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Last active January 2, 2016 15:09
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  • Save thorrr/8321862 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thorrr/8321862 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Makefile for building quantlib + python extensions.
.PHONY: all downloads clean clean_downloads
### URLS ########
boost_url := ''
quantlib_url := ''
quantlib_swig_url := ''
#### subdirectory names #####
ql_swig_install_dir := quantlib-swig-install
boost_dir := boost_1_53_0
ql_install_dir = quantlib-install
artifacts_dir := artifacts
all: $(ql_swig_install_dir) $(ql_install_dir)
rm $(download_files)
rm -rf ql
repl: $(ql_swig_install_dir) $(ql_install_dir)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(shell pwd)/$(ql_install_dir)/lib:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
PYTHONPATH=$(shell pwd)/$(ql_swig_install_dir)/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$$PYTHONPATH \
python -i
boost_archive := $(artifacts_dir)/boost.bz2
wget -O $@ $(boost_url)
quantlib_archive := $(artifacts_dir)/quantlib.tgz
wget -O $@ $(quantlib_url)
quantlib_swig_archive := $(artifacts_dir)/quantlib-swig.tgz
wget -O $@ $(quantlib_swig_url)
download_files := $(boost_archive) $(quantlib_archive) $(quantlib_swig_archive)
$(download_files): | $(artifacts_dir) #note order-only prereq here
mkdir -p $@
downloads: $(download_files)
$(boost_dir): $(boost_archive)
tar -xjf ./$< &&\
cd ./$@ &&\
./ && ./b2
ql: $(quantlib_archive)
mkdir -p /tmp/ql_tmp &&\
tar -xf $< -C /tmp/ql_tmp &&\
mv /tmp/ql_tmp/* ./$@
$(ql_install_dir): | ql $(boost_dir)
cd ./ql/ &&\
./configure --prefix="$(shell pwd)/$@" \
-with-boost-include="$(shell pwd)/$(boost_dir)" \
-with-boost-lib="$(shell pwd)/$(boost_dir)/libs" &&\
$(MAKE) && $(MAKE) install
ql-swig: $(quantlib_swig_archive)
d=/tmp/ql_swig_tmp &&\
mkdir -p $$d &&\
tar -xf $< -C $$d &&\
mv $$d/* ./$@
$(ql_swig_install_dir): | ql-swig $(ql_install_dir)
ql_swig_install_dir_full=`pwd`/$(ql_swig_install_dir) &&\
ql_install_dir_full=`pwd`/$(ql_install_dir) &&\
PATH=$$ql_install_dir_full/bin:$$PATH &&\
cd ./ql-swig &&\
./configure --prefix="$$ql_swig_install_dir_full" &&\
$(MAKE) -C Python && cd ./Python &&\
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$$ql_install_dir_full/lib:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \
python build test install --prefix="$$ql_swig_install_dir_full"
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