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Created March 27, 2009 10:52
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userscript updater snippet
// ==UserScript==
// @name easy userscript updater snippet
// @namespace
// @description copy-paste this updater script snippet at the end of your userscript file hosted on Your script is now displaying update notifications the next time you upload a new version of your script.
// @include http://domain-name.tld/*
// @author Thomas Duerr
// @version 1.0.1
// @date 2009-03-27
// ==/UserScript==
// Usage:
// ------
// (1) Copy and paste the script snippet at the end of your userscript file.
// (2) Set at least script-id (from and current script version as options in init function:
// Example:
// userscriptUpdater.init({
// scriptId: "123456789",
// currentVersion: "1.0"
// });
// (3) You may optional overwrite the 'checkInterval', 'injectInto' and 'updaterCss' option
// Example:
// userscriptUpdater.init({
// scriptId: "123456789",
// currentVersion: "1.0.2",
// checkInterval: 604800, // check only once a week
// injectInto: document.getElementById("header"), // inject updater-message into this DOM-node
// updaterCss: "" // individual css rules (see 'Styling of updater-message' below)
// });
// (4) You may optional define additional (non standard) userscript-meta tags '@change' and/or '@depricated' in your script.
// This information will then be used in an update-message as additional description.
// @change: what has been changed in the new version
// @depricated: if userscript is depricated (the scripts site may have implemented your feature now, so the userscript isn't necessary anymore),
// then give a description or set to 'true'.
// Notes:
// ------
// * For an example of this script being implemented, see for example this:
// * Currently this updater script works only for unserscripts hosted on
// * Please don't set 'checkInterval' to more than once a day to limit unnecessary server load on
// * use version numbers for your userscripts based on this versioning scheme: major.minor[.bugfix]
// * you may use a packed version of this script snippet (the userscriptUpdater-function only!) by using Dean Edwards Packer (
// Tested with:
// ------------
// * Firefox 3.0.x
// * Greasemonkey Addon 0.8.20090123.1
// License:
// --------
// * MIT License (
// Styling of updater-message:
// ---------------------------
// * individual CSS rules should be based on this exemplary generated HTML structure:
// <div class="greasemonkey_updater">
// <h1>
// <div class="greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide">
// <a href=""><span>Skip until next Update!</span></a>
// </div>
// Greasemonkey UserScript Update Notification!
// </h1>
// <p>There is an update available for <a href="">userscript updater</a>.<br/><br/>
// New Feature: this and that!<br/><br/>
// You are currently running version <b>1.3</b>, the newest version on is <b>1.4.3</b>!<br/>
// <a href="">Update to Version 1.4.3</a></p>
// </div>
// * use for example this set of CSS selectors:
// div.greasemonkey_updater { }
// div.greasemonkey_updater h1 { }
// div.greasemonkey_updater a { }
// div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide { }
// div.greasemonkey_updater p { }
// * some message-themes for usage as options in the init function (just copy-paste it):
// (1) updaterCss: "div.greasemonkey_updater { background: #FDD; border: 2px solid #F00; font: normal 11px/1.5 Helvetica; margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; width: 600px; } div.greasemonkey_updater h1 { font-size: inherit; } div.greasemonkey_updater a { color: #F00; } div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide { float: right; }"
// (2) updaterCss: "div.greasemonkey_updater { position: absolute; top: 40px; left: " + parseInt(document.body.clientWidth - 700) / 2 + "px ; background: #CCC; border: 6px solid #EEE; -moz-border-radius: 12px; font: normal 16px Helvetica; padding: 20px; width: 700px; } div.greasemonkey_updater h1 { font-size: 20px; } div.greasemonkey_updater a { color: #666; } div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide { float: right; } div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide span { font-weight: normal; font-size: 16px; }"
// ---------- userscript updater --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var userscriptUpdater = function(){
var css = "div.greasemonkey_updater { font-size: 12px; background: #FFC; padding: 10px 15px; border-width: 1px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #F90; margin: 0 0 30px; } " +
"div.greasemonkey_updater h1 { font-size: 16px !important; margin: 0 0 5px 0; font-weight: bold; } " +
"div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide { float: right; text-align: right; width: 125px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; } " +
"div.greasemonkey_updater .greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide a { color: #F00; } " +
"div.greasemonkey_updater p { margin: 0 0 15px 0; font-size: 12px !important; line-height: 140%; color: #000; }";
var config = {
checkInterval: 86400, // default check interval: check once a day [in seconds]
injectInto: document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], // default dom-node for the updater-message to be inserted
updaterCss: css // default styles of updater message
var lastCheck = GM_getValue("lastCheck", 0);
var lastVersion = GM_getValue("lastVersion", 0);
var currentTime = Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000);
var meta = {
name: /@name\s+(.*)[\r\n]/,
version: /@version\s+([.\d]+)[\r\n]/,
change: /@change\s+(.*)[\r\n]/,
depricated: /@depricated\s+(.*)[\r\n]/
var updater;
// check remote userscript for version
var checkRemoteUserscript = function(){
method: "GET",
url: "" + config.scriptId + "?format=txt",
headers: {"User-agent": "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey", "Accept": "text/plain"},
onload: function(resp) {
GM_setValue("lastCheck", currentTime);
for(m in meta){meta[m] = (meta[m].exec(resp.responseText) ? meta[m].exec(resp.responseText)[1] : null);}
if(isNewer(meta.version, config.currentVersion) && isNewer(meta.version, lastVersion)) {
updater = build();
// compare versions based on versioning scheme: major.minor[.bugfix]
var isNewer = function(o, p){
/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?\|(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/.exec(o + "|" + p);
if(parseInt($4 || "0") < parseInt($1 || "0")) return true;
if(parseInt($5 || "0") < parseInt($2 || "0")) return true;
if(parseInt($6 || "0") < parseInt($3 || "0")) return true;
return false;
// skip current update until next
var skipUpdate = function(ev){
GM_setValue("lastVersion", meta.version);
// initialization
var initialize = function(options){
// merge options into config
for(prop in options){if(options[prop]){config[prop] = options[prop];}}
// already checked for an update today?
if(currentTime > (lastCheck + config.checkInterval)){
// build updater message and inject it into DOM
var build = function(){
var updater = document.createElement("div");
updater.className = "greasemonkey_updater";
var hide = document.createElement("div");
hide.className = "greasemonkey_updater_link_to_hide";
if(meta.depricated == null){
var a_hide = document.createElement("a");
a_hide.href = "";
a_hide.addEventListener("click", skipUpdate, false);
var a_span = document.createElement("span");
a_span.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Skip until next Update!"));
var h1 = document.createElement("h1");
h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(meta.depricated == null ? "Greasemonkey UserScript Update Notification!" : "Depricated Greasemonkey UserScript!"));
var p = document.createElement("p");
if(meta.depricated == null){
var text = "There is an update available for <a href=\"" + config.scriptId + "\">" + + "</a>.<br>";
text += meta.change ? "<br>" + meta.change + "<br><br>" : "";
text += "You are currently running version <b>" + config.currentVersion + "</b>, the newest version on is <b>" + meta.version + "</b>!<br><a href=\"" + config.scriptId + ".user.js\">Update to Version " + meta.version + "</a>";
} else {
var text = "The userscript <a href=\"" + config.scriptId + "\">" + + "</a> is now depricated.<br>";
text += meta.depricated && meta.depricated != "true" ? "<br>" + meta.depricated + "<br><br>" : "";
text += "Please remove your script! Thanks for using it.";
p.innerHTML = text;
var first = config.injectInto && config.injectInto.firstChild;
(first ? config.injectInto.insertBefore(updater, first) : config.injectInto.appendChild(updater));
return updater;
return { init: initialize };
// initialize updater
scriptId: "123456789", // insert id of your userscript from!
currentVersion: "1.0" // insert current version number based on versioning scheme: major.minor[.bugfix]
// ---------- / userscript updater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChangeLog
// 2009-01-29 - 0.1 - created
// 2009-03-09 - 0.2 - rewritten and implemented with module pattern
// 2009-03-10 - 0.3 - included change-message
// 2009-03-24 - 0.4 - included deprication-message
// 2009-03-25 - 1.0 - first final release
// 2009-03-27 - 1.0.1 - minor fixes
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