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Last active December 10, 2015 08:58
Initial algebras and final coalgebras
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Main where
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain, bench, bgroup, nf)
-- Fixed points of a functor
newtype Mu f = Mu { muF :: f (Mu f) }
-- Initial algebras
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- | This is a generic catamorphism.
ffold :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Mu f -> a
ffold h = go h where go g = g . fmap (go g) . muF
--ffold h = h . fmap (ffold h) . muF -- This is a slow definition
{-# INLINE[1] ffold #-}
fbuild :: Functor f => (forall b. Algebra f b -> b) -> Mu f
fbuild g = g Mu
{-# INLINE[1] fbuild #-}
-- Final coalgebras
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
-- | This is a generic anamorphism.
funfold :: Functor f => Coalgebra f b -> b -> Mu f
funfold h = go h where go g = Mu . fmap (go g) . g
--funfold h = Mu . fmap (funfold h) . h -- This is a slow definition
{-# INLINE[1] funfold #-}
funbuild :: Functor f => (Coalgebra f (Mu f) -> b) -> b
funbuild g = g muF
{-# INLINE[1] funbuild #-}
-- Meta/hylomorphisms, and RULE optimizations
hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f c -> Coalgebra f a -> a -> c
hylo f h = ffold f . funfold h
{-# INLINE[2] hylo #-}
meta :: Functor f => Coalgebra f b -> Algebra f b -> Mu f -> Mu f
meta f h = funfold f . ffold h
{-# INLINE[2] meta #-}
-- Builder rule for catamorphisms
"ffold/fbuild" forall f (g :: forall b. Algebra f b -> b).
ffold f (fbuild g) = g f
-- Builder rule for anamorphisms
"funfold/funbuild" forall f g.
funfold f (funbuild g) = g f
-- Hylomorphism rule
"ffold/funfold" forall f g x.
ffold f (funfold g x) = f (g x)
-- Metamorphism rule
"funfold/ffold" forall f g x.
funfold f (ffold g x) = g (f x)
-- Naturals
-- μX. 1 + X
data NatF f = Z | S f
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type Nat = Mu NatF
instance Eq Nat where
(Mu f) == (Mu g) = f == g
addN :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
addN (Mu Z) m = m
addN (Mu (S f)) m = Mu $ S (addN f m)
{-# INLINE addN #-}
toI :: Nat -> Int
toI = ffold g
where g Z = 0
g (S x) = 1 + x
{-# INLINE toI #-}
nat1 :: Nat
nat1 = s (s (s z))
where z = Mu Z
s x = Mu (S x)
nat2 :: Nat
nat2 = s (s z)
where z = Mu Z
s x = Mu (S x)
-- Lists
-- μX. 1 + A * X
data ListF a f = Nil | Cons a f
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type List a = Mu (ListF a)
instance Eq a => Eq (List a) where
(Mu f) == (Mu g) = f == g
lengthL :: List a -> Int
lengthL = ffold g
where g Nil = 0
g (Cons _ f) = 1 + f
{-# INLINE lengthL #-}
mapL :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapL f = ffold g
where g Nil = Mu Nil
g (Cons a x) = Mu (Cons (f a) x)
{-# INLINE mapL #-}
-- | Different implementation via fbuild, which should fuse
-- with other List functions.
mapL2 :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapL2 f xs = fbuild (\h -> ffold (h . g) xs)
where g Nil = Nil
g (Cons a x) = Cons (f a) x
{-# INLINE mapL2 #-}
-- | Different implementation via hylomorphisms.
mapL3 :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapL3 f = hylo g muF
g Nil = Mu Nil
g (Cons a x) = Mu $ Cons (f a) x
{-# INLINE mapL3 #-}
list1 :: List Int
list1 = c 1 (c 2 (c 3 (c 4 (c 5 (c 6 (c 7 (c 8 n)))))))
where n = Mu Nil
c a r = Mu (Cons a r)
-- Trees
-- μX. A + A*X*X
data TreeF a f = Leaf a | Tree a f f
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type Tree a = Mu (TreeF a)
instance Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where
(Mu f) == (Mu g) = f == g
depthT :: Tree a -> Int
depthT = ffold g
where g (Leaf _) = 0
g (Tree _ l r) = 1 + max l r
{-# INLINE depthT #-}
sumT :: Tree a -> Int
sumT = ffold g
where g (Leaf _) = 1
g (Tree _ l r) = l + r
{-# INLINE sumT #-}
tree1 :: Tree Int
tree1 = tree 7 (tree 5 (leaf 2) (leaf 6))
(tree 9 (leaf 8)
(tree 11 (leaf 10)
(leaf 13)))
tree x l r = Mu (Tree x l r)
leaf x = Mu (Leaf x)
-- Driver and benchmarks
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bgroup "nat"
[ bench "add1" $ nf toI (addN nat1 nat2)
, bench "add2" $ nf toI (addN nat2 nat1)
, bgroup "list"
[ bench "length" $ nf lengthL list1
, bench "map" $ nf lengthL $ mapL (+1) list1
, bench "map2" $ nf lengthL $ mapL2 (+1) list1
, bench "map3" $ nf lengthL $ mapL3 (+1) list1
, bgroup "tree"
[ bench "depth" $ nf depthT tree1
, bench "sum" $ nf sumT tree1
, bgroup "rewrite"
[ bench "length/map[ffold/ffold]" $ nf (lengthL . mapL (+1)) list1
-- The ffold/fbuild rule cuts runtime in half.
, bench "length/map[ffold/fbuild]" $ nf (lengthL . mapL2 (+1)) list1
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