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Last active February 10, 2021 15:08
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Pretty print tree using Visitors
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// Visited hierarchy
struct AstBase {
const enum class Kind { BinaryExpr, LiteralExpr } kind;
AstBase(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
struct AstExpr : public AstBase {
AstExpr(Kind kind) : AstBase(kind) {}
struct AstBinaryExpr : public AstExpr {
std::unique_ptr<AstExpr> left;
char op;
std::unique_ptr<AstExpr> right;
AstBinaryExpr(std::unique_ptr<AstExpr> left, char op,
std::unique_ptr<AstExpr> right)
: AstExpr(Kind::BinaryExpr), left(std::move(left)), op(op),
right(std::move(right)) {}
struct AstLiteralExpr : public AstExpr {
int literal;
AstLiteralExpr(int literal) : AstExpr(Kind::LiteralExpr), literal(literal) {}
// Visitor base (using CRTP)
template <typename Derived, typename RetTy = void, typename... ArgTys>
struct AstVisitor {
Derived &derived() { return *static_cast<Derived *>(this); }
RetTy visitBinaryExpr(AstBinaryExpr &node, ArgTys... args) {
return RetTy();
RetTy visitLiteralExpr(AstLiteralExpr &node, ArgTys... args) {
return RetTy();
RetTy visit(AstBase &node, ArgTys... args) {
if (node.kind == AstBase::Kind::BinaryExpr)
return derived().visitBinaryExpr(static_cast<AstBinaryExpr &>(node),
else if (node.kind == AstBase::Kind::LiteralExpr)
return derived().visitLiteralExpr(static_cast<AstLiteralExpr &>(node),
assert(false && "Unhandled AST type!");
// Concrete visitors
struct PrettyPrinter
: public AstVisitor<PrettyPrinter, void, const std::string &, bool> {
std::ostream &os;
bool ascii;
PrettyPrinter(std::ostream &os, bool ascii = false) : os(os), ascii(ascii) {}
class FieldsStream {
std::ostream &os;
bool first = true;
FieldsStream(std::ostream &os) : os(os) {}
template <typename T> FieldsStream &operator<<(const T &t) {
os << t;
return *this;
template <typename U, typename T>
FieldsStream &operator<<(const std::pair<U, T> &pair) {
os << (first ? ": " : ", ") << pair.first << " = '" << pair.second << "'";
first = false;
return *this;
FieldsStream printHelper(std::string &indent, bool last, const std::string& name) {
os << indent;
if (last) {
os << (ascii ? "`-- " : "└── ");
indent += " ";
} else {
os << (ascii ? "|-- " : "├── ");
indent += (ascii ? "| " : "│ ");
os << name;
return FieldsStream(os);
void visitBinaryExpr(AstBinaryExpr &e, std::string indent, bool last) {
printHelper(indent, last, "BinaryExpr") << std::make_pair("op", e.op) << "\n";
visit(*e.left, indent, false);
visit(*e.right, indent, true);
void visitLiteralExpr(AstLiteralExpr &e, std::string indent, bool last) {
printHelper(indent, last, "LiteralExpr") << std::make_pair("value", e.literal) << "\n";
struct DotPrinter : public AstVisitor<DotPrinter> {
std::ostream &os;
DotPrinter(std::ostream &os) : os(os) {}
void print(AstBase &node) {
os << "digraph {\n";
os << "node [shape=record];\n";
os << "}\n";
void node(const AstBase &node, const std::string &name,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &records) {
os << reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&node);
os << " [label=\"";
os << "{" << name << "|{";
bool first = true;
for (const auto &record : records) {
if (!first)
os << "|";
os << "<" << record.first << ">" << record.second;
first = false;
os << "}}";
os << "\"];\n";
void edge(const AstBase &from, const std::string part, const AstBase &to) {
os << reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&from) << ":" << part << " -> "
<< reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&to) << ";\n";
void visitBinaryExpr(AstBinaryExpr &e) {
node(e, "BinaryExpr",
{{"lhs", "LHS"}, {"op", std::string(1, e.op)}, {"rhs", "RHS"}});
edge(e, "lhs", *e.left);
edge(e, "rhs", *e.right);
void visitLiteralExpr(AstLiteralExpr &e) {
node(e, "LiteralExpr", {{"literal", std::to_string(e.literal)}});
// Test code
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<AstBase> toplevel = std::make_unique<AstBinaryExpr>(
std::make_unique<AstLiteralExpr>(1), '+',
std::make_unique<AstBinaryExpr>(std::make_unique<AstLiteralExpr>(2), '*',
PrettyPrinter printerUnicode(std::cout, false);
printerUnicode.visit(*toplevel, "", true);
PrettyPrinter printerAscii(std::cout, true);
printerAscii.visit(*toplevel, "", true);
DotPrinter dotPrinter(std::cout);
return 0;
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