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Created June 30, 2023 10:47
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--------------------------- MODULE 00_OutSanyParser ---------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLC, Apalache
@type: ((Set(a), a) => Set(a));
add(s, e) == s \union {e}
@type: (() => Int);
t_min == 0
@type: (() => Int);
t_max == 5
@type: ((Int) => { id: Int });
Proc(id) == [id |-> id]
@type: ((b, c) => { src: b, ts: c });
msgFrom(p, ts) == [src |-> p, ts |-> ts]
@type: Int;
@type: ({ id: Int } -> Int);
@type: Set({ src: { id: Int }, ts: Int });
@type: ({ id: Int } -> Set({ src: { id: Int }, ts: Int }));
@type: ({ id: Int } -> Str);
@type: (() => Set(Str));
states == { "init", "sent", "sync" }
@type: Bool;
ASSUME(t_min >= 0 /\ t_max > t_min)
@type: (() => Set({ id: Int }));
Procs == { (Proc(1)), (Proc(2)) }
@type: (({ id: Int }) => Bool);
sendMsg(p) ==
state[p] = "init"
/\ msgs' := (add(msgs, (msgFrom(p, hc[p]))))
/\ state' := [ state EXCEPT ![p] = "sent" ]
/\ rcvd' := rcvd
@type: (({ id: Int }) => Bool);
receiveMsg(p) ==
\E newMsg \in msgs:
~(newMsg \in rcvd[p])
/\ hc[newMsg["src"]] >= newMsg["ts"] + t_min
/\ rcvd' := [ rcvd EXCEPT ![p] = add(rcvd[p], newMsg) ]
/\ state' := state
/\ msgs' := msgs
@type: (() => Bool);
init ==
(\E time0 \in Nat: time' := time0)
/\ (\E hc0 \in [(Procs) -> Nat]: hc' := hc0)
/\ msgs' := {}
/\ state' := [ __QUINT_UNDERSCORE_403 \in Procs |-> "init" ]
/\ rcvd' := [ __QUINT_UNDERSCORE_410 \in Procs |-> {} ]
@type: ((Int) => Bool);
advanceClocks(delta) ==
delta > 0
/\ (\A m \in msgs:
hc[m["src"]] + delta > t_max => (\A p \in Procs: m \in rcvd[p]))
/\ time' := (time + delta)
/\ hc' := [ p \in Procs |-> hc[p] + delta ]
@type: (() => Bool);
step ==
(msgs' := msgs
/\ state' := state
/\ rcvd' := rcvd
/\ (\E delta \in Int: advanceClocks(delta)))
\/ (time' := time
/\ hc' := hc
/\ (\E p \in Procs: sendMsg(p) \/ receiveMsg(p)))
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