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hass:account | |
hass:alert | |
hass:alert-circle | |
hass:altimeter | |
hass:apple-safari | |
hass:apps | |
hass:arrow-bottom-left | |
hass:arrow-down | |
hass:arrow-left | |
hass:arrow-right | |
hass:arrow-top-right | |
hass:arrow-up | |
hass:autorenew | |
hass:battery | |
hass:battery- | |
hass:battery-alert | |
hass:battery-outline | |
hass:battery-unknown | |
hass:bell | |
hass:bell-outline | |
hass:bell-plus | |
hass:bell-ring | |
hass:bell-sleep | |
hass:bookmark | |
hass:brightness- | |
hass:broom | |
hass:calendar | |
hass:calendar-clock | |
hass:cast | |
hass:cast-connected | |
hass:chart-line | |
hass:checkbox-marked-circle | |
hass:chevron-down | |
hass:chevron-left | |
hass:chevron-right | |
hass:chevron-up | |
hass:clock | |
hass:clock-fast | |
hass:close | |
hass:cloud-upload | |
hass:code-tags | |
hass:comment-alert | |
hass:content-save | |
hass:crop-portrait | |
hass:cursor-pointer | |
hass:delete | |
hass:door-closed | |
hass:door-open | |
hass:dots-vertical | |
hass:drawing | |
hass:emoticon | |
hass:emoticon-dead | |
hass:emoticon-poop | |
hass:exit-to-app | |
hass:eye | |
hass:eye-off | |
hass:fan | |
hass:file-document | |
hass:file-word-box | |
hass:file-xml | |
hass:fire | |
hass:flash | |
hass:flash-off | |
hass:flower | |
hass:format-list-bulleted | |
hass:garage | |
hass:garage-open | |
hass:gauge | |
hass:google-circles-communities | |
hass:google-pages | |
hass:help-circle | |
hass:home | |
hass:home-assistant | |
hass:home-automation | |
hass:home-map-marker | |
hass:home-outline | |
hass:home-variant | |
hass:image-filter-center-focus | |
hass:image-filter-frames | |
hass:information-outline | |
hass:leaf | |
hass:lightbulb | |
hass:link | |
hass:lock | |
hass:lock-open | |
hass:login-variant | |
hass:mailbox | |
hass:map-marker | |
hass:menu | |
hass:menu-down | |
hass:menu-up | |
hass:microphone | |
hass:music-note | |
hass:music-note-off | |
hass:nature | |
hass:notification-clear-all | |
hass:open-in-new | |
hass:pause | |
hass:pencil | |
hass:play | |
hass:play-pause | |
hass:playlist-play | |
hass:plus | |
hass:poll-box | |
hass:power | |
hass:power-plug | |
hass:power-plug-off | |
hass:power-sleep | |
hass:radio-tower | |
hass:radiobox-blank | |
hass:ray-vertex | |
hass:refresh | |
hass:remote | |
hass:robot-vacuum | |
hass:rotate-left | |
hass:rotate-right | |
hass:run | |
hass:security | |
hass:send | |
hass:server-network | |
hass:server-network-off | |
hass:settings | |
hass:shield-check | |
hass:shield-home | |
hass:shield-lock | |
hass:shield-outline | |
hass:skip-next | |
hass:skip-previous | |
hass:sleep | |
hass:snowflake | |
hass:square | |
hass:square-outline | |
hass:stop | |
hass:text-to-speech | |
hass:textbox | |
hass:thermometer | |
hass:thermostat | |
hass:timer | |
hass:timer-off | |
hass:timer-sand | |
hass:tooltip-account | |
hass:vibrate | |
hass:video | |
hass:volume-high | |
hass:volume-medium | |
hass:volume-off | |
hass:walk | |
hass:water | |
hass:water-off | |
hass:water-percent | |
hass:weather-cloudy | |
hass:weather-fog | |
hass:weather-hail | |
hass:weather-lightning | |
hass:weather-lightning-rainy | |
hass:weather-night | |
hass:weather-partlycloudy | |
hass:weather-pouring | |
hass:weather-rainy | |
hass:weather-snowy | |
hass:weather-snowy-rainy | |
hass:weather-sunny | |
hass:weather-windy | |
hass:weather-windy-variant | |
hass:white-balance-sunny | |
hass:window-closed | |
hass:window-open | |
hass:z-wave |
None at all.
is for internal use. Users shall usemdi:
I don't think so. If it was for internal use, why would it be exposed in such user-visible way:
Are there any advantages in using hass:icon instead of mdi:icon ?
I can think of one: hass:<icon>
IDs could be more "official" than MDI icons. I.e. has MDI folks made a promise that they won't remove or rename icons? Is it a forever promise that Home Assistant will always keep using MDI icons? hass:<icon>
can theoretically serve as an indirection in these cases:
- if MDI icon pack is ever replaced with another project
- if MDI renames an icon ID
- if MDI removes an icon
At time of writing, the MDI website is not showing a rendered 'cheatsheet', instead showing the raw HTML. Using a tool on GitHub called htmlpreview
, we can load it:
Current version is 5.9.55, which seems to be the version in use by HASS.