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Created September 10, 2013 18:56
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Skeleton for multi-modal wizard with Rails, Bootstrap, and JQuery
// The HAML markup for the modals. Assumes inclusion of 'aria' data attributes
#step_1.modal{aria-hidden: false}
%p Step 1 Form
%form{ remote: :true, id: "horse_form" }
%label "What's your favorite horse?"
%input{type: :text} :favorite_horse
=link_to "Continue to Step #2", "#step_2", {data: {toggle: "modal"}, id:"modal_submit"}
%p Step 2
//this is where the content goes
%button.close{:aria-hidden: true, data: {dismiss: "modal"}}
//coffeescript for submitting and hiding modals
#ensure only one modal is open at a time....
$(".modal").on "", ->
opened_modal = $( $(document).find("[aria-hidden=false]")[0] )
if opened_modal.length >= 1
#Submit the form
$("#modal_submit").click ->
#insert the response text in modal #2
$("#horse_form").on "ajax:success", (event, xhr, status) ->
//controller code for returning the partial
class AwesomeController
def create
respond_to do |format|
format.json {
render partial: "partial", locals: {thing: @thing}, layout: false, status: ok
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