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package demo.plain; | |
import org.keycloak.OAuth2Constants; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.CreatedResponseUtil; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.Keycloak; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.KeycloakBuilder; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.resource.RealmResource; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.resource.UserResource; | |
import org.keycloak.admin.client.resource.UsersResource; | |
import org.keycloak.representations.idm.ClientRepresentation; | |
import org.keycloak.representations.idm.CredentialRepresentation; | |
import org.keycloak.representations.idm.RoleRepresentation; | |
import org.keycloak.representations.idm.UserRepresentation; | |
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; | |
import java.util.Arrays; | |
import java.util.Collections; | |
public class KeycloakAdminClientExample { | |
public static void main(String[] args) { | |
String serverUrl = "http://sso.tdlabs.local:8899/u/auth"; | |
String realm = "acme"; | |
// idm-client needs to allow "Direct Access Grants: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant" | |
String clientId = "idm-client"; | |
String clientSecret = "0d61686d-57fc-4048-b052-4ce74978c468"; | |
// // Client "idm-client" needs service-account with at least "manage-users, view-clients, view-realm, view-users" roles for "realm-management" | |
// Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() // | |
// .serverUrl(serverUrl) // | |
// .realm(realm) // | |
// .grantType(OAuth2Constants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS) // | |
// .clientId(clientId) // | |
// .clientSecret(clientSecret).build(); | |
// User "idm-admin" needs at least "manage-users, view-clients, view-realm, view-users" roles for "realm-management" | |
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() // | |
.serverUrl(serverUrl) // | |
.realm(realm) // | |
.grantType(OAuth2Constants.PASSWORD) // | |
.clientId(clientId) // | |
.clientSecret(clientSecret) // | |
.username("idm-admin") // | |
.password("admin") // | |
.build(); | |
// Define user | |
UserRepresentation user = new UserRepresentation(); | |
user.setEnabled(true); | |
user.setUsername("tester1"); | |
user.setFirstName("First"); | |
user.setLastName("Last"); | |
user.setEmail("tom+tester1@tdlabs.local"); | |
user.setAttributes(Collections.singletonMap("origin", Arrays.asList("demo"))); | |
// Get realm | |
RealmResource realmResource = keycloak.realm(realm); | |
UsersResource usersRessource = realmResource.users(); | |
// Create user (requires manage-users role) | |
Response response = usersRessource.create(user); | |
System.out.printf("Repsonse: %s %s%n", response.getStatus(), response.getStatusInfo()); | |
System.out.println(response.getLocation()); | |
String userId = CreatedResponseUtil.getCreatedId(response); | |
System.out.printf("User created with userId: %s%n", userId); | |
// Define password credential | |
CredentialRepresentation passwordCred = new CredentialRepresentation(); | |
passwordCred.setTemporary(false); | |
passwordCred.setType(CredentialRepresentation.PASSWORD); | |
passwordCred.setValue("test"); | |
UserResource userResource = usersRessource.get(userId); | |
// Set password credential | |
userResource.resetPassword(passwordCred); | |
// // Get realm role "tester" (requires view-realm role) | |
RoleRepresentation testerRealmRole = realmResource.roles()// | |
.get("tester").toRepresentation(); | |
// | |
// // Assign realm role tester to user | |
userResource.roles().realmLevel() // | |
.add(Arrays.asList(testerRealmRole)); | |
// | |
// // Get client | |
ClientRepresentation app1Client = realmResource.clients() // | |
.findByClientId("app-frontend-springboot").get(0); | |
// | |
// // Get client level role (requires view-clients role) | |
RoleRepresentation userClientRole = realmResource.clients().get(app1Client.getId()) // | |
.roles().get("user").toRepresentation(); | |
// | |
// // Assign client level role to user | |
userResource.roles() // | |
.clientLevel(app1Client.getId()).add(Arrays.asList(userClientRole)); | |
// Send password reset E-Mail | |
// usersRessource.get(userId).executeActionsEmail(Arrays.asList("UPDATE_PASSWORD")); | |
// Delete User | |
// userResource.remove(); | |
} | |
} |
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<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> | |
<groupId>com.github.thomasdarimont.keycloak</groupId> | |
<artifactId>keycloak-admin-client-example</artifactId> | |
<version></version> | |
<properties> | |
<keycloak.version>8.0.2</keycloak.version> | |
<resteasy.version>3.9.1.Final</resteasy.version> | |
</properties> | |
<dependencies> | |
<dependency> | |
<artifactId>keycloak-admin-client</artifactId> | |
<groupId>org.keycloak</groupId> | |
<version>${keycloak.version}</version> | |
</dependency> | |
<dependency> | |
<groupId>org.jboss.resteasy</groupId> | |
<artifactId>resteasy-client</artifactId> | |
<version>${resteasy.version}</version> | |
</dependency> | |
<dependency> | |
<groupId>org.jboss.resteasy</groupId> | |
<artifactId>resteasy-jackson2-provider</artifactId> | |
<version>${resteasy.version}</version> | |
</dependency> | |
</dependencies> | |
</project> |
@dinohorvat doesn't work with 3.3.0.CR2 either
is this working now with the latest version?
{ "username": "user11", enabled: true, "credentials": [{ "type": "password", "value": "password" }], "realmRoles": ["employee"] }
now can we create a user and assign the role at one call?
any progress on this?
This is very useful thanks for sharing the code snippet.While i am developing i also got the 401 Unauthorized Error this was due to as mentioned in the code comments i didn't have necessary user roles for my users. Eg: idm-client and idm-admin. to assign above users for roles follow the following instructions in keycloak admin console .
clients -> select app client-> service account role tab-> type relam management under client roles -> assign nessary roles and save
users-> select admin user-> role mappings tab-> type relam management under client roles -> assign nessary roles and saveHope this will help someone.
Thank you 1000 times! big help
Was there a solution to the javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException: HTTP 401 Unauthorized problem previously mentioned by @SaatTek? Same line of creating user (keycloak.realm(REALM).users().create(userRepresentation);)
I am using version 6.0.1. I have my own realm and am using the admin user and password.
Does KeycloakBuilder not authorise?
And the answer is it does not when the KeycloakBuilder object is created. It checks the credentials when it is used such as create. And to make it work, I needed the master user in the master realm. And then when creating, use the new realm.
Was there a solution to the javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException: HTTP 401 Unauthorized problem previously mentioned by @SaatTek? Same line of creating user (keycloak.realm(REALM).users().create(userRepresentation);)
I am using version 6.0.1. I have my own realm and am using the admin user and password.
Does KeycloakBuilder not authorise?
And the answer is it does not when the KeycloakBuilder object is created. It checks the credentials when it is used such as create. And to make it work, I needed the master user in the master realm. And then when creating, use the new realm.
Do like below to build the keycloak instance.
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() .serverUrl(serverUrl).realm(realm).grantType(OAuth2Constants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS).clientId(clientId) .clientSecret(clientSecret).build();
@dinohorvat doesn't work with 3.3.0.CR2 either
is this working now with the latest version?
{ "username": "user11", enabled: true, "credentials": [{ "type": "password", "value": "password" }], "realmRoles": ["employee"] }
now can we create a user and assign the role at one call?
using Keycloak 13.0.1 and still having the same problem neither by REST API or Keycloak admin REST Client 13.0.1.
i am getting 401,400 and 403 exceptions when i tried to create user using this code,please help me how to connect to keycloak and create user in keycloak
i am getting 401,400 and 403 exceptions when i tried to create user using this code,please help me how to connect to keycloak and create user in keycloak
cerate keycloak instance in this way
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() .serverUrl(serverUrl).realm(realm).grantType(OAuth2Constants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS).clientId(clientId) .clientSecret(clientSecret).build();
i am getting 401,400 and 403 exceptions when i tried to create user using this code,please help me how to connect to keycloak and create user in keycloak
- Create a realm, Go to your realm in Keycloak, go to the users, create a user, just give it username, then save, go to credentials tab of the created user, and give it a password with "password temporary" option turned off.
- Go to role mappings of the user, Go to client roles, realm-management, assign the roles you want to this user so it can be authorized. If you want to create a user, then add the role "manage-users" and "query-users" to the user.
- Go to Clients, create a client and call it "idm-client" (just example). after that, go to "Access Type" in this client, by default its public, set it it to confidential, and set redirect uri to *. save settings and go to "credentials" tab inside "idm-client", copy the client-secret and replace it in the clientSecret variable in the java file. it should work
i am getting 401,400 and 403 exceptions when i tried to create user using this code,please help me how to connect to keycloak and create user in keycloak
cerate keycloak instance in this way
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder() .serverUrl(serverUrl).realm(realm).grantType(OAuth2Constants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS).clientId(clientId) .clientSecret(clientSecret).build();
you can use this, but you need to go to your realm client => Service Accounts, and give it realm-management roles
hii,I successfully created User with the code,now my requirement is How to update the already saved user in Keyclok,when i try this it is creating new user not updating the existing one,can anyone help me how to meet my requirement?
please anyone provide solution to my question
please anyone provide solution to my question
public void updateUser(String userId, User user){
RealmResource realmResource = this.keycloak.realm(realm)
UsersResource usersResource = realmResource.users();
UserResource userResource = usersResource.get(userId);
UserRepresentation user = userResource.toRepresentation();
thanks, so first we need to write code to connect keycloak using builder() then after this we write the code you sent right?
thanks, so first we need to write code to connect keycloak using builder() then after this we write the code you sent right?
public class KeycloakAdminClientConfig {
private String secretKey;
private String clientId;
private String authUrl;
private String realm;
public Keycloak keycloak() {
return KeycloakBuilder.builder()
Then you can Autowired Keycloak in your class and use it
thank you
i am getting error in this line,,
ClientRepresentation app1Client =realmResource.clients().findByClientId("web_app").get(0);
my client is "web-app" ,so i placed "web-ap" and what is that 0, i dont know,can anyone tell me how to get client
i am getting error in this line,,
ClientRepresentation app1Client =realmResource.clients().findByClientId("web_app").get(0);my client is "web-app" ,so i placed "web-ap" and what is that 0, i dont know,can anyone tell me how to get client
This is what you are looking for. The command realmResource.clients().findByClientId("web_app")
is doing exactly what's in the picture below
You can see that it returns a JSON Array, which means the method findByClientId
should return a list, hence the get(index)
the endpoint is http://<keycloakIP:KeycloakPort>/auth/admin/realms/<your realm>/clients?clientId=<your client ID>
Source: Keycloak REST API#Get Clients
Possible causes of the issue is there is the list returned is empty, test with the API so you can see whats really going on.
This solution Keycloak: Add Client Roles to Service Account Roles with Java API client is working for me. Where platform-administration
is a client to update Service Account Roles.
I'm getting error on creating keycloakAdmin :
keycloakClient = KeycloakBuilder.builder() // .serverUrl(KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_SERVER_URL) // .realm(KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_REALM) // .grantType(OAuth2Constants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS) // .clientId(KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID) // .clientSecret(KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET) // .resteasyClient(new ResteasyClientBuilder().connectionPoolSize(10).build()) .build();
<dependency> <artifactId>keycloak-admin-client</artifactId> <groupId>org.keycloak</groupId> <version>${keycloak.version}</version> </dependency>
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/keycloak/admin/client/KeycloakBuilder
at com.iotech.intellija.common.KeyCloakImpl.KeycloakAdminClientImpl.lambda$init$0(KeycloakAdminClientImpl.java:56)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletableFromCallable.subscribeActual(CompletableFromCallable.java:36)
at io.reactivex.Completable.subscribe(Completable.java:2302)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletablePeek.subscribeActual(CompletablePeek.java:51)
at io.reactivex.Completable.subscribe(Completable.java:2302)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletableAndThenCompletable$SourceObserver.onComplete(CompletableAndThenCompletable.java:67)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletableAndThenCompletable$NextObserver.onComplete(CompletableAndThenCompletable.java:99)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletablePeek$CompletableObserverImplementation.onComplete(CompletablePeek.java:115)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletablePeek$CompletableObserverImplementation.onComplete(CompletablePeek.java:115)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletablePeek$CompletableObserverImplementation.onComplete(CompletablePeek.java:115)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletablePeek$CompletableObserverImplementation.onComplete(CompletablePeek.java:115)
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.completable.CompletableAndThenCompletable$NextObserver.onComplete(CompletableAndThenCompletable.java:99)
at io.vertx.reactivex.impl.AsyncResultCompletable.lambda$subscribeActual$0(AsyncResultCompletable.java:48)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$3.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:141)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:60)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:211)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23)
at io.vertx.core.Promise.tryComplete(Promise.java:121)
at io.vertx.core.Promise.complete(Promise.java:77)
at io.vertx.rabbitmq.impl.RabbitMQClientImpl.lambda$tryConnect$37(RabbitMQClientImpl.java:744)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$1.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:91)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$ListenerArray.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:262)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:60)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:211)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onSuccess(PromiseImpl.java:49)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:60)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.addListener(FutureImpl.java:196)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.addListener(PromiseImpl.java:23)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.onComplete(FutureImpl.java:164)
at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23)
at io.vertx.rabbitmq.impl.RabbitMQClientImpl.lambda$tryConnect$36(RabbitMQClientImpl.java:738)
at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$null$0(ContextImpl.java:159)
at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:100)
at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1(ContextImpl.java:157)
at io.vertx.core.impl.TaskQueue.run(TaskQueue.java:76)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:750)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.keycloak.admin.client.KeycloakBuilder
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:387)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:418)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:352)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:351)
... 40 common frames omitted
RoleRepresentation userRealmRole = new RoleRepresentation();
if (region.equalsIgnoreCase("india")) {
userRealmRole = realmResource.roles().get("user-ind").toRepresentation();
} else if (region.equalsIgnoreCase("us")) {
userRealmRole = realmResource.roles().get("user-us").toRepresentation();
UserResource userResource = usersResource.get(userId);
// Assign realm role 'user-ind' to user
// Get client level role (requires view-clients role)
List<ClientRepresentation> clientRepresentation = realmResource.clients().findByClientId(provider.CLIENT_ID);
clientRepresentation.forEach(cr -> {
RoleRepresentation roleRepresentation = realmResource.clients().get(cr.getId()).roles().get("USER").toRepresentation();
// Send password reset E-Mail
in order to access these functionality you have to map user with few addition role as:
Hello! First of all thanks for the provided code, I have a question, is there any official documentation of how to use the
For sure your example is great but if I hadn't found this, it would be a nightmare to learn how to use it on the fly.
@thomasdarimont Isn't it possible to do it in one shot? Assign password and roles when creating the user? I tried but it seems not to work...
@AndreaNicola Credentials seem to work for me!
Hello, how do I use keycloak for its new versions?
If you still getting "HTTP 400 Bad request" error after following the tips and hints in this ticket or it suddenly stopped working, make sure the user account you are using does not have unresolved required actions such as verify email, fill in first name and last name etc. because you can't invoke direct grant if there are unresolved required actions!
I am using the latest version (24.0.3) at the time of writing this comment.
@maj2c Yes! That was it! Since the Firstname
and Lastname
fields are not marked as required in the Keycloak UI, I didn't bother filling them in. And, testing shows if either of these are missing it throws a 400! I think that is probably a bug? No?
this code will potentially lead to memory leaks since the Response is not closed after usage. If you try to make the call to this code multiple times to insert many users, your service/server will soon not be able to respond. You will need to make the try/finally and close on the response. This is quite tricky since everyone always assumes that a Response is just a Response, but it is indeed a Stream. You can check the documentation here https://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.1.3.Final/userguide/html/RESTEasy_Client_Framework.html
I am using following to reset password but the password that I am passing does not meet password policy. Is there any way to get the correct error_description? I am getting "400 Bad request" error only.
this is my request body
{ "self" : null, "origin" : null, "createdTimestamp" : 1600694492110, "username" : "sairaj123", "enabled" : true, "totp" : false, "emailVerified" : false, "firstName" : "Sairaj", "lastName" : "Bhoite", "email" : "caped.crusader1417@gmail.com", "federationLink" : null, "serviceAccountClientId" : null, "attributes" : null, "credentials" : [{ "type":"password", "value":"sairaj123", "temporary":false }], "disableableCredentialTypes" : [ ], "requiredActions" : [ ], "federatedIdentities" : null, "realmRoles" : ["ROLE_TPP","ROLE_USER","ROLE_ADMIN"], "clientRoles" : null, "clientConsents" : null, "notBefore" : 0, "applicationRoles" : null, "socialLinks" : null, "groups" : null, "access" : { "manageGroupMembership" : true, "view" : true, "mapRoles" : true, "impersonate" : true, "manage" : true } }
Controller method
public Object createUser(HttpServletRequest request , @Valid @RequestBody UserRepresentation body) throws JsonProcessingException {
KeycloakSecurityContext context = (KeycloakSecurityContext) request.getAttribute(KeycloakSecurityContext.class.getName());
i am able to create user , but the specified realm roles are not being mapped on keycloak instance