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Created November 24, 2009 08:12
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import Prelude hiding (and)
import Criterion.Main(defaultMain, bench, B(..))
import Data.Word
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.Util.Optimize
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
import Test.QuickCheck
-- naive version
fib_naive :: Word32 -> Word32
fib_naive 0 = 0
fib_naive 1 = 1
fib_naive n = fib_naive (n-1) + fib_naive (n-2)
-- llvm version
fib_llvm :: CodeGenModule (Function (Word32 -> IO Word32))
fib_llvm = do
fib <- newNamedFunction ExternalLinkage "fib_llvm"
defineFunction fib $ \arg -> do
recurse <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
test <- icmp IntUGT arg (2::Word32)
condBr test recurse exit
defineBasicBlock exit
ret (1::Word32)
defineBasicBlock recurse
x1 <- sub arg (1::Word32)
fibx1 <- call fib x1
x2 <- sub arg (2::Word32)
fibx2 <- call fib x2
r <- add fibx1 fibx2
ret r
return fib
-- quickcheck based stuff
data Q = Q Word32 deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Q where
-- we have the dummy 'Q' type because we want
-- to restrict the possible inputs we can get so we
-- don't end up doing something crazy
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (1,35::Int)
return $ Q $ fromIntegral n
prop_sanity llvm_fib_func (Q x) = fib_naive x == llvm_fib_func x
where types = (x::Word32)
-- doin' it!
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "initializing llvm jit" >> initializeNativeTarget
putStr "creating optimized module... "
_m <- newModule
_f <- defineModule _m fib_llvm
optimizeModule 3 _m -- yow! mutability
putStrLn "done"
iofib <- runEngineAccess $ generateFunction _f
let fib_llvm2 = unsafePurify iofib
putStrLn "running tests"
quickCheck (prop_sanity fib_llvm2)
putStrLn "running benchmarks"
defaultMain [ bench "fib_naive 35" $ B fib_naive 35
, bench "fib_llvm 35" $ B fib_llvm2 35 ]
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