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Created November 7, 2023 16:16
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package io.biznet.event.handler
import io.biznet.event.EventHandlerProperties
import io.biznet.event.IdentifiedApplicationEvent
import mu.KLogging
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks
import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler
import reactor.util.retry.Retry
import java.time.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
* Base class to derive event handlers that need their events to be:
* - handled using parallel processing
* - partitioned into sequences according to a key so that the events having the same key are handled in order
* (and avoid concurrent modification of downstream resources)
* - debounced according to a key so that fast produced similar events do not flood downstream systems
* Overriding class may change the scheduler (default is boundedElastic with default parameters).
* Simply call emit event to trigger the debounced parallel partitioned processing of the handleEvent method.
abstract class DebouncingParallelHandler<E : IdentifiedApplicationEvent>(
val eventHandlerProperties: EventHandlerProperties,
private val handlerDisablingService: HandlerDisablingService,
private val scheduler: Scheduler,
) : ApplicationListener<E> {
private val partitionCount = AtomicLong(0L)
private val debounceCount = AtomicLong(0L)
open fun retryCount(): Long = eventHandlerProperties.defaultRetryCount
open fun backoffMillis(): Long = eventHandlerProperties.defaultBackoffMillis
open fun debounceTimeMillis(): Long = eventHandlerProperties.debounceTimeMillis
open fun maxAllowedLagMillis(): Long = eventHandlerProperties.maxAllowedLagMillis
private val sink: Sinks.Many<E> = Sinks
init {
override fun onApplicationEvent(event: E) = emitEvent(event)
private fun createFlux(source: Flux<E>): Flux<E> { { "Initializing debouncing parallel flux for ${this::class.simpleName}" }
val enabledAtStartup: Boolean = eventHandlerProperties.enable[this::class.simpleName] ?: true
if (!enabledAtStartup) {
logger.warn { "${this::class.simpleName} handler is disabled by configuration !" }
return partition(source)
.flatMap { partitionedFlux ->
.flatMap { event ->
if (enabledAtStartup && handlerDisablingService.isHandlerEnabled(this::class.simpleName ?: "")) {
} else {
logger.debug { "${this::class.simpleName} is disabled !" }
.onErrorContinue { throwable, _ ->
// timeouts are normal, this is how we cancel partitions
if (throwable !is TimeoutException) {
logger.error("Unexpected error while publishing event to sink", throwable)
private fun handleEventWithRetry(event: E): Mono<E> = Mono.defer {
val startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
val lag = startTimestamp - event.timestamp"Processing event ${event.logIdentifier} - lag $lag ms")
if (lag > maxAllowedLagMillis()) {
logger.warn { "Handler is lagging - lag $lag ms" }
.doOnSuccess {
val handlerTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp
logger.debug { "Processed event ${event.logIdentifier} - time $handlerTime ms" }
if (handlerTime > debounceTimeMillis()) {
logger.warn { "Handler is too slow - time $handlerTime ms" }
Retry.backoff(retryCount(), Duration.ofMillis(backoffMillis()))
.doBeforeRetry { retrySignal ->
logger.warn("Retrying: ${retrySignal.totalRetries()}; ${retrySignal.totalRetriesInARow()};", retrySignal.failure())
fun emitEvent(event: E) {
try {
sink.tryEmitNext(event).also { emitResult ->
if (emitResult.isSuccess) {
logger.debug("Emitted event ${event.logIdentifier}")
} else {
logger.warn("Processing event ${event.logIdentifier} failed with status ${}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error while publishing to sink ${event.logIdentifier}", e)
private fun debounce(eventFlux: Flux<E>): Flux<E> =
.doOnNext { flux ->
val debounceCountValue = debounceCount.incrementAndGet()
logger.debug { "Created debounce flux for ${flux.key()} - total count $debounceCountValue" }
.flatMap { flux ->
.sampleTimeout { Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(eventHandlerProperties.debounceTimeMillis)) }
.doAfterTerminate {
val debounceCountValue = debounceCount.decrementAndGet()
logger.debug { "Terminated debounce flux for ${flux.key()} - total count $debounceCountValue" }
private fun partition(eventFlux: Flux<E>): Flux<Flux<E>> =
.doOnNext { flux ->
val partitionCountValue = partitionCount.incrementAndGet()
logger.debug { "Created partition flux for ${flux.key()} - total count $partitionCountValue" }
.map { flux ->
.timeout(Duration.ofMillis(eventHandlerProperties.partitionTtlFactor * eventHandlerProperties.debounceTimeMillis))
.doAfterTerminate {
val partitionCountValue = partitionCount.decrementAndGet()
logger.debug { "Terminated partition flux for ${flux.key()} - total count $partitionCountValue" }
abstract fun debounceKey(event: E): String
abstract fun partitionKey(event: E): String
abstract fun handleEvent(event: E)
companion object : KLogging()
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