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Created June 30, 2011 15:04
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Save thouis/1056421 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
initial rewrite of recalculate_groups
def recalculate_group(self, workspace, indexes):
'''Recalculate all measurements once post_group has run
workspace - the workspace being operated on
indexes - the indexes of the group's image sets' measurements
m = workspace.measurements
object_name = self.object_name.value
assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
parent_object_numbers = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_PARENT_OBJECT_NUMBER))
parent_image_numbers = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_PARENT_GROUP_INDEX))
group_indexes = m.get_all_measurements( cpmeas.IMAGE,
max_object_count = np.max([len(x) for x in parent_object_numbers])
if max_object_count == 0:
max_image_number = np.max(indexes) + 1
def w(a):
'''Wrap a measurement array as a numpy sparse array
Elements in the array can be addressed correctly by image number
and object number.
result = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((max_image_number+1,
dtype = a[0].dtype)
for index in indexes:
row = a[index]
nobjects = len(row)
if nobjects > 0:
group_index = group_indexes[index]
result[group_index, 1:(len(row)+1)] = row
return result
# Recalculate the trajectories
old_dists = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_DISTANCE_TRAVELED))
old_integrated = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_INTEGRATED_DISTANCE))
w_integrated = w(old_integrated)
x = w(m.get_all_measurements(object_name, M_LOCATION_CENTER_X))
y = w(m.get_all_measurements(object_name, M_LOCATION_CENTER_Y))
old_trajectory_x = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_TRAJECTORY_X))
old_trajectory_y = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_TRAJECTORY_Y))
old_linearity = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_LINEARITY))
w_linearity = w(old_linearity)
old_lifetime = m.get_all_measurements(
object_name, self.measurement_name(F_LIFETIME))
w_lifetime = w(old_lifetime)
class wrapped(object):
def __init__(self, feature_name):
self.feature_name = feature_name
def get(self, index):
return m.get_measurement(object_name, self.feature_name, index + 1)
def set(self, index, val):
m.add_measurement(object_name, self.feature_name, index + 1, val)
def get_parent(index, no_parent=None):
parent_indices = m.get_measurement(self.object_name,
parent_objnums = m.get_measurement(self.object_name,
for index in indexes:
# Distances traveled from step to step
this_x = x.get(index)
this_y = y.get(index)
last_x = x.get_parent(index, no_parent=this_x)
last_y = y.get_parent(index, no_parent=this_y)
x_diff = this_x - last_x
y_diff = this_y - last_y
trajectory_x.set(index, x_diff)
trajectory_y.set(index, y_diff)
# Integrated distance = accumulated distance for lineage
new_integrated = integrated.get_parent(index, no_parent=0) + \
np.sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff)
integrated.set(index, new_integrated)
# Total distance = crow-fly distance from initial ancestor
x_tot_diff = this_x - x.get_ancestor(index)
y_tot_diff = this_y - y.get_ancestor(index)
tot_distance = np.sqrt(x_tot_diff * x_tot_diff +
y_tot_diff * y_tot_diff)
tot_distance.set(index, tot_distance)
# Linearity = ratio of crow-fly distance and integrated
# distance. NaN for new cells is ok.
linearity.set(index, tot_distance / integrated_distance)
# Add 1 to lifetimes / zero for new
new_lifetimes = lifetimes.get_parent(index, no_parent=-1) + 1
lifetimes.set(index, new_lifetimes)
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