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Created October 14, 2012 14:21
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horz :: AlignV -> [Text] -> Text
horz av ts = Text LeftH av 0 0 (foldr addList [] (equalizeLists [] mahlines))
mahlines = [["foo","bar"],["foo","bar"]] --map (lines . show) ts
maxLenList = maxLength mahlines
equalizeLists list [] = list
equalizeLists list (l:ls)
| length l == maxLenList = equalizeLists (list++l) ls
| av == TopV
= equalizeLists list ((l++[replicate (length (head l)) ' ']):ls)
| av == CenterV && (length l + 2) <= maxLenList
= equalizeLists list (([replicate (length (head l)) ' '] ++ l
++[replicate (length (head l)) ' ']):ls)
| av == CenterV
= equalizeLists list ((l++[replicate (length (head l)) ' ']):ls)
| av == BottomV
= equalizeLists list (([replicate (length (head l)) ' ']++l):ls)
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Couldn't match expected type Char' with actual type[a0]'
Expected type: [[a0]] -> String -> String
Actual type: [[a0]] -> [[a0]] -> [[a0]]
In the first argument of foldr', namelyaddList'
In the fifth argument of Text', namely (foldr addList [](equalizeLists [] mahlines))'

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