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Last active November 9, 2017 00:51
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a graphql question

so, let's say I have a "master/detail"-ish architecture, where my UI has a section for a specific user, and within that section is a page that shows that user's followers. it's at a route like /users/:username/followers.

in my component hierarchy, this works with something like

<FollowersPage>         <-- top level route component, matched by react-router
  <UserSectionWrapper>  <-- renders the outer wrapper for the user section
    <FollowersList />   <-- the inner content of the page

<UserSectionWrapper /> renders some basic information about a user, such as their display name and avatar. <FollowersList /> renders the list of their followers.

Now, how I was hoping to structure this, using GraphQL, was to have <UserSectionWrapper /> wrapped with a higher-order GraphQL component:

const userQuery = gql`
  query User($username: String!) {
    user(username: $username) {

const withUser = graphql<any, Props>(userQuery, {
  options: (props: Props) => {
    return {
      variables: {
        username: props.username,

And also wrap <FollowersList /> in a similar HOC:

const followersQuery = gql`
  query Followers($username: String!) {
    user(username: $username) {
      followers {

const withFollowers = graphql<any, Props>(followersQuery, {
  options: (props: Props) => {
    return {
      variables: {
        username: props.username,

However, the problem with this is that it makes a separate GraphQL request for each component. This is bad.

So, my assumption is that I need to move the queries into the top-level <FollowersPage/ >. Then, I can either pass down the data into my component tree, or continue using the HoCs as-written and just rely on the Apollo cache to avoid remaking the requests.

So, what's the best way to structure this? Can I write, like, a UserSectionWrapper query, and a FollowersList query, and then combine them into a FollowersPage query? Is this what "fragments" are for? The Apollo docs are confusing on this (I think partially because it assumes I have a greater understanding of GraphQL than I do).

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mergebandit commented Nov 8, 2017

Yeah so how I handle this is to create a fragment which can be spread into the User query. I don't want the entirety of the user document within my followers, so I then use filter from graphql-anywhere to filter the results of the User query based on my fragment. We actually do this filtering in a higher-order component and use recompose to ultimately pass the data down to Followers - such that props.followers is hydrated outside of the component.


export default gql`
fragment FollowersFragment on User {


import FollowersFragment from './gql/fragments/followers.js'

const userQuery = gql`
  query User($username: String!) {
    user(username: $username) {


import Followers from 'components/Followers'

// assuming that this User component is wrapped in the `graphql(UserQuery, options)` HoC
// we feed every response into a `withErrorAndLoading` HoC to handle `data.error` and `data.loading` states
const User = props => (
  <Followers user={} />


import { filter } from 'graphql-anywhere'
import FollowersFragment from './gql/fragments/followers.js'

const Followers = props => {
  const followers = filter(FollowersFragment, props.user)
  return (...)

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followup question on caching:

what's up with apollo's cache operating at the "query" level, and not at, like, an entity level? it kinda makes my plan of "the top-level component provides the entire page's data" worse when now, when navigating between pages, it always has to re-query all data, since there is no shared cached knowledge.

as a concrete example, given my previous gist: if I have a /users/thomas/followers page, and a /users/thomas/following page, and they each have these queries:

query FollowersPage($username: String!) {
  user(username: $username) {
    followers {
query FollowingPage($username: String!) {
  user(username: $username) {
    following {

When I navigate from /followers to /following, Apollo doesn't know that the id/displayName/avatar are the same, and re-queries them.

this isn't a huge deal from a performance perspective, but is bad from a UI perspective: when I navigate from /followers to /following, I want to continue showing a UI using state about the user while loading the next screen, and currently, I have no way to access that state while loading, since it's not cached under the same query.

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If you query for data that's already been fetched - even in a separate / distinct query, it will pull it from the cache first. If it's not in the cache, then it'll make the network request. Are you seeing something different?

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