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Last active July 22, 2017 21:23
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ASP page scraper with comments
// Built-in modules
var csv = require("csv");
var fs = require("fs");
var url = require("url");
// Loaded from NPM
var $ = require("cheerio"); // jQuery-like DOM library
var async = require("async"); // Easier concurrency utils
var request = require("request"); // Make HTTP requests simply
// Useful constants
const BASE = "";
const INDEX = BASE + "ConSummaryPage.aspx";
const PAGE_MAX = 34;
// Gets the ASP nonce values from the hidden form on the page
var extractForm = function(body) {
var $body = $(body);
var inputs = $body.find("#form1 input");
var state = {};
inputs.each(function() {
state[] = this.attribs.value.trim();
return state;
// Gets contract links from an index page
var extractLinks = function(body) {
var $body = $(body);
// Find all actual links, not the pagination at the bottom of the table
var links = $body.find(`#oGridView a[href^="Con"]`).toArray();
return => url.parse(BASE + l.attribs.href, true));
var extractAmendments = function(id, dom) {
var amendments = [];
var amendmentRows = dom.find("#GridView tr");
amendmentRows.each(function() {
var cells = $(this).children("td").toArray();
if (!cells.length || cells.length < 2) return;
var [mod, date, description, type, budgetChange, dateChange] = => $(c).text().trim());
if (!date) return;
amendments.push({ id, mod, date, description, type, budgetChange, dateChange });
return amendments;
// Gets actual contract data from a details page
var extractData = function(id, body) {
var $body = $(body);
var data = { contract: { id }, amendments: [], dom: $body };
// Contract details are a table at the top, [key][value]
var contractRows = $body.find("#DetailsView1 tr");
contractRows.each(function() {
var cells = $(this).find("td").toArray();
data.contract[$(cells[0]).text()] = $(cells[1]).text().trim();
return data;
// async.waterfall() lets us pass values from one function to the next
// As a result, we use almost no global values, it's purely functional state
// Meanwhile, the indentation is relatively constant, program flow is more readable
// ask for the initial page
next => request(INDEX, next),
// get the first page and its nonce values
function(response, body, next) {
var state = extractForm(body);
next(null, [body], state);
// ask for individual index page HTML
function(pages, state, next) {
console.log("Requesting index pages");
// because each request requires the state variables from the previous listing,
// we'll get the index pages one at a time
async.timesSeries(PAGE_MAX - 1, function(n, c) {
var form = {};
for (var k in state) {
form[k] = state[k];
form.__EVENTTARGET = "oGridView";
form.__EVENTARGUMENT = `Page$${n + 2}`; // start at page 2, work our way up
var req =, { form }, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) return c(err);
// update the nonce for the next item
state = extractForm(body);
}, err => next(err, pages));
//process the HTML
function(pages, next) {
console.log("Requesting contract details");
var links = [];
var contracts = [];
pages.forEach(p => links.push(...extractLinks(p)));
//get these 10 at a time, to prevent rate-limiting from kicking in
async.eachLimit(links, 10, function(a, c) {
var id =;
request(a.href, function(err, response, body) {
var data = extractData(id, body);
//grab amendments from the page
data.amendments.push(...extractAmendments(id, data.dom));
//there may be additional pages of amendments
var aLinks = data.dom.find("#GridView a[href*=Page]");
//if so, request those as well using a new nonce object
if (aLinks.length) {
async.each(aLinks, function(link, next) {
var form = extractForm(body);
form.__EVENTTARGET = "GridView";
form.__EVENTARGUMENT = link.attribs.href.match(/Page\$\d+/).pop();, { form }, function(err, response, body) {
var amends = extractAmendments(id, $(body));
}, c);
} else c(err);
}, err => next(err, contracts));
//output CSV
function(contracts, next) {
console.log(`Writing ${contracts.length} contracts to CSV`);
// CSV writer is piped into a file stream
var contractFile = fs.createWriteStream("contracts.csv");
var contractWriter = csv.stringify({ header: true });
var amendmentFile = fs.createWriteStream("amendments.csv");
var amendmentWriter = csv.stringify({ header: true });
// Write the data into the CSV stream
// flow: data -> writer -> file
contracts.forEach(function(data) {
if (data.amendments) {
data.amendments.forEach(a => amendmentWriter.write(a));
// Close the CSV writers, they'll inform the file streams in turn
//once both files have been closed, finish the script
c => contractFile.on("close", c),
c => amendmentFile.on("close", c)
], next);
], function(err) {
console.log(err || "All done!");
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