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Created June 29, 2016 20:04
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* This sample shows how to create a simple Trivia skill with a multiple choice format. The skill
* supports 1 player at a time, and does not support games across sessions.
'use strict';
* When editing your questions pay attention to your punctuation. Make sure you use question marks or periods.
* Make sure the first answer is the correct one. Set at least 4 answers, any extras will be shuffled in.
// ARN: ARN - arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:358151884947:function:CatTrivia
var questions = [
"How many pet cats are there in the United States?": [
"A group of cats is called a:": [
"What is the length of the world's largest cat?": [
"48.5 inches",
"17.2 inches",
"87.6 inches",
"29.3 inches"
"The technical term for a hairball is:": [
"Polydactyl cats are born with extra toes. These cats are also referred to as:": [
"Hemingway cats",
"Poe cats",
"Shakespeare cats",
"Twain cats"
"Abraham Lincoln kept how many cats in the white house?": [
"Who invented the cat door?": [
"Isaac Newton",
"Albert Einstein",
"Marie Curie",
"Helen Keller"
"What is the name of the first cat to go to space?": [
"Black cats are considered good luck in what country?": [
"What is the Egyptian word for cat?": [
"How many kittens were produced in the world's largest litter?": [
"what percentage of cats in the United States are spayed or neutered?": [
"88 percent",
"42 percent",
"16 percent",
"67 percent"
"Cats have how many more bones than humans?": [
"Female cats are referred to as:": [
"The world's most fertile cat gave birth to how many kittens in her lifetime?": [
"Each side of a cat's face has approximately how many whiskers?": [
"Approximately how many hours do cats sleep per day?": [
"The most massive breed of house cat weighs up to 24 pounds, known as what kind of cat?": [
"Maine Coon",
"Scotish Fold",
"Maine Coons are the official state cat of which state?": [
"The Spynx, also known as a Canadian Hairless, is a breed of cat that was developed in what year?": [
"Over a short distance, a cat can travel a top speed of how many miles per hour?": [
"The world's smallest breed of cat is the Singapura, weighing as little as how many pounds?": [
"4 pounds",
"1.5 pounds",
"half a pound",
"7 pounds"
"What is the name of the first commercially cloned cat?": [
"Little Nicky",
"Baby Boo",
"What fictional cat was popularised in the movie Alice in Wonderland?": [
"Chesire Cat",
"Claude Cat",
"Tom Cat"
"What is the name of Sabrina's cat in the hit TV series Sabrina the Teenage Witch?": [
// Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
// etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
exports.handler = function (event, context) {
try {
console.log("event.session.application.applicationId=" + event.session.application.applicationId);
* Uncomment this if statement and populate with your skill's application ID to
* prevent someone else from configuring a skill that sends requests to this function.
// if (event.session.application.applicationId !== "") {
//"Invalid Application ID");
// }
if ( {
onSessionStarted({requestId: event.request.requestId}, event.session);
if (event.request.type === "LaunchRequest") {
function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === "IntentRequest") {
function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === "SessionEndedRequest") {
onSessionEnded(event.request, event.session);
} catch (e) {"Exception: " + e);
* Called when the session starts.
function onSessionStarted(sessionStartedRequest, session) {
console.log("onSessionStarted requestId=" + sessionStartedRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
// add any session init logic here
* Called when the user invokes the skill without specifying what they want.
function onLaunch(launchRequest, session, callback) {
console.log("onLaunch requestId=" + launchRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
* Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill.
function onIntent(intentRequest, session, callback) {
console.log("onIntent requestId=" + intentRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
var intent = intentRequest.intent,
intentName =;
// handle yes/no intent after the user has been prompted
if (session.attributes && session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue) {
delete session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue;
if ("AMAZON.NoIntent" === intentName) {
handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.YesIntent" === intentName) {
handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback);
// dispatch custom intents to handlers here
if ("AnswerIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AnswerOnlyIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("DontKnowIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.YesIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.NoIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.StartOverIntent" === intentName) {
} else if ("AMAZON.RepeatIntent" === intentName) {
handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.HelpIntent" === intentName) {
handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.StopIntent" === intentName) {
handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.CancelIntent" === intentName) {
handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else {
throw "Invalid intent";
* Called when the user ends the session.
* Is not called when the skill returns shouldEndSession=true.
function onSessionEnded(sessionEndedRequest, session) {
console.log("onSessionEnded requestId=" + sessionEndedRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
// Add any cleanup logic here
// ------- Skill specific business logic -------
var GAME_LENGTH = 5;
var CARD_TITLE = "Cat Trivia"; // Be sure to change this for your skill.
function getWelcomeResponse(callback) {
var sessionAttributes = {},
speechOutput = "Cat Trivia. I will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH.toString()
+ " questions, try to get as many right as you can. Just say the number of the answer. Let's begin. ",
shouldEndSession = false,
gameQuestions = populateGameQuestions(),
correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT)), // Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, 0, correctAnswerIndex),
currentQuestionIndex = 0,
spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0],
repromptText = "Question 1. " + spokenQuestion + " ",
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
speechOutput += repromptText;
sessionAttributes = {
"speechOutput": repromptText,
"repromptText": repromptText,
"currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
"correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
"questions": gameQuestions,
"score": 0,
buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
function populateGameQuestions() {
var gameQuestions = [];
var indexList = [];
var index = questions.length;
if (GAME_LENGTH > index){
throw "Invalid Game Length.";
for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++){
// Pick GAME_LENGTH random questions from the list to ask the user, make sure there are no repeats.
for (var j = 0; j < GAME_LENGTH; j++){
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * index);
index -= 1;
var temp = indexList[index];
indexList[index] = indexList[rand];
indexList[rand] = temp;
return gameQuestions;
function populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestionIndexes, correctAnswerIndex, correctAnswerTargetLocation) {
// Get the answers for a given question, and place the correct answer at the spot marked by the
// correctAnswerTargetLocation variable. Note that you can have as many answers as you want but
// only ANSWER_COUNT will be selected.
var answers = [],
answersCopy = questions[gameQuestionIndexes[correctAnswerIndex]][Object.keys(questions[gameQuestionIndexes[correctAnswerIndex]])[0]],
temp, i;
var index = answersCopy.length;
if (index < ANSWER_COUNT){
throw "Not enough answers for question.";
// Shuffle the answers, excluding the first element.
for (var j = 1; j < answersCopy.length; j++){
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (index - 1)) + 1;
index -= 1;
var temp = answersCopy[index];
answersCopy[index] = answersCopy[rand];
answersCopy[rand] = temp;
// Swap the correct answer into the target location
for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
answers[i] = answersCopy[i];
temp = answers[0];
answers[0] = answers[correctAnswerTargetLocation];
answers[correctAnswerTargetLocation] = temp;
return answers;
function handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback) {
var speechOutput = "";
var sessionAttributes = {};
var gameInProgress = session.attributes && session.attributes.questions;
var answerSlotValid = isAnswerSlotValid(intent);
var userGaveUp = === "DontKnowIntent";
if (!gameInProgress) {
// If the user responded with an answer but there is no game in progress, ask the user
// if they want to start a new game. Set a flag to track that we've prompted the user.
sessionAttributes.userPromptedToContinue = true;
speechOutput = "There is no game in progress. Do you want to start a new game? ";
buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, speechOutput, false));
} else if (!answerSlotValid && !userGaveUp) {
// If the user provided answer isn't a number > 0 and < ANSWER_COUNT,
// return an error message to the user. Remember to guide the user into providing correct values.
var reprompt = session.attributes.speechOutput;
var speechOutput = "Your answer must be a number between 1 and " + ANSWER_COUNT + ". " + reprompt;
buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, reprompt, false));
} else {
var gameQuestions = session.attributes.questions,
correctAnswerIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.correctAnswerIndex),
currentScore = parseInt(session.attributes.score),
currentQuestionIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.currentQuestionIndex),
correctAnswerText = session.attributes.correctAnswerText;
var speechOutputAnalysis = "";
if (answerSlotValid && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) == correctAnswerIndex) {
speechOutputAnalysis = "correct. ";
} else {
if (!userGaveUp) {
speechOutputAnalysis = "wrong. "
speechOutputAnalysis += "The correct answer is " + correctAnswerIndex + ": " + correctAnswerText + ". ";
// if currentQuestionIndex is 4, we've reached 5 questions (zero-indexed) and can exit the game session
if (currentQuestionIndex == GAME_LENGTH - 1) {
speechOutput = userGaveUp ? "" : "That answer is ";
speechOutput += speechOutputAnalysis + "You got " + currentScore.toString() + " out of "
+ GAME_LENGTH.toString() + " questions correct. Thank you for playing!";
buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, "", true));
} else {
currentQuestionIndex += 1;
var spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0];
// Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT));
var roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, currentQuestionIndex, correctAnswerIndex),
questionIndexForSpeech = currentQuestionIndex + 1,
repromptText = "Question " + questionIndexForSpeech.toString() + ". " + spokenQuestion + " ";
for (var i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
speechOutput += userGaveUp ? "" : "That answer is ";
speechOutput += speechOutputAnalysis + "Your score is " + currentScore.toString() + ". " + repromptText;
sessionAttributes = {
"speechOutput": repromptText,
"repromptText": repromptText,
"currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
"correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
"questions": gameQuestions,
"score": currentScore,
buildSpeechletResponse(CARD_TITLE, speechOutput, repromptText, false));
function handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// Repeat the previous speechOutput and repromptText from the session attributes if available
// else start a new game session
if (!session.attributes || !session.attributes.speechOutput) {
} else {
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(session.attributes.speechOutput, session.attributes.repromptText, false));
function handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// Provide a help prompt for the user, explaining how the game is played. Then, continue the game
// if there is one in progress, or provide the option to start another one.
// Set a flag to track that we're in the Help state.
session.attributes.userPromptedToContinue = true;
// Do not edit the help dialogue. This has been created by the Alexa team to demonstrate best practices.
var speechOutput = "I will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH + " multiple choice questions. Respond with the number of the answer. "
+ "For example, say one, two, three, or four. To start a new game at any time, say, start game. "
+ "To repeat the last question, say, repeat. "
+ "Would you like to keep playing?",
repromptText = "To give an answer to a question, respond with the number of the answer . "
+ "Would you like to keep playing?";
var shouldEndSession = false;
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
function handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// End the session with a "Good bye!" if the user wants to quit the game
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard("Good bye!", "", true));
function isAnswerSlotValid(intent) {
var answerSlotFilled = intent.slots && intent.slots.Answer && intent.slots.Answer.value;
var answerSlotIsInt = answerSlotFilled && !isNaN(parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value));
return answerSlotIsInt && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) < (ANSWER_COUNT + 1) && parseInt(intent.slots.Answer.value) > 0;
// ------- Helper functions to build responses -------
function buildSpeechletResponse(title, output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
return {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: output
card: {
type: "Simple",
title: title,
content: output
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: repromptText
shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession
function buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
return {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: output
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: repromptText
shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession
function buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
return {
version: "1.0",
sessionAttributes: sessionAttributes,
response: speechletResponse
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