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Last active August 1, 2016 23:59
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Private rps As ReportPrintStatus
Private Sub Report_Close()
If rps.Printed Then
' Do something
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Sink the reports events so we can determine if it was printed or not
Set rps = New ReportPrintStatus
Set rps.Report = Me
End Sub
' ReportPrintStatus class definition
' Use the hidden object type for a section so we can sink the events
' (thanks to Stephen Lebans for this tip - see
Private WithEvents mrpt As Access.Report
Private WithEvents msecReportHeader As Access.[_SectionInReport]
Private mintCounter As Integer
' Public Properties and Methods
Public Property Set Report(rpt As Access.Report)
' Sink the event handling for this report
Const strEventKey As String = "[Event Procedure]"
Set mrpt = rpt
With mrpt
' If we don't populate these properties, the events will
' never fire in the report and we will be sunk!
.OnActivate = strEventKey
.OnClose = strEventKey
.OnDeactivate = strEventKey
' Note, we assume this section exists - if not, it won't work
Set msecReportHeader = .Section(acHeader)
msecReportHeader.OnPrint = strEventKey
End With
End Property
Public Property Get Printed() As Boolean
' Did they print this report?
Printed = (mintCounter >= 1)
End Property
Public Sub Term()
' If we don't destroy these objects here, we risk an Access GPF!
On Error Resume Next
Set msecReportHeader = Nothing
Set mrpt = Nothing
End Sub
' Event Procedures
Private Sub mrpt_Activate()
' This occurs if we open the report in print preview and also when
' we switch back to the previewed report in which case incremented
' by deactivate event
mintCounter = mintCounter - 1
End Sub
Private Sub mrpt_Close()
' This occurs when the report closes so ensure we destroy objects
' to prevent an Access GPF
End Sub
Private Sub mrpt_Deactivate()
' Called when we close report from preview or if we switch out of
' preview mode to another window in which case decremented by
' associated activate event
mintCounter = mintCounter + 1
End Sub
Private Sub msecReportHeader_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
' Increment our counter occurs once for every time we print and also
' the first time we open in preview mode
mintCounter = mintCounter + 1
End Sub
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