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Created October 13, 2020 06:14
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#![cfg(feature = "nightly", feature(core_intrinsics))]
use libmimalloc_sys::{self as mi};
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use std::alloc::Layout;
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
use core::intrinsics::{likely, unlikely};
#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
#[inline(always)] fn likely(b: bool) -> bool { b }
#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
#[inline(always)] fn unlikely(b: bool) -> bool { b }
pub struct MiHeap {
ptr: NonNull<mi::mi_heap_t>,
on_drop: BehaviorOnDrop,
impl PartialEq for MiHeap {
fn eq(&self, o: &MiHeap) -> bool {
self.ptr == o.ptr
impl Drop for MiHeap {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self.on_drop {
BehaviorOnDrop::DoNothing => {}
BehaviorOnDrop::ReleaseUnused => {
unsafe { mi::mi_heap_delete(self.ptr.as_ptr()) }
BehaviorOnDrop::DangerouslyFreeAllMemory => {
unsafe { mi::mi_heap_destroy(self.ptr.as_ptr()) }
impl MiHeap {
/// Create a mimalloc heap, panicing on failure (e.g. due to out of memory)
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self::try_new().expect("Failed to allocate a mimalloc heap!")
/// Return our internal `mi_heap_t`.
pub fn into_raw(self) -> NonNull<mi::mi_heap_t> {
let p = self.ptr;
/// Wrap a raw `mi_heap_t` in a `MiHeap`.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(p: NonNull<mi::mi_heap_t>, drop_behavior: BehaviorOnDrop) -> Self {
Self { ptr: p, on_drop: drop_behavior }
/// Create a mimalloc heap, if possible.
pub fn try_new() -> Option<Self> {
let p = unsafe { NonNull::new(mi::mi_heap_new())? };
Some(Self { ptr: p, on_drop: BehaviorOnDrop::ReleaseUnused })
/// Get the default heap the current thread.
/// Note that when the object returned by this goes out of scope, it will
/// not release the heap's resources by default.
pub fn get_default() -> Self {
let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::new(mi::mi_heap_get_default()).expect("mi_heap_get_default returned null") };
Self { ptr, on_drop: BehaviorOnDrop::DoNothing }
/// Get the backing heap the current thread.
pub fn get_backing() -> Self {
let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::new(mi::mi_heap_get_backing()).expect("mi_heap_get_backing returned null") };
Self { ptr, on_drop: BehaviorOnDrop::DoNothing }
/// Return the current drop behavior for the heap.
/// By default, this is `ReleaseUnused` for heaps created by `MiHeap::new`
/// (or try_new) (as that is generally what you want) and `DoNothing` for
/// ones returned from `MiHeap::get_default` or `MiHeap::get_backing`.
pub fn get_drop_behavior(&self) -> BehaviorOnDrop {
/// Return unused resources to the OS.
pub fn collect(&self, force: bool) {
unsafe { mi::mi_heap_collect(self.ptr.as_ptr(), force); }
/// Set the drop behavior for a heap.
/// ## Panics
/// Panics if behavior is not `DoNothing` and `self` is the backing heap.
/// ## Safety
/// - It's always safe to set this to `BehaviorOnDrop::DoNothing`.
/// - It's usually safe to set it to `BehaviorOnDrop::ReleaseUnused`, unless
/// you've managed to get two copies of the same heap (for example, if you
/// they were returned by `get_default`/`get_backing`).
/// - It's very dangerous to set it to `DangerouslyFreeAllMemory`, and only
/// safe if you are certain all pointers allocated by this heap are no
/// longer in use.
pub unsafe fn set_drop_behavior(&mut self, bhvr: BehaviorOnDrop) {
if bhvr != BehaviorOnDrop::DoNothing {
assert!(self.ptr.as_ptr() != mi::mi_heap_get_backing());
self.on_drop = bhvr;
/// Set `self` to be the thread's default heap, and safely reclaim the
/// previous current heap's resources.
pub unsafe fn set_default(&mut self) {
let old_cur = mi::mi_heap_set_default(self.ptr.as_ptr());
if !old_cur.is_null() && old_cur != self.ptr.as_ptr() && old_cur != mi::mi_heap_get_backing() {
/// Return true if this heap owns the given pointer.
/// Note: This function is fairly expensive, and is a linear search over the
/// blocks.
pub fn check_owned(&self, p: *const ()) -> bool {
unsafe { mi::mi_heap_check_owned(self.ptr.as_ptr(), p as *const _) }
/// The maximum size that can be used with mi::MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX.
/// This is currently 128 * size_of::<usize>()
pub const ALLOC_SMALL_MAX_SIZE: usize = mi::MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX;
pub const DEFAULT_ALIGN: usize = 16;
/// Allocate `v` bytes. v must be less than ALLOC_SMALL_MAX_SIZE
pub unsafe fn raw_alloc_small(&self, v: usize) -> *mut u8 {
debug_assert!(v < Self::ALLOC_SMALL_MAX_SIZE && v != 0, "not small: {:?}", v);
mi::mi_heap_malloc_small(self.ptr.as_ptr(), v) as *mut u8
pub unsafe fn alloc(&self, l: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let mut size = l.size();
let align = l.align();
if unlikely(size < align) {
debug_assert!(size != 0);
size = align;
if likely(align <= DEFAULT_ALIGN) {
if size <= Self::ALLOC_SMALL_MAX_SIZE {
mi::mi_heap_malloc_small(self.ptr.as_ptr(), size) as *mut u8
} else {
mi::mi_heap_malloc(self.ptr.as_ptr(), size) as *mut u8
} else {
mi::mi_heap_malloc_aligned(self.ptr.as_ptr(), size, align) as *mut u8
pub unsafe fn free(&self, p: *mut u8, _: Layout) {
if !p.is_null() {
mi::mi_free(p as *mut _)
pub unsafe fn realloc(&self, p: *mut u8, l: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let align = l.align();
if likely(align <= DEFAULT_ALIGN) {
mi::mi_heap_realloc(self.ptr.as_ptr(), p as *mut _, new_size) as *mut u8
} else {
mi::mi_heap_realloc_aligned(self.ptr.as_ptr(), p as *mut _, new_size, align) as *mut u8
pub fn is_in_heap(p: *mut u8) -> bool {
unsafe { mi::mi_is_in_heap_region(p as *mut _) }
pub unsafe fn usable_size(p: *mut u8) -> usize {
mi::mi_usable_size(p as *mut _)
pub fn good_size(p: usize) -> usize {
unsafe { mi::mi_good_size(p) }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum BehaviorOnDrop {
/// On drop, we do nothing. This is the default for heaps which are returned
/// by `MiHeap::get_default` (usually the right call) and
/// `MiHeap::get_backing` (always the right call).
/// Release unused resources back to the current thread-local heap. This is
/// the default for heaps returned by `MiHeap::new` and `MiHeap::try_new`
/// ⚠️ Dangerous! This means we will free all pointers which had been
/// returned by this heap, even though they may still be in use!
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