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Last active July 20, 2018 07:02
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class Snake {
var name: String
get title: String {
return '%name the Legendary Snake'
set age (value: Num) {
// Constructors are regular functions
let manda = Snake() = 'Manda'
print('Hello, %{manda.title}!');
// You can construct a class with initial values for fields.
let orochimaru = Snake { name: 'Orochimaru' }
with Curl
let curl = new Curl()
curl.get('').ok(func (res) {
print('Status: %{res.statusCode}')
let x = 23
let dict = {x, a: 'b'}
print('23 = %{dict.x}')
#include <manda.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void my_extension_init(manda_context_t*, ctx, manda_object_t* object) {
manda_set_property(ctx, object, "isEven", manda_wrap_function(isEven));
manda_object_t* isEven(manda_context_t* ctx, manda_arguments_t* args) {
int64_t x;
manda_object_t* x_object = manda_get_argument(ctx, args, 0);
if (manda_num_to_int64(ctx, x_object, &x) == 0) {
return manda_bool(ctx, x % 2 == 0);
} else {
return manda_last_error(ctx);
import Ffi
let lib ='my_extension')
func nativeIsEven(x: Num): Bool {
return lib.isEven(x)
print(nativeIsEven(x: 45) == True)
func implicitAny(x) {
return 45 + x
func explicitTypes(x: Num): Num {
return 45 + x
let eighty = explicitTypes(35)
print('Eighty: %eighty');
// You can also pass parameters by name:
let ninety = explicitTypes(x: 45)
print('Ninety: %ninety')
func asyncIsEven (x: Num): Future<Bool> {
return Future(func (ok, fail) {
return ok(x % 2 == 0)
asyncIsEven(x: 24).ok(func (isEven) {
print('Even? %isEven')
print('Hello, world!')
class HasLegs {
// Subclasses must override this
virtual get legCount: Num
travel(): void {
print('I use my legs to travel!')
class Automobile {
virtual get wheelCount: Num
travel(): void {
print('I use my wheels to travel!')
/// A robot in disguise.
class Transformer : Automobile, HasLegs {
constructor(property name: String);
// The `override` keyword is ignored; it is purely syntactic
// sugar to make Manda more readable.
override get legCount: Num => 2
override get wheelCount: Num => 4
let optimusPrime = Transformer(name: 'Optimus Prime')
// Classes in Manda can extend multiple parents; in the case of a naming conflict,
// the first alternative is prioritized.
// In this case, the statement 'I use my wheels to travel!' is printed.
import Json
let obj = Json.parse('{"foo": "bar"}') as {foo: String}
print('Foo: %foo')
for (i in [0 .. 10]) {
for (i: Num in [0 .. 10]) {
print('It\'s a number! %i')
while (True) {
// Goes on forever...
import Math
func curve (x: Num): Num => pow(x, 2) + 4
func ambivalent(x: Num): String? {
if (x % 2 == 0) {
return 'Yes!'
} else {
return Null
// Use the `!` operator to assert an expression is non-null; otherwise throws.
var str = ambivalent(x: 44)
// Use the `?` operator only evaluate the remainder of a member (ex. `a.b`) expression if it does not
// evaluate to `Null`.
str = ambivalent(x: 45)
print(str?.length ?? 'Odd number')
import Redis
let redis = Redis.connect('', 6379)
let reply = redis.send('SET foo bar')
print('Success: %{reply.isSuccess}')
import Net
import Text
let server = Net.Socket.server()
do {
try server.bind('', 3000)
while (True) {
let sock = server.accept()
print('FD: %{sock.fileDescriptor}')
let printer = Text.Printer(sock)
printer.line('Hello, Manda world!!!')
} catch(error) {
print('Whoops: %error')
} finally {
with Async
func simpleStream(): Stream<Num> {
return Stream.fromList([1, 2, 3])
func controlledStream(): Stream<Num> {
let ctrl = StreamController()
ctrl.addAll([1, 2, 3])
// Stream of 6 numbers: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
let numberStream = Stream.concat([simpleStream(), controlledStream()])
// Print every number that comes out of the stream.
func doSomething() {
throw Error('I made a boo-boo... :/')
// Syntax just like Swift's; use a `do` block for cleaner error handling.
// Use the `try` operator to handle a potential error.
do {
let user = try doSomething()
print('User: %user')
} catch(error) {
print('Uh-oh: %{error.message}')
type HasFoo = {foo: String}
type SomeType = Num | String | HasFoo
func doIt(value: SomeType): void {
if (value is Num) {
print('Num: %value')
} else if (value is String) {
print('String: %value')
} else if (value is HasFoo) {
print('HasFoo; foo=%{}')
let x = 2 * 3
let y = x * x
var z = y * x - 1
z = 34.5
print('x: %x, y: %y, %z')
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