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Last active June 15, 2019 18:53
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Functions (and a CLI script) to peek at the (callable, arguments) structure of a set of callables (given by module, class, callable, or list thereof)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import importlib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, Iterator
import inspect
from types import ModuleType
class Required:
def __repr__(self):
return '_REQUIRED_'
_REQUIRED_ = Required()
callable_filt_for = {
'callable': callable,
'class': inspect.isclass,
'function': inspect.isfunction,
'function_or_class': lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) or inspect.isfunction(x)
DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT = 'callable' # other choices: inspect.isfunction, inspect.isclass
def get_callable_filt(callable_filt):
Returns a boolean function that will be used to filter objects.
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
if isinstance(callable_filt, str):
callable_filt = callable_filt_for.get(callable_filt, None)
if callable_filt is None:
raise ValueError(f"No such callable_filt: {callable_filt}")
return callable_filt
def module_classes(module):
return filter(inspect.isclass, module.__dict__.values())
def callables_of_module(module, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT):
:param module:
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
if isinstance(module, str):
module = importlib.import_module(module)
return (x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(module, predicate=callable_filt))
def callables_of_class(cls, callable_filt='function'):
:param cls:
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
return (x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=callable_filt))
def get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT):
Get a generator of callable objects from the input x.
:param callables: A module (or module dot-path string), class, callable, or list thereof
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
:return: A generator of callable objects
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
if callable(callables):
if not inspect.isclass(callables):
yield from [callables]
yield from get_callables_from(callables_of_class(callables), callable_filt=callable_filt)
if isinstance(callables, str) or isinstance(callables, ModuleType):
yield from get_callables_from(callables_of_module(callables), callable_filt=callable_filt)
elif inspect.isclass(callables):
yield callables
yield from get_callables_from(callables_of_class(callables), callable_filt=callable_filt)
for c in callables:
if not hasattr(c, '__qualname__'):
continue # hack to avoid a case I don't understand
yield from get_callables_from(c, callable_filt=callable_filt)
raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to handle the input: {c}\n"
"Wasn't a callable, string, module, or iterable of such.")
class SignatureExtractor:
def __init__(self, normalize_var_names=True):
def param_mint(param):
if normalize_var_names:
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
d = {'name': '**kwargs'}
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
d = {'name': '*args'}
d = {'name':}
d = {'name':}
if param.default == inspect._empty:
d['default'] = _REQUIRED_
d['default'] = param.default
return d
self.param_mint = param_mint
def __call__(self, obj):
return [self.param_mint(p) for p in inspect.signature(obj).parameters.values()]
# Note: A function would make more sense, but chose to make a class to demo how classes are handled as callables
extract_name_and_default = SignatureExtractor(normalize_var_names=True)
def name_arg_default_dict_of_callables(callables: Iterator[Callable]) -> dict:
Get an {callable_name: {arg_name: arg_default, ...}, ...} dict from a collection of callables.
See also: name_arg_default_dict_of_callables and arg_default_dict_of_module_classes
:param callables: Iterable of callables
:return: A dict
d = dict()
for obj in callables:
d[obj.__qualname__] = {x['name']: x['default'] for x in extract_name_and_default(obj)}
except Exception as e:
pass # TODO: Give choice to warn instead of ignore
return d
def arg_default_dict_of_callables(callables, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT) -> dict:
Get an {callable_name: {arg_name: arg_default, ...}, ...} dict from a collection of callables taken from
a specification of callables.
:param callables = get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
:return: A dict
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
return name_arg_default_dict_of_callables(get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt))
def non_null_counts(df: pd.DataFrame, null_val=np.nan):
if null_val is np.nan:
non_null_lidx = ~df.isna()
non_null_lidx = df != null_val
row_null_zero_count = non_null_lidx.sum(axis=1)
col_null_zero_count = non_null_lidx.sum(axis=0)
return row_null_zero_count, col_null_zero_count
def _df_of_callable_arg_default_dict(callable_arg_default_dict, null_fill='') -> pd.DataFrame:
Get a dataframe from a callable_arg_default_dict
:param module:
:param null_fill:
d = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(callable_arg_default_dict)
row_null_zero_count, col_null_zero_count = non_null_counts(d, null_val=np.nan)
row_argsort = np.argsort(row_null_zero_count)[::-1]
col_argsort = np.argsort(col_null_zero_count)[::-1]
return d.iloc[row_argsort, col_argsort].fillna(null_fill).T
def callables_signatures_df(
callables, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT, null_fill='') -> pd.DataFrame:
Get a dataframe representing the signatures of the input callables.
:param callables = get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
:param null_fill: What to fill the empty cells with
:return: A dataframe
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
d = arg_default_dict_of_callables(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
return _df_of_callable_arg_default_dict(d, null_fill=null_fill)
def heatmap(X, y=None, col_labels=None, figsize=None, cmap=None, return_gcf=False, ax=None,
xlabel_top=True, ylabel_left=True, xlabel_bottom=True, ylabel_right=True, **kwargs):
Make a heatmap of a matrix or pandas.DataFrame, but let the function figure stuff out.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
n_items, n_cols = X.shape
if col_labels is not None:
if col_labels is not False:
assert len(col_labels) == n_cols, \
"col_labels length should be the same as the number of columns in the matrix"
elif isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
col_labels = list(X.columns)
if figsize is None:
x_size, y_size = X.shape
if x_size >= y_size:
figsize = (6, min(18, 6 * x_size / y_size))
figsize = (min(18, 6 * y_size / x_size), 6)
if cmap is None:
if X.min(axis=0).min(axis=0) < 0:
cmap = 'RdBu_r'
cmap = 'hot_r'
kwargs['cmap'] = cmap
kwargs = dict(kwargs, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')
if figsize is not False:
if ax is None:
plt.imshow(X, **kwargs)
ax.imshow(X, **kwargs)
if y is not None:
y = np.array(y)
assert all(sorted(y) == y), "This will only work if your row_labels are sorted"
unik_ys, unik_ys_idx = np.unique(y, return_index=True)
for u, i in zip(unik_ys, unik_ys_idx):
plt.hlines(i - 0.5, 0 - 0.5, n_cols - 0.5, colors='b', linestyles='dotted', alpha=0.5)
plt.hlines(n_items - 0.5, 0 - 0.5, n_cols - 0.5, colors='b', linestyles='dotted', alpha=0.5)
plt.yticks(unik_ys_idx + np.diff(np.hstack((unik_ys_idx, n_items))) / 2, unik_ys)
elif isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
y_tick_labels = list(X.index)
plt.yticks(list(range(len(y_tick_labels))), y_tick_labels);
if col_labels is not None:
plt.xticks(list(range(len(col_labels))), col_labels)
plt.gca().xaxis.set_tick_params(labeltop=xlabel_top, labelbottom=xlabel_bottom)
plt.gca().yaxis.set_tick_params(labelleft=ylabel_left, labelright=ylabel_right)
if return_gcf:
return plt.gcf()
def heatmap_of_signatures(callables, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT, figsize=None, cmap='gray_r'):
Visualize a matrix containing the all functions of the module, and their arguments.
:param callables: A module (or module dot-path string), class, callable, or list thereof
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
:param figsize: Size of the figure (will try to figure one out if not specified - pun noticed)
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
callables = get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
core_comp_df = callables_signatures_df(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
t = (core_comp_df != '').astype(int) + (core_comp_df == _REQUIRED_).astype(int)
heatmap(t, figsize=figsize, cmap=cmap)
def plot_nonnull_counts_of_signatures(
callables, callable_filt=DFLT_CALLABLE_FILT, n_top_items=50, figsize=None, hspace=0.5):
For all callables of the input module, will plot (as a bar graph):
The argument count of each callable
The callable count of each argument (i.e., in how many callables are the given argument used)
:param callables: A module (or module dot-path string), class, callable, or list thereof
:param callable_filt: A boolean function or the strings 'callable', 'class', 'function', or 'function_or_class'
:param n_top_items: Number of (top) items to plot
:param figsize: Size of the figure (will try to figure one out if not specified - pun noticed)
:param hspace: The space between both bar plots.
callable_filt = get_callable_filt(callable_filt)
callables = get_callables_from(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
core_comp_df = callables_signatures_df(callables, callable_filt=callable_filt)
t, tt = non_null_counts(core_comp_df, null_val='')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argh
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thorwhalen commented Jun 15, 2019

$ python callables-signatures-df funcs_and_args_peek
                                   callable_filt   callables        self      module null_fill ylabel_left  ...    **kwargs figsize col_labels null_val ax y
heatmap                                                                                               True  ...  _REQUIRED_
plot_nonnull_counts_of_signatures       callable  _REQUIRED_                                                ...
heatmap_of_signatures                   callable  _REQUIRED_                                                ...
callables_signatures_df                 callable  _REQUIRED_                                                ...
get_callables_from                      callable  _REQUIRED_                                                ...
callables_of_module                     callable                          _REQUIRED_                        ...
callables_of_class                      function                                                            ...
arg_default_dict_of_callables           callable  _REQUIRED_                                                ...
_df_of_callable_arg_default_dict                                                                            ...
SignatureExtractor.__init__                                   _REQUIRED_                                    ...
SignatureExtractor.__call__                                   _REQUIRED_                                    ...
non_null_counts                                                                                             ...
name_arg_default_dict_of_callables                _REQUIRED_                                                ...
module_classes                                                            _REQUIRED_                        ...
get_callable_filt                     _REQUIRED_                                                            ...
Required.__repr__                                             _REQUIRED_                                    ...

[16 rows x 25 columns]```

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$python heatmap-of-signatures funcs_and_args_peek


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$ python plot-nonnull-counts-of-signatures funcs_and_args_peek


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