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Created October 6, 2019 00:16
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extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use fexel_num::{vec3x, X19, x19};
const ZERO: x19 = x19::from_bits(0);
const ONE: x19 = X19!(1.0);
/// The object that's used for computing the convex hull. This is basically a
/// bunch of scratch memory so that if you want to avoid allocating a bunch of
/// Vecs for each convex hull computation, you can.
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// use fexel_num::*;
/// use fexel_hull::*;
/// // A really inefficient way to produce a cube mesh.
/// let mut verts: Vec<vec3x> = vec![];
/// for &x in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
/// for &y in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
/// for &z in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
/// verts.push(vec3x::new(x, y, z));
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// let mut api = HullApi::new();
/// let max_vertices = None;
/// let mut triangles = vec![];
/// let used_indices = api.compute_hull(&mut verts, max_vertices, &mut triangles).unwrap();
/// // For this, all indices should be used in the hull. However, for many cases, you won't know this, and
/// // you'll want to do something like `verts.truncate(used_indices)` to trim the excess (unless you need
/// // it for other reasons).
/// assert_eq!(used_indices, verts.len());
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct HullApi {
verts: Vec<vec3x>,
tris: Vec<HullTri>,
used: Vec<usize>,
map: Vec<isize>,
is_extreme: Vec<bool>,
impl HullApi {
/// Equivalent to `HullApi::default()`, but provided for convenience.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Clear internal memory. Generally doesn't need to be called explicitly.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
/// Compute the convex hull of the points in `verts`. The triangles making
/// up the hull are written into `out_triangles`, whose contents are
/// discarded.
/// If `Some(n)` is passed in for max_vertices, It will produce the largest
/// convex hull that can be constructed using no more than `n` input points.
/// Returns `Err(())` on failure. Failure generally indicates a degenerate
/// mesh (e.g. all points on a single plane, for example), but could
/// indicate a numerical robustness error, or something. We'll also return
/// Err if you request nonsense like `max_vertices == 3` or something. Come
/// on.
/// The vertices which are used are moved to the front of `verts`. The
/// `usize` returned indicates the last index of a vertex which is actually
/// used. If you don't care about the vertices that are not part of the
/// convex hull, you might want to truncate the containing vec to this
/// value.
pub fn compute_hull(&mut self, verts: &mut [vec3x], max_vertices: Option<usize>, out_triangles: &mut Vec<[u16; 3]>) -> Result<usize, ()> {
assert!(verts.len() < (i32::max_value() as usize));
if verts.len() < 4 {
return Err(());
let max_vertices = max_vertices.unwrap_or_default();
// reduced as we add vertices.
let mut vert_limit: isize = if max_vertices == 0 {
} else {
max_vertices as isize
if vert_limit < 4 {
return Err(());
let vert_count = verts.len();
let &mut HullApi {
ref mut tris,
ref mut is_extreme,
} = self;
is_extreme.resize(vert_count, false);
let (min_bound, max_bound) = compute_bounds(verts).ok_or(())?;
// XXXX this is really dodgy...
let epsilon = (max_bound.dist(min_bound) * X19!(0.1)).max(X19!(0.05));
let (p0, p1, p2, p3) = find_simplex(verts).ok_or(())?;
tris.extend_from_slice(&build_simplex(p0, p1, p2, p3));
let center = (verts[p0] + verts[p1] + verts[p2] + verts[p3]) / X19!(4.0);
is_extreme[p0] = true;
is_extreme[p1] = true;
is_extreme[p2] = true;
is_extreme[p3] = true;
for t in tris.iter_mut() {
debug_assert!( >= 0);
debug_assert!(t.max_v < 0);
t.update(&verts, None);
vert_limit -= 4;
while vert_limit > 0 {
let te = match find_extrudable(&tris, epsilon) {
Some(e) => e,
None => break,
let v = tris[te].max_v as usize;
is_extreme[v] = true;
grow_hull(tris, &verts, v, epsilon);
fix_degenerate_tris(tris, &verts, center, v, epsilon);
for tri in tris.iter_mut().rev() {
if tri.dead() {
if tri.max_v >= 0 {
tri.update(&verts, Some(&is_extreme));
vert_limit -= 1;
Ok(self.finish_hull(out_triangles, verts))
fn finish_hull(&mut self, out: &mut Vec<[u16; 3]>, verts: &mut [vec3x]) -> usize {
let HullApi { used, map, tris, .. } = self;
used.resize(verts.len(), 0usize);
map.resize(verts.len(), 0isize);
for t in tris.iter() {
for ti in & {
used[*ti as usize] += 1;
let mut n = 0usize;
for (i, use_count) in used.iter().enumerate() {
if *use_count > 0 {
map[i] = n as isize;
verts.swap(n, i);
n += 1;
} else {
map[i] = -1;
for tri in tris.iter_mut() {
for j in 0..3 {
let old_pos =[j];[j] = map[old_pos as usize] as i32;
let mut max_idx = 0;
out.extend(tris.iter().map(|t| {
let tmaxi =[0].max([1]).max([2]) as usize;
assert!(tmaxi < u16::max_value() as usize, "overflowed u16 for tri index");
if tmaxi > max_idx {
max_idx = tmaxi;
[[0] as u16,[1] as u16,[2] as u16]
max_idx + 1
fn x_axis() -> vec3x {
vec3x::new(ONE, ZERO, ZERO)
fn y_axis() -> vec3x {
vec3x::new(ZERO, ONE, ZERO)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct I3 {
at: [i32; 3],
fn int3(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> I3 {
I3 { at: [a, b, c] }
fn int3u(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) -> I3 {
a <= (i32::max_value() as usize) &&
b <= (i32::max_value() as usize) &&
c <= (i32::max_value() as usize)
int3(a as i32, b as i32, c as i32)
impl core::ops::Index<usize> for I3 {
type Output = i32;
fn index(&self, i: usize) -> &i32 {
impl core::ops::IndexMut<usize> for I3 {
fn index_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut i32 {
impl I3 {
fn has_vert(self, a: i32) -> bool {
self[0] == a || self[1] == a || self[2] == a
fn tri(verts: &[vec3x], t: I3) -> (vec3x, vec3x, vec3x) {
(verts[t[0] as usize], verts[t[1] as usize], verts[t[2] as usize])
// I don't love this returing Option<T>...
fn try_norm(v: vec3x) -> Option<vec3x> {
let len = v.len();
// Should we just compare v == vec3x::zero()? Seems like the len could round
// down to zero even for a nonzero vec.
if len == ZERO {
} else {
fn tri_area(v0: vec3x, v1: vec3x, v2: vec3x) -> x19 {
(v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v1).len()
fn tri_normal(v0: vec3x, v1: vec3x, v2: vec3x) -> Option<vec3x> {
try_norm((v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v1))
fn above(verts: &[vec3x], t: I3, p: vec3x, epsilon: x19) -> bool {
let (v0, v1, v2) = tri(verts, t);
if let Some(n) = tri_normal(v0, v1, v2) { - v0) > epsilon
} else {
// note: `s` can't be empty.
fn max_dir(dir: vec3x, s: &[vec3x]) -> (vec3x, usize) {
let initial = s[0];
let mut best = initial;
let mut best_dot =;
let mut best_index = 0;
for (i, &item) in s[1..].iter().enumerate() {
let d =;
if d > best_dot {
best = item;
best_dot = d;
best_index = i + 1;
(best, best_index)
fn next_mod3(i: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
debug_assert!(i < 3);
((i + 1) % 3, (i + 2) % 3)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct HullTri {
vi: I3,
ni: I3,
id: i32,
max_v: i32,
rise: x19,
impl HullTri {
const fn new(vi: I3, ni: I3, id: i32) -> HullTri {
HullTri {
max_v: -1,
rise: ZERO,
fn dead(&self) -> bool {[0] == -1
fn neib_idx(&self, va: i32, vb: i32) -> usize {
for i in 0..3 {
let (i1, i2) = next_mod3(i);
if ([i] == va &&[i1] == vb) || ([i] == vb &&[i1] == va) {
return i2;
"Fell through neib loop v={:?} n={:?} va={} vb={}",,, va, vb
fn get_neib(&self, va: i32, vb: i32) -> i32 {
let idx = self.neib_idx(va, vb);[idx]
fn set_neib(&mut self, va: i32, vb: i32, new_value: i32) {
let idx = self.neib_idx(va, vb);[idx] = new_value;
fn update(&mut self, verts: &[vec3x], extreme_map: Option<&[bool]>) {
let (v0, v1, v2) = tri(verts,;
let n = tri_normal(v0, v1, v2).unwrap_or_else(|| vec3x::new(ONE, ZERO, ZERO));
let (vmax, vmax_i) = max_dir(n, verts);
self.max_v = vmax_i as i32;
if extreme_map.map_or(false, |m| m[vmax_i]) {
self.max_v = -1; // already did this one
} else {
self.rise = - v0);
fn neib_fix(tris: &mut [HullTri], k_id: i32) {
let k = k_id as usize;
if tris[k].id == -1 {
debug_assert!(tris[k].id == k_id);
for i in 0..3 {
let (i1, i2) = next_mod3(i);
if tris[k].ni[i] != -1 {
let va = tris[k].vi[i2];
let vb = tris[k].vi[i1];
let ni = tris[k].ni[i] as usize;
tris[ni].set_neib(va, vb, k_id);
fn swap_neib(tris: &mut [HullTri], a: usize, b: usize) {
tris.swap(a, b);
let id = tris[a].id;
tris[a].id = tris[b].id;
tris[b].id = id;
neib_fix(tris, a as i32);
neib_fix(tris, b as i32);
fn fix_back_to_back(tris: &mut [HullTri], s: usize, t: usize) {
for i in 0..3 {
let (i1, i2) = next_mod3(i);
let (va, vb) = (tris[s].vi[i1], tris[s].vi[i2]);
debug_assert_eq!(tris[tris[s].get_neib(va, vb) as usize].get_neib(vb, va), tris[s].id);
debug_assert_eq!(tris[tris[t].get_neib(va, vb) as usize].get_neib(vb, va), tris[t].id);
let t_neib = tris[t].get_neib(vb, va);
tris[tris[s].get_neib(va, vb) as usize].set_neib(vb, va, t_neib);
let s_neib = tris[s].get_neib(va, vb);
tris[tris[t].get_neib(vb, va) as usize].set_neib(va, vb, s_neib);
// cleaned up later
tris[s].ni = int3(-1, -1, -1);
tris[t].ni = int3(-1, -1, -1);
fn check_tri(tris: &[HullTri], t: &HullTri) {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
debug_assert!(tris[ as usize].id ==;
debug_assert!(tris[ as usize].id ==;
for i in 0..3 {
let (i1, i2) = next_mod3(i);
let (a, b) = ([i1],[i2]);
debug_assert!(a != b);
debug_assert!(tris[[i] as usize].get_neib(b, a) ==;
fn extrude(tris: &mut Vec<HullTri>, t0: usize, v: usize) {
let bu = tris.len();
let b = bu as i32;
let n = tris[t0].ni;
let t = tris[t0].vi;
let vi = v as i32;
tris.push(HullTri::new(int3(vi, t[1], t[2]), int3(n[0], b + 1, b + 2), b));
tris[n[0] as usize].set_neib(t[1], t[2], b);
tris.push(HullTri::new(int3(vi, t[2], t[0]), int3(n[1], b + 2, b), b + 1));
tris[n[1] as usize].set_neib(t[2], t[0], b + 1);
tris.push(HullTri::new(int3(vi, t[0], t[1]), int3(n[2], b, b + 1), b + 2));
tris[n[2] as usize].set_neib(t[0], t[1], b + 2);
tris[t0].ni = int3(-1, -1, -1);
// @@TODO: disable in debug?
check_tri(&tris, &tris[bu]);
check_tri(&tris, &tris[bu + 1]);
check_tri(&tris, &tris[bu + 2]);
if tris[n[0] as usize].vi.has_vert(vi) {
fix_back_to_back(&mut tris[..], bu, n[0] as usize);
if tris[n[1] as usize].vi.has_vert(vi) {
fix_back_to_back(&mut tris[..], bu + 1, n[1] as usize);
if tris[n[2] as usize].vi.has_vert(vi) {
fix_back_to_back(&mut tris[..], bu + 2, n[2] as usize);
fn find_extrudable(tris: &[HullTri], epsilon: x19) -> Option<usize> {
assert_ne!(tris.len(), 0);
let mut best = 0usize;
for (idx, tri) in tris.iter().enumerate() {
debug_assert!( >= 0);
debug_assert_eq!(, (idx as i32));
if best != idx && tris[best].rise < tri.rise {
best = idx
if tris[best].rise > epsilon {
} else {
fn find_simplex(verts: &[vec3x]) -> Option<(usize, usize, usize, usize)> {
assert!(verts.len() >= 4);
let b0 = vec3x::new(X19!(0.01), X19!(0.02), X19!(1.0));
let (p0v, p0i) = max_dir(b0, verts);
let (p1v, p1i) = max_dir(-b0, verts);
let b0v = p0v - p1v;
if p0i == p1i || b0 == vec3x::zero() {
return None;
// lazy way to create a basis, whatever.
let b1 = x_axis().cross(b0v);
let b2 = y_axis().cross(b0v);
let b1 = (if b1.len_sq() > b2.len_sq() { b1 } else { b2 }).norm();
let (p2v, p2i) = max_dir(b1, verts);
let (p2v, p2i) = if p2i == p0i || p2i == p1i {
max_dir(-b1, verts)
} else {
(p2v, p2i)
if p2i == p0i || p2i == p1i {
return None;
let b1 = p2v - p0v;
let b2 = b1.cross(b0);
let (p3v, p3i) = max_dir(b2, verts);
let (p3v, p3i) = if p3i == p0i || p3i == p1i || p3i == p2i {
max_dir(-b2, verts)
} else {
(p3v, p3i)
if p3i == p0i || p3i == p1i || p3i == p2i {
return None;
debug_assert!(p0i != p1i && p0i != p2i && p0i != p3i && p1i != p2i && p1i != p3i && p2i != p3i);
// adjust winding order
if (p3v - p0v).dot((p1v - p0v).cross(p2v - p0v)) < ZERO {
Some((p0i, p1i, p3i, p2i))
} else {
Some((p0i, p1i, p2i, p3i))
fn remove_dead(tris: &mut Vec<HullTri>) {
for j in (0..tris.len()).rev() {
if !tris[j].dead() {
let last = tris.len() - 1;
swap_neib(tris, j, last);
fn fix_degenerate_tris(tris: &mut Vec<HullTri>, verts: &[vec3x], center: vec3x, vert_id: usize, epsilon: x19) {
let mut i: isize = tris.len() as isize;
loop {
i -= 1;
if i < 0 {
let iu = i as usize;
if tris[iu].dead() {
if !tris[iu].vi.has_vert(vert_id as i32) {
let nt = tris[iu].vi;
let (nv0, nv1, nv2) = tri(verts, nt);
let is_flipped = above(verts, nt, center, epsilon * X19!(0.01));
// XXX this should be epsilon * epsilon * 0.1, but that seems guaranteed
// to underflow... should be able to rewrite to avoid that issue but i
// must be tired or something, since I tried and got bustage.
if is_flipped || tri_area(nv0, nv1, nv2) < epsilon * epsilon {
debug_assert!(tris[iu].ni[0] >= 0);
let nb = tris[iu].ni[0] as usize;
debug_assert!(!tris[nb].vi.has_vert(vert_id as i32));
debug_assert!(tris[nb].id < (i as i32));
extrude(tris, nb, vert_id);
i = tris.len() as isize;
// extrude any triangles who would be below the hull containing the new vertex
fn grow_hull(tris: &mut Vec<HullTri>, verts: &[vec3x], vert_id: usize, epsilon: x19) {
for j in (0..tris.len()).rev() {
if tris[j].dead() {
let t = tris[j].vi;
if above(verts, t, verts[vert_id], epsilon * X19!(0.01)) {
extrude(tris, j, vert_id);
fn build_simplex(p0: usize, p1: usize, p2: usize, p3: usize) -> [HullTri; 4] {
let tris = [
HullTri::new(int3u(p2, p3, p1), int3(2, 3, 1), 0),
HullTri::new(int3u(p3, p2, p0), int3(3, 2, 0), 1),
HullTri::new(int3u(p0, p1, p3), int3(0, 1, 3), 2),
HullTri::new(int3u(p1, p0, p2), int3(1, 0, 2), 3),
check_tri(&tris, &tris[0]);
check_tri(&tris, &tris[1]);
check_tri(&tris, &tris[2]);
check_tri(&tris, &tris[3]);
fn compute_bounds(v: &[vec3x]) -> Option<(vec3x, vec3x)> {
let (&b, rest) = v.split_first()?;
let mut min_bound = b;
let mut max_bound = b;
for &item in rest {
min_bound = min_bound.min(item);
max_bound = max_bound.max(item);
Some((min_bound, max_bound))
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_basic() {
// A more fleshed-out version of the doctest.
let mut verts: Vec<vec3x> = Vec::with_capacity(8);
for &x in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
for &y in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
for &z in &[X19!(-1.0), X19!(1.0)] {
verts.push(vec3x::new(x, y, z));
// Add some garbage points the algo has to discard.
verts.push(vec3x::new(x / X19!(2.0), y / X19!(2.0), z / X19!(2.0)));
let mut api = HullApi::new();
let max_vertices = None;
let mut triangles = Vec::with_capacity(12);
let used_indices = api.compute_hull(&mut verts, max_vertices, &mut triangles).unwrap();
assert_eq!(triangles.len(), 12);
assert_eq!(used_indices, 8);
for &[a, b, c] in &triangles {
assert!(a != b && b != c && a != c);
let v0 = verts[a as usize];
let v1 = verts[b as usize];
let v2 = verts[c as usize];
assert!(v0 != v1 && v1 != v2 && v2 != v0);
// only the extreme points should be present.
for v in &[v0, v1, v2] {
assert_eq!(v.x().abs(), X19!(1.0));
assert_eq!(v.y().abs(), X19!(1.0));
assert_eq!(v.z().abs(), X19!(1.0));
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