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Created July 6, 2017 10:17
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  • Save thorerik/13a519a3e481ef235093165123ecf8a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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do() ->
Im = egd:create(200,200),
Red = egd:color({255,0,0}),
Green = egd:color({0,255,0}),
Blue = egd:color({0,0,255}),
Black = egd:color({0,0,0}),
Yellow = egd:color({255,255,0}),
% Line and fillRectangle
egd:filledRectangle(Im, {20,20}, {180,180}, Red),
egd:line(Im, {0,0}, {200,200}, Black),
egd:save(egd:render(Im, png), "/home/egil/test1.png"),
egd:filledEllipse(Im, {45, 60}, {55, 70}, Yellow),
egd:filledEllipse(Im, {145, 60}, {155, 70}, Blue),
egd:save(egd:render(Im, png), "/home/egil/test2.png"),
R = 80,
X0 = 99,
Y0 = 99,
Pts = [ { X0 + trunc(R*math:cos(A*math:pi()*2/360)),
Y0 + trunc(R*math:sin(A*math:pi()*2/360))
} || A <- lists:seq(0,359,5)],
fun({X,Y}) ->
egd:rectangle(Im, {X-5, Y-5}, {X+5,Y+5}, Green)
end, Pts),
egd:save(egd:render(Im, png), "/home/egil/test3.png"),
% Text
Filename = filename:join([code:priv_dir(percept), "fonts", "6x11_latin1.wingsfont"]),
Font = egd_font:load(Filename),
{W,H} = egd_font:size(Font),
String = "egd says hello",
Length = length(String),
egd:text(Im, {round(100 - W*Length/2), 200 - H - 5}, Font, String, Black),
egd:save(egd:render(Im, png), "/home/egil/test4.png"),
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