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Last active November 10, 2020 07:09
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Sorting Lodash vs Ember.computed.sort
import { sort } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { computed, get } from '@ember/object';
import { compare } from '@ember/utils';
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { sortBy } from 'lodash';
export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {
appName = 'Ember Twiddle';
items = [
{'name': 'MacGruff'},
{'name': 'McDuff'},
{'name': 'Mccet'},
{'name': 'McCharles'},
{'name': 'Merogh'},
{'name': 'Durnham'},
{'name': 'Dull'},
{'name': 'DuAlto'},
{'name': 'DuPertius'},
sortKeys = ['name'];
@sort('items', 'sortKeys')
@computed('items', 'sortKeys')
get lodashSortedItems() {
let items = this.items;
if (items.toArray) {
items = items.toArray();
return sortBy(items, => {
return item => get(item, fieldKey);
@computed('items', 'sortKeys')
get betterNonComputedSortSortedItems() {
let items = this.items;
if (items.toArray) {
items = items.toArray();
return items.sort((a, b) => {
return compare( => get(a, fieldKey)), => get(b, fieldKey))
<h1>Welcome to {{this.appName}}</h1>
<strong>Ember.computed.sort sorted items (This is the prefered method/order)</strong>
{{#each this.sortedItems as |item|}}
<strong>lodash sortBy sorted items</strong>
{{#each this.lodashSortedItems as |item|}}
<strong>better non-computed sort sorted items</strong>
{{#each this.betterNonComputedSortSortedItems as |item|}}
"version": "0.17.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.18.1",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.18.1",
"ember-testing": "3.18.1"
"addons": {
"ember-lodash": "4.19.5",
"@glimmer/component": "1.0.0"
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