bouncex.campaigns.hasOwnProperty(t) && bouncex.campaigns[t].repressed_by_ca_id === e && (delete bouncex.campaigns[t].repressed_by_ca_id, delete bouncex.campaigns[t].repressed)
function show_ad_ng(e, t) {
function _prepareAndDisplay(e) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].control || ("tabtitle" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type ? TabTalk.updateTitle(e) : "teleport" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && teleport("_self", bouncex.campaigns[e].overlay_teleport_html)), bouncex.campaigns[e].control || bouncex.campaigns[e].noCreative && !isGbi2Campaign(e)) return !1;
if (googleTrustedStoresBadgeFix(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].submittedYet && (bouncex.campaigns[e].submittedYet = !1),[e].edwTimeout && clearTimeout([e].edwTimeout), bouncex.campaigns[e].forceLastStep = !1, bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step ? (bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step = 1, bouncex.nextStep(e)) : (bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step = 2, bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step = 1, CouponCodes.insertCodesInCurrentStep(e)), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.bind("click.bcx_campaign_click_" + e, {
ca_id: e
}, handleClick), !(bouncex.browser.msie || bouncex.browser.ipad || bouncex.browser.iphone)) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-click-to-copy");
0 < t.length && (bouncex.on(t, "click", function() {
}), bouncex.on(t, "copy", clickToCopy))
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-input, .bx-textarea"), (!bouncex.browser.msie || 8 < bouncex.browser.msie) && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.length && bxBind(bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs, "keydown.bcx_campaign_input_" + e + " focus.bcx_campaign_input_" + e + " blur.bcx_campaign_input_" + e + " change.bcx_campaign_input_" + e + " paste.bcx_campaign_input_" + e + " keyup.bcx_campaign_input_" + e, handleInputEvents), "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type)
if (bouncex.overlay_visible = !0, bouncex.browser.iphone || bouncex.browser.ipad) bouncex.preImpressScrollY = bouncex.window.scrollTop(), bouncex.html.addClass("bx-client-overlay-ios"), bouncex.body.addClass("bx-client-overlay-ios"), bouncex.html[0].scrollTop = 1, bouncex.body[0].scrollTop = 1;
else {
var n = getStyle(bouncex.html[0], "overflow-y");
"auto" == n || "scroll" == n ? bouncex.html.addClass("bx-client-overlay") : bouncex.body.addClass("bx-client-overlay")
else if ("nanobar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "conversionbar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "liquidscreen" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) {
var i = jQuery("#bx-campaign-" + e + "-clone");
"nanobar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "liquidscreen" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type ? bouncex.body.prepend(i) : "conversionbar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && bouncex.body.append(i)
} else "annotation" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && bxBind(window, "resize.bx_campaign_" + e, function() {
}, e);
if (bouncex.browser.ios && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.length && ("conversionbar" === bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "nanobar" === bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.bind("touchstart.bcx_ios_input_fix_" + e, {
ca_id: e
}, handleIosInputTouchStart).bind("blur.bcx_ios_input_fix_" + e, {
ca_id: e
}, handleIosInputBlur), alignCampaign(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].blur_gate_enabled && ("agilityzone" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "annotation" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && blurGateAdd(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].shroud_on_hover && addShroudOnHover(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.addClass("bx-impress"), isGbi2Campaign(e) && bouncex.gbi2.handleImpression(e), showAlly(e), "no_effect" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].transitionEffect) {
var o = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e);
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.addClass("bx-impress-in"), bouncex.on(o, "animationend webKitAnimationEnd", function() {, "animationend webKitAnimationEnd"), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.removeClass("bx-impress-in")
}[e].ally_timeout = setTimeout2(function() {
runCampaignTimers(e), "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && focusOnFirstFocusableElement(e, !0)
}, 0), isPlayableVideoCampaign(e) && playVideo(e), && bouncex.psh.supported && bouncex.psh.showOptinPromptIfEligible(e)
function isPlayableVideoCampaign(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = n.gbi && n.gbi.isVideo;
if (t) {
if (! && i && n.gbi.playBeforeImpression && !n.gbi.videoResponseLoaded) return !0;
if (isBxPlayerCampaign(e) && return = !0, !0
} else {
if (!isBxPlayerCampaign(e) && i && n.gbi.config.playOnImpression && n.gbi.player && "playing" !== n.gbi.player.getState()) return !0;
if (isBxPlayerCampaign(e) && i && !n.ad_shown) return = !0, !0
return !1
function playVideo(e, t, n) {
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e];
BrowserUtil.currentTab.isVisible() ? (i.listeners.onTabVisibilityChange(function() {
}), t ? isBxPlayerCampaign(e) ?, e) : bouncex.gbi.playVideoBeforeImpression(n, e) : i && i.gbi && i.gbi.player ? : isBxPlayerCampaign(e) && : i.listeners.onTabVisible(playVideo.bind(this, e, t, n))
function runCampaignTimers(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.find(".bx-timer");
if (0 < t.length) {
var n = 0;
t.each(function(t, i) {
var o = "campaign_timer_" + ++n;
if (![e][o]) {
var a = jQuery(i),
r = a.attr("data-count-to"),
s = a.attr("data-count-from"),
c = a.attr("data-format"),
u = a.attr("data-on-complete"),
b = parseInt(a.attr("data-reset")),
l = /{0?days}/.test(c);
run_timer(r, s, c, l, u, b, a, o, e),[e][o] = setInterval2(function() {
run_timer(r, s, c, l, u, !1, a, o, e)
}, 1e3)
function blurGateAdd(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.blur_gate_targets = jQuery(t.callout_t + " ~ *").add(t.blur_gate_inclusions).not(t.blur_gate_exclusions).not(".bxc"), t.blur_gate_filler_placement = ? t.obj1 : t.calloutTarget, t.blur_gate_filler = jQuery(), bouncex.browser.msie && 9 >= bouncex.browser.msie ? blurGateAddUsingRedactedContent(e) : 10 === bouncex.browser.msie || 11 === bouncex.browser.msie || bouncex.browser.edge ? blurGateAddUsingTextShadow(e) : blurGateAddUsingCssFilters(e)
function blurGateAddUsingRedactedContent(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = 0;
t.blur_gate_targets.each(function(e, t) {
n += jQuery(t).height()
}), blurGateFillWithDummyContent(e, t.blur_gate_redacted_filler, n, 0);
var i = getStyle(t.calloutTarget[0], "color") || "#000",
o = bouncex.addCss(".bx-blur-" + e + ".bx-blur-redacted b { color:" + i + "!important; background-color:" + i + "!important; }", t.obj1[0], "bx-campaign-" + e + "-blur-redacted");
t.blur_gate_filler = t.blur_gate_filler.add(o), t.blur_gate_targets.addClass("bx-blur-" + e + " bx-blur-hide")
function blurGateAddUsingTextShadow(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
blurGateAddFillerIfNeeded(e, t.blur_gate_lorem_filler);
var n = getStyle(t.calloutTarget[0], "color") || "#000",
i = bouncex.addCss(".bx-blur-" + e + ".bx-blur-textshadow { text-shadow: 0 0 8px 1px " + n + "!important; }", t.obj1[0], "bx-campaign-" + e + "-blur-shadow");
t.blur_gate_targets.add(t.blur_gate_filler).addClass("bx-blur-" + e + " bx-blur-textshadow"), t.blur_gate_filler = t.blur_gate_filler.add(i)
function blurGateAddUsingCssFilters(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
blurGateAddFillerIfNeeded(e, t.blur_gate_lorem_filler), t.blur_gate_targets.add(t.blur_gate_filler).addClass("bx-blur-" + e + " bx-blur")
function blurGateRemove(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.blur_gate_filler && t.blur_gate_filler.remove(), t.blur_gate_targets && t.blur_gate_targets.removeClass("bx-blur-" + e + " bx-blur bx-blur-hide bx-blur-textshadow")
function blurGateAddFillerIfNeeded(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = 0;
n.blur_gate_targets.each(function(e, t) {
return (i += jQuery(t).height()) < 600
var o = 600 - i;
0 < o && blurGateFillWithDummyContent(e, t, o, 0)
function blurGateFillWithDummyContent(e, t, n, i) {
var o = bouncex.campaigns[e];
if (i < n) {
var a = o.blur_gate_filler.length % t.length,
r = jQuery(t[a]);
var s = r.height();
0 < s && (o.blur_gate_filler = o.blur_gate_filler.add(r), blurGateFillWithDummyContent(e, t, n, i + s))
function addShroudOnHover(e) {
var t, n = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e),
i = jQuery("#bx-hover-shroud-" + e);
n.length && i.length && (bxBind(n, "mouseenter.bx-backdrop", function() {
t = setTimeout2(function() {
}, 150)
}, e), bxBind(n, "mouseleave.bx-backdrop", function() {
clearTimeout(t), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.removeClass("bx-hover-shroud-on")
}, e))
function destroy_ad(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].mobile_interval && clearInterval(bouncex.campaigns[e].mobile_interval), unload_campaign(e), close_ad(e, !0), bouncex.campaigns[e].ng && jQuery("#bx-campaign-" + e + ",#bx-campaign-" + e + "-clone").remove(), bouncex.campaigns[e] && !t && (bouncex.campaigns[e].activeTimeCallback && ActiveTime.clearCallback(bouncex.campaigns[e].activeTimeCallback), delete bouncex.campaigns[e])
function getScript(e, t) {
url: e,
cache: !0,
dataType: "script",
success: t
function clickToCopy(e) {
var t = jQuery(,
n = t.text().trim();
"Copied!" == n ? t.text(n) : (e.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", n), e.preventDefault(), t.text("Copied!"), setTimeout2(function() {
}, 1e3))
function showGenieFormErrors(e, t, n) {
var i = !!n && n.errors;
if (i) {
var o = jQuery();
for (var a in i)
if (i.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
var r = t.find(".bx-error-" + e + "-" + a).text(i[a]).closest(".bx-row");
r.addClass("bx-row-validation"), r.find(":input").attr("aria-invalid", !0).attr("aria-describedby", "bx-error-" + e + "-" + a), o = o.add(r)
return o.eq(0).find(":input").focus(), !1
return !0
function setSubmittedCookies(e) {
bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), bouncex.campaigns[e].submitted = !0, bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].ls = getTime2(), bouncex.campaigns[e].is_ec && ( = !0), setBounceCookie()
function processSubmittedCampaignForm(e, t) {
if (bouncex.carbTrap = bouncex.carbTrap || "" !== e["carb-trap"], !bouncex.carbTrap) {
setSubmittedCookies(t), bouncex.state.redactEmail = !(! || !preventUserTracking({
"user:source": "bouncex overlay",
campaignid: t
}, "email")), && 1 == && 1 == && bouncex.push(["user", {
source: "bouncex overlay",
campaignid: t
}]), reportGa(t, "submission"), event_js_eval(t, "submission", e), "function" == typeof bouncex.onformsubmit && bouncex.onformsubmit(;
var n = !!bouncex.campaigns[t].trigger_offsite_json && JSON.parse(bouncex.campaigns[t].trigger_offsite_json);
n && n.campaignId && bouncex.push(["requestemail", {
campaignId: n.campaignId,
testmode: visitorTestMode("bxdev") ? 1 : 0
}]), post_submit_redirect(t)
function processCampaignSubmitClose(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].acas && ([e].timeout_auto_submission_close = setTimeout2(function() {
}, 1e3 * bouncex.campaigns[e].acas)), t && bouncex.close_ad(e, !1, !0)
function processLastStep(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].submittedYet || (bouncex.campaigns[e].submittedYet = !0, processSubmittedCampaignForm(queryStringToObject(bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-input").serialize()), e), processCampaignSubmitClose(e, t))
function loadCouponsAndValidateForm(e) {
CouponCodes.insertCodesInFormAndSubmit(e, function(e) {
validateForm(bouncex.campaigns[e].jform, e)
}.bind(this, e))
function validateForm(e, t) {
if (bouncex.formSubmitting) return !1;
bouncex.formSubmitting = !0, next_sequence_id();
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t].next_step == bouncex.campaigns[t].numSteps && !bouncex.campaigns[t].noPostSubmit || bouncex.campaigns[t].forceLastStep,
i = bouncex.campaigns[t].current_step == bouncex.campaigns[t].numSteps && (1 === bouncex.campaigns[t].numSteps || bouncex.campaigns[t].noPostSubmit),
o = n || i ? 1 : 0,
a = e.serialize();
for (var r in a += "&step=" + bouncex.campaigns[t].current_step + "&visit_id=" + bouncex.cookie.vid + "&m=" + bouncex.cookie.m + "&d=" + bouncex.cookie.d, a += "&cookie=" + encodeURIComponent(bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie)), a += "&pos=overlay&step_name=before", a += "&last_step=" + o, a += "&device_id=" + bouncex.cookie.did, a += "&cts=" + getTimeMs(), a += "&pvid=" + bouncex.state.pvid, a += "&url=" + bouncex.calling_url, a += "&request_token=" + bouncex.state.request_token, bouncex.cookie.t && (a += "&testmode=" + bouncex.cookie.t), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.hardID && (a += "&hard_id=" + bouncex.dg.hardID), bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID && (a += "&soft_id=" + bouncex.dg.softID), bouncex.vars) a += "&var[" + r + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(bouncex.vars[r]);
var s = e.attr("action");
e.find(".bx-row-validation").removeClass("bx-row-validation"), e.find('[aria-invalid="true"]').removeAttr("aria-invalid");
var c = {
url: s,
data: a,
dataType: "jsonp",
contentType: "multipart/form-data",
crossDomain: !0,
global: !1,
success: function(n) {
bouncex.formSubmitting = !1,[t].edwTimeout && clearTimeout([t].edwTimeout), showGenieFormErrors(t, e, n) && (bouncex.nextStep(t), o && processLastStep(t, i)), jQuery.event.trigger({
campaign_id: t,
isEmptyResponse: !n,
response: n,
stepNumber: bouncex.campaigns[t].current_step,
type: "bxValidateFormComplete"
error: function() {
bouncex.formSubmitting = !1, bouncex.nextStep(t)
bouncex.campaigns[t].edw || ([t].edwTimeout = setTimeout2(function() {
bouncex.nextStep(t), o && processLastStep(t, i)
}, 2500)), _records2.default.addRecord({
group: "email_capture",
campaignId: t,
}), jQuery.ajax(c)
function submitCampaignStep(e, t) {
return e = t || e, 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].jform.find(".bx-input").length ? loadCouponsAndValidateForm(e) : nextStep(e), !1
function setJumpStep(e, t, n) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].jumpStep = t, bouncex.campaigns[e].forceLastStep = n
function nextStep(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].jumpStep && (bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step = bouncex.campaigns[e].jumpStep, bouncex.campaigns[e].jumpStep = !1), bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step <= bouncex.campaigns[e].numSteps && (bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.find(".bx-step-" + e + "-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step).removeClass("bx-active-step"), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.find(".bx-step-" + e + "-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step).addClass("bx-active-step"), cacheCreativeForm(e, bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.removeClass("bx-active-step-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step).addClass("bx-active-step-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step), bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step = bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step, bouncex.campaigns[e].next_step++, CouponCodes.insertCodesInCurrentStep(e), show_close(e), alignCampaign(e), setFocusableElements(e), focusOnFirstFocusableElement(e, !0)), && bouncex.psh.supported && bouncex.psh.showOptinPromptIfEligible(e)
function handleInputEvents(e) {
var t = jQuery(this),
n = t.closest(".bx-row");
switch (e.type) {
case "focus":
case "blur":
case "keydown":
t.css("min-height", t.outerHeight()), {
Backspace: null,
Tab: null,
Enter: null,
ShiftLeft: null,
ShiftRight: null,
ControlLeft: null,
ControlRight: null,
AltLeft: null,
AltRight: null,
CapsLock: null,
ArrowLeft: null,
ArrowUp: null,
ArrowRight: null,
ArrowDown: null,
MetaLeft: null,
OSLeft: null,
MetaRight: null,
OSRight: null
}.hasOwnProperty(e.code) && {
8: null,
9: null,
13: null,
16: null,
17: null,
18: null,
20: null,
37: null,
38: null,
39: null,
40: null,
91: null,
93: null,
224: null
}.hasOwnProperty(e.keyCode) || n.addClass("bx-has-text");
case "change":
case "paste":
case "keyup":
0 < t.val().length ? n.addClass("bx-has-text") : n.removeClass("bx-has-text")
function handleClickReporting(e, t, n) {
var i = "default" === n,
o = 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].jform.find(".bx-input").length;
if ("nothing" === n || "submit" === t && i && o) return !1;
"close" === t && i ? n = "close" : i && (n = "click"),, n)
function handleClick(e) {
var t =,
n = jQuery(,
i = n.attr("data-click") ? n : n.closest("#bx-campaign-" + t + " [data-click]", "#bx-campaign-" + t),
o = i.attr("data-click"),
a = parseInt(i.attr("data-ignore-bubbles")) && !,
r = i.attr("data-click-report") || "default",
s = parseInt(i.attr("data-fb-login"));
if (0 === i.length || a) return !0;
if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), handleClickReporting(t, o, r), "close" === o) 1 == bouncex.utils.getNestedProp("bouncex.campaigns[" + t + "].video.vast.isVPAID") && bouncex.campaigns[t], bouncex.close_ad(t, !1, !0);
else if ("nothing" === o) s && bouncex.fb.popCa(t);
else if ("hyperlink" === o) {
var c = i.attr("href");
if ("_blank" === i.attr("target")) {
var u =;
u.opener = null, u.location = c
} else setTimeout2(function() {
window.location.href = c
}, 300)
} else if ("sms-optin" === o) bouncex.sms.optInMobile(t);
else if ("trigger" === o) {, "click");
var b = parseInt(i.attr("data-click-trigger"));
bouncex.campaigns[b] || (b = by_parent_id(b)), bouncex.campaigns[b] && bouncex.show_ad(b)
} else if ("submit" === o) {
var l = parseInt(i.attr("data-submit-jump")),
d = parseInt(i.attr("data-submit-force")),
p = parseInt(i.attr("data-step-delay"));
if (p) return setTimeout2(function() {
s ? bouncex.fb.nextStep(t, l, d) : (bouncex.setJumpStep(t, l, d), bouncex.submitCampaignStep(t))
}, p);
s && !p ? bouncex.fb.nextStep(t, l, d) : (bouncex.setJumpStep(t, l, d), bouncex.submitCampaignStep(t))
function run_timer(e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, c) {
var u = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[c].fsa,
b = getTime2(),
l = e - b;
"first_impression" === t && (a && 0 >= u + l && (u = bouncex.cookie.campaigns[c].fsa = b, setBounceCookie()), l += u), 0 >= l && (clearInterval([c][s]), l = 0, "close" === o && close_ad(c));
var d = n.replace(/{(.*?)}/gi, function(e, t, n, o) {
var a = 0,
r = "floor",
s = '<span class="bx-ally-label">' + ("0days" === t ? "days" : t) + "</span>";
return "0days" === t || "days" === t ? (r = 0 == o.split("{").length - 1 ? "ceil" : "floor", a = l / 60 / 60 / 24) : "hours" === t ? a = i ? l / 60 / 60 % 24 : l / 60 / 60 : "minutes" === t ? a = l / 60 % 60 : "seconds" === t && (a = l % 60), '<span class="bx-timer-units bx-timer-' + t + '">' + (10 > (a = Math[r](a)) && "days" != t ? "0" + a : a) + s + "</span>"
function by_parent_id(e) {
for (var t in bouncex.campaigns)
if (bouncex.campaigns[t].pid == e) return t;
return null
function show_close(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].ng && show_close_ng(e, t)
function show_close_ng(e, t) {
function n(t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.removeClass("bx-has-close-inside bx-has-close-outside"), t && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.addClass("bx-has-close-" + t)
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e].closePlacement[bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step - 1];
t ? n(i = i || "outside") : 1 === bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step ? bouncex.campaigns[e].close_button_delay && (n(!1),[e].timeout_close_delay = setTimeout2(function() {
n(bouncex.campaigns[e].closePlacement[bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step - 1]), delete[e].timeout_close_delay, "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && setFocusableElements(e)
}, 1e3 * bouncex.campaigns[e].close_button_delay)) : (bouncex.campaigns[e].show_close_step || ![e].timeout_close_delay) && (n(i),[e].timeout_close_delay && (clearTimeout([e].timeout_close_delay), delete[e].timeout_close_delay)), "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && setFocusableElements(e)
function getCampaignTransitionEffect(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].ng ? 0 : 1;
return bouncex.campaigns[e][bouncex.cookie.campaigns[e].as > t ? "te2" : "te"]
function placeCampaign(e) {
!bouncex.campaigns[e].ng || "agilityzone" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].type && "annotation" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].type ? bouncex.body.append(bouncex.campaigns[e].html) : placeCallout(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].placed = !0
function placeCallout(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutTarget = bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutTarget || jQuery(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_t).eq(0), bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutPlacementTarget = bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutPlacementTarget || jQuery(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pt).eq(0);
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1 || jQuery(bouncex.campaigns[e].html);
"annotation" !== bouncex.campaigns[e].type && t.css({
marginTop: parseInt(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_voffset) + "px",
marginLeft: parseInt(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_hoffset) + "px"
}), bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutPlacementTarget.length ? bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutPlacementTarget[bouncex.campaigns[e].dom_placement_method](t) : bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutTarget[bouncex.campaigns[e].dom_placement_method](t)
function alignCampaign(e) {
var t = parseInt(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_hoffset) || 0,
n = parseInt(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_voffset) || 0;
if ("nanotab" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "conversioncorner" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "dynamicwallpaper" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "railbar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.removeClass("bx-fixed-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.addClass("bx-fixed-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos), bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos = bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos, "dynamicwallpaper" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && {
var i = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e).width();
"content_right" == bouncex.campaigns[e].header_bottom_alignment ? t += parseInt(( + +i) / 2) : t -= parseInt(( + +i) / 2)
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-slab").css("margin-left", t + "px"), -1 === bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos.indexOf("b") ? bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-align").css("margin-top", n + "px") : bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-align").css("margin-bottom", -n + "px"), "dynamicwallpaper" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && && (-1 < bouncex.campaigns[e].header_bottom_alignment.indexOf("right") ? bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-shroud").css({
left: "50%",
"margin-left": parseInt( / 2) + "px"
}) : -1 < bouncex.campaigns[e].header_bottom_alignment.indexOf("left") && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-shroud").css({
left: "auto",
right: "50%",
"margin-right": parseInt( / 2) + "px"
} else if ("annotation" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutTarget.length) {
var o = bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutTarget,
a = bouncex.campaigns[e].dom_placement_method,
r = bouncex.campaigns[e].calloutPlacementTarget,
s = bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_anchor_pos.substr(0, 1),
c = bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_anchor_pos.substr(1, 2),
u = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-creative");
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.hasClass("bx-annotation-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos) || (bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.removeClass("bx-annotation-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.addClass("bx-annotation-" + bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos), bouncex.campaigns[e].lastCalloutPos = bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_pos);
var b = {
height: parseInt(o.height()),
width: parseInt(o.width()),
outerHeight: parseInt(o.outerHeight()),
outerWidth: parseInt(o.outerWidth())
l = {
x: 0,
y: 0
d = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
p = 0,
x = 0;
if (r && 0 < r.length) {
var g = parseInt(r.outerHeight()),
m = r.outerWidth() / 2 + r.offset().left,
f = b.outerWidth / 2 + o.offset().left,
h = r.outerHeight() / 2 + r.offset().top,
v = b.outerHeight / 2 + o.offset().top;
p = {
before: o.offset().top - r.offset().top,
after: v + b.outerHeight / 2 - (h + g / 2),
prepend: o.offset().top - b.outerHeight / 2 - r.offset().top,
append: v + b.outerHeight - (h + g)
}[a], x = f - m
if (b.outerHeight - b.height || b.outerWidth - b.width)
for (var _ in d) d[_] = parseInt(o.css("padding-" + _)) + parseInt(o.css("border-" + _ + "-width"));
var y = {
l: -d.left - b.width / 2,
c: (d.right - d.left) / 2,
r: d.right + b.width / 2
w = {
m: - b.outerHeight / 2,
b: -d.bottom - b.height
if ("before" === a || "after" === a) {
var k = parseInt(o.css("marginLeft")) - parseInt(o.css("marginRight"));
l.x = (d.left - d.right + k) / 2, "before" === a && (l.y =, "after" === a && (l.y = b.height + d.bottom + parseInt(o.css("marginBottom")))
u.css("margin", "0 0 " + (w + l.y - p - n) + "px " + (y + l.x + x + t) + "px")
function align_callout(e, t, n, i) {
n = void 0 !== n && n;
var o = bouncex.campaigns[t].c_button,
a = bouncex.campaigns[t],
r = o.offset(),
s = parseInt(,
c = parseInt(r.left),
u = parseInt(e.height()),
b = parseInt(e.width()),
l = parseInt(o.outerWidth(!1)),
d = parseInt(o.outerHeight(!1)),
p = a.callout_pos.substr(0, 1),
x = a.callout_pos.substr(1, 2),
g = a.callout_anchor_pos.substr(0, 1),
m = a.callout_anchor_pos.substr(1, 2);
"l" == p ? c += 0 : "c" == p ? c -= parseInt(b / 2) : "r" == p && (c -= b), "r" == g ? c += l : "c" == g ? c += parseInt(l / 2) : "l" == g && (c += 0), "t" == x ? s += 0 : "m" == x ? s -= parseInt(u / 2) : "b" == x && (s -= u), "b" == m ? s += d : "m" == m ? s += parseInt(d / 2) : "t" == m && (s += 0), s += parseInt(a.callout_voffset), c += parseInt(a.callout_hoffset), "down" == n && void 0 !== i ? e.animate({
top: s + i + "px"
}, 400) : "up" == n ? e.animate({
top: s - i
}, 400) : e.css({
top: s + "px",
left: c + "px"
function align_callout_public(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].c_button = jQuery(bouncex.campaigns[e].callout_t).eq(0), align_callout(jQuery("#campaign_" + e + "_container_callout"), e)
function handleIosInputTouchStart(e) {
function addIosInputFix(e) {
if (!bouncex.campaigns[e].hasIosInputFix) {
var t = "conversionbar" === bouncex.campaigns[e].type ? document.body.scrollHeight : 0;
bouncex.head.append('<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" id="bx-ios-meta-' + e + '"/>'), window.scrollTo(0, t), bouncex.campaigns[e].hasIosInputFix = !0
function handleIosInputBlur(e) {
function removeIosInputFix(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].hasIosInputFix && (jQuery("#bx-ios-meta-" + e).remove(), bouncex.campaigns[e].hasIosInputFix = !1)
function showAlly(e) {
"overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && showAllyOverlay(e), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.attr("aria-hidden", !1)
function showAllyOverlay(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].tabDecoys.bind("focus.bcx_campaign_ally_" + e, {
ca_id: e
}, handleTabDecoyFocus), bouncex.body.bind("keydown.bcx_campaign_ally_" + e, {
ca_id: e
}, handleAllyKeyDown), bouncex.campaigns[e].focusedBeforeCampaign = jQuery(document.activeElement), bouncex.campaigns[e].siblings = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2.siblings(), bouncex.campaigns[e].siblings.each(function() {
var e = jQuery(this),
t = {
"aria-hidden": "true",
"aria-live": "off"
for (var n in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var i = e.attr(n);
i && e.attr("data-bx-" + n, i), e.attr(n, t[n])
}), setFocusableElements(e)
function hideAlly(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.attr("aria-hidden", !0), "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type && hideAllyOverlay(e)
function hideAllyOverlay(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].tabDecoys.unbind("focus.bcx_campaign_ally_" + e, handleTabDecoyFocus), bouncex.body.unbind("keydown.bcx_campaign_ally_" + e, handleAllyKeyDown), bouncex.campaigns[e].focusedBeforeCampaign && bouncex.campaigns[e].focusedBeforeCampaign.focus()
function hideAllyOverlayPostOutro(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].siblings.each(function() {
for (var e = jQuery(this), t = ["aria-hidden", "aria-live"], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var i = t[n],
o = e.attr("data-bx-" + i);
o ? e.attr(i, o) : e.removeAttr(i), e.removeAttr("data-bx-" + i)
function setFocusableElements(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.focusableEls = t.obj1.find("form, :input, a").not(":hidden, .bx-ally-tab-decoy, .bx-carb-trap, .bx-ally-no-focus")
function focusOnFirstFocusableElement(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = t ? n.focusableEls.not(".bx-close-outside, .bx-close-inside") : n.focusableEls;
i.eq(0) && i.eq(0).focus()
function focusOnLastFocusableElement(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = t ? n.focusableEls.not(".bx-close-outside, .bx-close-inside") : n.focusableEls;
i.eq(i.length - 1) && i.eq(i.length - 1).focus()
function handleAllyKeyDown(e) {
var t =;
("Escape" === e.code || 27 === e.keyCode) && bouncex.close_ad(t)
function handleTabDecoyFocus(e) {
var t =,
n = bouncex.campaigns[t];
e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), this === n.tabDecoys.get(0) ? focusOnLastFocusableElement(t) : this === n.tabDecoys.get(1) && focusOnFirstFocusableElement(t)
function isGbi2Campaign(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return !!(t && t.gbi && t.gbi.placements)
function isBxPlayerCampaign(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return !!(t && isGbi2Campaign(e) &&
function gbi2Enabled() {
return bouncex.gbi2 &&
function init_activation_funcs() {
for (var e in bouncex.campaigns) bouncex.campaigns[e].activation_registry = [], bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !1,[e] =[e] || {}, can_show_ad(e, !0) && !bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible && function(e) {
var t = 0;
bouncex.campaigns[e].activation_delay && (t = calc_delay_cvt(bouncex.campaigns[e].activation_delay)),[e].timeout_activation = setTimeout2(function() {
}, t)
function cacheCreativeForm(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].jform = jQuery("#bx-form-" + e + "-step-" + t)
function setAccessibilityProperties(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
bouncex.browser.msie && "overlay" == t.type && t.obj2.removeAttr("role"), t.tabDecoys = t.obj1.find(".bx-ally-tab-decoy")
function setTransitionEffect(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.transitionEffect = getCampaignTransitionEffect(e), t.transitionEffect && "no_effect" !== t.transitionEffect && t.obj2.addClass("bx-fx-" + t.transitionEffect)
function assignDomReferencesToCampaign(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1 = jQuery("#bx-campaign-" + e), bouncex.campaigns[e].obj2 = jQuery(".bx-campaign-" + e)
function applyCampaignStyles(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
bouncex.addCss(t.styles, t.obj1[0], "bx-campaign-" + e)
function setCalloutTarget(e) {
("annotation" === e.type || "agilityzone" === e.type) && evalCalloutTarget(e)
function init_activation(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = && t.osr_params_json && !t.osrItems;
if (!t) return !1;
if (isGbi2Campaign(e)) return gbi2Enabled() && !t.gbi.hasBegunAuction && bouncex.gbi2.initCampaign(e), !1;
if (setCalloutTarget(t), isMissingTarget(t)) return t.failed = !0, !1;
if (t.failed || t.placed) return !1;
if (t.html && placeCampaign(e), && t.gbi && t.gbi.stack_id) {
var i = t.gbi.stack_id;
bouncex.gbi.stacks[i].started || initGbiStack(i)
} ? (assignDomReferencesToCampaign(e), n || cacheCreativeForm(e, 1), setAccessibilityProperties(e), t.listeners = new EventListeners, event_js_eval(e, "preactivation"), t.styles && applyCampaignStyles(e), t.control || t.noCreative || setTransitionEffect(e), loadImages(t.images || [], function() {
if ( && t.gbi && t.gbi.provider) bouncex.gbi.log(e, "requesting v2 ad unit"), bouncex.gbi.request(e);
else if (n)
if ("product" !== bouncex.osr.init(e, !1);
else {
if (!bouncex.osr.viewItemId) return !1;
bouncex.osr.init(e, bouncex.osr.viewItemId)
else activate_campaign(e)
})) : t.html ? isDeprecatedFunction("ca.html else block") : activate_campaign(e)
function loadImagesCount(e, t) {
return 0 === --e && t(), e
function loadImages(e, t) {
var n, i = n = e.length;
if (i)
for (var o = 0; o < n; o += 1)
if (8 === bouncex.browser.msie && -1 !== e[o].indexOf(".svg")) i = loadImagesCount(i, t);
else {
if ("string" == typeof e[o]) {
var a = e[o];
0 !== a.indexOf("http") && 0 !== a.indexOf("//") && (a = "//" + a);
var r = jQuery('<img src="' + a + '"/>')
} else r = jQuery(e[o]);"load", function() {
i = loadImagesCount(i, t)
}), r.length && r.get(0).complete && (i = loadImagesCount(i, t))
else t()
function activate_campaign(e) {
return bouncex.campaigns[e] && !bouncex.campaigns[e].activated && void(bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi && !isGbi2Campaign(e) ? ? !bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider && activateGbiCampaign(e) : (bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !0, bouncex.log(e + ": incompatible extension")) : (campaignEligible(e), activateInstruments(e)))
function activateInstruments(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].hasBehavioralCriteria ? (initBehavioralCriteriaInstruments(e), onlyBehavioralCriteriaNegations(e) && (bouncex.campaigns[e].realtimeArmed = !0, initActivationInstruments(e))) : initActivationInstruments(e)
function campaignEligible(e) {
return !bouncex.campaigns[e].activated && (bouncex.campaigns[e].activated = !0, report(e, "eligible"), void event_js_eval(e, "activation"))
function initBehavioralCriteriaInstruments(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].list_of_rt_activations || [];
for (var n in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var i = t[n];
i.val = parseSiteElementSelector(i.val),[i.activation](i.prop, i.val, e, i.prop2, i.prop3, i.prop4, i.prop5, i.prop6)
function initActivationInstruments(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].activations;
for (var n in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var i = t[n];
i.val = parseSiteElementSelector(i.val),[i.activation](i.prop, i.val, e, i.prop2, i.prop3, i.prop4, i.prop5, i.prop6)
function hasBehavioralCriteria(e) {
return 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].list_of_rt_activations
function onlyBehavioralCriteriaNegations(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].list_of_rt_activations,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].activations_rt;
return !!(0 < t.filter(function(e) {
return e.shouldBeAbsent
}).length) && (1 === n.length || 0 === t.filter(function(e) {
return !e.shouldBeAbsent
function makeUniqueInstrumentId(e, t) {
if (!t) return e;
var n = t.slice(0, 2).concat(t.slice(3));
return e + "_" + ["prop", "val", "prop2", "prop3", "prop4", "prop5", "prop6"].map(function(e, t) {
return n[t]
function getUniqueInstrumentId(e) {
return -1 === ["bounce", "manual", "control", "inter", "back", "pers"].indexOf(e.activation) ? ["activation", "prop", "val", "prop2", "prop3", "prop4", "prop5", "prop6"].map(function(t) {
return e[t]
}).join("_") : e.activation
function addTriggerToRegistry(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t]; - 1 !== n.activation_registry.indexOf(e) || n.activation_registry.push(e)
function behavioralCriteriaComplete(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return t.realtimeArmed ? !!BehavioralCriteria.evaluate(t.activation_registry, t.activations_rt, e) && evaluateBehavioralTriggers(t.activation_registry, t.activations) : !!BehavioralCriteria.evaluate(t.activation_registry, t.activations_rt, e) && (t.realtimeArmed = !0, initActivationInstruments(e), !1)
function evaluateBehavioralTriggers(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if (-1 !== e.indexOf(getUniqueInstrumentId(t[n]))) return !0;
return !1
function activation_funcs() {
var e = Math.abs,
t = [];
return t.manual = function() {}, t.control = function(e, t, n) {
trigger_ad("control", n)
}, t.inter = function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.cookie.vpv >= e && trigger_ad("inter", n)
}, t.bounce = function(e, t, n) {
bxBind("html,body", "mouseout.bouncex_show_" + n, function(e) {
process_mouse_out(e, n)
}, n), (bouncex.browser.msie || bouncex.browser.safari && 50 >= bouncex.browser.safari) && bxBind("html,body", "mousemove.bouncex_show_" + n, function(e) {
process_mouse_move(e, n)
}, n)
}, t.iosbounce = function(e, t, n) {
if (!bouncex.browser.ios) return !1;
var i =,
o = {
previousHeight: wndsize().height,
thresholdHeight: wndsize().height,
previousOrientation: wndorientation(),
previousPosition: bouncex.window.scrollTop(),
isScrollingUp: !1,
touchLock: !1,
touchEnded: !0
bxPassiveBind(window, "touchstart.bouncex_iosbounce_" + n, function(e) {
o.touchLock = !0, o.touchEnded = !1, o.previousPosition = e.pageY, o.thresholdHeight = wndsize().height
}, n), bxPassiveBind(window, "touchend.bouncex_iosbounce_" + n, function(e) {
o.isScrollingUp = o.previousPosition < e.pageY, o.touchEnded = !0, clearTimeout([n]["touch_timeout_" + n]),[n]["touch_timeout_" + n] = setIosBounceTouchTimeout(o)
}, n), bxPassiveBind(window, "resize.bouncex_iosbounce_" + n, function() {
o.touchLock ? (clearTimeout([n]["touch_timeout_" + n]),[n]["touch_timeout_" + n] = setIosBounceTouchTimeout(o)) : (clearTimeout([n]["orientation_timeout_" + n]),[n]["orientation_timeout_" + n] = setIosBounceTimeout(n, o, "yes" === t, i))
}, n)
}, t.mobile_bounce = function(n, i, o) {
if ( {
if (bouncex.browser.ios) {
var a = bouncex.campaigns[o].activations;
for (var r in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(r) && "iosbounce" === a[r].activation) return !1;
return t.iosbounce(n, i, o)
var s, c =,
u = 0,
b = "yes" === i,
l = 0;
clearInterval(bouncex.campaigns[o].mobile_interval), bouncex.campaigns[o].mobile_interval = setInterval2(function() {
var t, n = window.scrollY,
i = e(n - u);
n > u ? s = "down" : n < u && (s = "up"), t = bouncex.campaigns[o].ad_visible && b && "down" === s, !0 === bouncex.campaigns[o].ad_shown && l++, can_show_ad(o) && "up" === s && 50 < .1 * i ? (trigger_ad("mobile_bounce", o, c), !b && clearInterval(bouncex.campaigns[o].mobile_interval)) : t && 10 < l && (clearInterval(bouncex.campaigns[o].mobile_interval), close_ad(o, !0)), u = n
}, 100)
}, t.timer = function(e, t, n) {[n].timeout_timer = setTimeout2(function() {
trigger_ad("timer", n, [e, t])
}, 1e3 * parseInt(t))
}, t.back = function(e, t, n) {
if (!window.angular) {
var i = !1;
if ("landing_page" == e ? bouncex.state.iol && (i = !0) : i = !0, i && history.pushState) {
if (!history.state || !history.state.bx_rewind)
if ( && (bouncex.browser.iphone || bouncex.browser.ipad)) {
var o = "touchend.bcx_rewind_fix_" + n;
bxBind(bouncex.body, o, function() {
bouncex.body.unbind(o), history.pushState({
bx_rewind: "bx_rewind1"
}, "", "")
}, n)
} else history.pushState({
bx_rewind: "bx_rewind1"
}, "", decodeURIComponent(bouncex.calling_url));
bouncex.original_hash = window.location.hash, bxBind(bouncex.window, "popstate.bcx_popstate_" + n, function(t) {
history.state || "landing_page" == e && bouncex.browser.safari && history.state && history.state.bx_rewind || bouncex.original_hash !== window.location.hash || history.state && history.state.bx_rewind || "popstate" != t.type || (can_show_ad(n) ? (trigger_ad("back", n), clearTimeout(bouncex.rewind_control_timeout), bouncex.campaigns[n].control && !bouncex.rewind_variation_timeout ? bouncex.rewind_control_timeout = setTimeout2(function() {
}, 300) : bouncex.rewind_variation_timeout = setTimeout2(function() {
delete bouncex.rewind_variation_timeout
}, 300)) : (bouncex.window.unbind("popstate.bcx_popstate_" + n), history.back()))
}, n)
}, t.pers = function(e, t, n) {
var i = !1;
bouncex.campaigns[n].is_pers = !0, "landing_page" == e && bouncex.state.iol ? i = !0 : "landing_page" != e && (i = !0), i && trigger_ad("pers", n)
}, t.worm = function(e, t, n) {
noteCookieAdShown(n), report(n, "pop", {
"pop:activation": "worm"
}), teleport("_self", t)
}, t.inactivity = function(e, t, n) {
var i =,
o = "mousemove.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " keydown.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " DOMMouseScroll.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " mousewheel.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " mousedown.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " touchstart.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " touchmove.bouncex_inactivity_" + n + " focus.bouncex_inactivity_" + n;
bxPassiveBind(window, o, function() {
clearTimeout([n].inactivity),[n].inactivity = setInactivityTimeout(n, t, o, i)
}, n),[n].inactivity = setInactivityTimeout(n, t, o, i)
}, t.reactivity = function(e, t, n) {
var i =,
o = "mousemove.bouncex_activity_" + n + " keydown.bouncex_activity_" + n + " DOMMouseScroll.bouncex_activity_" + n + " mousewheel.bouncex_activity_" + n + " mousedown.bouncex_activity_" + n + " touchstart.bouncex_activity_" + n + " touchmove.bouncex_activity_" + n + " focus.bouncex_activity_" + n;
bxPassiveBind(window, o, function() {
clearTimeout([n].reactivity),[n].reactivity = setReactivityTimeout(n, t, o, i)
}, n),[n].reactivity = setReactivityTimeout(n, t, o, i)
}, t.scroll = function(t, n, i, o, a) {
var r, s, c, u =,
b = jQuery(document).height(),
l = bouncex.wndsize().height,
d = parseInt(n);
t = 1 === t, o = !!o && parseInt(o), c = t || o, a = !!a, bxBind(window, "scroll.bouncex_" + i, function() {
var n, p, x, g, m, f = (new Date).getTime(),
h = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop,
v = bouncex.wndsize(),
_ = v.height !== l,
y = v.height + h + 5 >= b || 0 >= h - 5,
w = bouncex.campaigns[i].ad_visible,
k = !c,
C = !c;
if (p = t ? (b - v.height - h) / (b - v.height) * 100 : (h + v.height) / b * 100, n = t ? p >= d : 100 < parseInt(p) + d && p > r, c && (void 0 === s || null == p)) return s = f, void(r = p);
c && (x = t ? (b - v.height) * (r - p) / 100 : b * (p - r) / 100, g = 100 * e(x / (f - s)), m = 0 < x, k = t && !m || !t && m, C = !o || g >= o);
s = f, r = p, l = v.height, !a || _ || y || (!w || k) && (!w || n) || (close_ad(i, !0), !can_show_ad(i, !0) && jQuery(window).unbind("scroll.bouncex_" + i)), C && n && k && !_ && !y && (trigger_ad("scroll", i, u), !can_show_ad(i, !0) && !a && jQuery(window).unbind("scroll.bouncex_" + i))
}, i)
}, t.mclick = function(e, t, n) {
var i =;
if ("left" == e && "teleport" == bouncex.campaigns[n].overlay && "_self" !== bouncex.campaigns[n].overlay_teleport_type) {
var o = function() {
trigger_ad("mclick", n, i)
bxBind(window.document, "click.bouncex_mclick_" + n, o, n)
} else {
o = function(t) {
var o = t.keyCode || t.which || t.button;
t.button && 2 == t.button && (o = 3), ("left" == e && 1 == o || "any" == e) && trigger_ad("mclick", n, i), ("right" == e && 3 == o || "any" == e) && trigger_ad("mclick", n, i), can_show_ad(n, !0) ||, "mousedown.bouncex_mclick_" + n)
bxBind(window.document, "mousedown.bouncex_mclick_" + n, o, n)
}, t.hover = function(e, t, n, i) {
var o =;
e = e ? _Mathround(1e3 * e) : 500, i = 1 === i;
var a = t.replace(/\W/g, ""),
r = jQuery(t),
s = showHover.bind(null, n, a, o),
c = handleHover.bind(null, n, a, e, t, i, s),
u = unhandleHover.bind(null, n, a);
bxBind(t, "mouseenter.bx" + n + a, c, n), bxBind(t, "mouseleave.bx" + n + a, u, n),[n]["listener_hover" + a] = function() {
r.unbind("mouseenter.bx" + n + a, c), r.unbind("mouseleave.bx" + n + a, u), r.unbind("mouseleave.bx" + n + a, s)
}, t.clickon = function(e, t, n) {
var i =,
o = t.replace(/\W/g, ""),
a = function() {
jQuery(t).length && (trigger_ad("clickon", n, i), !can_show_ad(n, !0) &&[n]["listener_clickon" + o]())
void 0 === bouncex.body.on ? (bouncex.body.delegate(t, "click.bx" + n + o, a),[n]["listener_clickon" + o] = function() {
bouncex.body.undelegate(t, "click.bx" + n + o, a)
}) : (bouncex.body.on("click.bx" + n + o, t, a),[n]["listener_clickon" + o] = function() {"click.bx" + n + o, t, a)
}, t.change = function(e, t, n) {
var i =,
o = t.replace(/\W/g, ""),
a = function() {
jQuery(t).length && (trigger_ad("change", n, i), !can_show_ad(n, !0) &&[n]["listener_change" + o]())
void 0 === bouncex.body.on ? (bouncex.body.delegate(t, "change.bx" + n + o, a),[n]["listener_change" + o] = function() {
bouncex.body.undelegate(t, "change.bx" + n + o, a)
}) : (bouncex.body.on("change.bx" + n + o, t, a),[n]["listener_change" + o] = function() {"change.bx" + n + o, t, a)
}, t.waypoint = function(e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s) {
var c =;
o = !!o, a = !!a, r = !!r, s = !!s, offsetUnitIsPercent = !!i, e = parseInt(e) || 0;
var u = jQuery(t).eq(0);
if (u.length) {
var b, l, d, p, x = "scroll.bx.waypoint." + n + " resize.bx.waypoint." + n,
g = bouncex.window,
m = getCurrentScrollPosition(g, a),
f = crossedWaypointDown = hasCrossedWaypoint = hasReversedWaypoint = isScrollingDown = isScrollingUp = !1,
h = function() {
l = u.height(), d = offsetUnitIsPercent ? l * e / 100 : e, p = u.offset().top + d + (r ? 0 : l), b = getCurrentScrollPosition(g, a), isScrollingUp = b < m, isScrollingDown = b > m, f = isScrollingUp && p <= m && p > b, crossedWaypointDown = isScrollingDown && p >= m && p < b, hasCrossedWaypoint = f && o || crossedWaypointDown && !o, hasReversedWaypoint = f && !o || crossedWaypointDown && o, hasCrossedWaypoint && (trigger_ad("waypoint", n, c), !s && !can_show_ad(n, !0) && g.unbind(x)), hasReversedWaypoint && s && (close_ad(n, !0), !can_show_ad(n, !0) && g.unbind(x)), m = getCurrentScrollPosition(g, a)
bxBind(window, x, function() {
clearTimeout([n].waypoint_debounce_timeout),[n].waypoint_debounce_timeout = setTimeout2(h, 30)
}, n)
}, t.highlight_text = function(e, t, n, i) {
var o =;
e = parseInt(e) || 5, i = parseInt(i) || 5;
var a = jQuery(t).eq(0);
if (a.length) {
var r = a.text().toLowerCase().trim(),
s = "mouseup.bouncex_highlight_text_" + n;
bxBind(bouncex.body, s, function() {
var t = "";
window.getSelection ? t = window.getSelection().toString().toLowerCase() : document.selection && "Control" != document.selection.type && (t = document.selection.createRange().text.toLowerCase());
var a = t.substring(t.length - e, t.length),
c = t.substring(0, e);
t.length >= e && (-1 < t.indexOf(r) || -1 < r.indexOf(t) || a.length >= e && -1 < r.indexOf(a) || c.length >= e && -1 < r.indexOf(c)) && t.length <= r.length + i && (trigger_ad("highlight_text", n, o), !can_show_ad(n, !0) && bouncex.body.unbind(s))
}, n)
}, t.tab_unfocus = function(e, t, n, i, o) {
var a = parseInt(e),
r =;
bxBind(window, "blur.bouncex_tabunfocus_" + n, function() {[n].tabunfocus_delay =[n].tabunfocus_delay || setTimeout2(function() {
trigger_ad("tab_unfocus", n, r), bxBind(window, "focus.bouncex_tabunfocus_" + n, function() {
bouncex.window.unbind("focus.bouncex_tabunfocus_" + n), "yes" === i && report(n, "click"), "yes" === o && (clearTimeout([n].tabunfocus_delay), delete[n].tabunfocus_delay, close_ad(n))
}, n), can_show_ad(n, !0) || bouncex.window.unbind("blur.bouncex_tabunfocus_" + n)
}, 1e3 * a)
}, n)
}, t.finished_typing = function(e, t, n) {
var i =,
o = jQuery(t).eq(0);
if (o.length) {
var a = t.replace(/\W/g, "");
bxBind(t, "keyup.bx" + n + a + ", blur.bx" + n + a, function(e) {
var t = jQuery(this).val();
handleFinishedTyping(e, n, a, o, i, t)
}, n)
}, t.active_time = function(e, t, n) {
var i =;
bouncex.campaigns[n].activityArgs = i, bouncex.campaigns[n].activeTimeCallback = ActiveTime.addCallback(t, function() {
trigger_ad("active_time", n, bouncex.campaigns[n].activityArgs)
}, t
function setCampaignCalloutTargetToIndex(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
n.calloutTarget = jQuery(n.callout_t).eq(t)
function handleHover(e, t, n, i, o, a) {[e]["timeout_" + t] = setTimeout2(function() {
o ? bxBind(i, "mouseleave.bx" + e + t, a, e) : a()
}, n)
function unhandleHover(e, t) {
clearTimeout([e]["timeout_" + t]), delete[e]["timeout_" + t]
function showHover(e, t, n) {
trigger_ad("hover", e, n), can_show_ad(e, !0) ||[e]["listener_hover" + t]()
function getCurrentScrollPosition(e, t) {
return e.scrollTop() + (t ? e.height() : 0)
function setInactivityTimeout(e, t, n, i) {
return setTimeout2(function() {
trigger_ad("inactivity", e, i), bxPassiveUnbind(window, n)
}, 1e3 * t)
function setReactivityTimeout(e, t, n, i) {
return setTimeout2(function() {
bxPassiveUnbind(window, n);
var o = "mousemove.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " keydown.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " DOMMouseScroll.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " mousewheel.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " mousedown.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " touchstart.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " touchmove.bouncex_reactivity_" + e + " focus.bouncex_reactivity_" + e;
bxPassiveBind(window, o, function() {
bxPassiveUnbind(window, o), trigger_ad("reactivity", e, i), can_show_ad(e, !0) && bxPassiveBind(window, n, function() {
clearTimeout([e].reactivity),[e].reactivity = setReactivityTimeout(e, t, n)
}, e)
}, e)
}, 1e3 * t)
function handleFinishedTyping(e, t, n, i, o, a) {
clearTimeout([t]["typing_timeout_" + n]), "" !== a && ("Tab" !== e.code && "Enter" !== e.code || 9 !== e.keyCode && 13 !== e.keyCode) && ([t]["typing_timeout_" + n] = setTimeout2(function() {
trigger_ad("finished_typing", t, o), can_show_ad(t, !0) || i.unbind("keyup.bx" + t + n + ", blur.bx" + t + n)
}, "blur" === e.type ? 0 : 1500))
function process_mouse_move(e, t) {
var n = e.layerY ? e.layerY : e.pageY;
if (bouncex.direction = !!(18 >= n - (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop)) && "up", 0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].iao || 0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].rao) {
var i = e.layerX ? e.layerX : e.pageX;
bouncex.lastX = 0 < i ? i : 1
function process_mouse_out(e, t) {
var n = e || window.event,
i = n.toElement,
o = n.relatedTarget,
a = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
if (!(o && (o === this || bouncex.contains(this, o)) || i && "HTML" != i.nodeName))
if (bouncex.browser.msie && "up" == bouncex.direction) {
if (0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].iao)
if (bouncex.lastX < bouncex.campaigns[t].iao) return !1;
if (0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].rao)
if (a - bouncex.lastX < bouncex.campaigns[t].rao) return !1;
trigger_ad("bounce", t), can_show_ad(t, !0) || jQuery("html,body").unbind("mouseout.bouncex_show_" + t)
} else if (!bouncex.browser.msie && (5 > e.clientY && -50 < e.clientY || bouncex.browser.safari && (-32768 == e.clientY || 671 == e.clientY) && "up" == bouncex.direction)) {
if (0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].iao)
if ((e.layerX ? e.layerX : e.pageX) < bouncex.campaigns[t].iao) return !1;
if (0 < bouncex.campaigns[t].rao)
if (a - (e.layerX ? e.layerX : e.pageX) < bouncex.campaigns[t].rao) return !1;
40 < ? (![t].bouncex_timeout && ([t].bouncex_timeout = setTimeout2(function() {
trigger_ad("bounce", t),[t].bouncex_timeout = !1, jQuery(document).unbind("mouseenter.bx_bouncex_mousenter_" + t), can_show_ad(t, !0) || jQuery("html,body").unbind("mouseout.bouncex_show_" + t)
}, 0)), bxBind(document, "mouseenter.bx_bouncex_mousenter_" + t, function() {
jQuery(document).unbind("mouseenter.bx_bouncex_mousenter_" + t), clearTimeout([t].bouncex_timeout),[t].bouncex_timeout = !1
}, t)) : (trigger_ad("bounce", t), !can_show_ad(t, !0) && jQuery("html,body").unbind("mouseout.bouncex_show_" + t))
function teleport(e, t) {
return "_blank" == e ?, e) : setTimeout2(function() {, e)
}, 300)
function setIosBounceTouchTimeout(e) {
return setTimeout2(function() {
e.touchEnded && (wndsize().height > e.thresholdHeight && (e.threshold = wndsize().height - e.thresholdHeight), e.touchLock = !1, e.previousHeight = wndsize().height)
}, 900)
function setIosBounceTimeout(e, t, n, i) {
return setTimeout2(function() {
var o = wndsize().height;
return t.touchLock ? void(t.previousHeight = o) : t.previousOrientation === wndorientation() ? t.isScrollingUp ? void(t.isScrollingUp = !1) : (o < t.previousHeight && t.previousHeight - o == t.threshold ? (trigger_ad("iosbounce", e, i), !n && !can_show_ad(e, !0) && (bxPassiveUnbind(window, "resize.bouncex_iosbounce_" + e), bxPassiveUnbind(window, "touchstart.bouncex_iobounce_" + e), bxPassiveUnbind(window, "touchend.bouncex_iosbounce_" + e))) : n && bouncex.campaigns[e].ad_visible && (close_ad(e, !0), !can_show_ad(e, !0) && (bxPassiveUnbind(window, "resize.bouncex_iosbounce_" + e), bxPassiveUnbind(window, "touchstart.bouncex_iobounce_" + e), bxPassiveUnbind(window, "touchend.bouncex_iosbounce_" + e))), void(t.previousHeight = o)) : (t.previousOrientation = wndorientation(), void(t.previousHeight = o))
}, 100)
function setTimeout2(e, t) {
return && 1 > t ? (tryCatch(e)(), !1) : setTimeout(tryCatch(e), t)
function evalCalloutTarget(e) {
e.callout_t = parseSiteElementSelector(e.callout_t)
function parseSiteElementSelector(e) {
if (e && 0 < e.length && "{" === e.charAt(0)) {
var t = e.substr(1, e.length - 2);
return e
function setInterval2(e, t) {
return setInterval(tryCatch(e), t)
function isMissingTarget(e) {
return !("annotation" !== e.type && "agilityzone" !== e.type || e.callout_t && 0 < e.callout_t.length && 0 < jQuery(e.callout_t).length)
function loadBounceCss(e) {
e = "function" == typeof e ? e : function() {}, bouncex.css_added ? e() : (bouncex.addCss('@charset "UTF-8";.bx-client-body,.bxc svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}.bxc,.bxc button,.bxc select{text-transform:none}.bxc a,.bxc a:active,.bxc a:focus,.bxc a:hover,.bxc.bx-base .bx-close:hover{text-decoration:none}.bxc body{margin:0}.bxc article,.bxc aside,.bxc details,.bxc figcaption,.bxc figure,.bxc footer,.bxc header,.bxc hgroup,.bxc main,.bxc menu,.bxc nav,.bxc section,.bxc summary{display:block}.bxc audio,.bxc canvas,.bxc progress,.bxc video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}.bxc audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}.bxc [hidden],.bxc template{display:none}.bxc a{background-color:transparent}.bxc a:active,.bxc a:hover{outline:0}.bxc abbr[title]{border-bottom:1px dotted}.bxc b,.bxc strong{font-weight:700}.bxc dfn{font-style:italic}.bxc h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}.bxc mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}.bxc small{font-size:80%}.bxc sub,.bxc sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}.bxc sup{top:-.5em}.bxc sub{bottom:-.25em}.bxc img{border:0}.bxc figure{margin:1em 40px}.bxc hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0}.bxc pre{overflow:auto}.bxc code,.bxc kbd,.bxc pre,.bxc samp{font-family:monospace,monospace;font-size:1em}.bxc button,.bxc input,.bxc optgroup,.bxc select,.bxc textarea{color:inherit;font:inherit;margin:0}.bxc button{overflow:visible}.bxc button,.bxc input[type=button],.bxc input[type=reset],.bxc input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}.bxc button[disabled],.bxc input[disabled]{cursor:default}.bxc button::-moz-focus-inner,.bxc input::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;padding:0}.bxc input{line-height:normal}.bxc input[type=checkbox],.bxc input[type=radio]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}.bxc input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,.bxc input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}.bxc 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1s;-moz-animation-iteration-count:1;-moz-animation-fill-mode:forwards;-o-animation:animationFramesRight ease 1s;-o-animation-iteration-count:1;-o-animation-fill-mode:forwards;-ms-animation:animationFramesRight ease 1s;-ms-animation-iteration-count:1;-ms-animation-fill-mode:forwards}@keyframes animationFrames{0%{left:-1500px;top:0;opacity:0;transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}60%{left:30px;opacity:1}80%{left:-10px}100%{left:0;top:0;opacity:1;transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}}@-moz-keyframes animationFrames{0%{left:-1500px;top:0;opacity:0;-moz-transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}60%{left:30px;opacity:1}80%{left:-10px}100%{left:0;top:0;opacity:1;-moz-transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}}@-webkit-keyframes animationFrames{0%{left:-1500px;top:0;opacity:0;-webkit-transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}60%{left:30px;opacity:1}80%{left:-10px}100%{left:0;top:0;opacity:1;-webkit-transform:rotate(0) scaleX(1) scaleY(1)}}@-o-keyframes 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function bxBind(e, t, n, i) {
e = jQuery(e);
i && ([i][t] = e), e.bind(t, tryCatch(n, {
source: "bxBind",
ca_id: i
function bxPassiveBind(e, t, n, i) {
var o = t.split(" ");
n = tryCatch(n, {
source: "bxPassiveBind",
ca_id: i
}), bouncex.passiveEventRegistry[t] = n, i && ([i][t] = function() {
bxPassiveUnbind(e, t)
for (var a, r = 0, s = o.length; r < s; r++) a = o[r].split(".")[0], addEvent(e, a, n, !0)
function bxPassiveUnbind(e, t) {
for (var n = bouncex.passiveEventRegistry[t], i = t.split(" "), o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++) removeEvent(e, i[o].split(".")[0], n, !0)
function addEvent(e, t, n, i) {
e.addEventListener(t, n, !!i && {
passive: !0,
capture: !1
function removeEvent(e, t, n, i) {
e.removeEventListener(t, n, !!i && {
passive: !0,
capture: !1
function calc_delay_cvt(e) {
var t = 1e3 * (bouncex.cookie.cvt - getTime2() + e);
return 0 > t ? 0 : t
function fs() {
if (!bouncex.browser.msie) return !0;
if (void 0 === bouncex.fixed_supported) try {
bouncex.fixed_supported = isFixedSupported()
} catch (e) {
bouncex.fixed_supported = !0
return bouncex.fixed_supported
function isFixedSupported() {
var e = document.body;
if (document.createElement && e && e.appendChild && e.removeChild) {
var t = document.createElement("div");
if (!t.getBoundingClientRect) return null;
t.innerHTML = "x", = "position:fixed;top:100px;", e.appendChild(t);
var n =,
i = e.scrollTop; = "3000px", e.scrollTop = 500;
var o = t.getBoundingClientRect().top;
return = n, e.removeChild(t), e.scrollTop = i, 100 === o
return null
function getTime2() {
var e = bouncex.server_client_time_diff ? bouncex.server_client_time_diff : 0;
return parseInt((new Date).getTime() / 1e3) + e
function getTimeMs() {
return (new Date).getTime()
function generateUniqueId() {
return getTimeMs() + Math.random()
function zoomDisable() {}
function zoomEnable() {}
function getStyle(e, t) {
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return n
function queryStringToObject(e) {
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return n
function googleTrustedStoresBadgeFix(e) {
("conversionbar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "conversioncorner" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "liquidscreen" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "nanobar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "nanotab" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "overlay" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type || "railbar" == bouncex.campaigns[e].type) && bouncex.addCss("body > #___ratingbadge_0 { z-index: 2147483627 !important; }", bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1[0], "bx-campaign-" + e + "-gts")
function isDeprecatedFunction(e) {
var t = isDeprecatedFunction.caller &&;
bouncex.err("deprecated function: " + (t || "") + "-" + (e || ""))
function activateGbiCampaign(e) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.ready) return !0;
if (bouncex.gbi.log(e, "activate gbi campaign"), bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.ready = !0, bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id;
bouncex.gbi.stacks[t].leader_id == e && "control" == bouncex.campaigns[e].ttype || (bouncex.gbi.log(e, "a campaign in the stack is ready, processing stack..."), processGbiStack(t))
} else bouncex.gbi.log(e, "activating out of stack campaign"), campaignEligible(e), activateInstruments(e)
function attachClickReportingToIframe(e, t) {
bouncex.on(e, "mouseenter.gbi_click_events_" + t, function() {
bouncex.on(bouncex.window, "blur.gbi_click_events_" + t, function() {, "click", {
value: "ad"
}),[t].gbi_click = function() {, "blur.gbi_click_events_" + t)
}, bouncex.on(e, "mouseleave.gbi_click_events_" + t,[t].gbi_click)
function canShowGbi() {
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.innerHTML = "&nbsp;", e.className = bouncex.lz.decompressFromURI("IYEwzgRgNg9gxgayA"), document.body.appendChild(e);
var t = e.offsetHeight;
return document.body.removeChild(e), 0 !== t
function clearGbiStackCampaigns(e, t) {
bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "clearing other campaigns...");
var n = bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].campaigns;
for (var i in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var o = n[i];
o != t && (bouncex.gbi.cancelRequest(o), bouncex.destroy_ad(o, !0))
function deactivateGbiCampaign(e) {[e].gbiRequest && clearInterval([e].gbiRequest), bouncex.gbi.log(e, "deactivate gbi campaign"), bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !0, bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.ready = !1
function finishGbiStack(e, t) {
bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].failed = !1, clearInterval([bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].leader_id].gbiStack), delete[bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].leader_id].gbiStack;
var n = "control" == bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].leader_id].ttype;
t || (bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].failed = !0, n && selectAdStackCampaign(bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].leader_id)), bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "done looking at stack [" + e + "] " + (bouncex.gbi.stacks[e].failed ? "failed" : "success"))
function initGbiStack(e, t) {
bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "Starting stack [" + e + "]");
var n = bouncex.gbi.stacks[e];
n.started = !0,[n.leader_id] || ([n.leader_id] = {}),[n.leader_id].gbiStack = setTimeout2(function() {
processGbiStack(e) || (9 < n.processCount ? (bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "stack [" + e + "]: ran out of tries"), finishGbiStack(e, !1)) : !n.finished && (bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "stack [" + e + "]: no winners yet. Trying again..."), initGbiStack(e, 1e3)))
}, t)
function processGbiStack(e) {
var t;
if ((t = bouncex.gbi.stacks[e]).finished) return bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "stack [" + e + "] already finished"), !1;
(t = bouncex.gbi.stacks[e]).processCount = t.processCount || 0, t.processCount++, bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "processing stack [" + e + "] (" + t.processCount + ") ...");
var n = t.campaigns;
for (var i in t.failedCount = 0, n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var o = n[i],
a = bouncex.campaigns[o];
if (a.failed) t.failedCount++, bouncex.gbi.log(o, "has failed");
else if ("control" == a.ttype && o == t.leader_id) t.failedCount++;
else {
if (!a.gbi.ready && a.gbi.config && a.gbi.config.stackWeight && a.gbi.config.stackWeight > t.processCount) return bouncex.gbi.log(o, "campaign with weight of " + a.gbi.config.stackWeight + " didn't have enough time"), !1;
if (a.gbi.ready) return selectAdStackCampaign(o), finishGbiStack(e, !0), !0;
bouncex.gbi.log(o, "not ready ")
return t.failedCount === n.length && (bouncex.gbi.log(!1, "stack [" + e + "]: all campaigns have failed"), finishGbiStack(e, !1), !1)
function selectAdStackCampaign(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id;
bouncex.gbi.stacks[t].finished = !0, bouncex.gbi.log(e, "selected"), campaignEligible(e), initActivationInstruments(e), bouncex.gbi.stacks[t].selectedCampaign = e, clearGbiStackCampaigns(t, e)
function EventListeners() {
this.listeners = {}, this.register = function(e) {
var t = generateUniqueId();
return this.listeners[t] = e, t
}, this.stop = function(e) {
this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this.listeners[e].stop(), delete this.listeners[e])
}, this.stopAll = function() {
for (var e in this.listeners) this.stop(e)
}, this.on = function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = this.register({
event: t,
selector: i,
stop: function() {, t + "." + o, i)
return bouncex.on(e, t + "." + o, n, i), o
}, this.setInterval = function(e) {
var t = BxInterval.addTask(e);
return this.register({
event: "bxInterval",
stop: function() {
}, this.onTabVisible = function(e) {
var t = this.register({
stop: function() {, "visibilitychange." + t)
bouncex.on(bouncex.document, "visibilitychange." + t, function() {
BrowserUtil.currentTab.isVisible() && (e(), this.stop(t))
}, this.onTabVisibilityChange = function(e) {
return this.on(bouncex.document, "visibilitychange", e)
var _Mathround = Math.round,
_Mathfloor = Math.floor,
_StringfromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), exports.wndsize = exports.wndorientation = void 0, exports.visitorTestMode = exports.updateQS = exports.unload_campaign = exports.tryCatch = exports.trigger_ad = exports.TabTalk = exports.stringify_cookie = exports.SinglePageApp = exports.show_ad = exports.shouldEnforcePolicies = exports.setTransitionEffect = exports.setTimeout2 = exports.setCampaignCalloutTargetToIndex = exports.setCalloutTarget = exports.setBounceVisitCookie = exports.setBounceCookieSingle = exports.setBounceCookieMulti = exports.setBounceCookieLocalStorage = exports.setBounceCookieFPLocalStorage = exports.setAccessibilityProperties = exports.report_submit = = exports.ReloadCampaigns = exports.Records = exports.qs = exports.placeCampaign = exports.perf = exports.parseSiteElementSelector = exports.parseJSON = exports.noteCookieAdShown = exports.next_sequence_id = exports.NativeCapture = exports.make_include_string = exports.Logger = exports.loadImages = exports.loadCouponsAndValidateForm = exports.isMissingTarget = exports.isBxInternalTraffic = exports.init_website_custom_js = exports.init_visit_cookie = exports.init_url_and_referrer = exports.init_testmode_after_cookie = exports.init_testmode_before_cookie = exports.InitSequence = exports.init_public_functions = exports.init_protocol_and_domain = exports.initPreInitCustomJs = exports.init_page_types = exports.init_ibx_tracking = exports.init_ibx = exports.init_event_tracking = exports.init_endpageview_event = exports.init_cookie_localstorage = exports.init_cookie_functions = exports.init_browser = exports.initBehavioralCriteriaInstruments = exports.initBa = exports.initActivationInstruments = exports.getUniqueInstrumentId = exports.getTimeMs = exports.getTime2 = exports.getScript = exports.getParam = exports.getBounceVisitCookie = exports.getBounceCookieSingle = exports.getBounceCookieMulti = exports.getBounceCookieLocalStorage = exports.getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage = exports.event_stream_report = exports.EventListeners = exports.event_js_eval = exports.evaluateBehavioralTriggers = exports.Debug = exports.CustomVariables = exports.Criteria = exports.createIframe = exports.CouponCodes = exports.ComplianceChecks = exports.close_ad = exports.clearBounceCookie = exports.can_show_ad = exports.can_init_post_cookie = exports.can_init = exports.campaignEligible = exports.cacheCreativeForm = exports.BxInterval = exports.buildReport = exports.BrowserUtil = exports.behavioralCriteriaComplete = exports.BehavioralCriteria = exports.bcxReady = exports.bcx_init = exports.baddjs = exports.assignDomReferencesToCampaign = exports.applyCampaignStyles = exports.addTriggerToRegistry = exports.activation_funcs = exports.ActiveTime = exports.activateInstruments = exports.activate_campaign = void 0;
var _recirc = __webpack_require__(6),
_recirc2 = _interopRequireDefault(_recirc),
_ads = __webpack_require__(7),
_ads2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ads),
_logger = __webpack_require__(1),
_logger2 = _interopRequireDefault(_logger),
_records = __webpack_require__(3),
_records2 = _interopRequireDefault(_records),
_sms = __webpack_require__(10),
_sms2 = _interopRequireDefault(_sms),
_trafficControl = __webpack_require__(2),
_trafficControl2 = _interopRequireDefault(_trafficControl),
_cookie = __webpack_require__(5);
bouncex.gbi2 = _ads2.default, bouncex.recirc = _recirc2.default, bouncex.sms = _sms2.default;
var InitSequence = {
status: {
preInit1Ready: !1,
startedInit1: !1,
init1Complete: !1
preInit1: {
entry: function() {
init_browser(), can_init() && (init_public_functions(), Debug.initErrorHandling(), init_protocol_and_domain(), init_url_and_referrer(), init_testmode_before_cookie(), ComplianceChecks.init(), (0, _cookie.init_cookie_check)(), init_cookie_functions(), init_visit_cookie(), !bouncex.local_storage_enabled && !bouncex.local_storage_initialized && InitSequence.preInit1.cookieReady(), init_dash())
cookieReady: function() {
can_init_post_cookie() && (init_cookie(), bouncex.cookieReady = !0, InitSequence.preInit1.postCookieFunctions(), InitSequence.preInit1.integrations(), InitSequence.init1.setStatus("preInitReady"), InitSequence.init1.serviceReady("preInit"))
postCookieFunctions: function() {
init_ibx(), initBa(), initPushedData(), && bouncex.psh.init_supported(), "object" === _typeof(window.bxconv) && report_conversion_sync(window.bxconv), init_testmode_after_cookie(), initAds()
integrations: function() {
initPreInitCustomJs(), ReloadCampaigns.init(), BxInterval.init(), SinglePageApp.init(), init_page_types(), CustomVariables.init()
init1: {
serviceReady: function(e) {
this.log("service ready: " + e), !this.isReadyToRequest() || InitSequence.status.startedInit1 || (this.setStatus("requesting"), this._request())
isReadyToRequest: function() {
return ComplianceChecks.compliancePassed ? InitSequence.status.preInit1Ready ? ! || bouncex.dg && bouncex.dg.softID || (this.log("bxid not ready", !0), !1) : (this.log("pre-init not ready", !0), !1) : (this.log("compliance check not ready", !0), !1)
_request: function() {
bcxReady(function() {
baddjs(make_include_string()), perf.times("init1request")
setStatus: function(e) {
"preInitReady" === e ? (this.log("pre-init ready"), InitSequence.status.preInit1Ready = !0) : "requesting" === e ? (this.log("requesting"), InitSequence.status.startedInit1 = !0) : "complete" === e && (this.log("complete"), InitSequence.status.init1Complete = !0)
log: function(e, t) {
InitSequence.log("init1", e, t)
postInit1: {
entry: function() {
return InitSequence.status.init1Complete || InitSequence.init1.setStatus("complete"), InitSequence.postInit1.pageReady() ? (perf.times("init1"), bouncex.state.no_kinesis &&, InitSequence.postInit1.publicAssignments(), InitSequence.postInit1.editCookie(), InitSequence.postInit1.preCampaignFunctions(), InitSequence.postInit1.integrations(), InitSequence.postInit1.loadCampaigns(), void bouncex.bcxReady(function() {
"function" == typeof window.bxAsyncInit ? window.bxAsyncInit() : bouncex.state.rc && bouncex.report_conversion(null, "scraping")
})) : (setTimeout2(function() {
}, 100), !1)
report: function() {
var e;
if (bouncex.state.newvid) {
var t = bouncex.wndsize();
e = {
"visit:useragent": navigator.userAgent,
"visit:referrer": bouncex.cookie.r,
"visit:landingpageurl": bouncex.cookie.lp,
"visit:resolutionx": t.width,
"visit:resolutiony": t.height,
"visit:customvariables": bouncex.varsToAPI,
"visit:cookie": bouncex.cookieToAPI,
"useragent:browser": bouncex.state.device.browser,
"useragent:version": bouncex.state.device.version,
"useragent:platform": bouncex.state.device.platform,
"useragent:devicetype": bouncex.state.device.device_type,
"customer:hasconverted": bouncex.vars.has_converted || ? 1 : 0
var n = ["country_code", "country_code3", "country_name", "city", "postal_code", "continent_code", "region", "region_name"];
for (var i in bouncex.state.geo)
if (bouncex.state.geo.hasOwnProperty(i) && -1 < n.indexOf(i) && bouncex.state.geo[i]) {
e["geo:" + i.replace("_", "")] = bouncex.state.geo[i]
event_stream_report("visit", e)
event_stream_report("pageview", e = {
"pageview:url": decodeURIComponent(bouncex.calling_url),
"pageview:customvariables": bouncex.varsToAPI,
"pageview:cookiesize": JSON.stringify(bouncex.cookie).length
pageReady: function() {
return !(!jQueryIsAvailable() || (InitSequence.postInit1.setupPage(), !bouncex.body || !bouncex.body.length))
setupPage: function() {
bouncex.window = jQuery(window).eq(0), bouncex.document = jQuery(document).eq(0), bouncex.body = jQuery("body").eq(0), bouncex.head = jQuery("head").eq(0), bouncex.html = jQuery("html").eq(0), = 0
publicAssignments: function() {
bouncex.direction = "up", = {}, bouncex.overlay_visible = !1, bouncex.server_client_time_diff = - parseInt(getTimeMs() / 1e3), 0 < && 0 == window.document.title.length && (window.document.title = window.location.hostname), init_post_campaign_public_function(), bouncex.timespaced = !1
editCookie: function() {
if (bouncex.cookie.v)
for (var e in bouncex.cookie.v) bouncex.vars[e] && bouncex.setv(e, bouncex.cookie.v[e]);
clearBounceCookie("multi_cookie" == || "fp_local_storage" ==, bouncex.setBounceCookie()
preCampaignFunctions: function() { && bouncex.dg.init(), shouldCheckDfp() && bouncex.gbi2.initDfp(), = activation_funcs(), bouncex.ibx._init(), && bouncex.psh.init(), bouncex.sms.init(), init_endpageview_event()
integrations: function() {
init_ibx_tracking(), init_event_tracking(), init_website_custom_js()
loadCampaigns: function() {
bouncex.campaigns ? (bouncex.loadBounceCss(function() {
bouncex.loadBrandStyles(), init_activation_funcs()
}), bouncex.loadWebfonts()) : bouncex.usd && unhideSite()
dynamic: {
tearDown: function() {
if (bouncex.campaigns)
for (var e in bouncex.campaigns) bouncex.campaigns.hasOwnProperty(e) && bouncex.destroy_ad(e);
CustomVariables.clearAll(), BxInterval.clearTasks()
startUp: function() {
init_url_and_referrer(), incrementPageView(),, InitSequence.preInit1.integrations(), InitSequence.postInit1.setupPage(), InitSequence.postInit1.integrations()
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: "init",
message: e + "-" + t
n ? _logger2.default.error(i) :
bouncex.push = function(e) {
bouncex.cookieReady ? processPushedData(e[0], e[1]) : bouncex.pushedData.push(e)
var SinglePageApp = {
init: function() {
if ( {
if ( && !visitorTestMode("spa")) return;
this._setParams(), this._pageChangeListener()
setCustomParams: function(e) {
e.shouldCheckSpa && (this._shouldCheckSpa = e.shouldCheckSpa), e.pageChangeListener && (BxInterval.stopTask("spa default listener"), this._pageChangeListener = e.pageChangeListener), e.currentPageIdentifier && (this._currentPageIdentifier = e.currentPageIdentifier)
_setParams: function() {
void 0 === this._shouldCheckSpa && (this._shouldCheckSpa = this._defaults.shouldCheckSpa), void 0 === this._pageChangeListener && (this._pageChangeListener = this._defaults.pageChangeListener), void 0 === this._currentPageIdentifier && (this._currentPageIdentifier = this._defaults.currentPageIdentifier)
_defaults: {
shouldCheckSpa: function() {
return !0
pageChangeListener: function() {
this._shouldCheckSpa() && BxInterval.addTask(this._detectPageChange.bind(this), 0, "spa default listener")
currentPageIdentifier: function() {
return window.location.pathname
_detectPageChange: function() {
this._currentPage = this._currentPageIdentifier(), this._prevPage = this._prevPage || this._currentPage, this._prevPage !== this._currentPage && (this.dynamicPageChange(), this._prevPage = this._currentPage)
dynamicPageChange: function() {
bouncex.log("%c ~ spa new page 🤘 ~", "color: #000FFF"), InitSequence.dynamic.tearDown(), InitSequence.dynamic.startUp(), ReloadCampaigns.addRequest("spa new page")
bouncex.psh = {
swr: {},
init: function() {
this.supported && (this.initialized = !0, this._clickthrough(), "sw" === this.type && "granted" === this.getCurrentPermission() && bouncex.ssl ? this.installServiceWorker().then(function() {
bouncex.psh.swr.pushManager.getSubscription().then(function(e) {
e && void 0 !== bouncex.cookie.bp && 0 !== bouncex.cookie.bp || bouncex.psh.subscribe()
}) : !this.confirmCookieValue() && this.setPermission(this.getCurrentPermission()))
_clickthrough: function() {
var e = bouncex.utils.getParam("psh_click");
if (e) {
var t = bouncex.cookie.pcs || {},
n = _Mathfloor((new Date).getTime() / 1e3);
t[e] = n, bouncex.cookie.pcs = t, setBounceCookie()
init_supported: function() {
this.type = this.getType(), this.supported = !!this.type, this.supported && !this.confirmCookieValue() && this.setPermission(this.getCurrentPermission()), this.supported || this.setPermission("denied")
confirmCookieValue: function() {
return "denied" === this.getCurrentPermission() && 0 === bouncex.cookie.bp || "default" === this.getCurrentPermission() && void 0 === bouncex.cookie.bp
getCurrentPermission: function() {
return Notification.permission
getCookiePermission: function(e) {
var t;
return "granted" == e ? t = 1 : "denied" == e && (t = 0), t
getType: function() {
return !(bouncex.browser.edge || bouncex.browser.msie || bouncex.browser.safari) && !!bouncex.ssl && !(navigator.serviceWorker && "denied" === Notification.permission) && !!navigator.serviceWorker && "sw"
setPermission: function(e, t) {
"default" === e ? delete bouncex.cookie.bp : (bouncex.cookie.bp = bouncex.psh.getCookiePermission(e), void 0 !== t && ("granted" === e ? bouncex.cookie.campaigns[t].bpg = getTime2() : "denied" == e && (bouncex.cookie.campaigns[t].bpd = getTime2()))), setBounceCookie()
injectManifest: function() {
var e = document.createElement("link");
e.rel = "manifest", e.href = + "bx-manifest.json", document.head.appendChild(e)
showOptinPromptIfEligible: function(e) {
var t = !!bouncex.campaigns[e].push_optin_json && JSON.parse(bouncex.campaigns[e].push_optin_json);
e && !bouncex.campaigns[e].pushOptinPromptShown && t && t.showPromptStep && t.showPromptStep === bouncex.campaigns[e].current_step && bouncex.psh.requestOptIn(e).then(function(t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].pushOptinPromptShown = !0, bouncex.psh.handleRequestOptinResult(t, e)
handleRequestOptinResult: function(e, t) {
var n;
if ("default" === e) n = "close";
else if ("denied" === e) n = "optin_denied";
else {
if (!("granted" === e || "object" === _typeof(e) && e.permission && "granted" === e.permission)) return bouncex.err("Push Opt-In Error", e), !1;
n = "optin_granted"
bouncex.psh.handleOptinEvent(n, t)
handleOptinEvent: function(e, t) {
var n = JSON.parse(bouncex.campaigns[t].push_optin_json),
i = !!bouncex.campaigns[t].trigger_offsite_json && JSON.parse(bouncex.campaigns[t].trigger_offsite_json);
"optin_granted" === e && i && i.campaignId && bouncex.push(["requestsend", {
campaignid: i.campaignId,
fcmtoken: bouncex.psh.fcmToken,
channel: "push",
testmode: visitorTestMode("bxdev") ? 1 : 0
}]), bouncex.psh.fcmToken = null;
var o = n.eventHandlers[e];
if ("next" === o.action) {
var a = o.prop ? o.prop : bouncex.campaigns[t].next_step;
bouncex.setJumpStep(t, a, !1), bouncex.nextStep(t)
} else bouncex.close_ad(t), "trigger" === o.action && bouncex.show_ad(o.prop)
requestOptIn: function(e) {
return !0 === this.initialized ? this.supported && "sw" === this.type ? this.requestOptInSW(e) : Promise.resolve("denied") : Promise.resolve("Push not initialized, ensure push is enabled in website settings.")
requestOptInSW: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.psh.getCurrentPermission();
if ("default" !== t) return Promise.resolve(t);
var n = {
"notifypush:cookie": JSON.stringify(bouncex.cookie),
campaignid: e
return"prompt", n), Notification.requestPermission().then(function(t) {
return "granted" === t ? new Promise(function(t) {
return bouncex.psh.installServiceWorker().then(function() {
return bouncex.psh.subscribe(e)
}).then(t).catch(function(e) {
}) : ("denied" === t && (bouncex.psh.setPermission(t, e),"optin_denied", {
"notifypush:type": "sw",
campaignid: e
})), Promise.resolve(t))
installServiceWorker: function() {
return new Promise(function(e, t) {
bouncex.psh.injectManifest(), navigator.serviceWorker.register( + "bx-sw.js").then(function(t) {
bouncex.psh.swr = t, navigator.serviceWorker.oncontrollerchange = function(e) {
bouncex.psh.isBxServiceWorker( && bouncex.psh.subscribe()
}, e()
}).catch(function(e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "push"
}), t("Error installing service worker")
isServiceWorkerReady: function() {
return new Promise(function(e) {
var t = || bouncex.psh.swr.waiting || bouncex.psh.installing;
if (t && "activated" === t.state) e();
else {
var n = bouncex.psh.swr.installing || bouncex.psh.swr.waiting;
n && n.addEventListener("statechange", function t(n) {
"activated" === && ("statechange", t), e())
isBxServiceWorker: function(e) {
return e.controller && e.controller.scriptURL && /bx-sw\.js$/.test(e.controller.scriptURL)
getFcmToken: function(e) {
var t = e.split(/\/(?:send|v1)\//);
return t && t[1]
subscribe: function(e) {
return bouncex.psh.isServiceWorkerReady().then(function() {
return bouncex.psh.swr.pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: !0
}).then(function(t) {
var n = bouncex.psh.getCurrentPermission(),
i = {
"notifypush:type": "sw",
"notifypush:subscription": JSON.stringify(t),
"notifypush:token": t.endpoint,
campaignid: e
return bouncex.psh.fcmToken = bouncex.psh.getFcmToken(t.endpoint), bouncex.psh.setPermission(n, e),"optin_granted", i), {
permission: n,
result: t
}, function(e) {
return bouncex.err(e, {
source: "push"
}), {
permission: bouncex.psh.getCurrentPermission(),
result: e
report: function(e, t) {
event_stream_report(e, jQuery.extend({}, {
agent: "user",
source: "notifypush",
channel: "push"
}, t))
var Debug = {
initErrorHandling: function() {
bouncex.err =, bouncex.tryCatch = tryCatch;
var e = tryCatch(function(e) {
if (e.filename && -1 < e.filename.indexOf("bounceexchange") || e.error && e.error.stack && -1 < e.error.stack.indexOf("bounceexchange")) {
var t = -1 < bouncex.calling_url.indexOf("") ? "core app" : "window listener";
e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), bouncex.err(e.error, {
source: t
addEvent(window, "error", e, !1)
report: function(e, t) {
var n = this._getErrorMessage(e);
this._shouldLog(n) && (this._log(n), this._sendEvent(n, e, t || {}))
_getErrorMessage: function(e) {
return e.stack ? e.stack.split("\n").filter(function(e) {
return -1 === e.indexOf("init1")
}).join("\n") : e.message ? e.message : e
_shouldLog: function(e) {
return -1 === this._errsArr.indexOf(e) && (-1 < window.location.hostname.indexOf("") || void 0 !== bouncex.state || "development" === bouncex.env)
_log: function(e) {
var t = "development" === bouncex.env ? "color: #8B008B;" : "color: #388EFA;",
n = "development" === bouncex.env ? "bx log (dev): " : "bx log: ";
bouncex.log("%c " + n + e, t)
_errsArr: [],
_sendEvent: function(e, t, n) {
var i = n.liveTraffic || 5;
internal: !0,
liveTraffic: i
}, function() {
event_stream_report("debug", {
"debug:code": || "custom",
"debug:location": n.source || n.location || "",
"debug:message": e,
"debug:url": bouncex.calling_url,
"debug:custom_variable": n.cvar || n.custom_variable || "",
campaignid: n.ca_id || n.campaign_id || n.campaignId || ""
bouncex.setTimeout2 = setTimeout2, bouncex.setInterval2 = setInterval2, bouncex.on = function(e, t, n, i) {
i ? delegate(e, t, tryCatch(n), i) : null == jQuery.fn.on ? e.bind(t, tryCatch(n)) : e.on(t, tryCatch(n))
}, = function(e, t, n) {
n ? undelegate(e, t, n) : null == ? e.unbind(t) :
var CriteriaHelper = {
activations: {
page_type_criteria: function(e, t, n, i) {
return"exactly",, i)
custom_variable_criteria: function(e, t, n, i) {
return, bouncex.vars[t], i)
device_type_criteria: function(e, t, n, i) {
return"exactly", bouncex.cookie.d, i)
current_page_url: function(e, t, n, i) {
return, location.href, i)
js: function(e, t, n, i) {
return"js", null, i)
compare: function(compareMethod, compareValue, compareTo) {
var compareValue = compareValue || !1 === compareValue || 0 === compareValue ? (compareValue + "").toLowerCase() : "";
if (compareTo || !1 === compareTo || 0 === compareTo ? "js" == compareMethod || "regex_match" == compareMethod || "not_regex_match" == compareMethod ? compareTo += "" : "greater" == compareMethod || "less" == compareMethod || "less_equal" == compareMethod || "greater_equal" == compareMethod ? ("" !== compareValue && (compareValue = +compareValue), compareTo = +compareTo) : compareTo = (compareTo + "").toLowerCase() : compareTo = "", "contains" == compareMethod || "not_contains" == compareMethod) return -1 < compareValue.indexOf(compareTo) ? "contains" == compareMethod : "contains" != compareMethod;
if ("yes" == compareMethod || "no" == compareMethod) return compareValue ? "yes" == compareMethod : "no" == compareMethod;
if ("exactly" == compareMethod || "not_exactly" == compareMethod) return compareValue == compareTo ? "exactly" == compareMethod : "exactly" != compareMethod;
if ("contained_in" == compareMethod || "not_contained_in" == compareMethod) return -1 < compareTo.indexOf(compareValue) ? "contained_in" == compareMethod : "contained_in" != compareMethod;
if ("regex_match" == compareMethod || "not_regex_match" == compareMethod) {
var match = new RegExp(compareTo, "gi").test(window.location.href);
return match ? "regex_match" == compareMethod : "regex_match" != compareMethod
if ("js" == compareMethod) try {
var v = eval(compareTo);
return "boolean" == typeof v && v
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "evalCriteria - page_types"
} else {
if ("greater" == compareMethod) return compareValue > compareTo;
if ("less" == compareMethod && "" !== compareValue) return compareValue < compareTo;
if ("equal" == compareMethod) return compareValue == compareTo;
if ("less_equal" == compareMethod && "" !== compareValue) return compareValue <= compareTo;
if ("greater_equal" == compareMethod) return compareValue >= compareTo;
if ("not_equal" == compareMethod) return compareValue != compareTo
return !1
perf = {
startTime: "undefined" != typeof performance && performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart ? performance.timing.navigationStart : getTimeMs(),
timesArr: {},
times: function(e) {
this.timesArr.startTime || (this.timesArr.startTime = this.startTime), this.timesArr[e] = getTimeMs() - this.startTime
manualTiming: function(e, t) {
this.timesArr[e] = t - this.startTime
get: function(e) {
var t = "perf:" + e,
n = {};
return n[t] = bouncex.stringify(this[e + "Arr"]), !(!n[t] || "[]" == n[t] || "{}" == n[t]) && n
report: function(e) {
if (bouncex.cookie && "037" === bouncex.cookie.did.substr(bouncex.cookie.did.length - 3)) {
var t = this.get(e);
if (t) return t.agent = "js", event_stream_report("perf", t)
ReloadCampaigns = {
_max: 30,
_taskId: "make_reload_campaigns_request",
init: function() {
this._count = 0
addRequest: function(e, t) {
e = e || this.addRequest.caller && this.addRequest.caller.arguments && this.addRequest.caller.arguments.length && "object" !== _typeof(this.addRequest.caller.arguments[0]) && this.addRequest.caller.arguments[0] || "custom", t = t || "manual", BxInterval.addTask(this._makeRequest.bind(this, e, t), 0, this._taskId), this._log(e + ": " + t)
_reportEvent: function(e, t) {
event_stream_report("reloadcampaigns", {
"reloadcampaigns:customvariables": bouncex.varsToAPI,
"reloadcampaigns:name": e,
"reloadcampaigns:type": t
_makeRequest: function(e, t) {
return this._count >= this._max ? this._cancelRequest() : void(void 0 !== bouncex.state && (this._reloadCampaigns(e, t), this._completeRequest(), bouncex.state.no_kinesis && this._reportEvent(e, t)))
_cancelRequest: function() {
BxInterval.stopTask(this._taskId), this._log("max reached")
_completeRequest: function() {
BxInterval.stopTask(this._taskId), this._count += 1, this._log(this._count)
_reloadCampaigns: function(e, t) {
bouncex.baddjs(bouncex.make_include_string("reloadCampaigns", t, e))
_log: function(e) {{
group: "reload_campaigns",
message: e,
color: "#BB8FCE"
BxInterval = {
init: function() {
clearInterval(this._masterPoll), this._tasks = {}, this._masterPoll = setInterval2(this._runTasks.bind(this), 1e3)
_runTasks: function() {
for (var e in this._tasks)
if (this._tasks.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var t = this._tasks[e];, t.count += 1, 0 < t.max && t.count >= t.max && this._maxedTask(e)
addTask: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = n || generateUniqueId();
return this._tasks[o] = {
run: e,
max: t || 0,
count: 0,
maxedFn: i
}, o
_maxedTask: function(e) {
this._tasks[e] && "function" == typeof this._tasks[e].maxedFn && this._tasks[e].maxedFn(), this.stopTask(e)
stopTask: function(e) {
delete this._tasks[e]
clearTasks: function() {
this._tasks = {}
XD = {
postMessage: function() {
receiveMessage: function() {
zcCallbacks = [];
bouncex.caAutofill = function(e, t) {
for (var n in t = "object" === _typeof(t) ? t : {}) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.filter("[name=" + n + "]").val(t[n]).trigger("click")
}, bouncex.fb = {
login: function(e) {
e = "function" == typeof e ? e : function() {}, window.FB ? FB.login(function(t) {
t.authResponse ? FB.api("/me", {
fields: "id,email,first_name,last_name,gender,name"
}, function(t) {
if (t.error) {
var n = t.error && t.error.message;
bouncex.fb.warn("FB.api returned an error: " + n)
t.fname = t.first_name, t.lname = t.last_name, e(t)
}) : (bouncex.fb.warn("FB.login not authenticated"), e())
}, {
scope: "email, public_profile"
}) : (bouncex.fb.warn("FB sdk not found"), e())
nextStep: function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.fb.login(function(i) {
return bouncex.caAutofill(e, i), bouncex.setJumpStep(e, t, n), bouncex.submitCampaignStep(e), !1
popCa: function(e) {
bouncex.fb.login(function(t) {
var n = 0;
t && && (bouncex.campaigns[e].inputs.filter("[name=email]").val("Autofilling from Facebook...").trigger("click"), n = 1500), setTimeout2(function() {
bouncex.caAutofill(e, t)
}, n)
warn: function(e) {
group: "bouncex.fb",
message: e
var ActiveTime = {
initialized: !1,
timeCount: 0,
events: "mousemove.bouncex_active_time_action keydown.bouncex_active_time_action DOMMouseScroll.bouncex_active_time_action mousewheel.bouncex_active_time_action mousedown.bouncex_active_time_action touchstart.bouncex_active_time_action touchmove.bouncex_active_time_action focus.bouncex_active_time_action",
callbacks: {},
inactivityTimeout: null,
activityInterval: null,
addCallback: function(e, t) {
if (e = parseInt(e), !isNaN(e)) {
var n = generateUniqueId();
return ActiveTime.callbacks[n] = {
seconds: e,
callback: t
}, ActiveTime.initialized || (ActiveTime.inactivityTimeout = ActiveTime._resetInactivityTimeout(), bxPassiveBind(window,, ActiveTime._handleActivity), ActiveTime.initialized = !0), n
clearCallback: function(e) {
ActiveTime.callbacks && ActiveTime.callbacks[e] && delete ActiveTime.callbacks[e], ActiveTime._shutdownIfNoRemainingCallbacks()
_increase: function() {
for (var e in ActiveTime.timeCount++, ActiveTime.callbacks) {
var t = ActiveTime.callbacks[e];
t.seconds <= ActiveTime.timeCount && (t.callback(), ActiveTime.clearCallback(e))
_shutdownIfNoRemainingCallbacks: function() {
(!ActiveTime.callbacks || jQuery.isEmptyObject(ActiveTime.callbacks)) && (ActiveTime._clearActivityInterval(), clearTimeout(ActiveTime.inactivityTimeout), bxPassiveUnbind(window,, ActiveTime.initialized = !1)
_handleActivity: function() {
ActiveTime.inactivityTimeout = ActiveTime._resetInactivityTimeout(), ActiveTime.activityInterval || (ActiveTime.activityInterval = setInterval2(ActiveTime._increase, 1e3))
_resetInactivityTimeout: function() {
return clearTimeout(ActiveTime.inactivityTimeout), setTimeout2(ActiveTime._clearActivityInterval, 5e3)
_clearActivityInterval: function() {
clearInterval(ActiveTime.activityInterval), delete ActiveTime.activityInterval
init_vars = InitSequence.preInit1.integrations,
bcx_init = InitSequence.preInit1.entry,
init_post_cookie = InitSequence.preInit1.cookieReady;
bouncex.log = function() {
var e = console.log.bind ? console.log.bind(console) : window.console.log;
isBxInternalTraffic() && e.apply(null, arguments)
}, bouncex.console = {
trace: function() {
isBxInternalTraffic() && console.trace && console.trace()
group: function() {
var e = ? :;
(visitorTestMode("office") || visitorTestMode("bxdev")) && e.apply(null, arguments)
groupCollapsed: function() {
var e = console.groupCollapsed.bind ? console.groupCollapsed.bind(console) : window.console.groupCollapsed;
isBxInternalTraffic() && console.groupCollapsed && e.apply(null, arguments)
groupEnd: function() {
var e = console.groupEnd.bind ? console.groupEnd.bind(console) : window.console.groupEnd;
isBxInternalTraffic() && console.groupEnd && e.apply(null, arguments)
}, bouncex.table = function() {
var e = console.table.bind ? console.table.bind(console) : window.console.table;
("production" !== bouncex.env || visitorTestMode("office") || visitorTestMode("bxdev")) && e.apply(null, arguments)
}, bouncex.loaded = !0, bouncex.init1Response = tryCatch(function(e) {
bouncex.state = e.state, "no_consent" === bouncex.complianceFlag || "gdpr_no_consent" === bouncex.complianceFlag && bouncex.state.gdpr || (bouncex.cookie = e.cookie, bouncex.brandStyles = e.brand_styles, bouncex.webfonts = e.webfonts, bouncex.campaigns = e.campaigns, bouncex.creatives = e.creatives, bouncex.debug = e.debug, bouncex.testmode = e.testmode, bouncex.gbi.stacks = e.gbi_stacks, = e.gbi2_enabled, = e.ssp_config, = e.push_filepath, = e.sms_enabled, = e.sms_terms_conditions_link, = e.brand_name, = e.ads_config, setBounceCookie(), InitSequence.postInit1.entry())
var BehavioralCriteria = {
evaluate: function(e, t, n) {
for (var i, o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
if (i = t[o], this._debug.initCriteriaSet(i, o), !this._andCriteriaSatisfied(i, e)) return !1;
return !0
_andCriteriaSatisfied: function(e, t) {
for (var n, i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if (n = e[i], this._orCriteriaSatisfied(n, t)) return this._debug.setCriteriaStatus(!0), !0;
return this._debug.setCriteriaStatus(!1), !1
_orCriteriaSatisfied: function(e, t) {
e.val = parseSiteElementSelector(e.val);
var n = -1 !== jQuery.inArray(getUniqueInstrumentId(e), t) ? !e.shouldBeAbsent : !!e.shouldBeAbsent;
return this._debug.setActivationStatus(e.activation, n), n
_debug: {
init: function(e) {
this.campaignId = e, void 0 === this.shouldDebug && (this.shouldDebug = isBxInternalTraffic())
initCriteriaSet: function(e, t) {
this.shouldDebug && (this.failedCriteriaArr = [], this.setInfo = "behavioral criteria - criteria " + t + ": " + {
return e.activation
setActivationStatus: function(e, t) {
this.shouldDebug && (t || this.failedCriteriaArr.push(e), bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId].list_of_rt_activations.forEach(function(n) {
n.activation !== e || (n.status = t)
setCriteriaStatus: function(e) {
if (this.shouldDebug) {
var t = e ? " - passed" : " - failed (" + this.failedCriteriaArr.join(",") + ")";
this.log(this.campaignId, this.setInfo + t)
log: function(e, t) {
this.shouldDebug &&{
group: "rtbc",
message: t,
color: "#ff69b4",
campaignId: e
CustomVariables = {
_hasInit: !1,
_reloadCampaignVarNames: [],
_allChangedVars: [],
init: function() {
this._hasInit || (bouncex.cookie = getBounceCookie(), bouncex.vars = {}, this.varsToExpire = [], = initTestModeParts("cvars"), this._index = {},, t) {
this._index[] = t
}.bind(this))), this.evalVars(), this._initPolling(), setBounceCookie(), this._hasInit = !0
evalVars: function(e) {
e = e || "all";
for (var t, n = this._filterVars(e), i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
if (t = n[i], void 0 === bouncex.vars[] && this._initVar(t), this._canEvalVar(t)) {
var o = this.evalVarAndReload(;
"visit" !== t.persist || bouncex.state || o.success || this.varsToExpire.push({
default: t.default
_filterVars: function(e) {
return this._filter = this._filter || {}, this._filter[e] ? this._filter[e] : "all" === e ? this._filter[e] = : "devicegraph" === e ? this._filter[e] = {
return "devicegraph" === e.persist
}) : "polling" === e ? this._filter[e] = {
return "none" !== e.polling
}) : "persist" === e ? this._filter[e] = {
return "no" !== e.persist
}) : []
_initVar: function(e) {
var t = "no" !== e.persist && bouncex.cookie.v && void 0 !== bouncex.cookie.v[] ? bouncex.cookie.v[] : e.default;
this.setVar(, t)
_canEvalVar: function(e) {
if (e.page_types.length && (! || -1 === e.page_types.indexOf( return !1;
if ("devicegraph" === e.persist) {
if (!bouncex.dg || ! return !1;
if ("number" != typeof bouncex.vars[]) return !1
return "event" !== e.trigger
_evalVar: function(e, t) {
var n = {};
"function" != typeof e.code && (e.code = this._makeFunc(e.code));
try {
var i = t ? e.code.bind(t) : e.code;
n = this.setVar(, i())
} catch (t) {
bouncex.err(t, {
source: "eval cvar",
return n
setVar: function(e, t) {
var n =[this._index[e]],
i = {
success: !1,
changed: !1
o = this._formatVar(t);
return i.success = this._validVar(o), i.success && bouncex.vars[] !== o && (i.changed = !0, i.oldVal = bouncex.vars[], bouncex.vars[] = o, "no" !== n.persist && (bouncex.cookie.v = bouncex.cookie.v || {}, bouncex.cookie.v[] = o, bouncex.dg && && "devicegraph" === n.persist && ( = || {},[] = o))), i
getVar: function(e) {
_reactToChange: function(e, t) {
t.changed && ("vars" !== e.polling && this._reloadCampaignVarNames.push(, "no" !== e.persist && bouncex.setBounceCookie(), "devicegraph" === e.persist && bouncex.dg.updateDeviceGraphCookie(), this._allChangedVars.push({
oldVal: t.oldVal
evalVarAndReload: function(e, t) {
var n =[this._index[e]],
i = this._evalVar(n, t);
return this._reactToChange(n, i), i
setVarAndReload: function(e, t) {
var n =[this._index[e]],
i = this.setVar(, t);
this._reactToChange(n, i)
_makeFunc: function(code) {
var f = function() {
return null
str = "f = (function(){return " + encodeURI(code.toString().replace("\n", " ")) + "});";
try {
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err("bad cvar expression " + code)
return f
_validVar: function(e) {
return "number" == typeof e && !isNaN(e) || "string" == typeof e || "boolean" == typeof e
_formatVar: function(e) {
switch (!0) {
case "true" === e:
return !0;
case "false" === e:
return !1;
case "string" == typeof e && !!e.match(/^[0-9]+$/):
return parseInt(e);
case "string" == typeof e && !!e.match(/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/):
return parseFloat(e);
return e
_initPolling: function() {
this._reloadCampaignVarNames = [], BxInterval.addTask(this._pollingVars.bind(this), 0, "eval_polling_vars"), BxInterval.addTask(this._cvarChangeEvent.bind(this), 0, "emit_change_event")
_pollingVars: function() {
this.evalVars("polling"), this._reloadCampaignVarNames.length && (bouncex.reload_campaigns("variable", this._reloadCampaignVarNames.join(",")), this._reloadCampaignVarNames = []), this._allChangedVars.length && 2 == &&
_cvarChangeEvent: function() {
this._allChangedVars.length && bouncex.window && (bouncex.window.trigger("bxVarsChange", [this._allChangedVars]), this._allChangedVars = [])
clearAll: function() {
this._hasInit = !1, bouncex.vars = {}
BrowserUtil = {
viewport: {
getVisibleElements: function(e, t) {
return jQuery(e).toArray().reduce(function(e, n, i) {
return this.elementEdgeInViewport(n, t) && e.push({
element: n,
index: i
}), e
}.bind(this), [])
elementEdgeInViewport: function(e, t) {
if ("string" == typeof e && (e = jQuery(e).get(0)), !e) return !1;
var n = this._getVerticalPosition(e, t);
return this.isInVerticalViewport(n)
isInVerticalViewport: function(e) {
return 0 <= e && e <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)
_getVerticalPosition: function(e, t, n) {
var i = e.getBoundingClientRect();
return n = parseInt(n) || 0, "before" === t || "prepend" === t ? - n : i.bottom + n
distanceToBottom: function(e, t, n) {
var i = this._getVerticalPosition(e, t, n);
return (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) - i
currentTab: {
isVisible: function() {
return "visible" === document.visibilityState
bouncex.utils = {
addNamespace: function(e, t) {
var n = {};
for (var i in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var o = i; - 1 === i.indexOf(":") && (o = t + ":" + i), n[o] = e[i]
return n
getOrigin: function() {
return window.location.origin || window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "")
doAjaxRequest: function(e) {
e.crossDomain = !0, = !1;
var t = jQuery.fn.jquery.split(".");
return e.xhrFields = {
withCredentials: !0
}, 1 >= parseInt(t[0]) && 5 >= parseInt(t[1]) && (e.beforeSend = function(e) {
e.withCredentials = !0
}, e.xhr = function() {
var e = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(),
t = e.setRequestHeader;
return e.setRequestHeader = function(e, n) {
"X-Requested-With" == e ||, e, n)
}, e
}), jQuery.ajax(e)
gtmLookup: function(e, t) {
if (!(t = t || this.url.getParam("id", jQuery('script[src*="googletagmanager"]').attr("src")))) return !1;
try {
return google_tag_manager[t].dataLayer.get(e)
} catch (e) {
return bouncex.err(e, {
source: "gtmLookup"
}), ""
getNestedProp: function(e, t, n) {
var i = void 0 === n ? window : n,
o = void 0 === t ? void 0 : t,
a = e;
if ("string" == typeof e) {
if (/[^A-z0-9\[\].]/.test(e)) return bouncex.log("getNestedProp given bad value: " + e), o;
a = e.split(/[.\[]/).map(function(e) {
return e.replace(/[\]]/g, "")
for (var r, s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
if (void 0 === i[r = a[s]]) return o;
i = i[r]
return i
cookies: {
create: function(e) {
if (defaults = {
name: "",
value: "",
domain: !1,
days: 14
}, !(e = jQuery.extend(defaults, e)).name) return !1;
var t = new Date;
t.setTime(t.getTime() + 24 * e.days * 60 * 60 * 1e3);
var n = "; expires=" + t.toGMTString(),
i = + "=" + e.value + n + "; path=/;";
e.domain && (i += "domain=" + e.domain + ";"), document.cookie = i
destroy: function(e) {
return this.create({
name: e,
days: -1
read: function(e) {
for (var t, n = e + "=", i = document.cookie.split(";"), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) {
for (t = i[o];
" " == t.charAt(0);) t = t.substring(1, t.length);
if (0 == t.indexOf(n)) return t.substring(n.length, t.length)
return null
records: {
getRecords: function(e) {
if (isBxInternalTraffic()) return _records2.default.getRecords(e)
printRecords: function(e) {
if (isBxInternalTraffic()) return _records2.default.printRecords(e)
url: {
allowParams: function(e, t) {
var n = (t = t || window.location.href).split(/([\?\#])/);
if (!e) return n[0];
for (var i = 1; i < n.length; i++) "?" !== n[i] && "#" !== n[i] && (n[i] = this.filterParams(n[i], function(t) {
return -1 < e.indexOf(t)
return n.join("").replace(/([\?\#](?=[\?\#])|[\?\#]+$)/g, "")
generateQuerystring: function(e, t) {
var n = t || "";
for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n += i + "=" + e[i] + "&");
return n.substring(0, n.length - 1)
queryStringToObject: function(e) {
return (e = "?" === (e = void 0 === e ? : e).charAt(0) ? e.substring(1) : e).split("&").reduce(function(e, t) {
var n = t.split("="),
i = decodeURIComponent(n[0]),
o = decodeURIComponent(n[1]);
return e[i] = o, e
}, {})
filterParams: function(e, t) {
for (var n = e.replace(/[\?\#]/, "").split("&"), i = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o++) t(n[o].split("=")[0].replace(/[\[]/, "").replace(/[\]]/, "")) && (i += "&" + n[o]);
return i.replace("&", "")
formatReferrer: function(e) {
return e ? encodeURIComponent(e.split("/")[2]) : ""
getParam: function(e, t) {
var n = t ? "?" + t : window.location.href;
e = e.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var i = new RegExp("[\\?&#]" + e + "=([^&#]*)").exec(n);
return null == i ? "" : decodeURIComponent(i[1])
removeParams: function(e, t) {
t = t || window.location.href, e = ["_ke", "bxid", "cid", "email", "et_rid", "gclid", "ibx_source", "mc_cid", "mc_eid", "pid", "RIID", "spUserID", "sfmc_sub", "ueh", "utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_campaign", "utm_term", "utm_content"].concat(e);
for (var n = t.split(/([\?\#])/), i = 1; i < n.length; i++) "?" !== n[i] && "#" !== n[i] && (n[i] = this.filterParams(n[i], function(t) {
return -1 === e.indexOf(t)
return n.join("").replace(/([\?\#](?=[\?\#])|[\?\#]+$)/g, "")
validate: {
email: function(e) {
return /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(e)
integer: function(e) {
return !isNaN(parseInt(e))
url: function(e) {
return /^(https?):\/\/[^\s\/$.?#].[^\s]*$/.test(e)
isObject: function(e) {
return null !== e && "object" === _typeof(e) && !Array.isArray(e)
}, bouncex.utils.getParam = bouncex.utils.url.getParam, bouncex.vst = {
_init: {
buildVastEnv: function(e, t) {
var n, i;
bouncex.vst._internal.groupCollapsed(e, "init vast parser", !1), n = bouncex.campaigns[e], bouncex.vst.campaignId = e, = {
handlingWrapper: !1,
wrapperLevel: 0,
tracking: {}
}, i = bouncex.vst._helpers.isVastOrTag(t), bouncex.vst._init.kickoffVastParse(e, i, t)
kickoffVastParse: function(e, t, n) {
return "tag" === t ? this.extractVastData(e, n) : "vastxml" === t ? bouncex.vst._response.vastResponse(n) : void 0
extractVastData: function(e, t) {, "extract vast url: " + t, "vast");
var n = bouncex.vst._validations.checkVastUrl(t);, n, "GET", null, bouncex.vst._response.vastResponse)
_http: {
call: function(e, t, n, i, o, a) {, "making HTTP request", "vast"), bouncex.vst._validations.checkHttpRequest(e, t, o);
var r = bouncex.vst._http.createXMLRequest();
r.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == r.readyState)
if (200 === r.status) o && o(this, r);
else if (a) {
if (0 !== r.status) return, "XML request to parse vast data failed"), !1
} else bouncex.vst &&, t, n, i, o, !0)
},, bouncex.vst._validations.checkUrl(t).href, !0), a && (r.withCredentials = !0);
try {
i ? r.send(i) : r.send()
} catch (r) {
var s = !0 === a ? " on second try" : ".";, "VAST [httpCall]: XHR request failed" + s + r.message), a ||, t, n, i, o, !0, "vast")
success: function(e) {
return 200 <= e && 300 > e
createXMLRequest: function() {
var e;
return window.XMLHttpRequest ? e = new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (e = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")), e
_response: {
vastResponse: function(e) {
var t, n, i = bouncex.vst.campaignId,
o = bouncex.campaigns[i];
if (0 < && ! {
var a =;
bouncex.vst._internal.groupCollapsed(i, "re-init vast parser, wrapper found - on loop: " + a, !1)
} else, "init vast parser", "vast");
t = bouncex.vst._validations.checkXml(e), n =, bouncex.vst._processVastData.getAd(i, t, e), !o.failed && n.vpaidUrl ? (, " -> Found VPAID", "vast"), bouncex.vst._loadPlayer.vpaidMedia(i, n)) : !o.failed && (, "vast parse complete", "vast"), ! && bouncex.vst._loadPlayer.vastMedia(i, n)), || bouncex.vst._internal.groupEnd(i, "exit vast parser", !1)
_xml: {
convertStringToXML: function(e) {
if (!_typeof(window.DOMParser)) {
var t = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
return t.loadXML(e), t
var n, i = new DOMParser;
try {
(!(n = i.parseFromString(e, "application/xml")) || "" === n || this.parsingError(n)) && bouncex.log("error parsing XML string")
} catch (e) {
bouncex.log("error parsing XML string")
return n
parsingError: function(e) {
try {
var t = (new DOMParser).parseFromString("INVALID", "text/xml").getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0].namespaceURI;
return 0 < e.getElementsByTagNameNS(t, "parsererror").length
} catch (e) {
bouncex.log("xml parsing error: ", e)
parseXmlText: function(e) {
return /^\s*$/.test(e) ? null : /^(?:true|false)$/i.test(e) ? "true" === e.toLowerCase() : e.trim()
elementParsers: {
init: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o, a, r, s, c, u, b, l;
o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Impression", 1), a = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Tracking", 1), r = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, n, "Wrapper", 0), s = null !== bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "InLine", 0) && bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "InLine", 0), c = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, s, "Linear", 0) || bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, s, "Video", 0), b = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Error", 1), c || s || (l = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, s, "NonLinear", 0), u = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Companion", 0)), u &&, "SKIP -> [parseVastElements]: companion ads not currently supported", "warning"), l &&, "SKIP -> [parseVastElements]: nonlinear ads not currently supported", "warning"), b && bouncex.vst._tracking.recordErrorPixels(e, i, b), o && bouncex.vst._tracking.recordImpressionPixels(i, o), a && bouncex.vst._tracking.recordEventPixels(i, a), r && (bouncex.vst._xml.elementParsers.handleWrapper(e, r), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.handlingWrapper = !1, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.wrapperLevel += 1), c && this.handleVideo(e, i, c)
handleVideo: function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.vst._tracking.recordVideoClickTrackingPixels(e, t, n), this.handleDuration(e, t, n), this.handleMediaFiles(e, t, n)
handleDuration: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o, a = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, n, "Duration", 0);
null !== a && (bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.nodeExists(a) && "string" != typeof a && (a = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(a)), i = (a = a.split(".")[0]).split(":"), o = parseInt(60 * i[0] * 60) + parseInt(i[2]), t.duration = o,, "media duration -> " + t.duration + "s", "vast"))
handleMediaFiles: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, n, "MediaFile", 1),
a = null,
r = !1;
if ((null === o || 0 === o.length) &&, "0 media files found", "error"), o && o.length) {
for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
if (t.width = o[s].getAttribute("width"), t.height = o[s].getAttribute("height"), t.aspectRatio = t.height / t.width * 100, t.apiFramework = o[s].getAttribute("apiFramework") || !1, t.type = o[s].getAttribute("type"), t.aspectRatio = bouncex.vst._helpers.calculateAspectRatioData(t.width, t.height), t.isVPAID = !(!t.apiFramework || "vpaid" !== t.apiFramework.toLowerCase() || "application/javascript" !== t.type), t.offsetAspectRatio = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player.offsetHeight / bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player.offsetWidth * 100, i = null === bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(o[s]) ? this.handleUrlSources(e) : bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(o[s]), -1 < t.type.toLowerCase().indexOf("mp4")) {
t.src = i, r = !0;
if (-1 < t.type.toLowerCase().indexOf("application/javascript")) return bouncex.vst._loadPlayer.handleVPAID(e, t, n, i);
a = {
path: i,
type: t.type
}, t.src = a.path, t.type = a.type, t.vpaidUrl = !1
0 != r || t.vpaidUrl || null === a || (t.src = a.path, t.type = a.type, t.vpaidUrl = !1)
handleUrlSources: function(e) {
var t, n = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, video, "URL", 1);
if (n)
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) t = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(n[i]);
return t
handleWrapper: function(e, t) {
var n, i;
bouncex.vst._tracking.processWrapperEventPixels(e, t), (i = (n = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "VASTAdTagURL", 0) || bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "VASTAdTagURI", 0)).firstChild.nodeValue && "" !== n.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() ? n.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() : !(!n.firstChild.constructor || ! || "Text" != && n.firstChild.wholeText.trim()) ? (bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.handlingWrapper = !0, bouncex.vst._init.extractVastData(e, i)) :, "failed to extract a VAST URL node from the XML Wrapper element")
nodeParsers: {
getXmlNode: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o, a, r, s;
return null == t || 1 > t.length ? (, "Failed to extract node -> " + n + ". XML is null. Searched node: " + n, "warning"), null) : null === (o = "object" === _typeof(t) && t.getElementsByTagName(n)) || 1 > o.length ? ("Companion" !== n && "NonLinear" !== n &&, "Failed to find node -> " + n, "vast"), null) : 0 === i ? (, "Extracted first occurrence of node -> " + n, "vast"), o[0]) : 1 === i ? (a = 1 < o.length ? "Extracted " + o.length + " occurrences of node -> " + n : "Extracted " + o.length + " occurrence of node -> " + n,, a, "vast"), o) : (r = o.length - 1, s = _Mathround(Math.random() * r),, "Extracted random element[" + s + "] out of " + o.length + " " + n + " nodes", "vast"), o[s])
parseNodeText: function(e) {
return e && (e.textContent || e.text)
nodeExists: function(e) {
return null !== e && null !== e.firstChild
getNodeValue: function(e) {
var t = !(!e || !e.firstChild),
n = !!t && e.firstChild;
if ("MediaFile" === e.nodeName && e && e.childNodes && 1 < e.childNodes.length && "#text" === n.nodeName)
for (var i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; i++) "URL" === e.childNodes[i].nodeName && (n = e.childNodes[i], t = !0);
if (t) {
if (n.nodeValue && "" !== n.nodeValue.trim()) return n.nodeValue;
if (n.nextSibling && && "" !== return;
if (n.wholeText && "" !== n.wholeText && "" !== n.wholeText.trim()) return n.wholeText.trim()
return null
_tracking: {
recordEventPixels: function(e, t) {
for (var n, i, o = 0; o < t.length; o++) i = t[o], bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.nodeExists(i) && (i = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(i), n = t[o].getAttribute("event"), e.tracking[n] = e.tracking[n] || [], -1 === e.tracking[n].indexOf(i) && e.tracking[n].push(i))
recordVideoClickTrackingPixels: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o, a, r = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, n, "VideoClicks", 0);
null !== r && (null !== (a = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, r, "ClickThrough", 0)) && null !== a.firstChild && (t.clickThrough = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(a)), o = (i = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, r, "ClickTracking", 0)) ? bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(i) : null, t.tracking.clickTracking = t.tracking.clickTracking || [], o && -1 === t.tracking.clickTracking.indexOf(o) && t.tracking.clickTracking.push(o))
recordErrorPixels: function(e, t) {
for (var n, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n = t[i], bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.nodeExists(n) && (n = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(n), e.tracking.error = e.tracking.error || [], null !== n && -1 === e.tracking.error.indexOf(n) && e.tracking.error.push(n))
recordImpressionPixels: function(e, t) {
for (var n, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n = t[i], bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.nodeExists(n) && (n = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(n), e.tracking.impression = e.tracking.impression || [], null !== n && -1 === e.tracking.impression.indexOf(n) && e.tracking.impression.push(n))
processWrapperEventPixels: function(e, t) {, "WRAPPER: init extraction", "vast");
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast,
i = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Impression", 1),
o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Tracking", 1),
a = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Linear", 0),
r = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Error", 1);
i && (, "WRAPPER: handling impressions", "vast"), bouncex.vst._tracking.recordImpressionPixels(n, i)), r && (, "WRAPPER: handling error pixels", "vast"), bouncex.vst._tracking.recordErrorPixels(e, n, r)), o && (, "WRAPPER: handling tracking events", "vast"), bouncex.vst._tracking.recordEventPixels(n, o)), a && (, "WRAPPER: handling inline ad click tracking", "vast"), bouncex.vst._xml.elementParsers.handleVideo(e, n, a))
_processVastData: {
getAd: function(e, t, n) {
var i = t.getElementsByTagName("MediaFile"),
o = this.addMetaData(e, t),
a = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast;
bouncex.vst._validations.checkMediaExists(e, t, i, n), bouncex.vst._xml.elementParsers.init(e, o, t, a)
addMetaData: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Ad", 2),
i = {};
return null !== n && (i.adId = n.getAttribute("id") || null, i.type = n.nodeName || null, i.system = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("AdSystem")[0]) || !1, i.title = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle")[0]) || !1, i.description = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("Description")[0]) || !1, i.system = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("AdSystem")[0]) || !1, i.title = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle")[0]) || !1, i.description = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("Description")[0]) || !1, i.advertiser = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("Advertiser")[0]) || !1, i.pricing = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("Pricing")[0]) || !1, i.category = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.parseNodeText(n.getElementsByTagName("Category")[0]) || !1, 0 === bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.wrapperLevel && (bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.metaData = i), n)
_validations: {
checkMediaExists: function(e, t, n) {
if (null === n || 1 > n.length) {
var i = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "Wrapper", 0),
o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, t, "status", 0);
o && "NO_AD" === o.innerHTML &&, "vastResponse with no ad - status: " + o.innerHTML + ", campaign failed."), null === i &&, "vastResponse without video, campaign failed")
checkVastUrl: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.vst._validations.checkUrl(e),
n = t.href || null;
return "https:" === window.location.protocol && "https" !== t.protocol && (n = "https:" + n.substring(5)), n
checkHttpRequest: function(e, t, n) {
"function" != typeof n &&, "VAST [validateHttpCall]: callback is not a function", !0), "string" != typeof t &&, "VAST [validateHttpCall]: not a valid url", !0)
checkUrl: function(e) {
var t = document.documentMode,
n = document.createElement("a");
return t && (n.setAttribute("href", e), e = n.href), n.setAttribute("href", e), {
href: n.href,
protocol: n.protocol ? n.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
hostname: n.hostname,
path: "/" === n.pathname.charAt(0) ? n.pathname : "/" + n.pathname
checkXml: function(e) {
var t;
if ("string" == typeof e) {
t = bouncex.vst._xml.convertStringToXML(e)
} else {
if (null === e && null === e.responseXML && null === e.responseText) {
var n = e ? {
url: encodeURIComponent(e.responseURL)
} : {};
return, "vast url returned null response | " + n, "error"), !1
var i = e.responseXML || e.responseText || e.response;
if ("string" == typeof i) try {
t = bouncex.vst._xml.convertStringToXML(e.responseText)
} catch (e) {
return, "vastResponse returned null from url " + n, "error"), !1
} else t = i
return t
_loadPlayer: {
vastMedia: function(e, t) {
if ( {
var n = t.src && "string" != typeof t.src ? JSON.stringify(t.src) : t.src ? t.src : "";, "found compatible media file (" + n + ")", "vast"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status.vastDataLoaded = !0,
vpaidMedia: function(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status.vastDataLoaded = !0;
var n = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
n.type = "text/javascript", n.src = t.vpaidUrl, n.onload = function() {
handleVPAID: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getXmlNode(e, n, "AdParameters", 0);
t.vpaidWidth = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-video-wrapper").css("width").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""), t.vpaidHeight = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-video-wrapper").css("height").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""), t.vpaidUrl = "https:" === window.location.protocol && 0 === i.indexOf("http:") ? "https:" + i.substring(5) : i, t.isVPAID = !0, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.isVPAID = !0, o && (o = bouncex.vst._xml.nodeParsers.getNodeValue(o), t.vpaidAdParams = o)
_helpers: {
isVastOrTag: function(e) {
return /^[\s]*<VAST/i.test(e) ? "vastxml" : "tag"
toCamelCase: function(e) {
return e.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + e.slice(1)
calculateAspectRatioData: function(e, t) {
var n = {},
i = parseInt(e) / parseInt(t);
return i == 4 / 3 ? n.paddingTop = "75%" : 1.5 == i ? n.paddingTop = "66.66666666666667%" : i == 16 / 9 ? n.paddingTop = "56.25%" : 1 == i ? n.paddingTop = !1 : 1.6 == i && (n.paddingTop = "62.5%"), n.ratio = i, n
_internal: {
groupCollapsed: function(e, t, n) {
var i = e ? "(" + e + ")" : "";
bouncex.console.groupCollapsed("%c vast parser " + i + ": " + t, "color: " + (n ? "#FF0000" : "#09AF59"))
groupEnd: function(e, t, n) {
var i = e ? "(" + e + ")" : "";
bouncex.console.groupEnd("%c vast parser " + i + ": " + t, "color: " + (n ? "#FF0000" : "#09AF59"))
}, = {
init: function(e, t, n, i) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].video = bouncex.campaigns[e].video || {},, n, i);
try {
bouncex.vst._init.buildVastEnv(e, t)
} catch (t) {, t)
buildEnv: function(e, t, n) {
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e].video;
i.player = document.getElementById("bx-video-player-" + e), i.uniqueEventPixels = [], i.vast = {}, i.vpaid = {}, i.integrations = {}, i.integrations.moatApiReference = {}, i.config = {}, i.config.provider = t, i.creative = {}, i.creative.requestWidth = n.width, i.creative.requestHeight = n.height, i.status = {
ready: !1,
qOne: !1,
midpoint: !1,
qThree: !1,
vastDataLoaded: !1,
stopped: !1
canPlayMedia: function(e) {
var t = document.createElement("VIDEO"),
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.type;
if ("maybe" === t.canPlayType(n) || "probably" === t.canPlayType(n)) return, "media file supported", "player"), !0;
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.wrapperLevel || !1;
bouncex.vst._internal.groupEnd(e, "vast parser exit", !1), i && !n ?, "no media found on wrapper level " + i, "warning") :, "video player does not support " + n, "error")
bxPlayerPop: function(e, t) {
var n =, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player);
report(e, "pop", {
"pop:activation": t,
video_type: n.isVPAID ? "VPAID" : "VAST",
media_type: n.type,
media_size: n.dimensions.videoWidth + "x" + n.dimensions.videoHeight
onPlay: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n =,
i =,
o = -1 < bouncex.campaigns[e].video.config.src.indexOf("/demo/ads_demo_video.mp4"),
a =, n);, "onplay"), = !0, "aqbx" === i && o &&, n);
try {
} catch (t) {, "error: " + t, "error")
}, "video_play"),, "start");
var r = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVideoStart", a.volume);, e)
play: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n =,;
n.isVPAID && n.ready && ? : !n.playing && n.ready && &&
playVideoBeforeImpression: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t];
var i =,
o =,,
a = this._integrations.moat.apiReference; =, a.ids, a.duration, a.partnerCode, a.url), o.isVPAID ? bouncex.vpd.playVPAIDBeforeImpression(e, t) : (bouncex.on(jQuery(i), "onplay",, bouncex.on(jQuery(i), "onerror", function(e) {
jQuery(i).off("onerror"), i.pause(), bouncex.campaigns[t].video.status.stopped = !0,, e.message ? e.message : "error loading video response")
}), && (show_ad(e, t),, "video_impression"),, "impression")))
configPlayer: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = || {},
i =,
o =,;
if (o.isVPAID || (n.src = i.src || "//" + + "/assets/global/videos/pub/demo/ads_demo_video.mp4", n.clickThroughUrl = i.clickThrough || !1), n.aspectRatio = i.aspectRatio, n.offsetAspectRatio = i.offsetAspectRatio, o.isVPAID ? (n.width = i.vpaidWidth, n.height = i.vpaidHeight) : (n.width = i.width, n.height = i.height),, !o.isVPAID) {
var a = document.getElementById("bx-video-player-" + e);
jQuery(a).attr("src", bouncex.campaigns[e].video.config.src),, n.clickThroughUrl),
} = n
setClickThroughUrl: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player;
"" !== t && !1 !== t && jQuery(n).attr("href", t)
clickThroughHelper: function(e, t) {, "_blank").focus()
toggleMute: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player;
jQuery(".bx-video-wrapper").toggleClass("bx-video-player-unmuted"), t.muted = !t.muted || !t.muted
playPausePlayer: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video,
n = t.player;
n.paused || n.ended ? (, t.manuallyPaused = !1) : (n.pause(), t.manuallyPaused = !0)
playPauseVisibility: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video,
n = t.player;
BrowserUtil.currentTab.isVisible() ? !t.manuallyPaused && (n.paused || n.ended) && : n.pause()
updateProgressPlayer: function(e) {
var t = document.getElementById("bx-video-progress-wrapper-" + e).getElementsByClassName("bx-video-progress-time-total"),
n = document.getElementById("bx-video-progress-wrapper-" + e).getElementsByClassName("bx-video-progress-time-left"),
i =, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player),
o = !1 === i.time.inSeconds ? 0 : i.time.inSeconds,
a = _Mathfloor(i.time.durationRounded),
r =,
s =;
jQuery(n).text(r), jQuery(t).text(s)
toMinutes: function(e) {
return (e / 60).toFixed(2).replace(".", ":")
toSeconds: function(e) {
return 10 > e && (e = ("0" + e).slice(-2)), e = "0:" + e
getFormattedTime: function(e) {
return 60 > e ? :
canPlay: function(e) {
if (!bouncex.campaigns[e].video.isVPAID) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status;
t.ready = !0, t.canPlayEvent = !0,, jQuery(bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player).unbind("canplay.bx-" + e)
ready: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return && && !
playerReady: function(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status.ready ? (!bouncex.campaigns[e].video.isVPAID &&, bouncex.gbi2._activateCampaign(e)) :, "player not ready", "player")
getPlayerSnapshot: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast,
i = t.duration || n.duration,
o = _Mathfloor(.25 * i),
a = _Mathfloor(2 * o),
r = _Mathfloor(3 * o),
s = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status,
c = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast,
u = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.creative;
return {
ended: t.ended,
playing: !t.paused,
paused: t.paused,
type: t.currentType || n.type,
src: t.currentSrc || c.vpaidUrl,
clickThroughUrl: n.clickThrough,
muted: t.muted,
volume: t.volume,
ready: s.ready || !1,
playbackRate: t.playbackRate,
seeking: t.seeking,
isVPAID: bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.isVPAID,
vastDataLoaded: s.vastDataLoaded,
dimensions: {
offsetWidth: t.offsetWidth,
offsetHeight: t.offsetHeight,
videoWidth: t.videoWidth || n.vpaidWidth,
videoHeight: t.videoHeight || n.vpaidHeight,
requestWidth: u.requestWidth,
requestHeight: u.requestHeight
time: {
duration: i,
durationRounded: _Mathfloor(i),
currentUnformatted: t.currentTime || !1,
inSeconds: parseInt(t.currentTime % 60) || !1,
firstQuartile: {
value: o,
passed: s.qOne || !1
midpoint: {
value: a,
passed: s.midpoint || !1
thirdQuartile: {
value: r,
passed: s.qThree || !1
stylePlayer: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.creative;
t.dynamicHeight = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-row-video").width(), t.dynamicWidth = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-row-video").height(), jQuery(".bxc.bx-campaign-" + e).addClass("bx-width-full-content"), jQuery("body").on("focus", "#bx-video-btns-" + e + " .bx-video-btn", function() {
jQuery("#bx-video-wrapper-" + e).addClass("bx-video-wrapper-has-focus")
}).on("blur", "#bx-video-btns-" + e + " .bx-video-btn", function() {
jQuery(".bx-video-wrapper-" + e).removeClass("bx-video-wrapper-has-focus")
}), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.isVPAID ||
adjustAspectRatio: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video,
n = t.vast.aspectRatio.paddingTop,
i = t.vast.aspectRatio.ratio,
o = t.creative.dynamicWidth,
a = t.creative.dynamicHeight,
r = -1 < t.config.src.indexOf("/demo/ads_demo_video.mp4") && "aqbx" === bouncex.campaigns[e].video.config.provider,
s = "300" === t.config.height && "400" === t.config.width && "75%" === n;
!n || i === o / a || r || s || (jQuery("#bx-video-wrapper-" + e).addClass("bx-video-aspectRatio-fix-" + e), jQuery(".bx-video-aspectRatio-fix-" + e).css("padding-top", n))
aqbxStyleFix: function(e, t) {
var n = jQuery(t)[0].videoHeight,
i = jQuery(t)[0].videoWidth,
o = (+jQuery(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-row-video").css("width").split("px")[0] / (i / n)).toString() + "px";
jQuery(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-video-wrapper").css("height", o)
detectVideoProgress: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o, a = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status,
r =, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player),
s = r.time.inSeconds;
t !== s || r.time.firstQuartile.passed ? n !== s || r.time.midpoint.passed ? i === s && !r.time.thirdQuartile.passed && (o = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVideoThirdQuartile", r.volume),, "video_play_third_quartile"),, "thirdQuartile"), a.qThree = !0) : (o = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVideoMidpoint", r.volume),, "video_play_midpoint"),, "midpoint"), a.midpoint = !0) : (o = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVideoFirstQuartile", r.volume),, "video_play_first_quartile"),, "firstQuartile"), a.qOne = !0), o && bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(o, e)
addVideoEventTrackingListeners: function(e) {
var t = document.getElementById("bx-video-player-" + e);
bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player = t, bxBind(t, " volumechange.bx-" + e + " canplay.bx-" + e + " durationchange.bx-" + e + " ended.bx-" + e + " pause.bx-" + e + " play.bx-" + e + " playing.bx-" + e + " timeupdate.bx-" + e + " loadeddata.bx-" + e + " error.bx-" + e + " click.bx-" + e + " canplaythrough.bx-" + e + " touchend.bx-" + e + " onplay.bx-" + e + " loadedmetadata.bx-" + e, function(n) {, t, n)
}), this.handleVideoClose(e)
handleVideoEvents: function(t, n, i) {
var o = i.type,
a = bouncex.campaigns[t].video.status,
r =, n);
if ("canplaythrough" !== o || a.canPlayEvent)
if ("loadedmetadata" === o && bouncex.browser.ios) n.setAttribute("playsinline", ""),;
else if ("loadeddata" === o), "video_load");
else if ("canplay" === o);
else if ("play" === o) this.handlePlayEvent(t, r);
else if ("volumechange" === o) this.handleVolumechangeEvent(t, r, n);
else if ("timeupdate" !== o || r.isVPAID)
if ("pause" !== o || bouncex.campaigns[t].video.status.stopped || bouncex.campaigns[t].video.player.ended)
if ("ended" === o) this.handleEndEvent(t, r);
else if ("error" === o) {
var s = && ? : "an error has occurred, campaign failed";, s)
} else("click" === o || "touchend" === o) && this.handleClickEvent(t, r);
else this.handlePauseEvent(t, r);
else this.handleTimeUpdateEvent(t, r);
handleVideoClose: function(e) {
var t = document.getElementById("bx-video-player-" + e),
n = document.getElementById("bx-creative-" + e).getElementsByClassName("bx-close-link");
bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player = t, jQuery(n).on("click.bx-" + e, function() {
var n =, t),
i ="AdStopped", n.volume);
!1 === bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.isVPAID && (bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status.stopped = !0, t.pause()), t.ended = !0, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(i, e)
handlePlayEvent: function(e, t) {
var n = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdPlaying", t.volume);
jQuery(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-video-wrapper").toggleClass("bx-video-player-paused"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(n, e)
handleVolumechangeEvent: function(e, t, n) {
var i = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVolumeChange", t.volume);
n.muted &&, "mute"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(i, e)
handleTimeUpdateEvent: function(e, t) {,, t.time.firstQuartile.value, t.time.midpoint.value, t.time.thirdQuartile.value)
handlePauseEvent: function(e, t) {
var n ="AdPaused", t.volume);
jQuery(".bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-video-wrapper").toggleClass("bx-video-player-paused"),, "video_pause"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(n, e)
handleClickEvent: function(e, t) {
t.clickThroughUrl &&, t.clickThroughUrl),, "click")
handleEndEvent: function(e, t) {
var n = this._integrations.moat.getDispatchEventParams("AdVideoComplete", t.volume);, "video_play_complete"),, "complete"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.integrations.moatApiReference.dispatchEvent(n, e),, " volumechange.bx-" + e + " canplay.bx-" + e + " durationchange.bx-" + e + " ended.bx-" + e + " pause.bx-" + e + " play.bx-" + e + " playing.bx-" + e + " timeupdate.bx-" + e + " loadeddata.bx-" + e + " error.bx-" + e + " click.bx-" + e + " canplaythrough.bx-" + e + "touchend.bx-" + e + "onplay.bx-" + e)
getEventUrls: function(e, t) {
var n;
return (n = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.vpaidUrl ? bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking[t] : bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast.tracking[t]) && 0 !== n.length && ("string" == typeof n && (n = [n]), n)
fireTrackingEvents: function(e, t) {
var n = !1,
i = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.uniqueEventPixels || [],
o = this.getEventUrls(e, t);
if (o)
for (var a, r = 0; r < o.length; r++)
if (!(null == (a = o[r]) || 1 > a.length || -1 === a.indexOf("http"))) {
if (i.includes(a)) {
n = !0;
i.push(a),, n ? "already fired event pixel for " + t : "firing event pixel " + a + " for " + t, "eventpixel"), document.createElement("img").src = a
_integrations: {
moat: {
apiReference: {},
init: function(e, t) {, "init moat integration", "moat"), = this.getMoatApiReference(e, t)
initMoatTracking: function(e, t, n, i, o) {
var a, r, s = document.createElement("script"),
c = [];
t = {
adData: {
ids: t,
duration: n,
url: o
dispatchEvent: function(e, t) {
t &&, e.type, "moat"), this.sendEvent ? (c && (c.push(e), e = c, c = !1), this.sendEvent(e)) : c.push(e)
}, n = "_moatApi" + _Mathfloor(1e8 * Math.random());
try {
r = (a = e.ownerDocument).defaultView || a.parentWindow
} catch (e) {
a = document, r = window
return r[n] = t, s.type = "text/javascript", e && e.insertBefore(s, e.childNodes[0] || null), s.src = "" + i + "/moatvideo.js#" + n, t
getMoatApiReference: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return {
partnerCode: "bouncexjsvideo854426616072",
container: bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player,
url: t.src,
duration: t.duration,
ids: {
level1: + "(" + + ")",
level2: bouncex.gbi2.getDeploymentType(e),
level3: t.isVPAID ? "VPAID" : "VAST",
level4: "video",
slicer1: ? "mobile" : "desktop",
slicer2: n.trigger
getDispatchEventParams: function(e, t) {
return {
type: e,
adVolume: t
report: function(e, t, n) {, 'reporting event "' + t + '"', "player");
var i =, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.player);
(n = n || {}).source = "ads", n.agent = "js", n.video_type = i.isVPAID ? "VPAID" : "VAST", n.media_type = i.type, n.media_size = i.dimensions.videoWidth + "x" + i.dimensions.videoHeight, n.video_length = i.time.duration, "video_pause" === t && (n.pause_location = i.time.currentUnformatted), buildReport(e, t, n)
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o = e ? "[" + e + "]" : "",
a = "(" + (bouncex.campaigns[e] ? bouncex.campaigns[e].video.config.provider || "no provider" : "stack") + ")",
r = "error" === n ? "#FF0000" : "#00F";
switch (_records2.default.addRecord({
group: "video",
campaignId: e,
message: t,
isError: r
}), n) {
case "vast":
i = "#09AF59";
case "vpaid":
i = "#226666";
case "player":
i = "#8E29D4";
case "moat":
i = "#A13647";
case "error":
i = "#FF0000",, "video_error", t);
case "warning":
i = "#F67917";
case "eventpixel":
i = "#956843";
i = "#8E29D4"
"vast" === n ? bouncex.log("%c [vast]: " + t, "color: " + i) : bouncex.log("%c video [" + n + "] " + o + a + ": " + t, "color: " + i)
fail: function(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !0,, t, "error")
}, bouncex.vpd = {
generateVPAIDManager: function(e) {, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vpaid = bouncex.campaigns[e].vpaid || {}, bouncex.vpd.campaignId = e;
try {, "getVPAIDAd() called", "vpaid"), bouncex.campaigns[e] = getVPAIDAd(), this._versionCheck(e)
} catch (t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e] = document.getVPAIDAd()
_versionCheck: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e]"2.0");
if (t && "2.0" !== t) return, "generateVPAIDManager -> Ad VPAID version (" + t + ") is not supported", "error"), !1
_buildVpaidEnv: function(e, t, n, i) {, "building VPAID environment", "vpaid");
var o = t;
return = bouncex.campaigns[e], o.vastConfig = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast, o.config = {}, o.callbacks = {
AdClickThru: this.onAdClickThru,
AdDurationChange: this.onAdDurationChange,
AdError: this.onAdError,
AdImpression: this.onAdImpression,
AdLoaded: this.onAdLoaded,
AdPaused: this.onAdPaused,
AdPlaying: this.onAdPlaying,
AdSizeChange: this.onAdSizeChange,
AdSkippableStateChange: this.onAdSkippableStateChange,
AdSkipped: this.onAdSkipped,
AdStarted: this.onAdStarted,
AdStopped: this.onAdStopped,
AdUserAcceptInvitation: this.onAdUserAcceptInvitation,
AdUserClose: this.onAdUserClose,
AdUserMinimize: this.onAdUserMinimize,
AdVideoComplete: this.onAdVideoComplete,
AdVideoFirstQuartile: this.onAdVideoFirstQuartile,
AdVideoMidpoint: this.onAdVideoMidpoint,
AdVideoStart: this.onAdVideoStart,
AdVideoThirdQuartile: this.onAdVideoThirdQuartile,
AdVolumeChange: this.onAdVolumeChange
}, o.adUnit = {
lastVolume: ""
}, o.config.creativeData = {}, o.config.environmentVars = {}, o.config.viewMode = "normal", o.config.desiredBitrate = -1, o.config.environmentVars.slot = i, o.config.environmentVars.videoSlot = n, o.config.environmentVars.autoPlay = !1, o.config.environmentVars.videoSlotCanAutoPlay = !0, o
_init: function(e) {, "init VPAID", "vpaid");
var t = bouncex.document[0].getElementById("bx-video-player-" + e),
n = bouncex.document[0].getElementById("bx-video-wrapper-" + e),
i = this._buildVpaidEnv(e, bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vpaid, t, n),
o =;
for (var a in n.removeChild(n.childNodes[3]), i.callbacks) o.subscribe(i.callbacks[a], a);
i.vastConfig.vpaidAdParams && (i.config.creativeData = {
AdParameters: i.vastConfig.vpaidAdParams
}), bouncex.vpd._validateVPAID(o) ||, "_validateVPAID Error: VPAID interface check failed", "error"), bouncex.vpd._adjustCreativeForVpaid(e), o.initAd(i.vastConfig.vpaidWidth, i.vastConfig.vpaidHeight, i.config.viewMode, i.config.desiredBitrate, i.config.creativeData, i.config.environmentVars)
_validateVPAID: function(e) {
return !!(e.handshakeVersion && "function" == typeof e.handshakeVersion && e.initAd && "function" == typeof e.initAd && e.startAd && "function" == typeof e.startAd && e.stopAd && "function" == typeof e.stopAd && e.skipAd && "function" == typeof e.skipAd && e.resizeAd && "function" == typeof e.resizeAd && e.pauseAd && "function" == typeof e.pauseAd && e.resumeAd && "function" == typeof e.resumeAd && e.expandAd && "function" == typeof e.expandAd && e.collapseAd && "function" == typeof e.collapseAd && e.subscribe && "function" == typeof e.subscribe && e.unsubscribe && "function" == typeof e.unsubscribe)
_adjustCreativeForVpaid: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].video.vast,
n = 2 * jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e + " .bx-wrap").css("padding-left").replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e).css("max-width", parseInt(t.vpaidWidth) + n + "px")
_fireVpaidTrackingEvents: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.uniqueEventPixels || [],
i = bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId],
o = !1;
if (null != t && 0 != t.length && ! {
"string" == typeof t && (t = [t]);
for (var a, r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (!(null === (a = t[r]) || 1 > a.length || -1 === a.indexOf("http"))) {
if (n.includes(a)) {
o = !0;
n.push(a), ("true" === i.allowCacheBusting || !0 === i.allowCacheBusting) && (-1 < a.indexOf("?") ? a += "&rnd=" + Math.random() : a += "?rnd=" + Math.random()),, o ? "already fired event pixel for " + e : "firing event pixel " + a + " for " + e, "eventpixel"), document.createElement("img").src = a
playVPAIDBeforeImpression: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t].video;
n.videoResponseLoaded = !0, n.triggerType = e,
_adLoaded: function(e) {, "video_load"), bouncex.campaigns[e].video.status.ready = !0,
_adStarted: function(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].video.videoResponseLoaded && show_ad(bouncex.campaigns[e].video.triggerType, e)
_currentAdVolume: function() {
return bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId]
onAdLoaded: function() {
var e = bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid;
bouncex.vpd._adLoaded(bouncex.vpd.campaignId, e), bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdLoaded", e.vastConfig.tracking.loaded),, "AdLoaded")
onAdStarted: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdStarted", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.creativeView), bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.adUnit.lastVolume = e, bouncex.vpd._adStarted(bouncex.vpd.campaignId)
onAdUserClose: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdUserClose", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.close)
onAdUserMinimize: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdUserMinimize", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.collapse)
onAdUserAcceptInvitation: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdUserAcceptInvitation", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.acceptInvitation)
onAdSkippableStateChange: function() {
onAdStopped: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.status.stopped = !0, bouncex.close_ad(bouncex.vpd.campaignId), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdStopped", e)
onAdPaused: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume(); = !0, bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdPaused", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.pause),, "video_pause"), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdPaused", e)
onAdPlaying: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume(); = !1, bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdPlaying", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.resume), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdPlaying", e)
onAdVolumeChange: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume(),
t = bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.adUnit.lastVolume;
0 === e && 0 < t ? bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVolumeChange", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.mute, "volumechange") : 0 < e && 0 === t && bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVolumeChange", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.unmute, "volumechange"), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVolumeChange", e), bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.adUnit.lastVolume = e
onAdImpression: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdImpression", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.impression),, "video_impression")
onAdVideoStart: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.adUnit.started = !0, bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVideoStart", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.start),, "video_play"), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVideoStart", e)
onAdSkipped: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdSkipped", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.skip), bouncex.close_ad(bouncex.vpd.campaignId)
onAdVideoFirstQuartile: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVideoFirstQuartile", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.firstQuartile), bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.status.qOne = !0, bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVideoFirstQuartile", e),, "video_play_first_quartile")
onAdVideoMidpoint: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVideoMidpoint", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.midpoint), bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.status.midpoint = !0, bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVideoMidpoint", e),, "video_play_midpoint")
onAdVideoThirdQuartile: function() {
var e = bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume();
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVideoThirdQuartile", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.thirdQuartile), bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.status.qThree = !0, bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVideoThirdQuartile", e),, "video_play_third_quartile")
onAdClickThru: function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vast.clickThrough = e, void 0 !== n && 1 == n && (e ? : bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vast.clickThrough &&[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vast.clickThrough)), bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdClickThru", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.clickTracking)
onAdDurationChange: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdDurationChange", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.durationchange)
onAdSizeChange: function() {
(document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement) && bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdSizeChange", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.fullscreen)
onAdVideoComplete: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdVideoComplete", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.complete),, "video_play_complete"), bouncex.vpd._moatDispatch("AdVideoComplete", bouncex.vpd._currentAdVolume())
onAdError: function() {
bouncex.vpd._fireVpaidTrackingEvents("AdError", bouncex.campaigns[bouncex.vpd.campaignId].video.vpaid.vastConfig.tracking.error),, "video_error")
_moatDispatch: function(e, t) {
type: e,
adVolume: t
}, bouncex.vpd.campaignId)
var ComplianceChecks = {
init: function() {
this.onFailure = bouncex.destroyAll, this.onSuccess = InitSequence.init1.serviceReady.bind(InitSequence.init1, "compliance check"), this._checkComplianceIntegrations()
_checkComplianceIntegrations: function() {
for (var e in this._finished = !1, this._integrations)
if (this._integrations.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var t = this._integrations[e];
this._setIntegrationActions(, this._initIntegration(t)
_hasFailingIntegration: function() {
for (var e in this._integrations)
if (this._integrations.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
if (!this._integrations[e].passed) return !0
return !1
_initIntegration: function(e) {
delete e.passed, e.init()
_integrationPassed: function() {
this._finished || this._hasFailingIntegration() || (this.compliancePassed = !0, this._finished = !0, this.onSuccess())
_integrationFailed: function(e) {
this.compliancePassed = !1, this._finished = !0, this.onFailure(e)
_setIntegrationActions: function(e) {
var t = this._integrations[e];
for (var n in this._integrationActions) t[n] = this._integrationActions[n].bind(this, t)
_integrationActions: {
log: function(e, t) {
this._log(, t)
failsCheckInEU: function(e, t) {
return bouncex.state && bouncex.state.gdpr ? e.failsCheck(t) : (bouncex.complianceFlag = bouncex.complianceFlag || "gdpr_no_consent", void e.passesCheck(t))
passesCheck: function(e, t) {
e.passed = !0, this._log(, t, !1), this._integrationPassed()
failsCheck: function(e, t) {
bouncex.complianceFlag = "no_consent", e.passed = !1, this._log(, t, !0), this._integrationFailed(
_integrations: {
iab_cmp: {
name: "iab_cmp",
bxVendorId: 256,
bxPurposeIds: [1],
init: function() {
return "function" == typeof window.__cmp ? (this.pingTimeout = setTimeout2(function() {
this.failsCheckInEU("ping timed out")
}.bind(this), 200), this.getVendorConsents(), void this.pingCMP()) : this.passesCheck("no __cmp")
pingCMP: function() {
window.__cmp("ping", null, tryCatch(function(e, t) {
if (clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout), !this.getVendorConsentsCalled) return e && e.cmpLoaded ? void 0 : t ? (this.firstTime = this.firstTime || getTimeMs(), this.currentTime = getTimeMs(), 2e3 <= this.currentTime - this.firstTime ? this.passesCheck("cmp not loaded in time") : void setTimeout2(this.pingCMP.bind(this), 200)) : this.failsCheckInEU("ping success false")
getVendorConsents: function() {
window.__cmp("getVendorConsents", [this.bxVendorId], tryCatch(function(e, t) {
if (clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout), this.getVendorConsentsCalled = !0, !t) return this.failsCheckInEU("success false");
if (!0 === e.gdprApplies || "true" === e.gdprApplies) {
if (!this.consentPasses(e.vendorConsents[this.bxVendorId])) return;
for (var n, i = 0; i < this.bxPurposeIds.length; i++)
if (n = this.bxPurposeIds[i], !this.consentPasses(e.purposeConsents[n])) return
this.passesCheck("checks passed")
consentPasses: function(e) {
return !(!0 !== e && (!1 === e ? this.failsCheck("fails consent") : this.failsCheckInEU("unexpected response"), 1))
_log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: "compliance",
message: e + "-" + t
n ? _logger2.default.error(i) :
CouponCodes = {
insertCodesInCurrentStep: function(e) {
var t = {
campaignId: e,
getPlaceholders: this._step.getPlaceholders,
populateCoupon: this._step.populatePlaceholderWithCode,
insertLoadingMsg: this._step.insertLoadingMsg
this.log(t, "init visible coupons"), this._loadCoupons(t)
insertCodesInFormAndSubmit: function(e, t) {
var n = {
campaignId: e,
getPlaceholders: this._form.getPlaceholders,
populateCoupon: this._form.populatePlaceholderWithCode,
callback: t
this.log(n, "init hidden coupons"), this._loadCoupons(n)
_step: {
getPlaceholders: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e.campaignId],
n = ".bx-step-" + t.current_step + ' .bx-cpn-not-loaded[data-cpn-set]:not([data-cpn-set=""])';
return[0].querySelectorAll(n)).map(function(e, i) {
return {
campaign: e,
clone: t.obj2[1] ? t.obj2[1].querySelectorAll(n)[i] : null
populatePlaceholderWithCode: function(e) {
[e.placeholder, e.clone].map(function(t) {
t && (t.innerText = e.code ? e.code : e.errorMsg, t.classList.remove("bx-cpn-not-loaded"))
}), CouponCodes._checkIsFinished(e)
insertLoadingMsg: function(e) {
[e.placeholder, e.clone].map(function(e) {
e && (e.innerText = "loading...")
_form: {
getPlaceholders: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e.campaignId];
return[0].querySelectorAll('[value="bx-cpn-not-loaded"][data-cpn-set]:not([data-cpn-set=""])')).map(function(e) {
return {
campaign: e
populatePlaceholderWithCode: function(e) {
e.placeholder.value = e.code || "false", CouponCodes._checkIsFinished(e)
_loadCoupons: function(e) {
var t = e.getPlaceholders(e);
return 0 === t.length ? (this.log(e, "no coupons found"), this._finishedLoading(e)) : void t.forEach(function(t) {
var n = {
campaignId: e.campaignId,
populateCoupon: e.populateCoupon,
getPlaceholders: e.getPlaceholders,
callback: e.callback,
setName: t.campaign.getAttribute("data-cpn-set"),
placeholder: t.campaign,
clone: t.clone,
insertLoadingMsg: e.insertLoadingMsg
_finishedLoading: function(e) {
this.log(e, "finished"), "function" == typeof e.callback && e.callback()
_loadCoupon: function(e) {
var t = this._getCouponStatus(e.setName);
return this.log(e, "coupon status: " + t), "cookied" === t ? (e.code = this._getCookiedCode(e.setName), this._populateCoupon(e)) : "untracked" === t ? this._requestCoupon(e) : "requesting" === t ? setTimeout2(this._loadCoupon.bind(this, e), 200) : bouncex.err("unexpected coupon status", {
source: "coupon code"
_requestCoupon: function(e) {
this.log(e, "requesting coupon");
var t = {
type: "GET",
url: "https://" + + "/bounce/fetch_coupon",
data: {
setName: e.setName,
visitId: bouncex.cookie.vid,
deviceId: bouncex.cookie.did,
campaignId: e.campaignId,
requestToken: bouncex.state.request_token
success: this._onSuccessHandler.bind(this, e),
error: this._onErrorHandler.bind(this, e)
this._pendingCoupons[e.setName] = !0, "function" == typeof e.insertLoadingMsg && e.insertLoadingMsg(e), jQuery.ajax(t)
_onSuccessHandler: function(e, t) {
return t && t.error ? this._onErrorHandler(e, null, t.error) : t && t.code ? (e.code = t.code, this._completeRequest(e, "successful"), void{
campaignId: e.campaignId,
couponCode: t.code
})) : this._onErrorHandler(e, null, "unexpected response")
_onErrorHandler: function(e, t, n) {
var i = this._getDefaultCode(e.placeholder);
i ? e.code = i : e.errorMsg = this._getErrorMsg(n);
var o = [];
t && "number" == typeof t.status && o.push("xhr status " + t.status), n && o.push(n);
var a = "failed: " + o.join(",");
name: "coupon error",
message: a
}, {
liveTraffic: 100,
campaignId: e.campaignId
}), this._completeRequest(e, a)
_getErrorMsg: function(e) {
return "no coupon found" === e ? "COUPON ERROR 0" : "COUPON ERROR 1"
_completeRequest: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, "request status: " + t), e.code && this._cookieCoupon(e.setName, e.code), this._populateCoupon(e), delete this._pendingCoupons[e.setName]
_cookieCoupon: function(e, t) {
bouncex.cookie.cpn = bouncex.utils.isObject(bouncex.cookie.cpn) ? bouncex.cookie.cpn : {}, bouncex.cookie.cpn[e] = t, setBounceCookie()
_populateCoupon: function(e) {
this.log(e, "populating code: " + e.code), this._triggerCouponFetchedEvent(e), e.populateCoupon(e)
_triggerCouponFetchedEvent: function(e) {
bouncex.window && bouncex.window.trigger("bxCouponFetched", [{
setName: e.setName,
code: e.code,
campaignId: e.campaignId
_pendingCoupons: {},
_getCouponStatus: function(e) {
return bouncex.cookie.cpn && bouncex.cookie.cpn[e] ? "cookied" : this._pendingCoupons[e] ? "requesting" : "untracked"
_getCookiedCode: function(e) {
return bouncex.cookie.cpn && bouncex.cookie.cpn[e]
_getDefaultCode: function(e) {
return e.getAttribute("data-cpn-default")
_checkIsFinished: function(e) {
this._hasPlaceholders(e) || this._finishedLoading(e)
_hasPlaceholders: function(e) {
return 0 < e.getPlaceholders(e).length
log: function(e, t) {
e = {
shouldLog: visitorTestMode("coupons"),
group: "coupons",
campaignId: e.campaignId || "",
message: (e.setName ? e.setName + ": " : "") + t
report: function(e) {, "coupon", {
"coupon:id": e.couponId,
"coupon:code": e.couponCode
bouncex.dg = {
init: function() { && (this.dg_timeout = setTimeout2(function() {
CustomVariables.evalVars("devicegraph"), bouncex.err("dg timeout")
}, 3e3)), this.initPostDeviceGraph(null)
initPostDeviceGraph: function(e, t) {
null === e && (void 0 !== t && t.IDs && (this.idTime = getTimeMs(), this.json = t, this.softID = t.IDs.deviceID, this.hardID = t.IDs.cookieID, && this.previousCustomerLookup(), InitSequence.init1.serviceReady("graph callback")), void 0 === bouncex.state || void 0 === this.json || (t = this.json, bouncex.perf.manualTiming("bxid", this.idTime), && (clearTimeout(this.dg_timeout), = bouncex.parseJSON(t.cookie), this._replenishCookie(), CustomVariables.evalVars("devicegraph"))))
getAdsOptStatus: function(e, t) {
if (null === e) {
var n = t.deviceID || t.IDs.deviceID;
window.bouncex.gbi.deviceOptedStatus = n || ""
previousCustomerLookup: function() {
var e = "" + this.softID + "&cookieID=" + this.hardID + "&bxwid=" +;
url: e,
type: "GET"
}).always(function() {
_replenishCookie: function() {
var e = [],
t = bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie.v);
if ( &&
for (var n in
if ( && bouncex.cookie.v[n] !==[n]) {
if (void 0 === CustomVariables.getVar(n)) {
e.push(n), bouncex.setv(n,[n])
e.length && (setBounceCookie(), reload_campaigns("device_graph_hydration", e.join(",")), event_stream_report("device_graph_hydration", {
hydrated_cookie: bouncex.stringify(,
cookie: bouncex.stringify(bouncex.cookie),
hydrated_cvar: bouncex.stringify(,
previous_cvar: t
updateDeviceGraphCookie: function() { = bouncex.cookie.did, = bouncex.cookie.vid;
var e = {
deviceID: this.softID,
obj: encodeURIComponent(bouncex.stringify(
type: "GET",
url: "" + qs(e),
error: function() {
bouncex.err("device graph update failed")
}, = {
init: function() {
try {
eval(, this.evalAllUIEvents(!0)
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "event tracking js"
evalAllUIEvents: function(e) {
if (2 === &&
for (var t = 0; t <; t++)(e || ![t].criteriaPassed) && ([t].criteriaPassed = this.evalUIEvent([t]))
evalUIEvent: function(e) {
var t = new Criteria(e.type.val, e.evaluation, "UI event").evaluate();
if (t) {
var n = e.trigger;
switch (n.activation) {
case "onActiveTime":
var i = n.val;, function() {
case "onClick":
var o =[n.val];
o &&, "click", function() {
var t = jQuery(this);, t)
}, o);
case "onCartEmpty": {
case "onHover":
case "onVisible":[n.activation]([n.val], function(t) {, t)
case "delay":
var a = 1e3 * n.val;
bouncex.setTimeout2(function() {
}, a);
case "default":
return t
makeUIEvent: function(e, t) {
var n = e.type.val,
i = e.data_fields[0].reduce(function(e, n) {
if ("default" !== n.activation) {
var i = CustomVariables.getVar(n.val);
i && "event" === i.trigger && CustomVariables.evalVarAndReload(n.val, t), e["custom" === n.activation ? n.val : n.activation] = bouncex.vars[n.val]
return e
}, {});
bouncex.push([n, i])
hoverTime: 1e3,
log: function(e) {{
group: "et log",
message: e,
color: "#4b0082"
on: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = this.register({
event: t,
selector: i,
stop: function() {, t + "." + o, i)
return bouncex.on(e, t + "." + o, n, i), o
onActiveTime: function(e, t) {
var n = ActiveTime.addCallback(e, t);
return this.register({
event: "active time",
stop: function() {
onCartEmpty: function(e) {
var t = ? : "cart_qty";
this.onVarChange(t, function(t, n) {
0 < t && 0 === n && e()
onAnyVarChange: function(e) {
return this.on(bouncex.window, "bxVarsChange", function() {
var t = arguments[1];
onVarChange: function(e, t) {
return this.onAnyVarChange(function(n) {
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
if (n[i].name == e) return t(n[i].oldVal, bouncex.vars[e])
onHover: function(e, t) {
var n, i = this.hoverTime,
o = this.register({
event: "hover",
selector: e,
stop: function() {, "mouseenter." + o, e),, "mouseleave." + o, e), clearTimeout(n)
bouncex.on(bouncex.body, "mouseenter." + o, function() {
var e = jQuery(this);
clearTimeout(n), e.attr("data-bxhover-" + o) || (n = setTimeout(function() {
e.attr("data-bxhover-" + o, !0), bouncex.tryCatch(t)(e)
}, i))
}, e), bouncex.on(bouncex.body, "mouseleave." + o, function() {
}, e)
onTrue: function(e, t, n) {
var i = 0;
if (n = n || 5, e()) t();
else var o = {
e() ? (, t()) : i > n &&, i++
onVisible: function(e, t) {
function n() {
i = jQuery(e).is(":visible"), !o && i && bouncex.tryCatch(t)(jQuery(e)), o = i
var i, o = !1;
return n(), this.setInterval(n)
register: function(e) {
var t = generateUniqueId();
return bouncex.listeners = bouncex.listeners || {}, bouncex.listeners[t] = e, t
setInterval: function(e) {
var t = BxInterval.addTask(e);
return this.register({
event: "bxInterval",
stop: function() {
stop: function(e) {
bouncex.listeners.hasOwnProperty(e) && (bouncex.listeners[e].stop(), delete bouncex.listeners[e])
stopAll: function() {
for (var e in bouncex.listeners) this.stop(e)
cart: {
init: function(e) {
var t = {
storeCartVariable: "cart",
cartCountVariable: "cart_qty",
maxVariableSize: bouncex.local_storage_enabled ? 1500 : 400,
storeValues: ["count", "items"],
maxItems: 10
e = jQuery.extend(t, e), this.config = e, this.replenish = e.replenish || this.replenish, this.validateReplenishment = e.validateReplenishment || this.validateReplenishment, this.reportReplenishment = e.reportReplenishment || this.reportReplenishment, this.replenishmentComplete = e.replenishmentComplete || bouncex.utils.getParam("bx_replen"), this.replenishmentType = e.replenishmentType || "unknown", this.replenishmentSuccessful = e.replenishmentSuccessful || this.replenishmentSuccessful, this.tryReplenishment(), this.reportReplenishment()
setReplenishmentReportingStatus: function(e) {
var t = {
code: 0
code: 1,
message: "bx_cart malformed"
code: 2,
message: "Items already in cart"
code: 3,
message: "Missing value, token or items"
code: 4,
message: "Aborted for unknown reason"
code: 9,
message: "Could not replenish cart"
code: 10
t && (this.returnCode = t.code, t.message && (this.failureMessage = t.message))
getCart: function() {
return this.state ? this.state : this.config.storeCartVariable && bouncex.vars[this.config.storeCartVariable] ? (this.state = JSON.parse(bouncex.vars[this.config.storeCartVariable]), this.state) : {}
getCount: function() {
return bouncex.vars[this.config.cartCountVariable]
inferCount: function(e) {
if (bouncex.utils.validate.integer(e.count)) return parseInt(e.count);
if (e.items) {
for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e.items.length; n++) t += parseInt(e.items[n].qty) || 1;
return t
return bouncex.utils.validate.integer(this.getCount()) ? parseInt(this.getCount()) : 0
parseCartParam: function(e) {
return "{" !== e.charAt(0) && (e = atob(e)), JSON.parse(e)
tryReplenishment: function() {
var e = bouncex.utils.getParam("bx_cart"),
t = {};
if (this.replenishing = !1, !e) return !1;
try {
t = this.parseCartParam(e)
} catch (e) {
return bouncex.err(e), this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_MALFORMED"), !1
return this.validateReplenishment(t) ? (, this.replenishing = !0, this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_VALID"), this.replenish(t)) : (void 0 === this.returnCode && this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_REJECTED_UNKNOWN_REASON"), !1)
replenish: function() {
return"Replenish function not defined"), null
replenishmentSuccessful: function() {
return 0 < this.getCount()
save: function(e) {
if (!e) return !1;
this.state = e;
var t = jQuery.extend(!0, {}, e);
if (this.config.storeCartVariable) {
var n = {};
if (0 === t.count) n = {
count: 0
for (var i, o = 0; o < this.config.storeValues.length; o++) i = this.config.storeValues[o], t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
saveToVariable: function(e) {
var t = JSON.stringify(e);
if (t.length <= this.config.maxVariableSize) bouncex.setv(this.config.storeCartVariable, t), setBounceCookie();
else if (e.items && e.items.length) {
JSON.stringify(e.items[e.items.length - 1]).length >= this.config.maxVariableSize ? e.items.pop() : e.items.shift(), this.saveToVariable(e)
track: function(e) {
var t = jQuery.extend({}, e);
t.items && (t.items = JSON.stringify(t.items)), t.ids && (t.ids = t.ids.join(",")), t = bouncex.utils.addNamespace(t, "cart"), bouncex.push(["cart", t])
update: function(e) {
if (this.replenishing) return !1;
if (e.newItem) {
var t = this.getCart().items || [];
t.push(e.newItem), e.items = t
if (this.config.maxItems && e.items && e.items.length > this.config.maxItems && (e.items = e.items.slice(e.items.length - this.config.maxItems)), e.count = this.inferCount(e), !e.ids && e.items) {
for (var n = [], i = 0; i < e.items.length; i++) e.items[i].id && n.push(e.items[i].id);
n.length && (e.ids = n)
}(e.newItem || e.addToCart) && bouncex.push(["add to cart", {}]), delete e.newItem, delete e.addToCart,, this.track(e)
validateReplenishment: function(e) {
var t = this.getCount();
return bouncex.utils.validate.integer(t) && 0 < t ? (this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_ITEMS_ALREADY_IN_CART"), !1) : e ? !!(e.value || e.token || e.items) || (this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_MISSING_DATA"), !1) : (this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_CART_MALFORMED"), !1)
reportReplenishment: function() {
var e = this.getCart(),
t = bouncex.utils.getParam("bx_cart");
if (t) try {
e = this.parseCartParam(t)
} catch (e) {
var n = {
"cart:replentype": this.replenishmentType
if (e.ids && (n["cart:ids"] = e.ids), && (n["cart:date"] =, e.items && (n["cart:items"] = JSON.stringify(e.items)), e.eid && (n["cart:eventid"] = e.eid), t) n["cart:returncode"] = this.returnCode, n["cart:count"] = this.getCount(), 0 < this.returnCode ? (this.failureMessage && (n["cart:failuremessage"] = this.failureMessage), bouncex.push(["cart replenish abort", n])) : bouncex.push(["cart replenish attempt", n]);
else if (this.replenishmentComplete) {
setTimeout(function() {
n["cart:success"] = this.replenishmentSuccessful(), n["cart:count"] = this.getCount(), n["cart:success"] ? this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_REPLEN_SUCCESS") : this.setReplenishmentReportingStatus("BX_REPLEN_FAILURE"), this.failureMessage && (n["cart:failuremessage"] = this.failureMessage), n["cart:returncode"] = this.returnCode, bouncex.push(["cart replenish", n])
}.bind(this), 1100)
item: {
requirements: [{
name: "id"
}, {
name: "copy"
}, {
name: "url",
tests: [function(e) {
return bouncex.utils.validate.url(e)
}, {
name: "imageurl",
tests: [function(e) {
return bouncex.utils.validate.url(e)
requireImageLoad: !0,
validate: function(e) {
for (var t, n = 0; n < this.requirements.length; n++) {
if (!e["item:" + (t = this.requirements[n]).name]) return"Invalid Item. " + + " empty"), !1;
if (t.tests)
for (var i = 0; i < t.tests.length; i++) {
var o = t.tests[i],
a = e["item:" +];
if ("function" == typeof o && !o(a)) return"Invalid Item. The following " + + " failed " + + " test: " + a), !1
return !0
}, bouncex.gbi = {
wrapContentInIframe: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o = bouncex.campaigns[n],
a = o.gbi && (o.gbi.config.shrinkToFit || o.gbi.config.shrinkToFitWindow),
r = "-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0; transform-origin: 0 0; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;",
s = (o.gbi.provider, 1);
if (e.find("iframe").remove(), a && ("overlay" === o.type || "agilityzone" === o.type)) {
var c = bouncex.gbi.getResizeData(n);
1 > (s = c.scaleRatio) && (r += "-webkit-transform: scale(" + s + "); transform: scale(" + s + ");", e.css({
width: c.scaledWidth + "px",
height: c.scaledHeight + "px"
var u = createIframe({
target: "_blank",
class: "bx-gbi-frame",
frameborder: "0",
horizontalscrolling: "no",
verticalscrolling: "no",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
vspace: "0",
hspace: "0",
marginwidth: "0",
marginheight: "0",
scrolling: "no",
allowTransparency: "true"
try {
(i = u.contentWindow.document).open(), i.write('<html><head><base target="_blank"/></head><body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="' + r + '">' + t + "</body>"), i.close()
} catch (e) {
bouncex.gbi.log(n, "error creating gbi frame: " + e)
return i
init: function(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels = [], bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels = []
fail: function(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !0, this.clearRequestAssets(e), this.log(e, t, !0)
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = e ? "(" + e + ")" : "",
o = "(" + (bouncex.campaigns[e] ? bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider || "no provider" : "stack") + ")";
bouncex.log("%c gbi " + i + o + ": " + t, "color: " + (n ? "#FF0000" : "#00F"))
request: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi.providerApi[bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider];
t ||, "undefined provider " + bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider);
try {
t.initDemoAd ? t.initDemoAd(e) : t.request ? t.request(e) : bouncex.gbi.fetch(e)
} catch (t) {, t)
fetch: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi.providerApi[bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider];
return bouncex.gbi.doAjaxRequest(e, t.getFetchOptions(e))
doAjaxRequest: function(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.ajaxRequest = bouncex.utils.doAjaxRequest(t)
report: function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, 'reporting event "' + t + '"');
n = n || {};
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider) {
var i = "";
if ("pop" == t ? bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.length && (i += bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.join("")) : "click" == t && (bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels && 0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels.length && (i += bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels.join("")), !n.value && (n.value = "nonad")), i)
if ("oubr" == bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.provider) {
var o = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
a = {
url: bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels[0],
method: "GET",
timeout: 15e3,
beforeSend: function(e) {
e.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "API_KEY " + o.API_KEY)
success: function() {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, 'reporting provider pixel for "' + t + '"')
error: function() {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, 'error for reporting provider pixel for "' + t + '"')
bouncex.gbi.doAjaxRequest(e, a)
} else jQuery(i).hide().appendTo(bouncex.body), bouncex.gbi.log(e, 'reporting provider pixel for "' + t + '"')
var r = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.stack_id;
if (!r || "eligible" != t && "pop" != t) buildReport(e, t, n);
else {
var s = bouncex.gbi.stacks[r],
c = s.campaigns;
for (var u in c) {
var b = c[u],
l = b == e,
d = b == bouncex.gbi.stacks[r].leader_id;
if ("pop" == t && !l && d && noteCookieAdShown(b), ("eligible" == t && (l || d) || "pop" == t && l) && buildReport(b, t, n), "pop" == t) {
var p = {};
p["trypop:provider"] = bouncex.campaigns[b].gbi.provider || "none", n && n["pop:activation"] && (p.activation = n["pop:activation"]), buildReport(b, "trypop", p)
if (l) break
requestCompleteMultiple: function(e, t, n) {
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e];
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "have a bid with multiple units"), bouncex.gbi.providerApi[i.gbi.provider].buildHTML(e, i.gbi.lastResponse), loadImages(i.images, function() {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "images loaded"), activateGbiCampaign(e), n && n()
requestCompleteSingle: function(e, t, n) {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "have a bid with a single unit");
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e],
o = i.obj1.find(".bx-step-" + (i.gbi.step || 1)).find(".bx-group-placeholder").eq(0),
a = i.gbi.provider;
("index" == a || "pbm" == a || "dfphtml" == a) && (t += bouncex.gbi.integrations.moat.display.getScriptTag({
website: + " (" + + ")",
deviceType: ? "mobile" : "desktop",
trigger: i.trigger,
adSize: i.gbi.config.units && i.gbi.config.units[0] || "unknown",
placement: "overlay" === i.type ? i.type : i.subtype
var r = bouncex.gbi.wrapContentInIframe(o, t, e);
return r ? (attachClickReportingToIframe(o, e), void loadImages(jQuery(r).find("img").filter(":visible"), function() {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "image loaded"), activateGbiCampaign(e), n && n()
})) :, "failed to wrap content in iframe: check for missing placeholder group")
requestCompleteSingleVideo: function(e, t) {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "have a bid with a single vast unit");
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = bouncex.gbi.getPlayerConfig(e, t),
o = n.obj1.find(".bx-step-" + (n.gbi.step || 1)).find(".bx-group-placeholder").eq(0),
a = n.gbi.config.shrinkToFit || n.gbi.config.shrinkToFitWindow,
r = "overlay" === n.type || "agilityzone" === n.type;
if (a && r) {
var s = bouncex.gbi.getResizeData(e);
1 > s.scaleRatio && (i.width = s.scaledWidth, i.height = s.scaledHeight, o.css({
width: s.scaledWidth,
height: s.scaledHeight
bouncex.gbi.initVideoFrame(e, o, i)
initVideoFrame: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o, a, r = bouncex.campaigns[e],
s = "//" + + "/assets/global/plugins/jwplayer/8.3.0/jwplayer.js",
c = bouncex.gbi.integrations.moat,
u = t.width(),
b = t.height();
t.empty(), o = createIframe({
class: "bx-gbi-frame",
style: "border: 0; width: " + u + "px; height: " + b + "px;"
}), n.width = u, n.height = b, t.append(o), a = o.contentWindow, bouncex.browser.firefox && (a.oldGetComputedStyle = a.getComputedStyle, a.getComputedStyle = function(e, t) {
var n = a.oldGetComputedStyle(e, t);
return null === n ? {} : n
}), a.document.write('<html><body style="margin: 0px; overflow: hidden;"><div id="bx-video"></div></body></html>'), (i = a.document.createElement("script")).setAttribute("src", s), i.onload = function() {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, "jwplayer script loaded"), a.jwplayer ? (bouncex.gbi.log(e, "jwplayer executed"), a.jwplayer.key = "o8z/iG2QyTbuWcdH2vCzMM0waC0nOAeJ9/gVcpFiPZ+tv1+5", a.player = r.gbi.player = a.jwplayer("bx-video"), r.gbi.player.setup(n), r.gbi.player.on("adClick", function() {, "click", {
value: "ad"
}), r.gbi.player.on("adError", function(t) {
bouncex.gbi.log(e, t.message ? "ad error: " + t.message : "ad error")
}), r.gbi.contentLoaded = !0, :, "jwplayer failed to execute")
}, i.onerror = function() {
!0,, "jwplayer script failed to load")
}, a.document.body.appendChild(i)
getPlayerConfig: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = n.gbi.config.videoPlayerConfig || {},
o = /^[\s]*<VAST/i.test(t) ? "vastxml" : "tag",
a = n.obj1.find(".bx-group-placeholder").eq(0);
return i.file = "//" + + "/assets/global/plugins/jwplayer/blank.mp4", i.advertising = i.advertising || {}, i.advertising.client = "vast", i.advertising.vpaidcontrols = !0, i.advertising[o] = t, i.mute = !0, i.width = i.width || a.width(), i.height = i.height || a.height(), n.gbi.config.playOnImpression = !0, n.gbi.config.videoPlayerConfig = i, i
addFullVideoSupport: function(e) {
return ? ( = || [], -1 ==="video/mp4") &&"video/mp4"), -1 ==="application/javascript") &&"application/javascript"), e) : e
cancelRequest: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.gbi.ajaxRequest && (bouncex.gbi.log(e, "cancelling request"), t.gbi.ajaxRequest.abort()), bouncex.gbi.init(e)
clearRequestAssets: function(e) {[e].gbiRequest && (clearInterval([e].gbiRequest), delete[e].gbiRequest)
getResizeDataForV2: function(e) {
return bouncex.gbi.getResizeData(e)
getResizeData: function(e) {
var t, n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
o = 2 * ((parseInt(n.obj1.find(".bx-wrap").css("padding-left"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(n.obj1.find(".bx-align").css("padding-left"), 10) || 0)),
a = 1;
if (t = n.gbi.isVideo ? {
w: i.videoPlayerConfig.width,
h: i.videoPlayerConfig.height
} : i.imp[0].banner, "agilityzone" === n.type && n.calloutTarget.length) a = (n.calloutTarget.width() - o) / t.w;
else if ("overlay" === n.type) {
var r = (bouncex.wndsize().width - o) / t.w,
s = (bouncex.wndsize().height - o) / t.h;
a = r > s ? s : r
return {
scaleRatio: a,
scaledWidth: t.w * a,
scaledHeight: t.h * a
getCreativeDimensions: function(e) {
var t = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + e);
return t.css("max-width", "none"), {
width: t.width(),
height: t.height()
shrinkToFitWindow: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi.getCreativeDimensions(e),
n = bouncex.wndsize();
n.width -= 12, n.height -= 12;
var i = t.width > n.width ? n.width / t.width : 1,
o = t.height > n.height ? n.height / t.height : 1,
a = i > o ? o : i;
1 > a && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-slab").css({
width: t.width + 12 + "px",
height: t.height + 12 + "px",
overflow: "visible",
top: "50%",
left: "50%",
transform: "scale(" + a + ") translate(-50%, -50%)",
transformOrigin: "0 0"
shrinkToFitParent: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi.getCreativeDimensions(e),
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.parent().width(),
i = t.width > n ? n / t.width : 1;
1 > i && bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(".bx-slab").css({
width: t.width * i + "px",
height: t.height * i + "px",
transform: "scale(" + i + ")",
transformOrigin: "0 0"
populateTemplate: function(ca_id, response, unitJsonPath, imageJsonPath) {
for (var creative = jQuery("#bx-creative-" + ca_id), creativeClone = creative.clone(!0), templateGroups = creativeClone.find(".bx-group-placeholder"), groupLength = templateGroups.length, k = 0; k < groupLength; k += 1) {
var unit = eval(unitJsonPath + "[k];"),
templateGroup = jQuery(templateGroups[k]);
if (templateGroup.length)
if (unit) {
var image = eval("unit." + imageJsonPath);
templateGroup.find(".bx-lineshape").css("background-image", "url(" + image + ")"), bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].images.push(image);
var html = templateGroup.html();
html = html.replace(/{(.*?)}/gi, function(query, keyword) {
var content = eval("unit." + keyword);
if (void 0 !== content) return content
}), templateGroup.html(html)
} else templateGroup.remove()
var html = creativeClone.html();
html = html.replace(/{(.*?)}/gi, function(query, keyword) {
try {
return eval("response." + keyword)
} catch (e) {
return keyword
}), creativeClone.html(html), creative.replaceWith(creativeClone)
generateDynamicRequestUrlParams: function(ca_id) {
var config = bouncex.campaigns[ca_id].gbi.config,
dynamicQueryStr = "",
dynamicParams = config.dynamic_request_params;
if (dynamicParams)
for (var param in dynamicParams) try {
dynamicQueryStr += "&" + param + "=" + encodeURIComponent(eval(dynamicParams[param]))
} catch (e) {
bouncex.gbi.log("invalid dynamic request param " + param + " must have valid javascript as value")
return dynamicQueryStr
requestAndRefreshRequest: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = bouncex.gbi.providerApi[t.gbi.provider];
t.gbi.requestNum = 1, n.fetch(e),[e].gbiRequest = setInterval2(function() {
return can_show_ad(e) || bouncex.campaigns[e].failed ? (bouncex.gbi.init(e), t.gbi.requestNum++, void n.fetch(e)) : (clearInterval([e].gbiRequest), void bouncex.gbi.log(e, "clearing interval"))
}, t.gbi.config.reload || 18e4)
playVideoBeforeImpression: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t],
i = n.gbi.player;
i.on("adImpression", function() {"adImpression"),"adError"), bouncex.gbi.log(t, "video response detected"), n.gbi.videoResponseLoaded = !0, show_ad(e, t)
}), i.on("adError", function(e) {"adImpression"),"adError"), i.stop(),, e.message ? e.message : "error loading response")
}, bouncex.gbi.integrations = {
moat: {
display: {
scriptSrc: document.location.protocol + "//",
getScriptTag: function(e) {
if (shouldEnforcePolicies({
gdpr: !0
})) return bouncex.log("GDPR: MOAT script blocked"), "";
var t = qs({
moatClientLevel2: e.deviceType,
moatClientLevel3: e.trigger,
moatClientLevel4: e.adSize,
zMoatPlacement: e.placement
return '<script src="' + this.scriptSrc + "?" + t + '" type="text/javascript"><\/script>'
video: {
scriptSrc: document.location.protocol + "//",
partnerCode: "bouncexjsvideojwplayer997111196347",
loadPlugin: function(e) {
if (shouldEnforcePolicies({
gdpr: !0
})) return bouncex.log("GDPR: MOAT script blocked"), "";
var t = this;
getScript(t.scriptSrc, function() {
addImpressionListener: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = this;
t.gbi.player.on("adImpression", function(e) {
partnerCode: n.partnerCode,
player: this,
adImpressionEvent: e,
ids: {
level1: + " (" + + ")",
level2: ? "mobile" : "desktop",
level3: t.trigger,
level4: "video",
slicer1: "overlay" === t.type ? t.type : t.subtype
duration: 30
tag: {
intermediaryId: "869cff86d1c453c1",
generateId: function() {
return this.intermediaryId + ":" +
}, bouncex.gbi.providerApi = {
aqbx: {
initDemoAd: function(e) {
var t;
try {
t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config.imp[0]
} catch (t) {, "no creative dimensions have been set for this ad!")
if (void 0 !== {
var n = '<VAST version="2.0"><Ad><InLine><AdSystem>Acudeo Compatible</AdSystem><AdTitle>VAST 2.0 AQBX</AdTitle><Description>VAST 2.0 AQBX</Description><Creatives><Creative><Linear><Duration>00:00:21</Duration><MediaFiles><MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" bitrate="500" width="400" height="300" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">https://' + + "/assets/global/videos/pub/demo/ads_demo_video.mp4</MediaFile></MediaFiles></Linear></Creative></Creatives></InLine></Ad></VAST>";
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.isVideo = !0, bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingleVideo(e, n), bouncex.gbi.log(e, "aqbx video ad loaded"), activateGbiCampaign(e)
} else {
var i = t.banner,
o = i.w,
a = i.h,
r = "https://" + + "/assets/global/images/pub/demo" + o + "x" + a + ".gif";
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.html = '<a><img height="' + a + '" width="' + o + '" src="' + r + '"/></a>', activateGbiCampaign(e)
an: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = this,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return {
url: n.request_url,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
processData: !1,
timeout: n.timeout || 255,
success: function(n) {
var i = t.processResponse(e, n);
return i ? void bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingle(e, i) :, "no bid")
error: function(t, n) {
return, n)
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (t && "ok" == t.status) try {
var n = t.native.length;
if (0 < n) {
for (var i = "", o = 0; o < n; o++) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels.push('<img src="' + t.native[o].click_trackers + '"/>');
var a = t.native[o].impression_trackers.length;
if (0 < a)
for (var r = 0; r < a; r++) bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push('<img src="' + t.native[o].impression_trackers[r] + '"/>');
i += '<a href="' + t.native[o].click_url + '"><img height="100%" width="100%" title="', i += t.native[o].title + '" src="' + t.native[o].main_media[0].url + '"/></a>'
return i
} catch (t) {, t)
return ""
dfpi: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
n = this;
return {
url: t.request_url + "&c=" + getTime2() + bouncex.gbi.generateDynamicRequestUrlParams(e),
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
processData: !1,
timeout: t.timeout || 1e3,
success: function(t) {
var i = n.processResponse(e, t);
return i ? void bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingle(e, i) :, "no bid")
error: function() {
return, "timed out")
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (t && t.main_media) try {
var n = t.impression_trackers.length;
if (0 < n)
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push('<img src="' + t.impression_trackers[i] + '"/>');
var o = t.click_trackers.length;
if (0 < o)
for (i = 0; i < o; i++) bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.clickPixels.push('<img src="' + t.click_trackers[i] + '"/>');
var a = t.main_media.length;
if (0 < a) {
var r = "";
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) r += '<a href="' + t.click_url + '"><img height="100%" width="100%" title="', r += t.title + '" src="' + t.main_media[i].url + '"/></a>';
return r
} catch (t) {, t)
return ""
dfps: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
n = this;
return {
url: t.request_url + "&c=" + getTime2() + bouncex.gbi.generateDynamicRequestUrlParams(e),
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
processData: !1,
timeout: t.timeout || 1e3,
success: function(t) {
var i = n.processResponse(e, t);
return i ? void bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingle(e, i) :, "no bid")
error: function() {
return, "timed out")
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (t && t.main_media) try {
var n = t.impression_trackers.length;
if (0 < n)
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push('<img src="' + t.impression_trackers[i] + '"/>');
var o = t.main_media.length;
if (0 < o) {
var a = "";
for (i = 0; i < o; i++) a += t.main_media[i].url;
return a
} catch (t) {, t)
return ""
dfphtml: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return {
url: t.request_url + "&c=" + getTime2() + bouncex.gbi.generateDynamicRequestUrlParams(e),
method: "GET",
global: !1,
processData: !1,
timeout: t.timeout || 1e3,
complete: function(t, n) {
if ("success" != n) return, n + " " + t.status);
if (200 === t.status) {
var i = t.responseText;
if (!i) return, "no bid");
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.html = i, activateGbiCampaign(e)
} else, "response status " + t.status)
crit: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = this,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return {
url: n.endpoint + "/recommendations.get",
data: n,
dataType: "jsonp",
method: "GET",
timeout: 15e3,
success: function(n) {
t.processResponse(e, n) && activateGbiCampaign(e)
error: function() {
return, "timed out")
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (!t || 0 !== t.response_status) return t && t.status_message ?, "Bad response: " + t.status_message) :, "No bid"), !1;
try {
return this.populatePixel(e, t) && this.populateCreative(e, t)
} catch (t) {, t)
populatePixel: function(e, t) {
for (var n = t.impression_pixels, i = n.length, o = 0; o < i; o += 1) bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push('<img src="' + n[o].url + '"/>');
return !0
populateCreative: function(e, t) {
return bouncex.gbi.populateTemplate(e, t, "response.products", "image.url"), !0
tabr: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = this,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return n[""] = window.location.pathname, n["source.url"] = window.location.href, n["rec.visible"] = !1, n["user.session"] = "init", n["app.type"] = "desktop", {
url: n.endpoint_domain + "/1.1/json/" + n["publisher-name"] + "/recommendations.get",
data: n,
dataType: "json",
method: "GET",
timeout: 15e3,
success: function(n) {
t.processResponse(e, n) && activateGbiCampaign(e)
error: function() {
return, "timed out")
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (!(t && && 0 < t.list.length)) return, "no bid");
try {
return t.list ? (bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.lastResponse = t, this.getPixels(e, t), !0) :, "no bid")
} catch (t) {, t)
buildHTML: function(e, t) {
bouncex.gbi.populateTemplate(e, t, "response.list", "thumbnail[0].url")
getPixels: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
i = n.endpoint_domain + "/1.1/json/" + n["publisher-name"] + "/recommendations.notify-visible?";
i += "" + + "&response.session=" + t.session, i += "&app.type=" + ( ? "mobile" : "desktop") + "&app.apikey=" + n["app.apikey"], bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push('<img src="' + i + '"/>')
oubr: {
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
var t = this,
n = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return {
url: n[n.environment + "_endpoint"] + "/recommendations/documents",
dataType: "json",
method: "GET",
timeout: 15e3,
beforeSend: function(e) {
e.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "API_KEY " + n.API_KEY)
success: function(n) {
t.processResponse(e, n) && activateGbiCampaign(e)
error: function() {
return, "timed out")
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (!(t && t.requestId && t.items && 0 < t.items.length)) return, "no bid");
try {
return bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.lastResponse = t, this.getPixels(e, t) && this.populateCreative(e, t)
} catch (t) {, t)
populateCreative: function(e, t) {
return bouncex.gbi.populateTemplate(e, t, "response.items", "thumbnail"), !0
getPixels: function(e, t) {
var n = t._actions.reportViewed;
return bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.impressionPixels.push(n), !0
index: {
request: function(e) {
try {
} catch (t) {, t)
isMultiBidRequest: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config;
return 1 < t.imp.length || t.jsonp
getRequestData: function(ca_id) {
var campaign = bouncex.campaigns[ca_id],
config = campaign.gbi.config,
pageUrl = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname + document.location.pathname,
multiBidParams = this.isMultiBidRequest(ca_id) && config.params && config.params.length ? "&" + config.params : "",
urlWithParams = updateQS(pageUrl, "deployment", campaign.type, "device", ? "mobile" : "desktop") + multiBidParams;
if (config.imp && config.imp.length)
for (var i = 0; i < config.imp.length; i++) config.imp[i].video && (config.imp[i] = bouncex.gbi.addFullVideoSupport(config.imp[i]));
var requestData = {
id: getTime2(),
imp: config.imp,
site: {
page: urlWithParams,
ref: bouncex.referrer,
mobile: ? 1 : 0
return config.dynamic_site_page && ( = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname + "/" + eval(config.dynamic_site_page)), requestData.source = {
pchain: bouncex.gbi.integrations.tag.generateId()
}, requestData
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
for (var t = this, n = bouncex.campaigns[e], i = n.gbi.config, o = t.getRequestData(e), a = n.subtype || ("overlay" === n.type ? "overlay" : "none"), r = bouncex.ssl ? "https://as-sec" : "http://as", s = !1 === i.production ? "http://astest" : r, c = {
partner: n.gbi.provider,
partner_site_id: i.s,
request_number: n.gbi.requestNum,
deployment: a,
requested_ad_units: i.units ? i.units.join(", ") : "",
request_timestamp: getTimeMs(),
deal_id: "NA",
price: "NA"
}, u = {
url: s + "",
data: {
v: "7",
cb: getTimeMs(),
s: i.s,
r: bouncex.stringify(o)
dataType: "text",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
global: !1,
crossDomain: !0,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: !0
timeout: i.timeout || 1e3,
complete: function(n, i) {
t.handleResponse(e, n, i, c)
}, b = 0; b < o.imp.length; b++)
if (o.imp[b].video) {
n.gbi.isVideo = !0, = "8.8", = "jsonp";
return u
handleResponse: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = bouncex.campaigns[e],
a = "bid_error";
if ("success" === n && 200 === t.status && t.responseText) {
var r = t.responseText,
s = r.substring(r.indexOf("(") + 1, r.lastIndexOf(")")),
c = this.processResponse(e, s),
u = c && c.ext && c.ext.dealid;
u && (i.deal_id = u), c && c.ext && c.ext.pricelevel && (i.price = this.convertPrice(c.ext.pricelevel, u)), a = c ? "bid_fill" : "bid_none"
} else "success" !== n || t.responseText ? 0 === t.status && (a = "bid_cancel") : a = "bid_empty";
if (, a, i), "bid_fill" == a) o.gbi.isVideo ? (o.gbi.vastUrl = c.ext && c.ext.vasturl, bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingleVideo(e, o.gbi.vastUrl)) : o.gbi.html = c.adm, o.gbi.step = this.isMultiBidRequest(e) ? +c.impid : 1, bouncex.gbi.log(e, "using step " + o.gbi.step), activateGbiCampaign(e);
else {
if ("bid_empty" == a) return, "empty response");
if ("bid_none" == a) return, "no bid");
if ("bid_error" == a) return, n + " " + t.status)
fetch: function(e) {
bouncex.gbi.doAjaxRequest(e, this.getFetchOptions(e))
processResponse: function(e, t) {
if (t) try {
var n = (t = bouncex.parseJSON(t)).seatbid[0].bid[0];
if (this.isMultiBidRequest(e))
for (var i = 0; i < t.seatbid.length; i++)
for (var o = 0; o < t.seatbid[i].bid.length; o++)
if (t.seatbid[i].bid[o].ext.pricelevel) {
+t.seatbid[i].bid[o].ext.pricelevel.substring(1) > +n.ext.pricelevel.substring(1) && (n = t.seatbid[i].bid[o])
return n
} catch (e) {}
return !1
getRatio: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config.imp[0].banner,
n = bouncex.wndsize(),
i = 1,
o = 1;
return t.w > n.width && (i = n.width / t.w), t.h > n.height && (o = n.height / t.h), i > o ? o : i
convertPrice: function(e, t) {
var n = e.length - 2,
i = e.split("");
i.splice(n, 0, ".");
var o = i.join("").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
return (t ? +o : +o / .85).toFixed(5)
pbm: {
request: function(e) {
try {
this.userSynced() ? bouncex.gbi.requestAndRefreshRequest(e) : this.syncUser(e)
} catch (t) {, t)
syncUser: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
n = createIframe({
style: "display: none;",
src: "//" + t.user_sync_endpoint + "?p=" + t.publisher_id
n.onload = function() {
sessionStorage.setItem("bxpbmsynced", "true"), bouncex.gbi.requestAndRefreshRequest(e)
}, document.body.appendChild(n)
userSynced: function() {
return !!sessionStorage.getItem("bxpbmsynced")
getTagId: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
return n.subtype ? {
masthead: "Masthead",
endcap: "End_Cap",
encore: "Encore",
middleofarticle: "Middle_of_Article",
skyline: "Skyline"
}[n.subtype] + "_" + t : "overlay" === n.type ? "Overlay_" + t : ""
getRequestData: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
n = ( ? t.mobile_id : t.desktop_id).toString(),
i = bouncex.cookie.vid + "_" + bouncex.cookie.sid,
o = t.isLegacy ? t.requestData : {},
a = t.isLegacy ? t.requestData.imp : t.imp,
r = this.getTagId(e, n);
if (a && a.length)
for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s++) a[s].video && (a[s] = bouncex.gbi.addFullVideoSupport(a[s]));
jQuery.extend(o, {
id: i,
site: {
id: n,
name: window.location.hostname,
ref: decodeURIComponent(bouncex.referrer),
page: decodeURIComponent(bouncex.calling_url),
publisher: {
id: t.publisher_id
device: {
ua: navigator.userAgent,
imp:, t) {
return = getTimeMs().toString() + t, = bouncex.ssl ? 1 : 0, e.tagid = r, e
at: 1,
tmax: 200
var c = this.getExtraIds();
return c && (o.user = {
eids: c
}), o.source = {
pchain: bouncex.gbi.integrations.tag.generateId()
}, o
getExtraIds: function() {
var e = window.bouncex.gbi.deviceOptedStatus;
if (e) return [{
source: "bxid",
uids: [{
id: e,
atype: 1
getFetchOptions: function(e) {
for (var t = this, n = bouncex.campaigns[e], i = n.gbi.config, o = t.getRequestData(e), a = (bouncex.ssl ? "https://" : "http://") + i.endpoint, r = o.imp.length, s = n.subtype || ("overlay" === n.type ? "overlay" : "none"), c = !!(o.user && o.user.eids && o.user.eids[0] && o.user.eids[0].uids && o.user.eids[0].uids[0] && o.user.eids[0].uids[0].id), u = 0; u < r; u++)
if (o.imp[u].video) {
n.gbi.isVideo = !0;
var b = {
partner: n.gbi.provider,
request_number: n.gbi.requestNum,
deployment: s,
requested_ad_units: i.units ? i.units.join(", ") : "",
request_timestamp: getTimeMs(),
device_id_included: c,
deal_id: "NA",
price: "NA"
return {
url: a,
data: bouncex.stringify(o),
method: "POST",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
timeout: i.timeout || 2e3,
complete: function(n, i) {
t.handleResponse(e, n, i, b)
handleResponse: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o = bouncex.campaigns[e],
a = "bid_error";
if ("success" === n && 200 === t.status) {
var r = this.processResponse(e, t.responseText);
r && r.dealid && (i.deal_id = r.dealid), r && r.price && (i.price = r.price), a = r ? "bid_fill" : "bid_none"
} else "nocontent" === n && 204 === t.status ? a = "bid_empty" : 0 === t.status && (a = "bid_cancel");
if (, a, i), "bid_fill" == a) o.gbi.isVideo ? bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingleVideo(e, r.adm) : o.gbi.html = r.adm, activateGbiCampaign(e);
else {
if ("bid_empty" == a) return, "empty bid response");
if ("bid_none" == a) return, "no bid");
if ("bid_error" == a) return, "status " + t.status + ": " + n)
fetch: function(e) {
bouncex.gbi.doAjaxRequest(e, this.getFetchOptions(e))
processResponse: function(e, t) {
return !!t && (t = bouncex.parseJSON(t)).seatbid[0].bid[0]
rcl: {
request: function(e) {
try {
} catch (t) {, t)
init: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.gbi.isVideo = !0, t.gbi.playBeforeImpression = !0, bouncex.gbi.requestCompleteSingleVideo(e, this.getVastUrl(e)), activateGbiCampaign(e)
getVastUrl: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.config,
n = t.requestUrl,
i = t.requestData;
for (var o in i.PAGE_URL = bouncex.calling_url, i.cb = getTime2(), i) n = updateQS(n, o, i[o]);
return n
var NativeCapture = {
_captureContexts: [],
_hasSentEvent: !1,
_inputExclusionIdentifiers: ["[type=button]", "[type=submit]", "[type=reset]", "[type=hidden]", "[type=radio]", "[type=checkbox]", "[type=image]", "[type=password]"],
_submitIdentifiers: [
["[type=submit]", "[class*=submit]", "[id*=submit]"],
["[type=button]", "[class*=button]", "button"],
_addCaptureListeners: function() {
this._log("adding capture context listeners");
var e = this;
this._captureContexts.forEach(function(t) {
var n = tryCatch(function() {
e._log("submit detected; checking input value");
var n = t.input.value;
n && ? (e._log("email detected"), e._trackUser(n, : e._log("no email detected")
t.submit.addEventListener("click", n), t.input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
("Enter" === e.code || 13 === e.keyCode) && n()
_addCustomCaptureContexts: function() {
var e =,
t = {},
n = this._getExclusionIdentifiers(;
if (e && 0 < Object.keys(e).length)
for (key in e) {
if (-1 < key.indexOf("native_capture_input")) {
var i = e[key] + ":not(" + n + ")",
o = jQuery(i).get(0);
t[a = this._customElemObjKey(key, "native_capture_input")] = t[a] ? t[a] : {}, t[a].input = o
if (-1 < key.indexOf("native_capture_submit")) {
var a, r = jQuery(e[key]).get(0);
t[a = this._customElemObjKey(key, "native_capture_submit")] = t[a] ? t[a] : {}, t[a].submit = r
for (pair in t) t[pair].input && t[pair].submit && this._captureContexts.push({
input: t[pair].input,
submit: t[pair].submit
_customElemObjKey: function(e, t) {
return e.replace(t, "") + "_"
_getExclusionIdentifiers: function(e) {
var t = this._inputExclusionIdentifiers.slice();
return e ? t.concat(e.split(",").map(function(e) {
return e.trim()
})) : t
_getInputSelector: function() {
var e = "input";
return this._getExclusionIdentifiers( {
e += ":not(" + t + ")"
}), e
_initCaptureContexts: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e: for (var n = 0; n < this._submitIdentifiers.length; n++)
for (var i, o = this._submitIdentifiers[n].join(","), a = e[t].parentNode, r = 0; r < 10 && a; r++) {
if (i = a.querySelector(o)) {
input: e[t],
submit: i
break e
a = a.parentNode
_log: function(e) {{
group: "capture",
message: e
_trackUser: function(e, t) {
if (this._hasSentEvent) return !1;
this._log("sending user event");
var n = {
email: e,
source: "input_submission"
t && (n.input_id = t), bouncex.push(["user", n]), this._hasSentEvent = !0
init: function() {
this._log("initializing native capture"), this._addCustomCaptureContexts();
var e = this._getInputSelector(),
t = jQuery(e).get();
return this._captureContexts.length || t.length ? (this._log("searching for capture contexts"), this._initCaptureContexts(t), void(this._captureContexts.length ? (this._log("found " + this._captureContexts.length + " capture contexts"), this._addCaptureListeners()) : this._log("no capture contexts found"))) : (this._log("no input fields found"), !1)
bouncex.osr = {
init: function(e, t) {
try {
bouncex.osr.log(e, t ? "init OSR on product page, excluding item #" + t : "init OSR", !1), this._getOsrParamsJson(e, bouncex.campaigns[e].osr_params_json), this._getItems(e, t)
} catch (e) {
bouncex.err(e, {
source: "osr js"
_getItems: function(e, t) {
bouncex.osr.log(e, "getting items", !1);
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].osr.config.endpoint;
t && (n = n + "," + t);
var i = {
url: n,
method: "GET",
timeout: 4e3,
dataType: "json",
complete: function(t) {
if (bouncex.osr._handleResponse(e, t) && (bouncex.osr.log(e, "tracked items successfully loaded", !1), cacheCreativeForm(e, 1), bouncex.osr.activateCampaign(e)), !bouncex.campaigns[e].osrItems) return, "no items returned, OSR campaign " + e + " is ineligible")
_getOsrParamsJson: function(e, t) {
var n, i = bouncex.parseJSON(t);
bouncex.campaigns[e].osr = {}, bouncex.campaigns[e].osr.config = {}, n = i.sortBy + "," + i.minProducts + "," + i.maxProducts, i.endpoint = "https://" + + "?website_id=" + + "&device_id=" + bouncex.cookie.did + "&visit_id=" + bouncex.cookie.vid + "&osr_params=" + n, bouncex.campaigns[e].osr.config = i
_handleResponse: function(e, t) {
if (t && 200 === t.status) try {
var n = t.responseText;
if (n.trim() && 0 !== n.length) return bouncex.campaigns[e].osrItems = bouncex.parseJSON(n).items, bouncex.osr._populateCreative(e, bouncex.campaigns[e].osrItems);, "empty response")
} catch (t) {, t)
} else if (t && 202 === t.status) try {
-1 < t.responseText.indexOf("Not enough 'view item' events") &&, "OSR campaign's minimum # of products is greater than the user's history of 'view item' events.")
} catch (t) {, t)
return !1
_populateCreative: function(e, t) {
if (bouncex.campaigns[e].control) return !0;
var n = document.getElementById("bx-campaign-" + e),
i = n.cloneNode(!0);
return n.innerHTML = this._populateClonedCreativeTemplate(bouncex.campaigns[e].numSteps, i, t, bouncex.campaigns[e].osr.config, e), !0
_populateClonedCreativeTemplate: function(e, t, n, i, o) {
var a = 0;
this._adjustLocalItemsObject(o, n, i), this._populateOsrItemNumberElements(this._getOsrItemNumberElements(t), bouncex.campaigns[o].osrItems.length), ("development" === bouncex.env || "staging" === bouncex.env) && n.length > bouncex.campaigns[o].osrItems.length && (n = bouncex.campaigns[o].osrItems);
for (var r, s = 1; s <= e; s++) {
r = this._getOsrGroups(s, t);
for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++) {
var u = n[c],
b = r[c];
b && u ? b.innerHTML = bouncex.osr._populateClonedCreativeGroups(b, u, i) : b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
r.length && (a = r.length)
return bouncex.campaigns[o].osr.config.inconsistentMaxParamToCreativeMax && 0 < a && a !== n.length && (bouncex.campaigns[o].osrItems = n.slice(0, a), this._populateOsrItemNumberElements(this._getOsrItemNumberElements(t), a)), t.innerHTML
_adjustLocalItemsObject: function(e, t, n) {
var i = [];
if (t.length > n.maxProducts) {
for (var o in bouncex.campaigns[e].osr.config.inconsistentMaxParamToCreativeMax = !0, t)(i.length < n.maxProducts || void 0 === i.length) && i.push(t[o]);
bouncex.campaigns[e].osrItems = i
_populateClonedCreativeGroups: function(e, t, n, i) {
var o, a, r = bouncex.osr._setLinkBehavior(n.linkBehavior),
s = e.querySelectorAll("[data-bx-osr]", i);
for ("true" === n.disableGroupLinks ? bouncex.osr._setOsrAttributes(e, {
style: "cursor:default !important"
}) : bouncex.osr._setOsrAttributes(e, {
href: t.url,
"data-click": "hyperlink",
target: r,
"data-click-report": "default"
}), i = 0; i < s.length; i++) a = (o = s[i]).getAttribute("data-bx-osr"), bouncex.osr._populateItemProperties(o, a, t, n, r);
return e.innerHTML
_populateItemProperties: function(e, t, n, i, o) {
"imageurl" === t ? bouncex.osr._populateImages(e, n[t]) : "price" === t ? bouncex.osr._populatePrice(e, i.currency, n[t]) : "url" === t ? bouncex.osr._populateUrl(e, o, n[t]) : e.firstChild.textContent = n[t]
_getOsrGroups: function(e, t) {
return t.querySelectorAll(".bx-step-" + e + ' [data-bx-osr="group"]')
_getOsrItemNumberElements: function(e) {
return e.querySelectorAll('[data-bx-osr="numitems"]')
_populateOsrItemNumberElements: function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var i, o = e[n];
o && 0 < t && (i = o.textContent.replace(o.textContent, t), o.textContent = i)
_setOsrAttributes: function(e, t) {
for (var n in t) e.setAttribute(n, t[n])
_populateUrl: function(e, t, n) {
0 < e.getElementsByTagName("button").length && (e = e.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]), this._setOsrAttributes(e, {
href: n,
"data-click": "hyperlink",
target: t,
"data-click-report": "default"
}), e.classList.add("bx-osr-preventclicks")
_populatePrice: function(e, t, n) {
var i = this._getFormattedCurrency(t, n);
e.firstChild.textContent = i
_populateImages: function(e, t) {
"DIV" === e.firstChild.tagName ? e.firstChild.setAttribute("style", "background-image:url('" + t + "')") : e.firstChild.setAttribute("src", t)
_getFormattedCurrency: function(e, t) {
return "USD" === e ? "$" + t : "EU" === e ? "€" + t : "$" + t
_setLinkBehavior: function(e) {
return "newTab" === e ? "_blank" : "currTab" === e ? "_self" : "_blank"
activateCampaign: function(e) {
bouncex.osr.log(e, "activating OSR campaign", !1), activate_campaign(e)
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: "osr",
campaignId: e,
message: t
n ? _logger2.default.error(i) :
fail: function(e, t) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].failed = !0, this.log(e, t, !0)
var TabTalk = {
_flashTitle: function(e, t) {
var n = this,
i = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t = t || 5, this.cancelTitleUpdate(e),
function o() {
i.custom_tab_title.flashOn ? (i.custom_tab_title.flashOn = !1, i.custom_tab_title.formattedTitle && (document.title = bouncex.originalTitle), n.changeFavicon(e, !0)) : (i.custom_tab_title.flashOn = !0, i.custom_tab_title.formattedTitle && (document.title = i.custom_tab_title.formattedTitle), n.changeFavicon(e, !1)), 0 < --t && ([e].effect_timeout = setTimeout2(o, 2e3))
_scrollTitle: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
n.custom_tab_title.formattedTitle && (t = t || 0, this.cancelTitleUpdate(e), function i() {
var o = n.custom_tab_title.formattedTitle + " ";
t > o.length && (t = 0), document.title = o.substr(t) + o.substr(0, t), t += 3,[e].effect_timeout = setTimeout2(i, 1e3)
cancelTitleUpdate: function(e) {
clearTimeout([e].effect_timeout), document.title = bouncex.originalTitle ? bouncex.originalTitle : "", delete bouncex.campaigns[e].custom_tab_title.flashOn
changeFavicon: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
if (n.custom_tab_title.favicon_url) {
var i = document.createElement("link");
i.type = t ? "image/x-icon" : n.linkType, i.rel = "icon", i.href = t ? n.originalFavicon : n.custom_tab_title.favicon_url, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(i)
updateTitle: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
bouncex.originalTitle = bouncex.originalTitle || document.title;
var n = jQuery('link[rel~="icon"]');
t.originalFavicon = n && n.attr("href") || "/favicon.ico", t.linkType = t.custom_tab_title.favicon_type || "image/x-icon";
var i = t.custom_tab_title.effect,
o = "flashForever" === i ? 1 / 0 : 1;
"scroll" === i ? this._scrollTitle(e) : this._flashTitle(e, 2 * o - 1), this.changeFavicon(e, !1)
exports.activate_campaign = activate_campaign, exports.activateInstruments = activateInstruments, exports.ActiveTime = ActiveTime, exports.activation_funcs = activation_funcs, exports.addTriggerToRegistry = addTriggerToRegistry, exports.applyCampaignStyles = applyCampaignStyles, exports.assignDomReferencesToCampaign = assignDomReferencesToCampaign, exports.baddjs = baddjs, exports.bcx_init = bcx_init, exports.bcxReady = bcxReady, exports.BehavioralCriteria = BehavioralCriteria, exports.behavioralCriteriaComplete = behavioralCriteriaComplete, exports.BrowserUtil = BrowserUtil, exports.buildReport = buildReport, exports.BxInterval = BxInterval, exports.cacheCreativeForm = cacheCreativeForm, exports.campaignEligible = campaignEligible, exports.can_init = can_init, exports.can_init_post_cookie = can_init_post_cookie, exports.can_show_ad = can_show_ad, exports.clearBounceCookie = clearBounceCookie, exports.close_ad = close_ad, exports.ComplianceChecks = ComplianceChecks, exports.CouponCodes = CouponCodes, exports.createIframe = createIframe, exports.Criteria = Criteria, exports.CustomVariables = CustomVariables, exports.Debug = Debug, exports.evaluateBehavioralTriggers = evaluateBehavioralTriggers, exports.event_js_eval = event_js_eval, exports.EventListeners = EventListeners, exports.event_stream_report = event_stream_report, exports.getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage = getBounceCookieFPLocalStorage, exports.getBounceCookieLocalStorage = getBounceCookieLocalStorage, exports.getBounceCookieMulti = getBounceCookieMulti, exports.getBounceCookieSingle = getBounceCookieSingle, exports.getBounceVisitCookie = getBounceVisitCookie, exports.getParam = getParam, exports.getScript = getScript, exports.getTime2 = getTime2, exports.getTimeMs = getTimeMs, exports.getUniqueInstrumentId = getUniqueInstrumentId, exports.initActivationInstruments = initActivationInstruments, exports.initBa = initBa, exports.initBehavioralCriteriaInstruments = initBehavioralCriteriaInstruments, exports.init_browser = init_browser, exports.init_cookie_functions = init_cookie_functions, exports.init_cookie_localstorage = init_cookie_localstorage, exports.init_endpageview_event = init_endpageview_event, exports.init_event_tracking = init_event_tracking, exports.init_ibx = init_ibx, exports.init_ibx_tracking = init_ibx_tracking, exports.init_page_types = init_page_types, exports.initPreInitCustomJs = initPreInitCustomJs, exports.init_protocol_and_domain = init_protocol_and_domain, exports.init_public_functions = init_public_functions, exports.InitSequence = InitSequence, exports.init_testmode_before_cookie = init_testmode_before_cookie, exports.init_testmode_after_cookie = init_testmode_after_cookie, exports.init_url_and_referrer = init_url_and_referrer, exports.init_visit_cookie = init_visit_cookie, exports.init_website_custom_js = init_website_custom_js, exports.isBxInternalTraffic = isBxInternalTraffic, exports.isMissingTarget = isMissingTarget, exports.loadCouponsAndValidateForm = loadCouponsAndValidateForm, exports.loadImages = loadImages, exports.Logger = _logger2.default, exports.make_include_string = make_include_string, exports.NativeCapture = NativeCapture, exports.next_sequence_id = next_sequence_id, exports.noteCookieAdShown = noteCookieAdShown, exports.parseJSON = parseJSON, exports.parseSiteElementSelector = parseSiteElementSelector, exports.perf = perf, exports.placeCampaign = placeCampaign, exports.qs = qs, exports.Records = _records2.default, exports.ReloadCampaigns = ReloadCampaigns, = report, exports.report_submit = report_submit, exports.setAccessibilityProperties = setAccessibilityProperties, exports.setBounceCookieFPLocalStorage = setBounceCookieFPLocalStorage, exports.setBounceCookieLocalStorage = setBounceCookieLocalStorage, exports.setBounceCookieMulti = setBounceCookieMulti, exports.setBounceCookieSingle = setBounceCookieSingle, exports.setBounceVisitCookie = setBounceVisitCookie, exports.setCalloutTarget = setCalloutTarget, exports.setCampaignCalloutTargetToIndex = setCampaignCalloutTargetToIndex, exports.setTimeout2 = setTimeout2, exports.setTransitionEffect = setTransitionEffect, exports.shouldEnforcePolicies = shouldEnforcePolicies, exports.show_ad = show_ad, exports.SinglePageApp = SinglePageApp, exports.stringify_cookie = stringify_cookie, exports.TabTalk = TabTalk, exports.trigger_ad = trigger_ad, exports.tryCatch = tryCatch, exports.unload_campaign = unload_campaign, exports.updateQS = updateQS, exports.visitorTestMode = visitorTestMode, exports.wndorientation = wndorientation, exports.wndsize = wndsize
}, function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
if (e.shouldLog) {
var t = "%c ";
e.type && (t += "[".concat(e.type.toUpperCase(), "] ")), && (t += "(".concat(, ") ")), e.campaignId && (t += "(#".concat(e.campaignId, ") ")), t += e.message, bouncex.log(t, "color: ".concat(e.color))
function o(e, t) {
var n = "string" == typeof e ? {
message: e
} : e;
for (var i in void 0 !== n.shouldLog && (n.shouldLog = n.shouldLog || t.shouldLog), t) void 0 === n[i] && (n[i] = t[i]);
return n
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var a, r = n(0),
s = n(3),
c = (a = s) && a.__esModule ? a : {
default: a
t.default = {
info: function(e) {
i(o(e, {
shouldLog: (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log"),
type: "info",
color: "#5d59e8"
warn: function(e) {
i(o(e, {
shouldLog: (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log") || (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log:warn"),
type: "warn",
color: "#dd7300"
debug: function(e) {
i(o(e, {
shouldLog: (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log") || (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log:warn"),
type: "debug",
color: "#9500dd"
error: function(e) {
i(o(e, {
shouldLog: (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log") || (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log:warn") || (0, r.visitorTestMode)("log:error"),
type: "error",
color: "#dd0000"
}, function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
if (e.internal && (0, a.isBxInternalTraffic)()) return !0;
if (e.liveTraffic) switch (e.type) {
case "canary":
return t = e.liveTraffic, r < t;
case "device":
return o(e.liveTraffic)
var t;
return !1
function o(e) {
var t = bouncex.cookie && bouncex.cookie.did;
return !!t && +t.substr(t.length - 2) < e
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t._setPageId = function(e) {
r = e
var a = n(0),
r = Math.floor(100 * Math.random());
t.default = {
apply: function(e, t) {
i(e) && t()
}, function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
return "function" == typeof e ? r.filter(e) : r
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = n(0),
a = 500,
r = [];
t.default = {
addRecord: function(e) {
if (!(0, o.isBxInternalTraffic)()) return !1;
r.length >= a && r.shift();
var t = bouncex.utils.isObject(e) ? e : {};
"string" == typeof e && (t.message = e), = || !1, t.message = t.message || "", t.isError = !!t.isError, t.timestamp = (0, o.getTimeMs)(), r.push(t)
clearRecords: function() {
r = []
getRecords: i,
printRecords: function(e) {
var t, n, o;
i(e).forEach(function(e) {
n = new Date(e.timestamp).toLocaleTimeString(), o = e.isError ? "#FF0000" : "#00F", t = "%c ", && (t += "(".concat(, ") ")), e.campaignId && (t += "(".concat(e.campaignId, ") ")), t += "(".concat(n, ") "), t += e.message, bouncex.log(t, "color: ".concat(o))
}, function(e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.default = {
reload: function() {
}, function(e, t) {
function n() {
return !(bouncex.browser.ios && || !
function i() {
return "multi_cookie" == && || !(6e3 < document.cookie.length)
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.can_local_store = n, t.checkCookieEligibility = i, t.init_cookie_check = function() {
bouncex.local_storage_enabled = n(), bouncex.cookie_too_large = !1, bouncex.local_storage_enabled || "multi_cookie" == || i() || (bouncex.cookie_too_large = !0)
}, function(e, t, n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i, o = n(1),
a = (i = o) && i.__esModule ? i : {
default: i
t.default = {
_articles: [],
_constants: {
selectors: {
group: ".bx-group-custom",
image: ".bx-row-line",
headline: ".bx-row-text-subheadline"
_getArticles: function() {
return this._articles
_getRequestOptions: function() {
var e = this;
return {
url: e._settings.feedUrl,
dataType: e._settings.feedFormat,
complete: function(t, n) {
e._handleResponse(t, n)
_getStorageKey: function() {
return "bx-recirc-" +
_getStoredArticles: function() {
var e = this._getStorageKey(),
t = window.sessionStorage.getItem(e);
return bouncex.parseJSON(t, [])
_getValidArticles: function(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) this._isValidArticle(e[n]) && t.push(e[n]);
return t
_getValidGroups: function(e) {
for (var t = e.querySelectorAll(, n = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) this._isValidGroup(t[i]) && n.push(t[i]);
return n
_handleResponse: function(e, t) {
if ("error" === t) return this.error(null, "error response from article feed");
this.log(null, "parsing feed response");
var n = this._parseArticles(e);
if (!n) return this.error(null, "no articles found while parsing feed response");
var i = this._getValidArticles(n);
return i.length ? (this.log(null, i.length + "/" + n.length + " articles passed validation"), this._setArticles(i), void this._storeArticles(i)) : this.error(null, "all articles failed validation")
_isValidGroup: function(e) {
var t = 1 === e.querySelectorAll(this._constants.selectors.image).length,
n = 1 === e.querySelectorAll(this._constants.selectors.headline).length,
i = 1 === e.querySelectorAll("a").length;
return t && n && i
_requestFeed: function(e) {
this.log(null, "requesting articles from " + e.url), jQuery.ajax(e)
_setArticles: function(e) {
this._articles = e
_storeArticles: function(e) {
this.log(null, "storing articles in session storage");
var t = this._getStorageKey();
try {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(t, JSON.stringify(e))
} catch (e) {
this.error(null, e)
_isValidArticle: function(e) {
if (!e) return !1;
var t = !(! || !bouncex.utils.validate.url(,
n = !(!e.image || !bouncex.utils.validate.url(e.image)),
i = !!e.headline;
return t && n && i
_parseArticles: function(e) {
switch (this._settings.feedFormat) {
case "xml":
return this._settings.responseParser(e.responseXML);
case "json":
return this._settings.responseParser(e.responseJSON);
return this.error(null, "unrecognized feed format type"), !1
_populateGroup: function(e, t, n) {
try {
var i = t.querySelectorAll(this._constants.selectors.image)[0].firstChild,
o = t.querySelectorAll(this._constants.selectors.headline)[0].firstChild,
a = t.querySelector("a"); = "url(" + n.image + ")", = "cover", o.textContent = n.headline, a.setAttribute("href",
} catch (t) {
this.error(e, t)
_settings: {},
_validateSettings: function() {
return !!(this._settings.feedFormat && this._settings.feedUrl && this._settings.responseParser && "function" == typeof this._settings.responseParser)
addSettings: function(e) {
for (var t in e) bouncex.recirc._settings[t] = e[t]
articlesAvailable: function() {
return 0 < this._articles.length
error: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, t, !0)
init: function() {
if (this.isEnabled() && !this.articlesAvailable()) {
if (!this._validateSettings()) return this.log(null, "settings failed validation");
var e = this._getStoredArticles();
e && e.length ? (this.log(null, "retrieving articles from session storage"), this._setArticles(e)) : (this.log(null, "no articles found in storage; requesting from feed"), this._requestFeed(this._getRequestOptions()))
isEnabled: function() {
return !!this._settings.enabled
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: "recirc",
campaignId: e,
message: t
n ? a.default.error(i) :
populateCreative: function(e) {
if (!this.isEnabled()) return !1;
if (!this.articlesAvailable()) return !1;
var t = document.getElementById("bx-campaign-" + e);
if (!t) return this.error(e, "no creative found");
var n = this._getValidGroups(t),
i = this._getArticles();
if (n.length && n.length <= i.length) {
this.log(e, "populating article groups");
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) this._populateGroup(e, n[o], i[o])
} else n.length && this.log(e, "not enough articles to populate creative")
}, function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = n(0),
a = i(n(8)),
r = (i(n(2)), {
_activateBehavioralTriggers: function(e) {
(0, o.activateInstruments)(e)
_activateCampaign: function(e) {
this.log(e, "activating campaign");
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = this;
t.gbi.ready = !0, t.gbi.hasActivatedOnce || ((0, o.event_js_eval)(e, "activation"), t.gbi.hasActivatedOnce = !0), (0, o.setTimeout2)(function() {
t.ad_shown || t.failed || (n._deactivateCampaign(e), n.initCampaign(e))
}, 5e4)
_activateCreative: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, "activating creative");
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = bouncex.creatives[t],
a = /{bpcid}/g;
return n.html = i.html.replace(a, e), n.styles = i.styles.replace(a, e), (0, o.setCalloutTarget)(n), (0, o.isMissingTarget)(n) ? (bouncex.gbi2.error(e, "no anchor found"), this._failCampaign(e)) : ((0, o.placeCampaign)(e), (0, o.assignDomReferencesToCampaign)(e), (0, o.cacheCreativeForm)(e, 1), (0, o.setAccessibilityProperties)(e), (0, o.setTransitionEffect)(e), void(0, o.applyCampaignStyles)(e))
_activatePlacement: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = t.placementId,
o = n.gbi.placements[i],
a = this;
if (this.log(e, "activating placement #" + i), n.activePlacementId = i, n.activeAdUnitId = o.adUnitId, this._activateCreative(e, o.creativeId), bouncex.recirc.populateCreative(e), "display" == o.mediaType) n.onImpression = function(i) {
a._populateDisplayAd(e, {
trigger: n.trigger,
content: t.adHtml,
width: o.width,
height: o.height,
deployment: o.deployment,
onReady: i
}, this._activateCampaign(e);
else if ("video" == o.mediaType) {
var r = {
vast: t.vastData,
width: o.width,
height: o.height
s = n.obj1.find('video[id*="bx-video-player"]');
s && 0 < s.length ? (n.gbi.isVideo = !0,, r.vast, t.provider, o)) : this._prepareVideo(e, r, function() {
_adjustPosition: function(e) {
if ("masthead" === this._getDeploymentType(e)) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
_allRequestsAreComplete: function(e) {
for (var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.requests, n = !0, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i].endTime || (n = !1);
return n
_attachClickReporting: function(e, t) {
bouncex.on(t, "mouseenter.gbi_click_events_" + e, function() {
bouncex.on(bouncex.window, "blur.gbi_click_events_" + e, function() {, "click", {
value: "ad"
}),[e].gbi_click = function() {, "blur.gbi_click_events_" + e)
}, bouncex.on(t, "mouseleave.gbi_click_events_" + e,[e].gbi_click)
_bidFilters: {
isPerformanceBid: function(e) {
var t = [];
return e.forEach(function(e) {
"perf" === e.provider && t.push(e)
}), t.length ? t : e
hasDealId: function(e) {
var t = [];
return e.forEach(function(e) {
e.dealId && t.push(e)
}), t.length ? t : e
hasHighestPrice: function(e) {
var t = [],
n = 0;
return e.forEach(function(e) {
e.price > n ? (n = e.price, t = [e]) : e.price == n && t.push(e)
}), t.length ? t : e
arrivedFirst: function(e) {
var t = [],
n = 0;
return e.forEach(function(e) {
0 === n || e.arrivalTime < n ? (n = e.arrivalTime, t = [e]) : e.arrivalTime == n && t.push(e)
}), t.length ? t : e
_compose: function() {
var e =,
t = {};
return e.forEach(function(e) {
for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = e[n])
}), t
_constants: {
auctionDelayInMilliseconds: 2e3,
bidEvents: {
fill: "bid_fill",
none: "bid_none",
empty: "bid_empty",
error: "bid_error",
cancelled: "bid_cancel",
selected: "bid_selected"
targetSelector: ".bx-group-placeholder:eq(0)"
_createAndSendRequests: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, "sending bid requests");
var n = [];
for (var i in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var o = t[i];
o.providers.forEach(function(t) {
var a = this._createBidRequest(t, {
campaignId: e,
placementId: i,
adUnitId: o.adUnitId,
type: o.mediaType,
width: o.width,
height: o.height,
deployment: o.deployment
n.push(a), a.init()
return n
_createBid: function(e) {
return {
provider: e.provider,
campaignId: e.campaignId,
placementId: e.placementId,
adUnitId: e.adUnitId,
price: e.price,
adHtml: e.adHtml,
vastData: e.vastData,
dealId: e.dealId,
arrivalTime: e.arrivalTime,
targeting: e.targeting
_createBidRequest: function(e, t) {
return this._requestIndex[e](t)
_createDisplayFrame: function() {
return (0, o.createIframe)({
target: "_blank",
class: "bx-gbi-frame",
frameborder: "0",
horizontalscrolling: "no",
verticalscrolling: "no",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
vspace: "0",
hspace: "0",
marginwidth: "0",
marginheight: "0",
scrolling: "no",
allowTransparency: "true"
_customizations: {
anchor: {
updateDynamicAnchor: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
if (t.dynamic_anchor && !t.gbi.contentLoaded) {
var n = (0, o.parseSiteElementSelector)(t.callout_t);
t.visibleAnchors = o.BrowserUtil.viewport.getVisibleElements(n, t.dom_placement_method), 0 < t.visibleAnchors.length && ((0, o.setCampaignCalloutTargetToIndex)(e, t.visibleAnchors[0].index), (0, o.placeCampaign)(e))
passesViewabilityTest: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = this._getMinimumHeight(t) || 250;
return o.BrowserUtil.viewport.distanceToBottom(t.calloutTarget[0], t.dom_placement_method, t.callout_voffset) > n
_getMinimumHeight: function(e) {
var t = this._getBidDimensions(e);
return ("prepend" === e.dom_placement_method || "append" === e.dom_placement_method ? e.calloutTarget.innerWidth() : e.calloutTarget.parent().innerWidth()) * (t.height / t.width) / 2
_getBidDimensions: function(e) {
var t = e.gbi.placements[e.winningBid.placementId];
return {
height: +t.height,
width: +t.width
_deactivateCampaign: function(e) {
this.log(e, "deactivating campaign");
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
t.obj1.remove(), t.gbi.ready = !1
_endAllRequests: function(e) {
bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.requests.forEach(function(e) {
_exceedsFrequencyCap: function() {
var e =;
if (!e) return !1;
if (!e.freqCapEnabled) return !1;
if (!e.freqCapImpressions) return !1;
switch (e.freqCapInterval) {
case "pageview":
return this._pageImpressions >= e.freqCapImpressions;
case "visit":
return bouncex.cookie.pci >= e.freqCapImpressions
return !1
_failCampaign: function(e) {
this.log(e, "campaign failed");
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = this._getDeploymentType(e);
this._failedDeployments.push(n), t.failed = !0, t.gbi.ready = !1
_failedDeployments: [],
_getAdUnitIds: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = t.gbi && t.gbi.placements;
return Object.keys(n).map(function(e) {
return n[e].adUnitId
_getDeploymentType: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = t.gbi && t.gbi.placements;
if (n)
for (var i in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(i)) return n[i].deployment;
return ""
_getProviderConfig: function(e, t) {
var n =;
return n && n[e] && n[e][t]
_getReportablePrice: function(e) {
return (+e).toFixed(5)
_getResizeData: function(e, t) {
t.width = +t.width, t.height = +t.height;
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = n.obj1,
o = 1,
a = 2 * ((parseInt(i.find(".bx-wrap").css("padding-left"), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(i.find(".bx-align").css("padding-left"), 10) || 0));
if ("agilityzone" === n.type && n.calloutTarget.length) o = (n.calloutTarget.width() - a) / t.width;
else if ("overlay" === n.type) {
var r = (bouncex.wndsize().width - a) / t.width,
s = (bouncex.wndsize().height - a) / t.height;
o = r > s ? s : r
return {
scaleRatio: o,
scaledWidth: t.width * o,
scaledHeight: t.height * o
_incrementImpressionCounters: function() {
"number" == typeof this._pageImpressions ? this._pageImpressions++ : this._pageImpressions = 1, "number" == typeof bouncex.cookie.pci ? bouncex.cookie.pci++ : bouncex.cookie.pci = 1, setBounceCookie()
_initAuction: function(e) {
this.log(e, "initializing auction");
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.bids,
n = [this._bidFilters.isPerformanceBid, this._bidFilters.hasDealId, this._bidFilters.hasHighestPrice, this._bidFilters.arrivedFirst];
if (0 == t.length) return this.log(e, "no bids were returned"), this._failCampaign(e);
if (1 == t.length) return this._selectWinningBid(e, t[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
if (1 == (t = (0, n[i])(t)).length) return this._selectWinningBid(e, t[0]);
return 0 < t.length ? this._selectWinningBid(e, t[0]) : (this.error(e, "there was an error while selecting a bid"), void this._failCampaign(e))
_initRequests: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = n.gbi.placements;
n.gbi.hasBegunAuction = !0, n.gbi.bids = [], this._isForceTest(e) && !t ? this._prefetchBids(e, "aqbx", i) : bouncex.vars.perf_ads_prefetch && !t ? this._prefetchBids(e, "perf", i) : (n.gbi.requests = this._createAndSendRequests(e, i), this._setAuctionTimeout(e))
_integrations: {
tag: {
intermediaryId: "869cff86d1c453c1",
generateId: function() {
return this.intermediaryId + ":" +
moat: {
display: {
scriptSrc: document.location.protocol + "//",
getScriptTag: function(e) {
if ((0, o.shouldEnforcePolicies)({
gdpr: !0
})) return bouncex.log("GDPR: MOAT script blocked"), "";
var t = (0, o.qs)({
moatClientLevel2: e.deviceType,
moatClientLevel3: e.trigger,
moatClientLevel4: e.adSize,
zMoatPlacement: e.placement
return '<script src="' + this.scriptSrc + "?" + t + '" type="text/javascript"><\/script>'
video: {
scriptSrc: document.location.protocol + "//",
partnerCode: "bouncexjsvideojwplayer997111196347",
loadPlugin: function(e) {
if ((0, o.shouldEnforcePolicies)({
gdpr: !0
})) return bouncex.log("GDPR: MOAT script blocked"), "";
var t = this;
(0, o.getScript)(t.scriptSrc, function() {
addImpressionListener: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e],
n = this;
t.gbi.player.on("adImpression", function(e) {
partnerCode: n.partnerCode,
player: this,
adImpressionEvent: e,
ids: {
level1: + " (" + + ")",
level2: ? "mobile" : "desktop",
level3: t.trigger,
level4: "video",
slicer1: "overlay" === t.type ? t.type : t.subtype
duration: 30
jwplayer: {
key: "o8z/iG2QyTbuWcdH2vCzMM0waC0nOAeJ9/gVcpFiPZ+tv1+5",
createPlayerConfig: function(e) {
var t = /^[\s]*<VAST/i.test(e.vastData) ? "vastxml" : "tag",
n = {};
return n.file = "//" + + "/assets/global/plugins/jwplayer/blank.mp4", n.mute = !0, n.width = e.width, n.height = e.height, n.advertising = {}, n.advertising.client = "vast", n.advertising.vpaidcontrols = !0, n.advertising[t] = e.vastData, n
createPlayerInstance: function(e, t, n, i) {
bouncex.gbi2.log(e, "creating video player instance");
var a = "//" + + "/assets/global/plugins/jwplayer/8.3.0/jwplayer.js",
r = (0, o.createIframe)({
class: "bx-gbi-frame",
style: "border: 0; width: " + t.width() + "px; height: " + t.height() + "px;"
s = this;
var c = r.contentWindow;
bouncex.browser.firefox && (c.oldGetComputedStyle = c.getComputedStyle, c.getComputedStyle = function(e, t) {
var n = c.oldGetComputedStyle(e, t);
return null === n ? {} : n
}), c.document.write('<html><body style="margin: 0px; overflow: hidden;"><div id="bx-video"></div></body></html>');
var u = c.document.createElement("script");
u.setAttribute("src", a), u.onload = function() {
bouncex.gbi2.log(e, "jwplayer script loaded"), c.jwplayer ? (bouncex.gbi2.log(e, "jwplayer executed"), c.jwplayer.key = s.key, c.player = c.jwplayer("bx-video"), c.player.setup(n), c.player.on("adClick", function() {, "click", {
value: "ad"
}), c.player.on("adError", function(t) {
bouncex.gbi2.error(e, t.message ? "video error: " + t.message : "video error")
}), i(c.player)) : (bouncex.gbi2.error(e, "jwplayer failed to execute"), bouncex.gbi2._failCampaign(e))
}, u.onerror = function() {
bouncex.gbi2.error(e, "jwplayer script failed to load"), bouncex.gbi2._failCampaign(e)
}, c.document.body.appendChild(u)
_isForceTest: function(e) {
return -1 < bouncex.calling_url.indexOf("aqbxtest" + e)
_populateDisplayAd: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, "populating display ad");
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e].obj1.find(bouncex.gbi2._constants.targetSelector),
i = bouncex.gbi2._integrations.moat.display,
a = this._createDisplayFrame(),
r = t.content,
s = t.onReady,
c = "-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0; transform-origin: 0 0; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;";
if (0 === n.length) return bouncex.gbi2.error(e, "creative is missing an ad stack placeholder group"), bouncex.gbi2._failCampaign(e), !1;
var u = bouncex.gbi2._getResizeData(e, {
width: t.width,
height: t.height
1 > u.scaleRatio && (c += "-webkit-transform: scale(" + u.scaleRatio + "); transform: scale(" + u.scaleRatio + ");", n.css({
width: u.scaledWidth + "px",
height: u.scaledHeight + "px"
})), n.append(a), r += i.getScriptTag({
website: + " (" + + ")",
deviceType: ? "mobile" : "desktop",
trigger: t.trigger,
adSize: t.width + "x" + t.height,
placement: t.deployment
try {
var b = a.contentWindow.document;, b.write('<html><head><base target="_blank"/></head><body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="' + c + '">' + r + "</body>"), b.close()
} catch (t) {
return bouncex.gbi2.error(e, "error populating ad: " + t), bouncex.gbi2._failCampaign(e), !1
this._attachClickReporting(e, n), (0, o.loadImages)(jQuery(b).find("img").filter(":visible"), function() {
bouncex.gbi2.log(e, "images loaded successfully"), s && s()
_prefetchBids: function(e, t, n) {
this.log(e, "prefetching " + t);
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e],
a = {};
for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && (a[r] = this._compose(n[r]), a[r].providers = [t]);
i.gbi.requests = this._createAndSendRequests(e, a), (0, o.setTimeout2)(function() {
this._endAllRequests(e), 0 < i.gbi.bids.length ? this._initAuction(e) : this._initRequests(e, !0)
}.bind(this), 1e3)
_prepareVideo: function(e, t, n) {
this.log(e, "preparing video ad");
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e],
o = i.obj1.find(bouncex.gbi2._constants.targetSelector),
a = bouncex.gbi2._integrations.jwplayer,
r = o.width(),
s = o.height(),
c = bouncex.gbi2._getResizeData(e, {
width: r,
height: s
1 > c.scaleRatio && (r = c.scaledWidth, s = c.scaledHeight, o.css({
width: r + "px",
height: s + "px"
var u = a.createPlayerConfig({
vastData: t.vast,
width: r,
height: s
a.createPlayerInstance(e, o, u, function(t) {
i.gbi.player = t, i.gbi.isVideo = !0, i.gbi.config = i.gbi.config || {}, i.gbi.config.playOnImpression = !0,, i.gbi.contentLoaded = !0, n()
_requestIndex: {
sharedBehaviors: {
gbi: function() {
return {
fetch: function(e) {
this.startTime = (0, o.getTimeMs)(), this.request = bouncex.utils.doAjaxRequest(e)
done: function() {
this.endTime = (0, o.getTimeMs)(), this.duration = this.endTime - this.startTime
reportResult: function(e, t) {, e, t)
end: function() {
this.request && this.request.abort()
rtb: function() {
return {
createDisplayImpression: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
id: 1,
banner: {
w: e = +e,
h: t = +t
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(i, n)
createVideoImpression: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
id: 1,
video: {
mimes: ["video/mp4", "application/javascript"],
minduration: 3,
maxduration: 150,
protocols: [2, 3, 5, 6],
linearity: 1,
ext: {
playertype: 1
return e && ( = +e), t && ( = +t), bouncex.gbi2._compose(i, n)
getExtraIds: function() {
var e = window.bouncex.gbi.deviceOptedStatus;
return e ? [{
source: "bxid",
uids: [{
id: e,
atype: 1
}] : []
aqbx: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.gbi;
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(e, t(), {
init: function() {
this.startTime = (0, o.getTimeMs)(), this.done(), this.handleResponse()
handleResponse: function() {
var e = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
t = bouncex.gbi2._createBid({
provider: "aqbx",
campaignId: this.campaignId,
placementId: this.placementId,
adUnitId: this.adUnitId,
price: 0,
adHtml: this.getDisplayHtml(this.width, this.height),
vastData: this.getVastXml(),
arrivalTime: this.endTime
e.gbi.bids.push(t), bouncex.gbi2.log(this.campaignId, "bid simulated for force testing")
getDisplayHtml: function(e, t) {
return '<a><img src="' + ("https://" + + "/assets/global/images/pub/demo" + e + "x" + t + '.gif" width="' + e + '" height="' + t + '"/></a>'
getVastXml: function() {
return '<VAST version="2.0"><Ad><InLine><AdSystem>Acudeo Compatible</AdSystem><AdTitle>VAST 2.0 AQBX</AdTitle><Description>VAST 2.0 AQBX</Description><Creatives><Creative><Linear><Duration>00:00:21</Duration><MediaFiles><MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" bitrate="500" width="400" height="300" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">https://' + + "/assets/global/videos/pub/demo/ads_demo_video.mp4</MediaFile></MediaFiles></Linear></Creative></Creatives></InLine></Ad></VAST>"
perf: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.gbi;
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(e, t(), {
provider: "perf",
fetch: function(e) {
this.startTime = (0, o.getTimeMs)(), this.request = jQuery.ajax(e)
init: function() {
var e = this,
t = {
url: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("perf", "endpoint"),
data: e.getRequestData(),
complete: function(t, n) {
e.done(), e.handleResponse(t, n)
getRequestData: function() {
return {
bxid: bouncex.dg.softID || "none",
w: this.width,
h: this.height
handleResponse: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
n = bouncex.gbi2._constants.bidEvents,
i = n.error,
o = {
partner: "perf",
deployment: this.deployment || "unknown",
requested_ad_units: this.width + "x" + this.height,
request_timestamp: this.startTime,
deal_id: "NA",
price: "NA",
auction_number: t.gbi.auctionCount,
ad_unit_id: this.adUnitId
a = e.responseJSON;
if (200 !== e.status) 0 === e.status && (i = n.cancelled);
else if (a && a.adHtml) {
i = n.fill, bouncex.gbi2.log(this.campaignId, "placement #" + this.placementId + " received a bid from performance ads");
var r = bouncex.gbi2._createBid({
provider: "perf",
campaignId: this.campaignId,
placementId: this.placementId,
adUnitId: this.adUnitId,
adHtml: a.adHtml,
arrivalTime: this.endTime,
targeting: a.targeting
} else i = n.none;
this.reportResult(i, o)
bsw: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.gbi;
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(e, t(), {
provider: "bsw",
init: function() {
var e = this,
t = {
url: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("bsw", "endpoint"),
data: bouncex.stringify(e.getRequestData()),
dataType: "json",
method: "POST",
timeout: 5e3,
complete: function(t, n) {
e.done(), e.handleResponse(t, n)
getRequestData: function() {
var e = {
code: this.deployment
return e["display" === this.type ? "banner" : "video"] = {
sizes: [{
w: +this.width,
h: +this.height
}, {
publisher_id: +bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("bsw", "site_id") || 0,
placements: [e]
handleResponse: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
n = bouncex.gbi2._constants.bidEvents,
i = n.error,
o = {
partner: this.provider,
partner_site_id: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("bsw", "site_id") || "NA",
deployment: this.deployment || "unknown",
requested_ad_units: this.width + "x" + this.height,
request_timestamp: this.startTime,
deal_id: "NA",
price: "NA",
auction_number: t.gbi.auctionCount,
ad_unit_id: this.adUnitId
a = e.responseJSON && e.responseJSON.placement_bid;
if (200 !== e.status) 0 === e.status && (i = n.cancelled);
else if (a && a.length) {
i = n.fill, bouncex.gbi2.log(this.campaignId, "placement #" + this.placementId + " received a bid from bidswitch");
var r = a[0];
o.deal_id = r.dealid, o.price = bouncex.gbi2._getReportablePrice(r.price);
var s = bouncex.gbi2._createBid({
provider: this.provider,
campaignId: this.campaignId,
placementId: this.placementId,
adUnitId: this.adUnitId,
arrivalTime: this.endTime,
adHtml: r.adm,
vastData: r.adm,
dealId: r.dealid,
price: r.price
} else i = n.none;
this.reportResult(i, o)
index: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.gbi,
n = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.rtb;
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(e, t(), n(), {
provider: "index",
init: function() {
var e = this.getRequestData(),
t = this,
n = bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("index", bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId].qbxtest ? "qa_site_id" : "s"),
i = {
url: bouncex.ssl ? "" : "",
data: {
v: "7",
cb: (0, o.getTimeMs)(),
s: n,
r: bouncex.stringify(e)
dataType: "text",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
global: !1,
crossDomain: !0,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: !0
timeout: 5e3,
complete: function(e, n) {
t.done(), t.handleResponse(e, n)
"video" === this.type && ( = "8.8", = "jsonp"), this.fetch(i)
getRequestData: function() {
var e, t = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
n = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname + document.location.pathname,
i = ? "mobile" : "desktop",
a = bouncex.updateQS(n, "deployment", t.type, "device", i);
return "display" == this.type ? e = this.createDisplayImpression(this.width, this.height) : "video" == this.type && (e = this.createVideoImpression()), {
id: (0, o.getTime2)(),
imp: [e],
site: {
page: a,
ref: bouncex.referrer,
mobile: ? 1 : 0
source: {
pchain: bouncex.gbi2._integrations.tag.generateId()
handleResponse: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
i = bouncex.gbi2._constants.bidEvents,
o = i.error,
a = {
partner: "index",
partner_site_id: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("index", "s"),
deployment: this.deployment || "unknown",
requested_ad_units: "display" === this.type ? this.width + "x" + this.height : "video",
request_timestamp: this.startTime,
deal_id: "NA",
price: "NA",
auction_number: n.gbi.auctionCount,
ad_unit_id: this.adUnitId
if ("success" === t && 200 === e.status) {
var r = this.getBidFromResponse(e.responseText);
if (r) {
o = i.fill, bouncex.gbi2.log(this.campaignId, "placement #" + this.placementId + " received a bid from index exchange");
var s = r.ext && r.ext.dealid,
c = r.ext && r.ext.pricelevel,
u = 0;
s && (a.deal_id = s), c && (u = this.convertPrice(r.ext.pricelevel, s), a.price = bouncex.gbi2._getReportablePrice(u));
var b = bouncex.gbi2._createBid({
provider: "index",
campaignId: this.campaignId,
placementId: this.placementId,
adUnitId: this.adUnitId,
price: +u,
adHtml: r.adm,
vastData: r.ext && r.ext.vasturl,
dealId: s,
arrivalTime: this.endTime
} else o = i.none
} else "success" !== t || e.responseText ? 0 === e.status && (o = i.cancelled) : o = i.empty;
this.reportResult(o, a)
getBidFromResponse: function(e) {
try {
var t = e.substring(e.indexOf("(") + 1, e.lastIndexOf(")")),
n = bouncex.parseJSON(t);
return n.seatbid && n.seatbid[0] && n.seatbid[0].bid && n.seatbid[0].bid[0]
} catch (e) {
return !1
convertPrice: function(e, t) {
var n = e.length - 2,
i = e.split("");
i.splice(n, 0, ".");
var o = i.join("").replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
return (t ? +o : +o / .85).toFixed(5)
pbm: function(e) {
var t = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.gbi,
n = bouncex.gbi2._requestIndex.sharedBehaviors.rtb;
return bouncex.gbi2._compose(e, t(), n(), {
provider: "pbm",
init: function() {
if (!this.userSynced()) return this.syncUser();
var e = this.getRequestData(),
t = this,
n = {
url: document.location.protocol + "//" + bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", "endpoint"),
data: bouncex.stringify(e),
method: "POST",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
timeout: 5e3,
complete: function(e, n) {
t.done(), t.handleResponse(e, n)
getRequestData: function() {
var e, t = bouncex.cookie.vid + "_" + bouncex.cookie.sid,
n = bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", ? "mobile_id" : "desktop_id"),
i = this.getTagId(n, this.placementId),
a = bouncex.gbi2._integrations;
return "display" === this.type ? e = this.createDisplayImpression(this.width, this.height, {
id: (0, o.getTimeMs)().toString(),
secure: bouncex.ssl ? 1 : 0,
tagid: i
}) : "video" === this.type && (e = this.createVideoImpression(this.width, this.height)), {
id: t,
site: {
id: n,
name: window.location.hostname,
ref: decodeURIComponent(bouncex.referrer),
page: decodeURIComponent(bouncex.calling_url),
publisher: {
id: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", "publisher_id")
device: {
ua: navigator.userAgent,
imp: [e],
source: {
pchain: a.tag.generateId()
user: {
eids: this.getExtraIds()
at: 1,
tmax: 200
handleResponse: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId],
i = bouncex.gbi2._constants.bidEvents,
o = i.error,
a = {
partner: "pbm",
partner_site_id: bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", ? "mobile_id" : "desktop_id"),
deployment: this.deployment || "unknown",
requested_ad_units: "display" === this.type ? this.width + "x" + this.height : "video",
request_timestamp: this.startTime,
price: "NA",
deal_id: "NA",
auction_number: n.gbi.auctionCount,
ad_unit_id: this.adUnitId
if ("success" === t && 200 === e.status) {
var r = this.getBidFromResponse(e.responseText);
if (r) {
o = i.fill, bouncex.gbi2.log(this.campaignId, "placement #" + this.placementId + " received a bid from pubmatic"), r.dealid && (a.deal_id = r.dealid), r.price && (a.price = bouncex.gbi2._getReportablePrice(r.price));
var s = bouncex.gbi2._createBid({
provider: "pbm",
campaignId: this.campaignId,
placementId: this.placementId,
adUnitId: this.adUnitId,
price: r.price,
adHtml: r.adm,
vastData: r.adm,
dealId: r.dealid,
arrivalTime: this.endTime
} else o = i.none
} else "nocontent" === t && 204 === e.status ? o = i.empty : 0 === e.status && (o = i.cancelled);
this.reportResult(o, a)
getBidFromResponse: function(e) {
try {
var t = bouncex.parseJSON(e);
return t.seatbid && t.seatbid[0] && t.seatbid[0].bid && t.seatbid[0].bid[0]
} catch (e) {
return !1
userSynced: function() {
return !!sessionStorage.getItem("bxpbmsynced")
syncUser: function() {
var e = bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", "user_sync_endpoint"),
t = bouncex.gbi2._getProviderConfig("pbm", "publisher_id");
if (!e) return bouncex.gbi2.error(this.campaignId, "no endpoint found for pubmatic user sync");
if (!t) return bouncex.gbi2.error(this.campaignId, "no publisher id found for pubmatic user sync");
var n = (0, o.createIframe)({
style: "display: none;",
src: "//" + e + "?p=" + t
i = this;
n.onload = function() {
sessionStorage.setItem("bxpbmsynced", "1"), i.init()
}, document.body.appendChild(n)
getTagId: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[this.campaignId].gbi.placements[t];
return n && n.deployment ? {
overlay: "Overlay",
masthead: "Masthead",
endcap: "End_Cap",
encore: "Encore",
middleofarticle: "Middle_of_Article",
skyline: "Skyline",
infeed: "Infeed"
}[n.deployment] + "_" + e : ""
_selectWinningBid: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, "selecting bid from " + t.provider);
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e],
i = n.gbi.placements[t.placementId],
o = bouncex.gbi2._constants.bidEvents,
a = {
partner: t.provider,
deployment: i.deployment,
deal_id: t.dealId || "NA",
price: bouncex.gbi2._getReportablePrice(t.price),
auction_number: n.gbi.auctionCount,
ad_unit_id: t.adUnitId
n.winningBid = t,, o.selected, a), this._activatePlacement(e, t)
_setAuctionTimeout: function(e) {
var t = this._constants.auctionDelayInMilliseconds,
n = this;
(0, o.setTimeout2)(function() {
0 < bouncex.campaigns[e].gbi.bids.length || n._allRequestsAreComplete(e) ? (n.log(e, "one or more bids received, or all requests have resolved; ending wait period"), n._endAllRequests(e), n._initAuction(e)) : (n.log(e, "no bids after first wait period; some requests still pending; trying again"), (0, o.setTimeout2)(function() {
n.log(e, "ending wait period"), n._endAllRequests(e), n._initAuction(e)
}, t))
}, t)
canShowPubCampaign: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[t];
if (!this._isForceTest(t) && this._exceedsFrequencyCap()) return !1;
if (n.dynamic_anchor) {
if (this._customizations.anchor.updateDynamicAnchor(t), 0 === n.visibleAnchors.length) return this.log(t, "dynamic anchor - no visible anchors", !0), !1;
if (!this._customizations.anchor.passesViewabilityTest(t)) return this.log(t, "dynamic anchor - fails visibility test", !0), !1
return bouncex.gbi2.tryPop(t, e), n.gbi.ready ? (this.log(t, "passes canShow criteria"), !0) : (this.log(t, "gbi.ready is false", !0), !1)
error: function(e, t) {
this.log(e, t, !0)
getDeploymentType: function(e) {
return this._getDeploymentType(e)
getFailedDeployments: function() {
return this._failedDeployments
initCampaign: function(e) {
this.log(e, "initializing campaign");
var t = bouncex.campaigns[e];
13 < t.gbi.auctionCount && this._failCampaign(e), t.activated || (, "eligible"), t.listeners = new o.EventListeners, (0, o.event_js_eval)(e, "preactivation"), this.log(e, "activating behavioral triggers"), this._activateBehavioralTriggers(e), t.activated = !0), t.gbi.auctionCount ? t.gbi.auctionCount++ : t.gbi.auctionCount = 1, this._initRequests(e)
initDfp: function() {
getDfpLineItemIds: function() {
return a.default.lineItems.getAll()
handleImpression: function(e) {
this._adjustPosition(e), this._incrementImpressionCounters()
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: "gbi",
message: t,
campaignId: e
n ? o.Logger.error(i) :
report: function(e, t, n) {
if (0 === t.indexOf("bid_") && bouncex.vars.block_bid_events) return !1;
this.log(e, 'reporting event "' + t + '"');
var i = bouncex.campaigns[e];
switch (n = n || {}, t) {
case "pop":
var a = i.winningBid;
n.ad_unit_id = i.activeAdUnitId || 0, a ? (n.targeting = "perf" === a.provider ? a.targeting : "NA", n.partner = a.provider, n.deal_id = a.dealId, n.price = this._getReportablePrice(a.price), n.deployment = this._getDeploymentType(e), n.auction_number = i.gbi.auctionCount) : this.error(e, 'unable to find bid data to report on "pop"');
case "trypop":
n.ad_units = this._getAdUnitIds(e).join(",");
case "click":
n.value = n.value || "nonad";
case "eligible":
n.ad_units = this._getAdUnitIds(e).join(",")
n.source = "ads", (0, o.buildReport)(e, t, n)
tryPop: function(e, t) {
var n = bouncex.campaigns[e];
if (!n.trypopTriggered) {
if ("overlay" !== this._getDeploymentType(e) && !n.dynamic_anchor) {
var i = (0, o.parseSiteElementSelector)(n.callout_t);
if (!(!!i && !!jQuery(i).length)) return
}, "trypop", {
activation: t
}), n.trypopTriggered = !0
t.default = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function o(e, t) {
for (var n, i = 0; i < t.length; i++)(n = t[i]).enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n)
function a() {
return "".concat(, "?li=").concat(m.formatAll("|"))
function r() {
type: "canary",
liveTraffic: 10,
internal: !0
}, function() {
url: a()
function s() {
g || (m.collectFromPage(), 0 < m.count() && (r(), l.default.reload(), u("dfp ids found: ".concat(m.formatAll(", "))), g = !0))
function c() {
u("dfp max attempts")
function u(e) {{
group: "dfp",
message: e,
color: "#ffa500"
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var b = i(n(9)),
l = i(n(4)),
d = i(n(2)),
p = i(n(1)),
x = n(0),
g = !1,
m = new(function() {
function e() {
(function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
})(this, e), this._lineItems = []
return t = e, (n = [{
key: "clear",
value: function() {
this._lineItems = []
}, {
key: "count",
value: function() {
return this._lineItems.length
}, {
key: "add",
value: function(e) {
isNaN(+e) || this._lineItems.push(e)
}, {
key: "getAll",
value: function() {
return this._lineItems
}, {
key: "formatAll",
value: function(e) {
return e = e || ",", this._lineItems.join(e)
}, {
key: "collectFromPage",
value: function() {
var e = this;
window.googletag && "function" == typeof window.googletag.pubads && window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(t) {
var n = t.getResponseInformation();
!n || "number" != typeof n.lineItemId || -1 < e.getAll().indexOf(n.lineItemId) || e.add(n.lineItemId)
}]) && o(t.prototype, n), i && o(t, i), e;
var t, n, i
t.default = {
lineItems: m,
getRequestUrl: a,
report: r,
initDetection: s,
init: function() {
x.BxInterval.addTask(s, 30, "dfp_detection", c)
onFailure: c
}, function(e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.default = {
get: function(e) {
return e.type = "GET", jQuery.ajax(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i, o = n(0),
a = n(1),
r = (i = a) && i.__esModule ? i : {
default: i
t.default = {
_constants: {
sc: "29143",
product: "sms",
optInMessage: "Send for automated, recurring <BrandName> marketing texts to this # per terms. Consent not a condition of purchase.",
params: {
source: "sms_source",
click: "sms_click"
init: function() {
return this._supported() ? (this.initialized = !0, void this._clickthrough()) : (this.initialized = !1, !1)
_supported: function() {
return !! && ( && ? (this.log(null, "sms supported", !1), !0) : (this.log(null, "missing settings: brand name and website t&c link are required", !0), !1))
_clickthrough: function() {
var e = bouncex.utils.url.getParam(;
if (e) {
var t = bouncex.cookie.sms || {},
n = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1e3);
t[e] = n, bouncex.cookie.sms = t, setBounceCookie(),"click", {
campaignid: e,
"sms:slug": bouncex.utils.getParam(this._constants.params.source)
_getOptInSlug: function(e) {
return "YES-" + + "-" + e + "-" + bouncex.cookie.did
_getOptInMessage: function() {
var e = this._constants.optInMessage.replace("<BrandName>",;
return encodeURIComponent(e + "\n")
_getOptInURI: function(e) {
return "sms://" + + "?&body=" + this._getOptInMessage() + this._getOptInSlug(e)
_triggerOptIn: function(e) {
bouncex.close_ad(e), window.location.href = this._getOptInURI(e)
optInMobile: function(e) {
return this.initialized ? ("prompt", {
campaignid: e
}), void(0, o.setTimeout2)(, e), 300)) : (this.log(e, "sms not initialized. check that sms is enabled and required website settings are valid.", !0), !1)
report: function(e, t) {
var n = {
agent: "user",
source: this._constants.product
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
(0, o.event_stream_report)(e, n)
log: function(e, t, n) {
var i = {
group: this._constants.product,
campaignId: e,
message: t
n ? r.default.error(i) :
}, function(e, t, n) {
var i = n(0); && (i.perf.times("tag"), 0 < && ! ? (0, i.setTimeout2)(i.InitSequence.preInit1.entry, : (0, i.tryCatch)(i.InitSequence.preInit1.entry)())
}, function(e, t, n) {
n(4), n(5), n(0), n(11), n(7), n(8), n(6), n(10), n(9), n(1), n(3), e.exports = n(2)
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