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Last active October 26, 2015 16:59
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module Tree
1. Given a tree, flip it horizontally
2. prove flip (flip t) = t
i.e. flip is its own inverse or that flip is an involution
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2 3
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4 5
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3 2
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5 4
the totality property:
1. is important for proofs
2. enforces program termination which means that
a total language is not turing complete
3. it means that every input has an output
%default total
A tree is made up of leaves and branches
1. A leaf doesn't contain any information.
2. A branch consists of a left tree, a value, and a right tree.
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leaf leaf
data Tree : Type -> Type where
Leaf : Tree a
Branch : (ltree : Tree a) -> a -> (rtree : Tree a) -> Tree a
flip : Tree a -> Tree a
flip Leaf = Leaf
flip (Branch ltree x rtree) = Branch (flip rtree) x (flip ltree)
example : Tree Int
example = flip
(Branch Leaf 4 Leaf)
(Branch Leaf 5 Leaf)
(Branch Leaf 3 Leaf)
||| Curry-Howard correspondence is an isomorphism between proofs and programs
||| 1. types are theorems (statements that are true)
||| 2. programs (function definitions) are proofs
||| Full dependent types allow us to write types that depend on values
||| which are useful for proving properties.
flipFlip : (t : Tree a) -> flip (flip t) = t
-- leaf flipped twice is still a leaf
flipFlip Leaf = Refl
flipFlip (Branch ltree x rtree) =
-- invoke the inductive hypothesis on ltree
rewrite flipFlip ltree in
-- invoke the IH on rtree
rewrite flipFlip rtree in
-- qed
some nice language features include
1. interactive theorem proving
2. given a type, give me a blank definition
3. given an empty definition, split the possible cases
4. given an empty definition, search for a proof (program) that inhabits the type
- This means that you can have parts of your program generated for you!
5. write functions that take in a value (1) and return a type (String)
examples of cool things you can do
1. write a printf that is typesafe
- e.g. printf("%s %s", "hi") will not compile
2. prove properties about distributed algorithms
- Proof of linearizability in Raft using Coq
3. write proofs instead of tests
- proofs prove a property and are stronger than a test
- tests only show that certain cases work
4. [].first in ruby returns nil, you can make this a compile time error
5. when taking the ith element out of a list, you can make sure that the list
has at least i elements in it, which removes (index out of bounds errors during runtime)
and turning them into compile time errors
brew install ghc cabal-install
mkdir tree
cd tree
cabal update
cabal sandbox init
cabal install idris
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