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Last active January 1, 2016 11:29
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Bacon ipsum API command line script. Help and ~/.bacon coming soon
use HTTP::Tiny;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config::Simple ('-lc');
use File::HomeDir;
my $BASE_URL = "";
my $paras = 0;
my $sentences = 0;
# bools
my $ipsum = 0;
my $meat = 0;
my $filler = 0;
# Windows ini style file! must be in [bacon] section
Config::Simple->import_from(File::HomeDir->my_home . "/.bacon", \%Config);
if (exists($Config{'bacon.paragraphs'}))
$paras = $Config{'bacon.paragraphs'};
if (exists($Config{'bacon.sentences'}))
$sentences = $Config{'bacon.sentences'};
if (exists($Config{'bacon.ipsum'}))
$ipsum = 1;
if (exists($Config{'bacon.filler'}))
$filler = 1;
$meat = 0;
if (exists($Config{'bacon.meat'}))
$meat = 1;
$filler = 0;
"paragraphs|p=i" => \$paras,
"sentences|s=i" => \$sentences,
"ipsum|i" => sub { $ipsum = 1 },
"filler|f" => sub { $filler = 1; $meat = 0; },
"meat|m" => sub { $meat = 1; $filler = 0; },
"help|h" => sub { HelpMessage() }
$url = $BASE_URL . "type=" .
($filler ? "meat-and-filler" : "all-meat") .
($paras > 0 ? "&paras=$paras" : "") .
($sentences > 0 ? "&sentences=$sentences" : "") .
($ipsum ? "&start-with-lorem=1" : "");
$http = HTTP::Tiny->new();
$response = $http->get($url);
if ($response->{success})
$json = JSON->new();
@json_data = @{$json->utf8->decode($response->{content})};
foreach (@json_data)
print $_ . "\n\n";
print "Unable to get bacon! Status: ", $response->{status}, "\n";
print "Reason: ", $response->{reason}, "\n";
sub HelpMessage()
print "Usage: $0 (-m|--meat)|(-f|--filler) [-p|--paragraphs #] [-s|--sentences #] [-l|--lorem] [-h|--help]\n\n";
print "-m|--meat: All Meat (default)\n";
print "-f|--filler: Meat and Filler\n";
print "-p|--paragraphs #: Number of paragraphs (default: 5)\n";
print "-s|--sentences #: Number of sentences (overrides paragraphs)\n";
print "-i|--ipsum: Start with 'Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet'\n";
print "-h|--help: This help\n";
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