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Last active October 19, 2016 15:35
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Autocomplete with RxJS
// Require libs
var Rx = require('rxjs/Rx');
var yo = require('yo-yo');
// Select dom elements
var inputField = document.querySelector('.input');
var suggestionsEl = document.querySelector('.suggestions');
// Create streams
var response$ = new Rx.BehaviorSubject({ query: '', results: []});
var selected$ = new Rx.BehaviorSubject(-1);
var input$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(inputField, 'keyup')
var query$ = input$
.filter(e => e.keyCode !== 38 && e.keyCode !== 40)
.map(e =>
var request$ = query$
.filter(e => e.length > 3)
.map(e => ( /* do ajaxRequest => */ { query: e, results: [e, e+e, e+e+e] }))
var inputUpDown$ = input$
.filter(e => e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40)
.map(e => (e.keyCode === 38 ? -1 : 1)).scan((acc, currentValue) => {
var nextValue = acc + currentValue; // acc is the state (selected$) and the input modifier is added to this
var response = response$.getValue().results; // this is the current state of the responses
nextValue = (nextValue < response.length ? nextValue : -1);
nextValue = (nextValue > -2 ? nextValue : response.length - 1);
return nextValue;
}, selected$.getValue())
var inputClose$ = input$
.filter(e => e.keyCode === 27 || == 0)
// Constuctor to create list element
listFunc = (res, selected) => yo`
${, index) => yo`
<a href="#" class="${index == selected ? 'selected' : ''}">
<strong>${item.substring(0, res.query.length)}</strong>${item.substring(res.query.length)}
// Variables for list element
var list = listFunc(response$.getValue(), selected$.getValue());
// connect list to DOM
// Update list upon response
response$.subscribe(res => {
yo.update(list, listFunc(res, selected$.getValue()));
// Set index upon arrow keys
selected$.subscribe(e => {
yo.update(list, listFunc(response$.getValue(), e));
if(response$.getValue()[e]) {
inputField.value = response$.getValue()[e];
// Set index upon arrow keys
function closeDropdown() {
response$.next({ query: '', results: []})
yo.update(list, listFunc(response$.getValue(), selected$.getValue()));
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