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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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A Basic authentication module that uses UTF-8 to encode username and password (rather than ANSI for the built-in implementation)
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using Sharebox.Utils.Collections;
namespace Sharebox.Communication
class BasicAuthenticationModule : IAuthenticationModule
public static bool ReplaceDefault()
var basicClient = AuthenticationManager.RegisteredModules.AsEnumerable()
.FirstOrDefault(m => m.AuthenticationType == "Basic");
if (basicClient != null && !(basicClient is BasicAuthenticationModule))
AuthenticationManager.Register(new BasicAuthenticationModule(basicClient));
return true;
return false;
private readonly IAuthenticationModule _basicClient;
public BasicAuthenticationModule(IAuthenticationModule basicClient)
_basicClient = basicClient;
public Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)
var auth = _basicClient.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials);
return FixEncoding(auth);
public Authorization PreAuthenticate(WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)
var auth = _basicClient.PreAuthenticate(request, credentials);
return FixEncoding(auth);
// The default Basic auth module encodes the username/password in ANSI
// Change it to use UTF-8 instead
private Authorization FixEncoding(Authorization auth)
const string prefix = "Basic ";
if (auth != null && auth.Complete && auth.Message != null && auth.Message.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(auth.Message.Substring(prefix.Length));
string userAndPass = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userAndPass);
string message = prefix + Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
auth = new Authorization(message, auth.Complete, auth.ConnectionGroupId);
return auth;
public bool CanPreAuthenticate { get { return true; } }
public string AuthenticationType { get { return "Basic"; } }
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