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Free (CoYoneda f) ~ Operational
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, LambdaCase, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : Control.Operational.Monad
-- Copyright : (c) Austin Seipp 2013
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unportable (GADTs, MPTCs, etc)
-- 'CoYoneda' + 'Free' = 'Operational'.
module CoYoOperational
( -- * Pure API
Program -- :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
, ProgramView -- :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
, singleton -- :: f a -> Program f a
, view -- :: Functor f => Program f a -> ProgramView f a
-- * Transformer API
, ProgramT -- :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
, ProgramViewT(..) -- :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
, singletonT -- :: Monad m => f a -> ProgramT f m a
, viewT -- :: (Monad m, Functor f) => ProgramT f m a -> ProgramViewT f m a
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free -- from 'free'
import Data.Functor.Yoneda.Contravariant -- from 'kan-extensions'
-- the following are only needed for examples
import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Data.Function
import Data.Sequence hiding (singleton)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq(singleton)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- Pure API. Merely the transformer version combined with Identity
-- | The type 'Program f a' represents a *program*, which is defined
-- as a sequence of primitive instructions. The underlying
-- instructions should be 'Functor's, as we embed them into a 'Free'
-- 'Monad'.
-- This is defined as 'ProgramT' over the 'Identity' 'Monad'.
type Program f a = ProgramT f Identity a
-- | 'ProgramView' represents a means of representing a 'Program' and
-- inspecting it step-by-step.
-- This is defined as 'ProgramViewT' over the 'Identity' 'Monad'.
type ProgramView f a = ProgramViewT f Identity a
-- | Lift a single primitive into a program.
singleton :: f a -> Program f a
singleton f = singletonT f
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
-- | Transform a given 'Program' into a 'ProgramViewT' which will
-- allow you to interpret the underlying 'Free' 'Monad' structure.
view :: Program f a -> ProgramView f a
view f = runIdentity (viewT f)
{-# INLINE view #-}
-- Transformer API
-- | This is a version of 'Program' which is abstracted over the base
-- 'Monad'.
newtype ProgramT f m a where
ProgramT :: { runProgT :: FreeT (Yoneda f) m a } -> ProgramT f m a
instance Monad m => Functor (ProgramT f m) where
fmap f (ProgramT g) = ProgramT (fmap f g)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Monad m => Applicative (ProgramT f m) where
pure x = ProgramT (return x)
{-# INLINE pure #-}
(<*>) f g = ProgramT (runProgT f <*> runProgT g)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
instance Monad m => Monad (ProgramT f m) where
return = ProgramT . return
{-# INLINE return #-}
(ProgramT f) >>= g = ProgramT (f >>= runProgT . g)
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
instance Monad m => MonadFree (Yoneda f) (ProgramT f m) where
wrap = ProgramT . wrap . fmap runProgT
{-# INLINE wrap #-}
instance MonadTrans (ProgramT f) where
lift = ProgramT . lift
{-# INLINE lift #-}
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ProgramT f m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
{-# INLINE liftIO #-}
-- | This is a version of 'ProgramView' that is abstracted over the
-- base 'Monad'.
data ProgramViewT f m a where
Return :: a -> ProgramViewT f m a
(:>>=) :: f a -> (a -> ProgramT f m b) -> ProgramViewT f m b
-- | This is a version of 'singleton' that is abstracted over the base
-- 'Monad'.
singletonT :: Monad m => f a -> ProgramT f m a
singletonT f = liftF (liftYoneda f)
{-# INLINE singletonT #-}
-- | This is a version of 'view' that is abstracted over the base
-- 'Monad'.
viewT :: Monad m => ProgramT f m a -> m (ProgramViewT f m a)
viewT (ProgramT x) = view' x
where view' (FreeT m) = do
m >>= \case
Pure k -> return (Return k)
Free (Yoneda f b) -> return (b :>>= (ProgramT . f))
{-# INLINE viewT #-}
-- Example #1: a simple teletype monad
-- The TeletypeF functor defines which actions a Teletype program may perform.
data TeletypeF r where
PutStrLn :: String -> r -> TeletypeF r
GetLine :: (String -> r) -> TeletypeF r
ExitSuccess :: TeletypeF r
-- Natural functor instance.
instance Functor TeletypeF where
fmap f (PutStrLn s r) = PutStrLn s (f r)
fmap f (GetLine k) = GetLine (f . k)
fmap _ ExitSuccess = ExitSuccess
-- A Teletype 'Program' is defined as a Program over the
-- TeletypeF functor.
type Teletype m a = ProgramT TeletypeF m a
putStrLn' :: Monad m => String -> Teletype m ()
putStrLn' s = singletonT (PutStrLn s ())
getLine' :: Monad m => Teletype m String
getLine' = singletonT (GetLine id)
exitSuccess' :: Monad m => Teletype m ()
exitSuccess' = singletonT ExitSuccess
echo :: Monad m => Teletype m ()
echo = do
s <- getLine'
putStrLn' s
runTeletypeIO :: MonadIO m => Teletype m a -> m a
runTeletypeIO = eval <=< viewT
eval :: MonadIO m => ProgramViewT TeletypeF m a -> m a
eval (Return x) = return x
eval (ExitSuccess :>>= _) = liftIO exitSuccess
eval (PutStrLn s r :>>= k) = liftIO (putStrLn s) >> runTeletypeIO (k r)
eval (GetLine k :>>= h) = liftIO getLine >>= runTeletypeIO . (h . k)
-- Example #2: a proper List monad transformer
-- Thanks to Heinrich Apfelmus for this example from 'operational'
data MPlus m a where
MZero :: MPlus m a
MPlus :: ListT m a -> ListT m a -> MPlus m a
type ListT m a = ProgramT (MPlus m) m a
instance Monad m => Functor (MPlus m) where
fmap _ MZero = MZero
fmap f (MPlus m n) = on MPlus (fmap f) m n
instance Monad m => MonadPlus (ProgramT (MPlus m) m) where
mzero = singletonT MZero
mplus m n = singletonT (MPlus m n)
runListT :: Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]
runListT = eval <=< viewT
eval :: Monad m => ProgramViewT (MPlus m) m a -> m [a]
eval (Return x) = return [x]
eval (MZero :>>= _) = return []
eval (MPlus m n :>>= k) =
liftM2 (++) (runListT $ m >>= k) (runListT $ n >>= k)
testListT :: IO ()
testListT = void $ runListT $ do
n <- choice [1..5::Int]
lift . putStrLn $ "You chose the number " ++ show n
choice = foldr1 mplus . map return
-- testing the monad laws, from the Haskellwiki
-- t1 and t2 have to print the same sequence of letters
testListTLaws :: IO ()
testListTLaws = do
putStrLn "Test #"
runListT t1
putStrLn "\nTest #2"
runListT t2
putStrLn "\nDone"
return ()
t1 = ((a `mplus` a) >> b) >> c
t2 = (a `mplus` a) >> (b >> c)
a,b,c :: ListT IO ()
[a,b,c] = map (lift . putChar) ['a'..'c']
-- Example #3: Oleg Kiselyov's 'LogicT' transformer
-- Thanks to Heinrich Apfelmus for this example from 'operational'
type LogicT m a = ListT m a
-- msplit is the lift of a function split in the base monad
msplit :: Monad m => LogicT m a -> LogicT m (Maybe (a, LogicT m a))
msplit = lift . split
-- split in the base monad
split :: Monad m => LogicT m a -> m (Maybe (a, LogicT m a))
split = eval <=< viewT where
eval :: Monad m => ProgramViewT (MPlus m) m a -> m (Maybe (a, LogicT m a))
eval (MZero :>>= _) = return Nothing
eval (MPlus m n :>>= k) = do
ma <- split (m >>= k)
case ma of
Nothing -> split (n >>= k)
Just (a,m') -> return $ Just (a, m' `mplus` (n >>= k))
-- inefficient!
-- `mplus` will add another (>>= return)
-- to n each time it's called.
-- Curing this is not easy.
-- main interpreter, section 6 in the paper
-- returns the first result, if any; may fail
observe :: Monad m => LogicT m a -> m a
observe m = (fst . fromJust) `liftM` split m
bagOfN :: Monad m => Maybe Int -> LogicT m a -> LogicT m [a]
bagOfN (Just n) m | n <= 0 = return []
bagOfN n m = msplit m >>= bagofN'
bagofN' Nothing = return []
bagofN' (Just (x,m')) = (x:) `liftM` bagOfN (fmap pred n) m'
where pred n = n-1
-- interleave
interleave :: Monad m => LogicT m a -> LogicT m a -> LogicT m a
interleave m1 m2 = do
r <- msplit m1
case r of
Nothing -> m2
Just (a,m1') -> return a `mplus` interleave m2 m1'
-- Example #4: Koen Claessen/Gabriel Gonzalez's Concurrency Monad.
data ThreadF t where
Fork :: t -> t -> ThreadF t
Yield :: t -> ThreadF t
Done :: ThreadF t
instance Functor ThreadF where
fmap f (Fork l r) = Fork (f l) (f r)
fmap f (Yield t) = Yield (f t)
fmap _ Done = Done
type Thread m a = ProgramT ThreadF m a
yield :: Monad m => Thread m ()
yield = singletonT (Yield ())
done :: Monad m => Thread m r
done = singletonT Done
cFork :: Monad m => Thread m Bool
cFork = singletonT (Fork False True)
fork :: (Monad m) => Thread m a -> Thread m ()
fork thread = do
child <- cFork
when child $ do
runThreadT :: Monad m => Thread m a -> m ()
runThreadT = (schedule . Seq.singleton)
schedule :: Monad m => Seq (Thread m a) -> m ()
schedule l = case (viewl l) of
EmptyL -> return ()
(x :< ls) -> viewT x >>= eval ls
eval :: Monad m => Seq (Thread m a) -> ProgramViewT ThreadF m a -> m ()
-- Fork process
eval q (Fork l r :>>= k) = schedule (k l <| (q |> k r))
-- Switch process
eval q (Yield t :>>= k) = schedule (q |> k t)
-- Thread died. Remove from queue.
eval q (Done :>>= _) = schedule q
eval q (Return _) = schedule q
runThreadTest1 :: IO ()
runThreadTest1 = runThreadT $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Forking thread #1"
fork thread1
lift $ putStrLn "Forking thread #2"
fork thread2
thread1 :: Thread IO ()
thread1 = forM_ [1..10] $ \i -> do
lift $ print i
thread2 :: Thread IO ()
thread2 = replicateM_ 3 $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Hello"
-- Example #5: State Monad
-- Thanks to Heinrich Apfelmus for this example from 'operational'
data StateI s a where
Get :: StateI s s
Put :: s -> StateI s ()
type State s a = Program (StateI s) a
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
evalState = eval . view
eval :: ProgramView (StateI s) a -> (s -> a)
eval (Return x) = const x
eval (Get :>>= k) = \s -> evalState (k s ) s
eval (Put s :>>= k) = \_ -> evalState (k ()) s
put :: Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
put = singletonT . Put
get :: Monad m => StateT s m s
get = singletonT Get
testState :: Int -> Int
testState = evalState $ do
x <- get
put (x+2)
type StateT s m a = ProgramT (StateI s) m a
evalStateT :: Monad m => StateT s m a -> s -> m a
evalStateT m = \s -> viewT m >>= \p -> eval p s
eval :: Monad m => ProgramViewT (StateI s) m a -> (s -> m a)
eval (Return x) = \_ -> return x
eval (Get :>>= k) = \s -> evalStateT (k s ) s
eval (Put s :>>= k) = \_ -> evalStateT (k ()) s
testStateT = evalStateT $ do
x <- get
lift $ putStrLn "Hello StateT"
put (x+1)
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