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Last active November 10, 2020 19:06
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Radix Sort Implementation using C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define r 10
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------- DEQUE CLASS --------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *prev;
typedef struct deque {
int count;
NODE *head;
// Instantiates our doubly ended queue using a doubly linked list
DEQUE *createDeque(void) {
NODE *np;
DEQUE *bins;
bins = malloc (sizeof (DEQUE));
np = malloc (sizeof (NODE));
assert (bins != NULL && np != NULL);
bins -> head = np;
np -> next = np;
np -> prev = np;
bins -> count = 0;
return (bins);
// Rearranges pointers and frees memory pointed to by deque pointer
void destroyDeque (DEQUE *bins) {
NODE *np;
np = bins -> head -> next -> next;
while (np != bins -> head) {
free (np -> prev);
np = np -> next;
if (np -> prev != np) {
free (np -> prev);
free (np);
// Returns the number of items in the deque
int numItems (DEQUE *bins) {
return (bins -> count);
// Adds an integer to the front of the deque
void addFirst (DEQUE *bins, int x) {
NODE *np;
np = malloc (sizeof (NODE));
assert (np != NULL);
np -> data = x;
np -> next = bins -> head -> next;
np -> prev = np -> next -> prev;
np -> next -> prev = np;
bins -> head -> next = np;
bins -> count++;
// Adds an integer to the end of the deque
void addLast (DEQUE *bins, int x) {
NODE *np;
np = malloc (sizeof (NODE));
assert (np != NULL);
np -> data = x;
np -> next = bins -> head;
np -> prev = bins -> head -> prev;
np -> prev -> next = np;
bins -> head -> prev = np;
bins -> count++;
// Removes & frees an integer from the front of the deque
int removeFirst (DEQUE *bins) {
int x;
assert (bins != NULL && bins -> count != 0);
bins -> head -> next = bins -> head -> next -> next;
x = bins -> head -> next -> prev -> data;
free (bins -> head -> next -> prev);
bins -> head -> next -> prev = bins -> head;
bins -> count--;
return (x);
// Removes & frees an integer from the end of the deque
int removeLast (DEQUE *bins) {
int x;
assert (bins != NULL && bins -> count != 0);
bins -> head -> prev = bins -> head -> prev -> prev;
x = bins -> head -> prev -> next -> data;
free (bins -> head -> prev -> next);
bins -> head -> prev -> next = bins -> head;
bins -> count--;
return (x);
// Returns integer of the first item in the deque
int getFirst (DEQUE *bins) {
return (bins -> head -> next -> data);
// Returns integer of the last item in the deque
int getLast (DEQUE *bins) {
return (bins -> head -> prev -> data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------- RADIX SORT ---------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int main (void) {
int i,j,k,x,y,z;
int num;
int max = 0;
// Creates main deque which acts as a buffer
DEQUE *toBeSorted;
toBeSorted = createDeque();
// Here we will enter in example numbers to be sorted
addLast(toBeSorted, 201);
addLast(toBeSorted, 12);
addLast(toBeSorted, 1323);
addLast(toBeSorted, 32);
addLast(toBeSorted, 58);
addLast(toBeSorted, 91);
addLast(toBeSorted, 2);
addLast(toBeSorted, 1);
addLast(toBeSorted, 13);
addLast(toBeSorted, 13314);
addLast(toBeSorted, 21230);
addLast(toBeSorted, 1000);
addLast(toBeSorted, 1200);
// Print unsorted numbers
printf ("Unsorted Numbers:\n");
for (i = 0; i < numItems(toBeSorted); i++) {
k = removeFirst(toBeSorted);
printf ("%d\n", k);
// Create 'r' amount of bins. 'r' represents the base of the numbers
DEQUE *bins[r];
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
bins[i] = createDeque();
// Loop through all significant digits until finished
int atTheEnd = 0;
i = 0;
// Start the Timer for our Radix Sort Implementation
time_t start;
double duration;
start = clock();
// Continue looping for all significant digits
while (!atTheEnd) {
atTheEnd = 1; // Only remains true if we are calculating for the highest significant digit.
// Remove from main deque and place into respective bins
while(numItems(toBeSorted) != 0) {
z = removeFirst(toBeSorted);
y = (z / ((int)pow(10,i))) % 10;
addLast(bins[y], z);
if ((z / ((int)pow(10,i))) > 0) {
atTheEnd = 0;
// Removes from bins in order then places back into main deque
for (j = 0; j < r; j++) {
while (numItems(bins[j]) != 0) {
z = removeFirst(bins[j]);
// Calculate the time taken
duration = (clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Print sorted numbers
printf ("\nSorted Numbers:\n");
for (i = 0; i < numItems(toBeSorted); i++) {
k = removeFirst(toBeSorted);
printf ("%d\n", k);
printf("Time Taken: %fms\n", duration);
// Free all memory used
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
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