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Created November 1, 2018 09:50
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Randomly assign gifts for Xmas
const fs = require('fs');
Array.prototype.flat = function () {
return this.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []);
const participants = [
'M. Pascale',
const notCompatibles = [
['Nicolas', 'Mariette', 'Thomas', 'Charline'],
['Jojo', 'Marine', 'Axelle', 'Justine'],
['Sylvain', 'Julie', 'Christophe'],
['Fech', 'Hadrien', 'Noemie'],
['M. Pascale', 'Mathieu', 'Clement'],
['Florent', 'Aurélie', 'Clara', 'Margaux'],
['Romain', 'Kathy', 'Simon'],
const toExclude = giver =>
.filter(notCompatible => notCompatible.includes(giver))
const randomIndex = (length, minIndex = 0) =>
Math.floor(Math.random() * length) + minIndex;
const pickRandomly = (arr) => arr[randomIndex(arr.length)];
const pickRandomlyWithException = (arr, exceptedValues) => {
const arrWithoutException = arr.filter(el => !exceptedValues.includes(el));
return pickRandomly(arrWithoutException);
let receivers = [...participants];
const gifts =, index) => {
// pick in left receivers except the current giver
const receiver = pickRandomlyWithException(receivers, [...toExclude(giver), giver]);
// remove receiver from the left receivers
receivers = receivers.filter(el => el !== receiver);
// return the couple giver/receiver
return { giver, receiver };
fs.writeFile('/Users/thomas/Desktop/cadeaux_noel/result.txt', JSON.stringify(gifts, null, 2), () => {
console.log('The drawing lots is done');
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