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Last active August 15, 2023 06:09
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How to use ha elements when using ScopedRegistry
import { LitElement, html } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { ScopedRegistryHost } from "@lit-labs/scoped-registry-mixin";
class CustomElementTest extends ScopedRegistryHost(LitElement) {
@property() hass;
static elementDefinitions = {
"ha-card": customElements.get("ha-card"), // This works because ha-card is ALWAYS loaded before custom cards (for now)
setConfig(config) {}
firstUpdated() {
// Elements can only be added to the local customElement registry after
// createRenderRoot has run(which ScopedRegistryRoot handles).
// It's definitely run before first render, so firstUpdated can be a good
// place to start loading elements.
async loadEntityPicker() {
// Get the local customElement registry
const registry = (this.shadowRoot as any)?.customElements;
if (!registry) return;
// Check if the element we want is already defined in the local scope
if (registry.get("ha-entity-picker")) return;
// Load in ha-entity-picker
// This part will differ for every element you want
const ch = await (window as any).loadCardHelpers();
const c = await ch.createCardElement({ type: "entities", entities: [] });
await c.constructor.getConfigElement();
// Since ha-elements are not using scopedRegistry we can get a reference to
// the newly loaded element from the global customElement registry...
const haEntityPicker = window.customElements.get("ha-entity-picker");
// ... and use that reference to register the same element in the local registry
registry.define("ha-entity-picker", haEntityPicker);
render() {
return html`
Hello! <ha-entity-picker .hass=${this.hass}></ha-entity-picker>
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@thomasloven this no longer appears to work with 2022.11bx. The call to window.customElements.get("ha-entity-picker"); returns undefined.

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