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Last active August 17, 2023 20:41
sed one-liners to deal with .ini / .conf files
# List all [sections] of a .INI file
sed -n 's/^[ \t]*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/p'
# Read KEY from [SECTION]
sed -n '/^[ \t]*\[SECTION\]/,/\[/s/^[ \t]*KEY[ \t]*=[ \t]*//p'
# Read all values from SECTION in a clean KEY=VALUE form
sed -n '/^[ \t]*\[SECTION\]/,/\[/s/^[ \t]*\([^#; \t][^ \t=]*\).*=[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1=\2/p'
# examples:
sed -n 's/^[ \t]*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/p' /etc/samba/smb.conf
sed -n '/^[ \t]*\[global\]/,/\[/s/^[ \t]*workgroup[ \t]*=[ \t]*//p' /etc/samba/smb.conf
sed -n '/^[ \t]*\[global\]/,/\[/s/^[ \t]*\([^#; \t][^ \t=]*\).*=[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1=\2/p' /etc/samba/smb.conf
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karlp commented Oct 25, 2018

Set an option. Range limit from section to start of next section, then traditional s// to switch option

sed -i '/\[SECTION\]/,/\[/ s/(.*enabled.* =.*)no/\1yes/' /etc/your/ini.file

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Seems like underscore in the key_name breaks it:

$ sed -n '/^[ \t]*\[default\]/,/\[/s/^[ \t]*\([^#; \t][^ \t=]*\).*=[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1=\2/p' ~/.aws/credentials

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user-name-is-taken commented May 31, 2023

Thank you for this gist. As an expansion to what you've already done here's a bash function for updating a key value pair within a specific section. If the key/value doesn't already exist in the section the script will append it to the end of the section. If the section doesn't exist, the script will create it at the end and add the key/value to it.

# escapes all regex meta characters in a string using Perl's "quotemeta" function
  local PERL_QUOTEMETA_SCRIPT="print quotemeta(\$ARGV[0]);"
  perl -e "${PERL_QUOTEMETA_SCRIPT}" "${1:-/dev/stdin}"

  local section="$1"
  local key="$2"
  local value="$3"
  awk -v RS="(^|\n)[:blank:]*\\\\[" -v setFound=0 -v sec="$section"\
   -v kv="$key=$value" -v secPat="$(awkconfig_quotemeta "$section")" -v subPat="$(awkconfig_quotemeta "$key")"\
   '$1~"^[[:blank:]\[]*" secPat "[:blank:]*\]"{ \
        s = sub("[:blank:]*" subPat "[:blank:]*=[^#^;^\n]*", kv);\
        $0 = $0 ((0 == s)? "\n" kv "\n" : ""); # adding kv to $0;\
      $0 = "[" $0; # adding the record separator "[" back in\
    {print $0}\
    END{ \
      if (secFound == 0){\
        # adding a new section if we didnt see it yet\
        print "#\n";\
        print "[" sec "]\n";\
        print kv;\
    }' "${4:-/dev/stdin}" | awk NF
    # "awk NF" removes blank lines
    # you could also use "sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'" instead of "awk NF"
} # end awkconfig_update_value```

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