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Created December 20, 2012 18:16
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Hash consing
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Intern where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Interned
#define _UPK(_x) {-# UNPACK #-} !(_x)
type Var = Int
data Term
= App _UPK(Id) !Term !Term
| Lam _UPK(Id) _UPK(Var) !Term !Term
| Pi _UPK(Id) _UPK(Var) !Term !Term
| Set _UPK(Id) _UPK(Int)
deriving (Show, Generic)
data UTerm
= BApp Term Term
| BLam Var Term Term
| BPi Var Term Term
| BSet Int
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Hashable Term
instance Hashable (Description Term)
instance Eq (Description Term)
termCache :: Cache Term
termCache = mkCache
{-# NOINLINE termCache #-}
instance Interned Term where
type Uninterned Term = UTerm
data Description Term
= DApp Id Id
| DLam Var Id Id
| DPi Var Id Id
| DSet Int
deriving (Show, Generic)
describe (BApp f a) = DApp (identity f) (identity a)
describe (BLam v t e) = DLam v (identity t) (identity e)
describe (BPi v t e) = DPi v (identity t) (identity e)
describe (BSet n) = DSet n
identify i = go where
go (BApp f a) = App i f a
go (BLam v t e) = Lam i v t e
go (BPi v t e) = Pi i v t e
go (BSet e) = Set i e
cache = termCache
instance Uninternable Term where
unintern (App _ f a) = BApp f a
unintern (Lam _ v t e) = BLam v t e
unintern (Pi _ v t e) = BPi v t e
unintern (Set _ e) = BSet e
identity :: Term -> Id
identity (App i _ _) = i
identity (Lam i _ _ _) = i
identity (Pi i _ _ _) = i
identity (Set i _) = i
instance Eq Term where
(==) = (==) `on` identity
instance Ord Term where
compare = compare `on` identity
app :: Term -> Term -> Term
app a b = intern (BApp a b)
lam :: Var -> Term -> Term -> Term
lam v t e = intern (BLam v t e)
pi :: Var -> Term -> Term -> Term
pi v t e = intern (BPi v t e)
set :: Int -> Term
set i = intern (BSet i)
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