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Last active March 18, 2021 19:26
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Radix Sort Implementation in Python
import time
# Function that takes a list and sorts using radix sort implementation
def radixsort(toBeSorted):
digit = 1
atTheEnd = False
r = 10 # The base of the numbers we choose to sort
while not atTheEnd:
# Only remains true if we are calculating for the highest significant digit.
atTheEnd = True
# Initialize the bins which are a series of lists
bins = [list() for _ in range(r)]
# Place items inside toBeSorted buffer into their respective bins
for i in toBeSorted:
temp = i / digit
bins[temp % r].append(i)
if temp > 0:
atTheEnd = False
# Put the items in the bins back into the toBeSorted buffer
toBeSortedIndex = 0
for i in range(r): # Goes through each bin
bin = bins[i]
for j in bin: # Goes through each element in a given bin
toBeSorted[toBeSortedIndex] = j
toBeSortedIndex = toBeSortedIndex + 1
# Increment to sort by the next digit
digit = digit * r
A = [201, 12, 1323, 32, 58, 91, 2, 1, 13, 13314, 21230, 1000, 1200]
print "Unsorted list: "
print A
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print "Sorted list: "
print A
print "Time Taken: "
print str(end - start) + "ms"
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