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Created June 26, 2019 18:03
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X11 Forwarding (to connect from macOS to Debian Linux)
# Connect from macOS to remote Linux server. For example to Debian or Ubuntu.
# Prepare remote server.
# Enable X11 Forwarding in SSH.
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#X11Forwarding yes
#X11DisplayOffset 10
#X11UseLocalhost no
systemctl restart sshd
# Start XQuartz under macOS.
# "Allow connections form network clients" must be enabled.
# Then run
xhost +
# Prepare local SSH config under macOS.
which xauth # Save that path for later.
vim ~/.ssh/config
#Host *
# XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth # this is the path from `which xauth`.
# ForwardAgent yes
# ForwardX11 yes
# Connect to server using
ssh -Y user1@server
echo $DISPLAY # should not be empty
# If it's still empty maybe you need to install xauth
# on the remote server as well:
sudo apt-get install xauth
# If you later switch to root, use the X11 connection from the SSH user:
xauth add $(xauth -f ~user1/.Xauthority list | tail -1)
# Now you can install GNOME Vim:
apt-get install vim-gtk3
gvim /tmp/hello.txt
# To test X11 Forwarding install X11 App
apt-get install x11-apps
# and run xeyes
xeyes &
# Some programms like 'gnome-system-monitor' need additional packages:
apt-get install dconf-editor dbus-x11