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Created August 2, 2016 00:37
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Public Function GeneratePassword( _
ByVal intLength As Integer) As String
' Generates a random string of digits of the requested length
' In:
' intLength - number of digits to be returned (max 9)
' Out:
' Return Value - a random string of digits
' Example:
' GetPassword(3) = "927"
Dim lngHighNumber As Long
Dim lngLowNumber As Long
Dim lngRndNumber As Long
' Check we don't exceed our maximum range
If intLength > 9 Or intLength < 1 Then
Err.Raise 5, "GetPassword", _
"Invalid string length - must be between 1 and 9"
' Work out the numbers
lngLowNumber = 10 ^ (intLength - 1)
lngHighNumber = (10 ^ intLength) - 1
' Generate a new seed and a new random number
lngRndNumber = Int((lngHighNumber - lngLowNumber + 1) * Rnd) + lngLowNumber
' Format the result as string
GeneratePassword = Format$(lngRndNumber, String$(intLength, "0"))
End If
End Function
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