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Created June 2, 2013 19:15
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(ns hypergraph.core
"A clojure library for dealing with undirected (hyper)graphs."
(:use (clojure set)))
(defrecord Graph [vertices edges])
(def simple-graph
(Graph. #{:a :b :c :d :e} #{#{:a :b} #{:a :c} #{:b :d} #{:c :d} #{:d :e}}))
(def complete-graph
#{:a :b :c :d :e}
#{#{:a :b} #{:a :c} #{:a :d} #{:a :e}
#{:b :c} #{:b :d} #{:b :e}
#{:c :d} #{:c :e}
#{:d :e}}))
(def disconnected-graph
(Graph. #{:a :b :c :d :e} #{#{:a :b}, #{:c :d}, #{:d :e}}))
(def hyper-graph
(Graph. #{:a :b :c :d :e :f} #{#{:a :b :c} #{:c :d} #{:e :f}}))
(defrecord Terrain [type number-token])
(defn hills [number-token] (Terrain. :hills number-token))
(defn pasture [number-token] (Terrain. :pasture number-token))
(defn mountains [number-token] (Terrain. :mountains number-token))
(defn fields [number-token] (Terrain. :fields number-token))
(defn forest [number-token] (Terrain. :forest number-token))
(defn desert [] (Terrain. :desert nil))
(def settlers-of-catan-terrain-map
#{(forest 11) (pasture 12) (fields 9) (hills 4) (mountains 6)}
#{#{(forest 11) (pasture 12) (mountains 6)}
#{(forest 11) (hills 4) (mountains 6)}
#{(pasture 12) (fields 9)}}))
(defn find-adjacent-vertices
"Finds all vertices that adjacent to a given vertex."
[graph vertex]
(let [edges-with-vertex (filter #(contains? % vertex) (:edges graph))]
(disj (reduce union edges-with-vertex) vertex)))
(defn are-adjacent?
"Tells whether two vertices are adjacent."
[graph a b]
(contains? (find-adjacent-vertices graph a) b))
(defn add-vertex
"Adds a vertex to the graph."
[graph vertex]
(Graph. (conj (:vertices graph) vertex)
(:edges graph)))
(defn add-edge
"Adds an edge to the graph."
[graph edge]
(Graph. (union (:vertices graph) edge)
(conj (:edges graph) edge)))
(defn remove-vertex
"Removes a vertex from the graph."
[graph vertex]
(Graph. (disj (:vertices graph) vertex)
(set (remove empty? (map #(disj % vertex) (:edges graph))))))
(defn remove-edge
"Removes an edge from the graph."
[graph edge]
(Graph. (:vertices graph) (disj (:edges graph) edge)))
(defn is-complete?
"Tells whether a graph is complete."
(every? #(= (find-adjacent-vertices graph %) (disj (:vertices graph) %))
(:vertices graph)))
(defn find-connected-component
"Finds the connected component for a given vertex."
[graph vertex]
(let [adjacent-vertices (find-adjacent-vertices graph vertex)]
(conj (reduce union
(map #(find-connected-component (remove-vertex graph vertex) %)
(defn find-connected-components
"Finds all connected components in a graph."
(keys (group-by #(find-connected-component graph %) (:vertices graph))))
(defn is-connected?
"Tells whether a graph is connected."
(= (count (find-connected-components graph)) 1))
(defn has-path?
"Tells whether there is a path between two vertices."
[graph a b]
(contains? (find-connected-component graph a) b))
(defn -main [& args]
(doseq [result
{ :find-adjacent-vertices (find-adjacent-vertices simple-graph :a)
:are-adjacent? (are-adjacent? simple-graph :a :e)
:remove-edge (remove-edge simple-graph #{:a :b})
:remove-vertex (remove-vertex (remove-vertex simple-graph :d) :e)
:add-vertex (add-vertex simple-graph :number-token)
:add-edge (add-edge simple-graph #{:number-token :y})
:has-path? (has-path? simple-graph :a :e)
:is-complete? (is-complete? complete-graph)
:find-connected-components (find-connected-components hyper-graph)
:is-connected? (is-connected? disconnected-graph)
:map (find-adjacent-vertices settlers-of-catan-terrain-map (mountains 6))
(println "-->" result)))
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