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Created May 13, 2016 08:29
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package fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.findmaxima;
import ij.IJ;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.scijava.plugin.Parameter;
import net.imagej.ops.OpService;
import net.imagej.patcher.LegacyInjector;
import net.imglib2.Interval;
import net.imglib2.Point;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccess;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.algorithm.MultiThreaded;
import net.imglib2.algorithm.localextrema.LocalExtrema;
import net.imglib2.algorithm.localextrema.RefinedPeak;
import net.imglib2.algorithm.localextrema.SubpixelLocalization;
import net.imglib2.algorithm.localextrema.LocalExtrema.MaximumCheck;
import net.imglib2.img.Img;
import net.imglib2.img.ImgFactory;
import net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory;
import net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory.Boundary;
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
import net.imglib2.util.Util;
import net.imglib2.view.Views;
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.Spot;
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.DetectionUtils;
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.SpotDetector;
public class FindMaximaSpotDetector<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>>
implements SpotDetector<T>, MultiThreaded {
private OpService ops;
private static final String BASE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "[FindMaximaSpotDetector] ";
private static final double DEFAULT_RADIUS = 2.5;
private final RandomAccessible<T> img;
private final Interval interval;
private final double[] calibration;
private double tolerance;
private int numThreads;
private long processingTime;
private String errorMessage;
private List<Spot> spots;
private int[][][] m; //Map for labeling visited pixels
static {
private final double radius;
RandomAccess<T> sourceRa;
* Image Boundaries
private int width;
private int height;
private int depth;
public FindMaximaSpotDetector(final RandomAccessible<T> img,
final Interval interval, final double[] calibration,
final double threshold, final double radius) {
this.img = img;
this.interval = DetectionUtils.squeeze(interval);
this.calibration = calibration;
this.tolerance = threshold;
this.radius = radius;
public boolean checkInput() {
if (null == img) {
errorMessage = BASE_ERROR_MESSAGE + "Image is null.";
return false;
return true;
private Img<FloatType> createSecondDerivativeImage(final Img<FloatType> source){
int[] kernelSize = new int[] {3,3};
Img<FloatType> kernel = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>().create(kernelSize, new FloatType());
RandomAccess<FloatType> kernelRa = kernel.randomAccess();
//long[] borderSize = new long[] {1, 1};
//int[] k = new int[]{1, -2, 1,2, -4, 2,1, -2, 1}; //Second derivative filter
int[] k = new int[]{0, 1, 0,1, -4, 1,0, 1, 0}; //Laplace
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
kernelRa.setPosition(new Point((long)i,(long)j));
final Context context = (Context) IJ.runPlugIn("org.scijava.Context", "");
final ImageJ ij = new ImageJ();
Img<FloatType> out = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>().create(source,new FloatType());
OutOfBoundsFactory<FloatType, RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType>> obf = new OutOfBoundsConstantValueFactory<FloatType, RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType>>(Util.getTypeFromInterval(source).createVariable());
// extend the input
RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> extendedIn = Views.interval(Views.extend(source, obf), source);
// extend the output
RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> extendedOut = Views.interval(Views.extend(out, obf), out);
// convolve
ij.op().run(ConvolveNaive.class, extendedOut, extendedIn, kernel);
// show the image in a window
out = DetectionUtils.applyMedianFilter(out);
//ij.ui().show("convolved", out);
return out;
* Find Radius Methods:
* - getRadius
* - isLocalMax
private int getRadius(Point p, Img<FloatType> secondDerivative)
int maxrad=25;
//Find the first maxima along the x-direction in second derivative image
RandomAccess<FloatType> ra = secondDerivative.randomAccess();
int startx = p.getIntPosition(0);
int starty = p.getIntPosition(1);
int rad=2;
for(int i = startx; i < startx+maxrad;i++){
double[] v = new double[3];
int[] pos = {i-1,starty};
v[0] = ra.get().getRealDouble();
pos = new int[]{i,starty};
v[1] = ra.get().getRealDouble();
pos = new int[]{i+1,starty};
v[2] = ra.get().getRealDouble();
if(isLocalMax(v) ){
rad = i - startx;
else if(v[0]<v[1] && v[1] ==v[2]){ //Probably local max with plateau /***\
int xoff = 2;
pos = new int[]{i+xoff,starty};
double value = ra.get().getRealDouble();
while(value==v[1] && (i+xoff-startx)<maxrad){
pos = new int[]{i+xoff,starty};
value = ra.get().getRealDouble();
if(value<v[1]){ //Local max with plateau!!
rad = i - startx;
//Size of the plateau (0 when no plateau)
int offset =0;
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)startx,(long)starty));
double v0=sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
for(int x = startx+1; x < startx+rad; x++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,(long)starty));
if(v0== sourceRa.get().getRealDouble()){
//Summed up intensity of the profile and minimum along the profile
double sum=0;
double min =Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int x = startx+offset; x < startx+rad; x++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,(long)starty));
double v = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
min = v;
sum += v;
sum = sum - (rad-offset)*min;
//96% Threshold
double partSum = 0;
for(int x = startx+offset; x < startx+rad; x++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,(long)starty));
double v = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble()-min;
partSum += v;
return (int) DEFAULT_RADIUS;
return rad;
private boolean isLocalMax(double[] v){
return (v[1]>v[0] && v[1]>v[2]);
ArrayList<MyPoint> sortedPeaks; // List of sortedPeaks (descending by
// intensity)
public boolean process() {
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Find maxima with plain ImgLib2 algos. Emulate the MaximaFinder
* plugin, with no maxima on edges.
final ImgFactory<FloatType> factory = Util.getArrayOrCellImgFactory(
interval, new FloatType());
final Img<FloatType> source = DetectionUtils.copyToFloatImg(img,
interval, factory);
sourceRa = img.randomAccess();
width = (int) source.dimension(0);
height = (int) source.dimension(1);
if (source.numDimensions() > 1) {
depth = (int) source.dimension(2);
} else {
depth = 0;
* Find global min;
double globalmin=getGlobalMin();
//All pixels with values smaller as the globalmin+tolerance+2 should be suppressed. Threshold plays the role of tolerance.
final FloatType minPeakVal = new FloatType((float)(globalmin+tolerance+2)); //globalmin+tolerance+2
final MaximumCheck<FloatType> check = new LocalExtrema.MaximumCheck<FloatType>(
final ExecutorService service = Executors
final ArrayList<Point> peaksHelp = LocalExtrema.findLocalExtrema(
source, check, service);
ArrayList<MyPoint> peaks = new ArrayList<MyPoint>();
for (Point p : peaksHelp) {
MyPoint pTemp = null;
if (p.numDimensions() == 1) {
pTemp = new MyPoint(p.getLongPosition(0), 0,
else if (p.numDimensions() == 2) {
pTemp = new MyPoint(p.getLongPosition(0), p.getLongPosition(1),
} else if (p.numDimensions() == 3) {
pTemp = new MyPoint(p.getLongPosition(0), p.getLongPosition(1),
* Sort Peaks
Collections.sort(peaks, Collections
.reverseOrder(new FindMaximaSpotComparator<T>(img
sortedPeaks = peaks;
* Analyse peaks
if (source.numDimensions() == 1) {
m = new int[(int) source.dimension(0)][1][1];
else if (source.numDimensions() == 2) {
m = new int[(int) source.dimension(0)][(int) source.dimension(1)][1];
else if (source.numDimensions() == 3) {
m = new int[(int) source.dimension(0)][(int) source.dimension(1)][(int) source
ArrayList<Integer> removePeaks = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < sortedPeaks.size(); i++) {
MyPoint p = sortedPeaks.get(i);
ArrayList<Point> l = new ArrayList<Point>(); //Positions with same intensity as the peak
boolean remove = FloodFillRemover(p, sourceRa.get().getRealDouble(), i,
(int) tolerance, l);
else if (l.size() > 1) {
//Calculate the geometric center
double meanX = 0;
double meanY = 0;
double meanZ = 0;
for (Point lp : l) {
meanX += lp.getDoublePosition(0);
meanY += lp.getDoublePosition(1);
if (img.numDimensions() > 2) {
meanZ += lp.getDoublePosition(2);
meanX = meanX / l.size();
meanY = meanY / l.size();
meanZ = meanZ / l.size();
double[] newPDouble = {meanX,meanY,meanZ};
double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
MyPoint minPoint = null;
for(Point lp : l){
double distance = distance(newPDouble, lp);
if(distance < minDistance){
minDistance = distance;
minPoint = new MyPoint(lp);
sortedPeaks.set(i, minPoint);
for (Integer i : removePeaks) {
* Refinement position (sub pixel)
final SubpixelLocalization< Point, FloatType > spl = new SubpixelLocalization< Point, FloatType >( source.numDimensions() );
spl.setNumThreads( numThreads );
spl.setReturnInvalidPeaks( true );
spl.setCanMoveOutside( false );
spl.setAllowMaximaTolerance( true );
spl.setMaxNumMoves( 10 );
//final IntervalView< FloatType > dogWithBorder = Views.interval( Views.extendMirrorSingle( source ), Intervals.expand( source, 1 ) );
RandomAccessible< FloatType > interval = Views.extend( source,
new OutOfBoundsMirrorFactory< FloatType, Img< FloatType > >( Boundary.DOUBLE ) );
List<Point> help = new ArrayList<Point>();
for(int i = 0; i < sortedPeaks.size(); i++){
final ArrayList< RefinedPeak< Point >> refined = spl.process(help, interval, source );
IJ.log("Refined: " + refined.size());
* Convert to spots.
spots = new ArrayList<Spot>(refined.size());
// Img<FloatType> secondDerivative = createSecondDerivativeImage(source);
if (source.numDimensions() > 2) { // 3D
for (int i = 0; i < refined.size(); i++) {
final RefinedPeak<Point> peak = refined.get(i);
final double quality = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
final double x = peak.getDoublePosition(0) * calibration[0];
final double y = peak.getDoublePosition(1) * calibration[1];
final double z = peak.getDoublePosition(2) * calibration[2];
//double radius = 2; //getRadius(peak, secondDerivative)*calibration[0]
final Spot spot = new Spot(x, y, z,radius, quality);
} else if (source.numDimensions() > 1) { // 2D
final double z = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < refined.size(); i++) {
final RefinedPeak<Point> peak = refined.get(i);
final double quality = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
final double x = peak.getDoublePosition(0) * calibration[0];
final double y = peak.getDoublePosition(1) * calibration[1];
// double radius = 2; //getRadius(peak, secondDerivative)*calibration[0]
final Spot spot = new Spot(x, y, z, radius, quality);
} else { // 1D
final double z = 0;
final double y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < refined.size(); i++) {
final RefinedPeak<Point> peak = refined.get(i);
final double quality = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
final double x = peak.getDoublePosition(0) * calibration[0];
// double radius = 2; //getRadius(peak, secondDerivative)*calibration[0]
final Spot spot = new Spot(x, y, z, 2, quality);
final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.processingTime = end - start;
return true;
private double distance(double[] p, Point q){
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){
sum += Math.pow(p[i]-q.getDoublePosition(i), 2);
sum = Math.sqrt(sum);
return sum;
* Iterative implementation of a flood fill algorithm. Builds a region
* around a start peak upto a intensity tolerance t. If the region touches a region of
* a another maxima, it will be discarded.
* If there are points inside the region with the same intensity as the
* peak, the mean position will be calculated
* @param p
* Peak
* @param peakIntensity
* The intensity of the peak
* @param peakIndex
* The index in the sortedPeaks ArrayList
* @param tolerance
* The difference in intensity between a point and the peak have
* to the smaller than the tolerance value
* @param l Points with the same intensity as the peak will be added to
* that list.
* @return If the peak should be discarded
private boolean FloodFillRemover(MyPoint peak, double peakIntensity,
int peakIndex, int tolerance, ArrayList<Point> l) {
Stack<MyPoint> s = new Stack<MyPoint>();
boolean remove = false;
return true;
m[peak.getIntPosition(0)][peak.getIntPosition(1)][peak.getIntPosition(2)] = peakIndex+1;
while (!s.isEmpty()) {
MyPoint p = s.pop();
double diff = peakIntensity - sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
return true;
if (diff>=0 && diff <= tolerance) {
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.0001) {
// If the intensity is equal to the peak intensity, use it
// to calculate the mean at a later point.
if (img.numDimensions() > 2) { //3D
int x = p.getIntPosition(0);
int y = p.getIntPosition(1);
int z = p.getIntPosition(2);
// for each pixel in the 3d neighborhood:
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
for (int dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) {
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0 || dz != 0) {
MyPoint pNext = new MyPoint(x + dx, y + dy,
z + dz);
if (isInsideBoundaries(x + dx, y + dy, z+ dz)){
// If inside the image boundaries
remove = remove?true:checkRemoveable(pNext,peakIndex,peakIntensity);
boolean notVisitedBefore = m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] ==0;
m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] = peakIndex+1; //Mark as visited
} else if (img.numDimensions() > 1) { //2D
long x = p.getIntPosition(0);
long y = p.getIntPosition(1);
long z = 0;
// for each pixel in the 2d neighborhood:
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
MyPoint pNext = new MyPoint(x + dx, y + dy, z);
if (isInsideBoundaries(x + dx, y + dy, z)) {
// If inside the image boundaries
remove = remove?true:checkRemoveable(pNext,peakIndex,peakIntensity);
return true;
boolean notVisitedBefore = m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] ==0;
m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] = peakIndex+1; //Mark as visited
else if (img.numDimensions() > 0) { //1D
long x = p.getIntPosition(0);
long y = 0;
long z = 0;
// for each pixel in the 1d neighborhood:
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
if (dx != 0) {
MyPoint pNext = new MyPoint(x + dx, y, z);
if (isInsideBoundaries(x + dx, y, z)){
* If once it was decided that the peak has to be removed, keep that decision!
remove = remove?true:checkRemoveable(pNext,peakIndex,peakIntensity);
boolean notVisitedBefore = m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] ==0;
m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)] = peakIndex+1; //Mark as visited
return remove;
private boolean checkRemoveable(Point pNext, int peakIndex, double peakIntensity){
double dInt = peakIntensity - sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
return true;
boolean insideTolerance = (dInt >= 0) && Math.abs(dInt)<=tolerance;
int mValue = m[pNext.getIntPosition(0)][pNext.getIntPosition(1)][pNext.getIntPosition(2)];
boolean visitedByAnotherMaxima = (mValue!=(peakIndex+1))&&(mValue!=0);
if(insideTolerance && visitedByAnotherMaxima){
return true;
return false;
private double getGlobalMin(){
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
for(int z = 0; z < depth; z++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,(long)y,(long)z));
double v = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
min = v;
else if(sourceRa.numDimensions()>1){ //2D;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,(long)y,(long)0));
double v = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
min = v;
else if(sourceRa.numDimensions()>0){ //1D;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
sourceRa.setPosition(new Point((long)x,0l,0l));
double v = sourceRa.get().getRealDouble();
min = v;
return min;
* Checks if the the coordinates [x y z] are inside the the image boundaries.
private boolean isInsideBoundaries(long x, long y, long z) {
boolean isInside = true;
if (x < 0 | y < 0 | z < 0) {
isInside = false;
if (x >= width | y >= height | z >= depth) {
isInside = false;
return isInside;
public List<Spot> getResult() {
return spots;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
public long getProcessingTime() {
return processingTime;
public void setNumThreads() {
this.numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
public void setNumThreads(final int numThreads) {
this.numThreads = numThreads;
public int getNumThreads() {
return numThreads;
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