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Last active January 4, 2021 16:08
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Discord.NET example 'userinfo' command. With Spotify, rich presence & custom game.
[RequireContext(ContextType.Guild, ErrorMessage = "Sorry, this command must be ran from within a server, not a DM!")]
public async Task UserInfoAsync(SocketGuildUser user = null)
user = (SocketGuildUser) (user ?? Context.User);
_logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, user.Username);
if (user.IsBot)
await ReplyAsync("Bots are not people :D");
var embed = new EmbedBuilder {ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl()}
.AddField("Member ID", user.Id, true)
.AddField("Status", user.Status, true)
.AddField("Joined Guild", user.JoinedAt.Value.ToString("dd MMMM, yyyy"), true)
.AddField("Account Created", user.CreatedAt.ToString("dd MMMM, yyyy"), true)
.AddField("Roles", user.Roles.Count - 1, true)
.WithAuthor(x =>
x.Name = user.Username;
x.IconUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();
x.Url = "";
.WithFooter(x =>
x.Text = $"Requested By {Context.User.Username}";
x.IconUrl = Context.User.GetAvatarUrl();
if (user.Activity != null)
if (user.Activity is SpotifyGame spot)
embed.AddField("Listening To", "Spotify", true)
.AddField("Track", spot.TrackTitle, true)
.AddField("Artist(s)", string.Join(", ", spot.Artists), true)
.AddField("Album", spot.AlbumTitle, true)
else if (user.Activity is CustomStatusGame statusGame)
embed.AddField("Activity", statusGame.Name, true)
.AddField("Details", statusGame.Details, true)
.AddField("Playing Since", statusGame.CreatedAt, true)
else if (user.Activity is RichGame richGame)
embed.AddField("Activity", richGame.Name, true)
.AddField("Details", richGame.Details, true)
.AddField("Playing Since", richGame.Timestamps.Start.Value.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"), true)
.AddField("Time Playing",
(DateTimeOffset.Now - richGame.Timestamps.Start).Value.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), true)
.WithThumbnailUrl(richGame.SmallAsset.GetImageUrl() ?? user.GetAvatarUrl())
embed.AddField("Activity", user.Activity.Name ?? "None", true);
embed.AddField("Activity", "None", true);
await ReplyAsync(embed: embed.Build());
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