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Created September 28, 2017 00:15
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Prepack on PureScript
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log)
import Run (FProxy, Run, SProxy(SProxy), interpret, liftEffect, runBase)
data Speak a = Talk String a | Shout String a
derive instance functorSpeak :: Functor Speak
type SPEAK = FProxy Speak
speak = (SProxy :: SProxy "speak")
talk :: forall r. String -> Run (speak :: SPEAK | r) Unit
talk s = liftEffect speak $ Talk (if s == "" then "..." else s) unit
shout :: forall r. String -> Run (speak :: SPEAK | r) Unit
shout s = liftEffect speak $ Shout (if s == "" then "!!!" else s <> "!") unit
talkProg :: Run (speak :: SPEAK) Unit
talkProg = do
talk ""
talk "Hi"
shout "Hi"
main = do
# interpret speak case _ of
Talk str a -> log str *> pure a
Shout str a -> log str *> pure a
# runBase
> pulp browserify --to out.js
> prepack out.js
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