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Laravel queue worker using systemd.
# Laravel queue worker using systemd
# ----------------------------------
# /lib/systemd/system/queue.service
# run this command to enable service:
# systemctl enable queue.service
Description=Laravel queue worker
ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /path/to/laravel/artisan queue:work --daemon --env=production
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thehypergraph commented Apr 30, 2018

Thanks for posting this. I just used it on a Centos 7 cPanel server.

The only catch I had was that I had to replace the www-data with the user and group the files were registered under as cPanel executes PHP under the system user name and not www-data.

Apart from that all I had to do to get it going was run:

systemctl enable laravel-queue.service

systemctl start laravel-queue.service

Also, when I made a change the service file I had to run:

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl restart laravel-queue.service to restart it.

All in all, it was very easy, thanks!

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bertalanimre commented Sep 18, 2018

For me it is not working. I constantly get the following:

[myuser@webserver laravel-project]$ systemctl status queuework
● queuework.service - Laravel queue worker
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/queuework.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Tue 2018-09-18 10:18:45 CEST; 4s ago
  Process: 25837 ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/laravel-project/artisan queue:work --daemon (code=exited, status=217/USER)
 Main PID: 25837 (code=exited, status=217/USER)

Sep 18 10:18:44 webserver systemd[1]: Unit queuework.service entered failed state.
Sep 18 10:18:44 webserver systemd[1]: queuework.service failed.
Sep 18 10:18:45 webserver systemd[1]: queuework.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Sep 18 10:18:45 webserver systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for queuework.service
Sep 18 10:18:45 webserver systemd[1]: Failed to start Laravel queue worker.
Sep 18 10:18:45 webserver systemd[1]: Unit queuework.service entered failed state.
Sep 18 10:18:45 webserver systemd[1]: queuework.service failed.

The command works fine if I execute it from the terminal. So I've fixed it by:
as rask suggested, set the Restart option to always
and for start I've used a nohup command before php

This way it is working like a charm and also restarts if I kill the process manually. systemctl restart and stop also works.

# Laravel queue worker using systemd
# ----------------------------------
# /lib/systemd/system/queue.service
# run this command to enable service:
# systemctl enable queue.service

Description=Laravel queue worker

ExecStart=/usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/laravel-project/artisan queue:work --daemon


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I know this is a dead topic by now, but still gonna try to ask:
Anyone got to enable loging to a custom file? Like ./storage/logs/qworker/general.log ? How to add that to systemd? No matter what I try none works. :/

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svamja commented Feb 3, 2020

Got these here:

One should add:

I am going to try it.

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For those looking for some basic answers about how to use systemd, Justin Ellingwood wrote some great tutorials on the Digital Ocean blog, here's one for example:

These are excellent resources, def worth familiarizing yourself with systemd's high-level concepts and basic commands, especially since things like NGINX and PHP-FPM are probably running on your servers using systemd.

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I know the post was created awhile back does this still work? I do see service running and queue jobs are created but jobs don't get executed until I reexecute sudo systemctl start laravel_worker.service through ssh


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Did you try what I've suggested? Use a nohup before PHP command. Also, what is the output for you journalctl -u laravel_worker.service ?

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Thanks for the input.
Even I added /usr/bin/nohup on the ExecStart line the queue jobs are still not being processed. The following is the output for the command.


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Thanks for the input. Even I added /usr/bin/nohup on the ExecStart line the queue jobs are still not being processed. The following is the output for the command.


Oh, now I see. You are executing the command in the wrong folder. See my example:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/laravel-project/artisan queue:work --daemon

Not simply php artisan queue:work. You need to add the folder too.

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I now have this one set up still it doesn't start properly and require manual start up when ec2 restarts after new change is deployed

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Here the log

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If I explicitly call through ssh "sudo systemctl restart laravel_worker.service" then it will start executing jobs in queue too

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If you execute the whole command, you have after you SSH-d in your server, what do you get?
So execute: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/app/current/artisan queue:work --daemon

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I get the following error.

/usr/bin/nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘/home/ec2-user/nohup.out’

but if I change to sudo php artisan queue:work --daemon
it works

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It says just the message issue so it sounds like I don't need to change anything?

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Check with this command if the queue worker runs or not: ps aux | grep artisan If there is more than 1 process, then you must kill all of them and start only one process again. If only 1 is present then you are good. If there is none, then the process is not running.

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At the top of this post I mentioned the process is there just queue job doesn't get executed (which mens jobs are in the table) unless I manually type command "sudo php artisan queue:work" or "sudo systemctl start laravel_worker" My coworker said just put sudo systemctl start laravel_worker in postdeployment script. Then it seems to work. Is that how I supposed to do? Please advice.

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If the process is there, but no actual job is being done, that looks like privileges issue. Make sure, the process is being run by the same user who is serving the application too. Also, I just noticed, running an artisan worker as root is very much not adviced.

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oh I see thank you very much and I appreciate for being patient :)

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glaszig commented May 18, 2023

the --daemon option is deprecated. programs under control of systemd should not daemonize anyway.

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Having a bunch of issues with this ... freaking amazon removed supervisord from amazon linux 2023 and system d is the only way it seems but I'm not experience enough on how to use it. I just wish they would bring back supervisord

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