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Last active May 13, 2016 08:46
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  • Save thorade/5970020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thorade/5970020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using Powershell and IrfanView to rotate and rename all jpg files in the directory of the script
# Declare functions first
# this function reads the "date taken" from extended properties
function Get-DateTaken {
$shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$folder = Split-Path $filePath
$file = Split-Path $filePath -Leaf
$shellfolder = $shell.Namespace($folder)
$shellfile = $shellfolder.ParseName($file)
$takenDateID = 12
$takenDate = $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, $takenDateID)
$asci = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$asciDate = $asci.GetString($asci.GetBytes($takenDate))
$date= $asciDate -replace '\?'
$date = [DateTime]::Parse($date);
return $date
# get current directy
$curDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Autorotate and optimize using IrfanView
# Set File CreationDate to Exif Date
# Warning: this may change the Hash of the file
$argList = "$curDir\*.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,1,300,0,0)"
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "${env:ProgramFiles}\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" -ArgumentList $argList
# get a list of jpg files
$jpgFiles = Get-ChildItem $curDir\*.jpg | sort-object -property CreationTime
# Rename jpg files to Date_Time_Hash.jpg
ForEach ($pic In $jpgFiles){
$HashString = ((Get-FileHash $pic -Algorithm SHA256).Hash).Remove(4)
$NeuerName = (Get-DateTaken($pic)).toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + $HashString + ".jpg"
Rename-Item $pic -NewName $NeuerName
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thorade commented May 9, 2015

Use Hash instead of random, to get reproducible results:

Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256
If no value is specified, or if the parameter is omitted, the default value is SHA256

If IrfanView has not been run, the CreationDate is wrong.
In this case, the function Get-DateTaken is more reliable.
Inspired by:

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thorade commented May 9, 2015

The script as it is will only work from ISE, see

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