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Last active December 27, 2019 01:52
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CoYoneda = Yoneda
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module CoYoneda where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Set (Set, map)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
-- Yoneda
newtype Yoneda f a = Yo (forall b. (a -> b) -> f b)
-- Yoneda is a functor, but `f` too must be a functor
-- to inhabit such a type (see `liftYo`)
instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Yoneda f a -> Yoneda f b
fmap f (Yo g) = Yo $ \k -> g (k . f)
liftYo :: Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYo x = Yo $ \f -> fmap f x
-- Even Haskellers know the motto.
yolo :: Yoneda f a -> f a
yolo = lowerYo
froyo :: Yoneda f a -> f a
froyo = lowerYo
lowerYo :: Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYo (Yo f) = f id
{-# DEPRECATED lowerYo
"use froyo or yolo, as they are significantly more awesome" #-}
-- CoYoneda
data CoYoneda f a = forall b. CoYo (f b) (b -> a)
-- CoYoneda is a functor even when 'f' is not!
instance Functor (CoYoneda f) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> CoYoneda f a -> CoYoneda f b
fmap f (CoYo x g) = CoYo x (f . g)
liftCoYo :: f a -> CoYoneda f a
liftCoYo f = CoYo f id
lowerCoYo :: Functor f => CoYoneda f a -> f a
lowerCoYo (CoYo x f) = fmap f x
lowerCoYoM :: Monad f => CoYoneda f a -> f a
lowerCoYoM (CoYo x f) = liftM f x
Proof that CoYoneda and Yoneda perform equivalent fmap fusion.
lowerCoYo (fmap h (fmap g (liftCoYo x)))
= { defn of liftCoYo }
lowerCoYo (fmap h (fmap g (CoYo x id)))
= { defn of fmap }
lowerCoYo (fmap h (CoYo x (g . id))
= { defn of fmap }
lowerCoYo (CoYo x (h . g . id))
= { defn of lowerCoYo }
fmap (h . g . id) x
= { defn of id }
fmap (h . g) x
lowerYo $ fmap h $ fmap g $ liftYo x
= { defn of liftYo }
lowerYo $ fmap h $ fmap g $ Yo (\f -> fmap f x)
= { defn of fmap }
lowerYo $ fmap h $ Yo (\k -> (\f -> fmap f x) (k . g))
= { defn of fmap }
lowerYo $ Yo (\l -> (\k -> (\f -> fmap f x) (k . g)) (l . h))
= { defn of lowerYo }
(\l -> (\k -> (\f -> fmap f x) (k . g)) (l . h)) id
= { beta reduction }
(\k -> (\f -> fmap f x) (k . g)) (id . h)
= { beta reduction }
(\f -> fmap f x) (id . h . g)
= { beta reduction }
fmap (id . h . g) x
= { defn of id }
fmap (h . g) x
-- CoYoneda-fied IORefs. Note these are effectively read-only, because there
-- is no way to lower the properly typed IORef to modify!
newtype CoYoRef a = CoYoRef (CoYoneda IORef a)
newCoYoRef :: a -> IO (CoYoRef a)
newCoYoRef x = newIORef x >>= return . CoYoRef . liftCoYo
readCoYoRef :: CoYoRef a -> IO a
readCoYoRef (CoYoRef (CoYo r f)) = readIORef r >>= return . f
-- CoYoneda-fied sets.
-- CoYoSet is like Set, but has a Functor instance you can `fmap`!
data CoYoSet a = forall b. Ord b => CoYoSet (Set b) (b -> a)
instance Functor CoYoSet where
fmap f (CoYoSet s g) = CoYoSet s (f . g)
liftCoYoSet :: Ord a => Set a -> CoYoSet a
liftCoYoSet f = CoYoSet f id
lowerCoYoSet :: Ord a => CoYoSet a -> Set a
lowerCoYoSet (CoYoSet s f) = f s
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