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Created November 13, 2013 08:47
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Save thomaspatzke/7445776 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract HTTP URLs, Requests and Responses from Wireshark PDML file.
xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//proto[@name="http"]' --if 'descendant::field[@name="http.request"]' -o 'URL: ' -v 'descendant::field[@name="http.request.full_uri"]/@show' -n -o 'Request: ' -v 'following-sibling::proto[@name="data-text-lines"]/field/@value' -n --elif 'descendant::field[@name="http.response"]' -o 'Code: ' -v 'descendant::field[@name="http.response.code"]/@show' -o ' ' -v 'descendant::field[@name="http.response.phrase"]/@show' -n -o 'Response: ' -v 'following-sibling::proto[@name="data-text-lines"]/field/@value' -n file.pdml | perl -ne 'if (/^((?:Request|Response): )?([0-9a-f]+)$/i) { $p = $1; $e = $2; $e =~ s/([0-9a-f]{2})/$1 /ig; print "$p"; print map { chr(hex($_)) } (split / /, $e); print "\n" if ($e !~ /0[da].?$/i) } else { print }'
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