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premek /
Last active March 5, 2024 17:43
Rename files in linux / bash using mv command without typing the full name two times
# Put this function to your .bashrc file.
# Usage: mv oldfilename
# If you call mv without the second parameter it will prompt you to edit the filename on command line.
# Original mv is called when it's called with more than one argument.
# It's useful when you want to change just a few letters in a long name.
# Also see:
# - imv from renameutils
# - Ctrl-W Ctrl-Y Ctrl-Y (cut last word, paste, paste)
schedutron /
Last active May 3, 2021 10:14
Python3 Maze Generator with Disjoint Set

Generate Mazes with Disjoint Sets!

This script generates mazes that satisfy the following properties:

  • There are no cycles in the maze
  • Maze is always solvable
  • Every cell is reachable from every other cell

The script also animates the maze-building process on the command-line (this was actually trickier than the maze generating algorithm itself)!


jrussett /
Last active March 30, 2023 12:55
Dealing with PaloAltoNetworks GlobalProtect VPN

Prevent Automatic daemon launching:

Modify the launchd agent for GlobalProtect:

sudo nvim /Library/LaunchAgents/
  • Modify RunAtLoad and KeepAlive to <false/>
sudo nvim /Library/LaunchAgents/
busybus /
Created January 22, 2019 12:30
Compress/decompress JSON with zip
# RA, 2019-01-22
# Compress and decompress a JSON object
# License: CC0 -- "No rights reserved"
# For zlib license, see
import zlib
import json, base64

There is a flaw in FindGame request (made by [Assembly-CSharp-firstpass] bgs.GamesApi.FindGame method).
It’s possible to send FindGame request with gameAccountId set to someone’s else game account.
This causes given account to connect to the game that we've you requested.
And if that account is already connected to some other game, it will disconnect from it.
Disconnect is not permanent. Player can reconnect. But if we're disconnecting him every couple of seconds he has no chance.
We can't request a ranked game for given game account because it requires deckId and we don't know deck ids.
We can't do FindGame request if we're already in the match.

How to exploit:

  • During the match get our opponent's gameAccountId:
RichardBronosky /
Last active April 18, 2024 03:17
Use TouchID for sudo on modern MacBook Pro machines
# curl -sL | bash
# This script is ready to copy-paste in whole, or just the line above (without the leading #)
# Use TouchID for sudo on modern MacBook Pro machines
# This script adds a single line to the top of the PAM configuration for sudo
# See: for more info.
mlisovyi /
Last active October 5, 2023 06:24 — forked from pamelafox/
Python list of country codes, names, continents, capitals, and pytz timezones (original + Hong Kong + Taiwan + Kosovo + Puerto Rico + fix Haiti ISO)
countries = [
{'timezones': ['Europe/Andorra'], 'code': 'AD', 'continent': 'Europe', 'name': 'Andorra', 'capital': 'Andorra la Vella'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Kabul'], 'code': 'AF', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'Afghanistan', 'capital': 'Kabul'},
{'timezones': ['America/Antigua'], 'code': 'AG', 'continent': 'North America', 'name': 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'capital': "St. John's"},
{'timezones': ['Europe/Tirane'], 'code': 'AL', 'continent': 'Europe', 'name': 'Albania', 'capital': 'Tirana'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Yerevan'], 'code': 'AM', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'Armenia', 'capital': 'Yerevan'},
{'timezones': ['Africa/Luanda'], 'code': 'AO', 'continent': 'Africa', 'name': 'Angola', 'capital': 'Luanda'},
{'timezones': ['America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja', 'America/Argentina/San_Juan', 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos', 'America/Argentina/Ushuai
jerieljan / How I Do
Last active January 1, 2024 06:23
PlantUML with Style -- How I do PlantUML

I use PlantUML a lot. It's what I use for drawing all sorts of diagrams and it's handy because of its easy markup (once you get used to it) while making things easy to maintain as projects grow (thanks to version control)

This gist explains how I do my PlantUML workspace in a project.

  • The idea is to keep a globals directory for all diagrams to follow (like the "stylesheet" below) to keep things consistent.
  • I use a stylesheet.iuml file that keeps the use of colors consistent through use of basic FOREGROUND, BACKGROUND and ACCENT colors.
  • The style-presets.iuml file defines these colors so you can make "presets" or "themes" out of them.
  • As stated in the stylesheet.iuml, you'll need the Roboto Condensed and Inconsolata fonts for these to work properly.
  • You can choose to either run the PlantUML jar over your file/s, or use an IDE like VSCode with the PlantUML extension. Here's a preview of example-sequence.puml for example:
naavveenn / Cloudwatch Agent Install
Last active April 26, 2021 01:15
Cloudwatch agent installation: Make sure to attach a cloudwatch role to your ec2 instance. amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json file should be created before hand (on your local machine or from where you are executing your ansible playbook), other wise cw_agent will not start. Below is the example of amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json.
###Cloudwatch role should be attached to the ec2 instance###
- hosts: dd ###servers on which you need to run the cw_agent
become: yes
remote_user: root
gather_facts: true
- name: Check if Cloudwatch Agent is Installed Already
shell: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -m ec2 -a status
register: init_status_result
shaypal5 /
Created July 21, 2018 17:00
bash if-else by Python package existence
# an example checking if the pandas package is installed
if python -c 'import pkgutil; exit(not pkgutil.find_loader("pandas"))'; then
echo 'pandas found'
echo 'pandas not found'