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Last active January 12, 2018 01:42
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  • Save thomasrayner/f394b20caf1c87be2fd3e645891564bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if ( -not $env:ConEmuPID ) {
function global:prompt {
$E = "$([char]27)"
$F = "$E[38;5"
$B = "$E[48;5"
"$B;255m$F;0mI $F;1m$([char]9829) $F;0mPS $F;0m$B;255m$([char]8250)$E[0m "
else {
[List[ScriptBlock]]$global:Prompt = @(
# right aligned
{ " " * ($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 29) }
{ "$F;${er}m{0}" -f [char]0xe0b2 }
{ "$F;15m$B;${er}m{0}" -f $(if (@(get-history).Count -gt 0){(get-history)[-1] | % { "{0:c}" -f (new-timespan $_.StartExecutionTime $_.EndExecutionTime)}}else{'00:00:00.0000000'}) }
{ "$F;7m$B;${er}m{0}" -f [char]0xe0b2 }
{ "$F;0m$B;7m{0}" -f $(get-date -format "hh:mm:ss tt") }
# left aligned
{ "$F;15m$B;117m{0}" -f $('{0:d4}' -f $MyInvocation.HistoryId) }
{ "$B;22m$F;117m{0}" -f $([char]0xe0b0) }
{ "$B;22m$F;15m{0}" -f $(if($pushd = (Get-Location -Stack).count) { "$([char]187)" + $pushd }) }
{ "$F;22m$B;5m{0}" -f $([char]0xe0b0) }
{ "$B;5m$F;15m{0}" -f $($pwd.Drive.Name) }
{ "$B;20m$F;5m{0}" -f $([char]0xe0b0) }
{ "$B;20m$F;15m{0}$E[0m" -f $(Split-Path $pwd -leaf) }
{ "$F;20m{0}$E[0m" -f $([char]0xe0b0) }
function global:prompt {
$global:er = if ($?){22}else{1}
$E = "$([char]27)"
$F = "$E[38;5"
$B = "$E[48;5"
-join $global:Prompt.Invoke()
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