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Created August 2, 2016 00:26
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' Note: VBA6 is a conditional compiler constant that indicates
' the version of VBA and in this module we use enumerated types if
' supported otherwise we use plain old public constants
#If CBool(VBA6) Then
' Enumerate methods for selecting mode of character removal
Public Enum StripCharsMode
scmcRemoveAlphas = 2 ^ 0
scmcRemoveControl = 2 ^ 1
scmcRemoveNumerics = 2 ^ 2
scmcRemoveSpaces = 2 ^ 3
scmcRemoveOthers = 2 ^ 4
scmcRemoveAll = 2 ^ 5 - 1
scmcKeepAlphas = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas
scmcKeepLetters = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas - scmcRemoveSpaces
scmcKeepNumerics = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveNumerics
scmcKeepOthers = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveOthers
scmcKeepControl = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveControl
End Enum
Public Function tcStripChars( _
ByVal strInputText As String, _
ByVal scmRemoveType As StripCharsMode) _
As String
Dim scmCharMode As StripCharsMode
' Constants for selecting mode of character removal
Public Const scmcRemoveAlphas As Integer = 2 ^ 0
Public Const scmcRemoveControl As Integer = 2 ^ 1
Public Const scmcRemoveNumerics As Integer = 2 ^ 2
Public Const scmcRemoveSpaces As Integer = 2 ^ 3
Public Const scmcRemoveOthers As Integer = 2 ^ 4
Public Const scmcRemoveAll As Integer = 2 ^ 5 - 1
Public Const scmcKeepAlphas As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas
Public Const scmcKeepLetters As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas _
- scmcRemoveSpaces
Public Const scmcKeepNumerics As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveNumerics
Public Const scmcKeepOthers As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveOthers
Public Const scmcKeepControl As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveControl
Public Function tcStripChars( _
ByVal strInputText As String, _
ByVal scmRemoveType As Integer) _
As String
Dim scmCharMode As Integer
#End If
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strChar As String
' Remove specified types of characters from input string
' Developed by Warren Bain
' Copyright 2004, Thought Croft Pty Ltd
' All rights reserved.
' In:
' strInputText:
' text to extract characters from
' scmRemoveType:
' type of removal (or retention) required
' can be combined to remove multiple types of chars
' Out:
' Return Value:
' text with all required chars removed
' Start with an empty output string
tcStripChars = vbNullString
' Determine for each character in the input string
' whether it should be retained or discarded based
' on bitwise comparison with scmRemoveType parameter
For intPos = 1 To Len(strInputText)
strChar = Mid$(strInputText, intPos, 1)
Select Case Asc(strChar)
Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveAlphas
Case 48 To 57: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveNumerics
Case 32: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveSpaces
Case 0 To 31: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveControl
Case Else: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveOthers
End Select
' If the character's type bit is set in the remove type
' we will discard it - otherwise retain it
If scmRemoveType And scmCharMode Then
'Ignore this one
tcStripChars = tcStripChars & strChar
End If
Next intPos
End Function
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