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Created September 25, 2022 13:09
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#note #obsidian [[n-Obsidian_Keybinds_and_notes]]




  • a - something important
  • j - journal
  • (w|m|q|y)r - reviews
  • n - note (catch all)
  • t - dedicated todo (seldom used)
  • z - zettel (seldom used)

Core plugins

Audio recorder - not my use case, off

Backlinks - right bar visual, is ok, seldom used, NMUC. 6/10

Command Pallette - good, 9/10, better if sorted by recently used instead of alphabetical

quick-switcher++ introduces a command pallette, but that doesn't give keybind hints.

Daily notes - off, see Periodic Notes

File explorer - off, see File Tree

File Recovery - save snapshots of files at n-minute intervals when updating, to be saved for up to m-days

utility: 9/10 - potentially very useful to recover from disaster, but haven't used at all yet. The premium sync feature somewhat eclipses it.

Format converter - idk, supposedly converts other markdown variations to Obsidian compatible, seems good

Graph view - seldom used, but fun to look at

Note composer - off, I'd rather copy-paste

Outgoing links - really useful for linking notes, by typing [[, 10/10

Outline - right bar outline vis, NMUC. 6/10. Might be useful for novel-length notes

Page preview - ctrl/cmd mouseover to get wiki-style preview, good, seldom used, 7/10

Publish - I think this is premium, probably good, idk

Quick switcher - use this all the time, but quick switcher++ gives more features, so use that

Random note - lol no, off

Search - 10/10

Slides - this exists? neat. Will try eventually.

Starred - I should use this more, would be good. 8/10

Sync - a must have premium feature for syncing across devices

Tag pane - NMUC, off

Templates - must-use, in combination with Templater

Unique note creator - zettel workflow, minimally used

word count - simple, good

Workspaces - haven't used it yet, I don't ever have more than 3 windows open simultaneously, so NMUC

EZ setup plugins

Advanced new file - create a new note in a folder

Good if using folders and not everything at the top level, good not to go overboard with folders though. Combine this with Templater's feature to use a default template in a given folder, and we get 10/10 template-folder ergonomics, without having to resort to the heavy shit like quick add.

Admonition - emphasis headings


6/10 - used sparingly, occasionally nice for emphasis

Autolink title - get the title of the link when pasting

10/10. also see Paste Url into Selection

Advanced Tables - decent table rendering and editting; also see CSV table

utility: 10/10 for specifically modifying tables could be better: tab at the last column creates a new column, when it should go back to the front, and have a different bind to create new column

  • makes org-mode like table formatting and editting easy
  • has decent commands
  • has a right sidebar

Embedded Note Title - show note title inline as h1 header

6/10 - makes note ever so slightly less cluttered

File Tree - eclipses file explorer for file viz - 10/10

Also see Show Current File Path

Footnote shortcut - put footnotes in files, I'm about it1, a single command, great. 10/10

Use either alt-f (my bind) or vim ctrl-o to jump back.

Hider - good job, declutter, 10/10

Hotkeys for Specific Files - assign hotkeys to open certain files

utility: 9/10 - opening specific notes on key press is great

Hotkeys++ - basically just toggle lists and checkboxes, others superceded by vim

utility: 6/10 - better checkbox and list toggling, that's about it

LanguageTool Integration - nit pick grammar and spelling

utility: 6/10 for stuff I intend to publish Does some useful checks when I reach for them, but high false positive rate

Minimal Theme settings and Style Settings - slight customization on minimal theme

10/10. Best theme even better. Style settings to change header colors. Definitely set custom heading colors.

Paste URL into selection - select and paste DWIM

10/10, nice complement to autolink title when I just want to link a selection with that as title

Periodic Notes - daily/weekly/monthly/etc notes, with hotkeys and templates. 10/10

10/10 totally eclipses the default daily-note plugin, great setup.

Scroll Offset - don't scroll off the end of the screen, set this to 80 px to see next 3 lines - 10/10

Simple embeds - neat! 10/10, only using the Twitter embed feature.

remove the colon to embed this tweet in the file :

Smarter Markdown Hotkeys - better selection default when bolding/italics, etc, ez to swap out, 8/10

Show Current File Path - shows file path in bottom bar, useful when using File tree. 10/10

Smarter Markdown Hotkeys - better selection default when bolding/italics, etc, ez to swap out, 8/10

Table of Contents - 7/10. Useful when it's useful I guess. Fn to insert a table of contents into a note.

Sometimes does a buggy thing where every heading gets a 1.

Typewriter scroll - turn off all features except line highlighting (zen mode), which is nice - 7/10

Quick switcher++ - gives more features than QS

10/10. Overlaps quick-switcher and command pallette (default command pallette is better), but adds commands for switch to starred, switch to heading, open in split editor. Couldn't use starred feature without it. Don't use headings mode, workspace, or editor mode though.

High investment plugins, for specific use cases

Dataview - query notes like an SQL database

Not currently using, but could be either really cool (or useless). Similar to Templater, very customizeable and powerful, if that's the tool I want to reach for. Annotate markdown with an arbitrary yaml at the top, and query for it like a DB. Also supports inline kv fields, eg: =

Quickadd - good features for templates, captures and macros, but with a shitty interface. 7/10

[[n-quickadd-plugin-notes]] The interface is highly featureful, but heavy and not typically clear from context. Opting for less heavy tools right now.

  • Template Choice - A powerful way to insert templates into your vault. an augmentation to template{r,s}.
  • Capture Choice - Quick capture anything, anywhere.
  • Macro Choice - Macros to augment your workflow. Do more, faster.
  • Multi Choice - Organize your choices in folders.

Templater - note templates AND EVEN scripting inside of the Obsidian API

utility: 10/10 - necessary for rich templates, even besides the fact that it makes Obsidian more easily scriptable The command, Templater: add. see [[n-templater-docs]]

Tasks - a modal for displaying tasks set up with this plugin, using in [[a-tasks-recurring]] and journal template

7/10. Not super happy with this, but it's better than not having it for setting recurring tasks (until I figure out something better)

Vimrc support - Necessary

[[n-vim-notes]] 11/10 - navigate with vimkeys, configure keys that would otherwise be unconfigurable with a vimrc file. Not all the useful vim commands are supported (eg surround, sneak), but better than clicking also: Codemirror matchbrackets js - enable vim ya( etc 10/10 - simple and does what it should, wish it came default vim

Meh, uninstalled

Dashboard++ - nice table representation of content, but I think I'd rather just maintain a list than fiddle with clicky CSS

Obsidian Git - push backups to a github directory

utility: 8/10 if not using Obsidian Sync, 3/10 if using Sync, which syncs to devices on other OS's for a premium, also see the

CSV table - import csv file as markdown table - advanced tables doesn't render CSV. This is to render csv tables

Day planner - seems stressful to micromanage time like that

Kanban - not a good format for...anything?

Mind map - might be a useful visualization tool, don't think I'd use this format more than mermaid tho

Outliner - hotkeys for outlining. Yikes, just use vim

Quick Explorer - 5/10. Quick switcher is nicer.

Sortable - button to sort tables, like wikipedia, but doesn't appear to actually show up?

Totally Trashed

Text Snippets - snippet replacement inside of Obsidian

5/10 - really only useful for Obsidian-specific snippets, but replacement has poor ergonomics. Usage requires ctrl+tab, sometimes doesn't work; the space feature is broken. poor interface. use a system wide snippet system like espanso instead

Leader Hotkeys - pretty crap clicky interface, can't even configure in my .vimrc, which was the whole point

Breadcrumbs - show relation of files relative to other files

looks way too high investment for far too little reward

Macros - wow that was even more useless than Vim macros

Hotkey chords - buggy as heck

Rollover daily todos - 2 commands to move unfinished todos from yesterday into today, doesn't appear to actually work tho :(


3/10. Calendar in the right bar. Enables weekly note, overlapping w/ Periodic Notes, which is more complete. Maybe useful for scheduling, but seems designed for clicky people. If I can get an integration into gcal, it might be useful? I don't see that as a feature in Full Calendar or Fantasy Calendar, so not that useful.

Maybe try eventually

Obsidian publish - looks like a nice feature for reducing blogging inertia, simplifying interface etc.

Readwise Official - might be a good content aggregator tool

Advanced Slides - I'd totally use this to outline my slides or create some quick slide the next time I do a talk

They also have a slides feature in core plugins now I guess.

Tracker - this looks like it could be useful for a project management tool, high investment tho

Spaced Repetition - looks like obsidian can be used as flashcards

Obsidian charts - looks like a good tool for creating charts with a modal, if I need to reach for that

Diagrams - like diagrams in obsidian? Neat

TTRPG Statblocks and Initiative tracker - DnD CSS formatting for player sheets, this will probably be useful

Meld encrypt - store private stuff, I may eventually want to do this, if the current system of gpg'd text files goes out of style


  1. and footnotes works just fine

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