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Created April 29, 2017 05:26
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# inspired by
download.file("", destfile = "compressWords.txt.gz")
w <- tolower(readLines("compressWords.txt.gz"))
ord <- as.character(lapply(lapply(strsplit(w,NULL),sort),paste,collapse=""))
# what I haven't tested is if it is faster to find the pairs and test all or test and find the best pair
# the first is much simpler code and computers are fast enough. I am a data guy not a CS guy.
# avoid self matches by picking only one starter from each group there is an anagram for
grouped <- data.frame(w, ord, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
group_by(ord) %>% mutate(gnum = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(gnum > 1) %>% # removes words with no anagrams
group_by(ord) %>% slice(1)
wpairs <- merge(grouped, data.frame(other=w, ord, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), by="ord") #form pairs
wpairs <- wpairs[wpairs$w != wpairs$other,]
# this is where opinions start, with what is interesting
# I am going for least word one pairs of characters in word 2: i_score
# on a per number of letters per_length
comparetwo <- function(w1,w2){
c1 <- unlist(strsplit(w1,NULL))
c2 <- unlist(strsplit(w2,NULL))
p1 <- sapply(1:(length(c1)-1), function(x){paste(c1[x], c1[x+1], sep="")})
p2 <- sapply(1:(length(c1)-1), function(x){paste(c2[x], c2[x+1], sep="")})
sum(!(p1 %in% p2))
wpairs$i_score <- apply(wpairs,1, function(x){comparetwo(x[2],x[4])})
wpairs$per_length <- wpairs$i_score / nchar(wpairs$w)
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